4) PG. 4 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. APRIL 18, 1969 McCullom Lake News EVE LEVESQUF 385-4141 CULLOM-KNOLL WILL NAME DATE FOR FESTIVAL The date of the Cullom-Knoll summer festival will be named next month. Discussion occurred between officers and members and the dates for various other area affairs will be checked to avoid conflict with them. It will probably be held some time in August. A chairman was named to the Memorial Day program by president George Luto. He also named Gene Huff to head the beach committee and Mr. Luto and A1 Kanak will comprise the park commission. Eleven members and officers were present at the meeting held April 13 at 3 p.m. in thebeachhouse. One of the posts which supports the basketball basket has deteriorated and fallen down. This will be repaired in the near future. General beach cleanup will take pla?e Saturday, April 26, at 9 a.m. All able bodied hands, including men, women, and young boys and girls, are asked to lend support to the task. Please bring rakes, hoes, baskets, etc., for clearing away of debris, cans, bottles and you name it. The next meeting will beheld Sunday, May 4, at 3 p.m. in the beachhouse. LARGE TURN OUT FOR SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION A total of 125 ballots were cast in last Saturday's school board election with Earl Mijrray being first to vote and Harry Berry the last voter listed. In District No. 15, Myra Murray received 73 votes, Anna D. Cuda -- 35, Richard Golbeck-- 34, Coughlin -- 29, Casey -- 16 and one write in vote for Dorothy Vick who is already on the board. In District No. 156, Ed Guettler polled 75, Vale Adams -- 64, Katherine Alvary -- 54, and Clint Claypool --32. There were three spoiled ballots cast. Election winners were Alvary and Claypool in 156 and Cuda and Golbeck in 15. Etnmk Pyritz, Marie Howe and Ann Lingeman were judges of the election. Enjoy yourself HAVE A STEAK The NEWEST taste in Steak is available only at Featuring Bob Cook's Guitar--Vocals in the Lounge Ph 338-9845 Rt. 14 East Woodstock . BAKE AND RUMMAGE SALE With spring cleaning in the air, women of the community are urged to start saving out grown clothing, in good condition, small household items and small pieces of furniture for the annual bake and rummage sale. The Ladies of the Lake are the sponsoring organization and Carrie and Frank Kurth will serve as co-chairman of the event. Bev Zilinskas will head the bakery portion of the sale. Women who volunteered to serve on both committees are Virginia Karls, Irene Johnson, Christine English, Jean Wade, Tony Luto, PeteySchmidt,Gertrude Murphy, Lois^Parenti and Louise Berquist. To make life easier \for the women who must prepare the merchandise for sale, please mark the size of each garment plainly on a big ticket. New members for the club are Mrs. Madelon Barten and Mrs. Irene Groh. Mrs. Thomas (Christine) English was welcomed as a visitor. Thank you notes were read from recipients of Easter remembrances. Some of them were worthy of chuckles. Materials to repair the bus shelter at Gate 4 have been purchased and the work will be done in the near future. Mrs. Antoinette Luto is donating a beautiful hand crocheted afghan to the club which will be offered to the public. You won't want to miss this opportunity. The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 8, in the beachhouse. During the social hour, Louise Berquist, Marie McKim, Emma Pyritzf Marie How, Madelon Barten, Cecilia Swedberg, Irene Groh, Petey Schmidt and Minnie Potter garnered the loot. The next meeting will beheld Thursday, May 8, in the beachhouse. THE WELCOME MA*T LS SPREAD For Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barten who come to us from • Chicago. THey live at 5308 W. Parkview and have been summer residents for the past year until they moved here permanently recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krcmar, 4904 W. Orchard Drive, moved into the community early this year. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold, 4913 W. McCullom Lake Road, come to us from Pistakee Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, 5107 W. Orchard Drive, purchased the former G. Fusciani home. They hail from Carpentersville and have two boys. Mr. and Mrs. William True have two boys and three .-girls. and are now residing in the former Gibson residence at 4710 W. Lake Shore Drive. They formerly called Crystal Lake their home. We sincerely hope thaf neighbors will greet them and bid them welcome to the village. PRESENTED AT THE FONT Tiny Kathleen Ann Mass was a mere two and one half weeks old when she was presented at the font of St. Mary's church, Palm Sunday, for baptism. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Julie) Mass and was born March 12. Her lovely godmother was 16 year old Jane Frost and male sponsor was Bob Malady of Newberg, Ind. '^*s\ Following the church service, afeout fifteen friends and relatives gathered at Julie andEd's for champagne, finger sandwiches and cake. The li'l miss was toasted (to her health, of course) by the adults present. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Gaulke of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Mass of the village. William Desmond is the maternal great-grandfather. Beaming over their new little sister were big brothers -- Mark, Johnny, Andy and Jimmy Mass. LAKE CLEAN UP SATURDAY Lenny Jensen h^is announced that general lake clean up will take place this Saturday. The crew is asked to meet at West <H> CHASE AWAY APRIL SHOWERS WITH A QUAKER MAID KITCHEN! A lovely Quaker Maid® Kitchen will brighten any woman's day . . . for it s the kitchen dc signed with her needs in mind. Best of all, she can choose from 17 elegant cabinet styles and 38 attractive wood finishes. Don't wait for a 'rainy day' . . . come in or call us this week for details on putting a Quaker Maidx Kitchen in your home. Quaker Maid" Means Quality Made 'uakerj\4md\ COMPLETE KITCHEN REMODELING f DESIGNING •INSTALLATION* FINANCING Keyline Kitchens 4614 W Rt 120 McHeniy 385-1720 Shore Beach at 9 a.m. All available male hands are needed to the gargantuan task. But the results will be worth the effort. The annual clean up is under the auspices o'f the Mc- Culldm Lake Conservation Club. BOYS BOWL FOR BIRTHDAY It took a three hour bowling session to celebrate Billy Gleason's birthday last Saturday. The young fellas enjoyed it, but mom and pop Gleeson would have appreciated a little more speed. Steven and John Penny and Bob Boyle were the chums sharing the fun and returned to the Gleeson manor afterwards for cake and ice cream. NEW ADDRESS FOR AIR FORCE DAUGHTER No communication but we did receive Chrys' new address, effective immediately as she transfers bases for more schooling. She can be addressed as follows: Lt. Chrys Levesque, FV3227306; 6940thSchool Squadron, Goodfellow AFB, Texas, *6901. HOM£_FROM THE HOSPITAL Mrs. Theresa Schultz is back in the bosom of her family, since last Friday when she came home from St. Alexius hospital, Elk Grove Village, by ambulance. She suffered a stroke on Palm Sunday while en route to a shower in Chicago in her daughter's honor. Lynne will be married Friday, April 25, to Mr. Leonard Benson of Woodstock. Needless r.to say, both Will and Lynne are overjoyed to have her home and she is making progress in her recovery. Your cheery messages will certainly do a great deal for her morale. NATAL "DAZE" Harris Dahly is in line for birthday congrats on April 23 and ditto Marie How, April 24. Best wishes to all we missed who »are marking a special occasion this week. ^ Time for annual un-poetry. Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wunder ware the flowers is. Ugh! See you next week? EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER , Gov. Richard B. O^lvie has been elected to the executive committee of the Republican Governors association. He is the pnly first-term governor on the five-msm committee. He replaces former Michigan Gov. George M. Romney. California Gov. Ronald Reagan, RGA chairman, nominated Ogilvie at a caucus of the Republican governors in the Washington Hilton hotel because of his "direct approach to solving problems." CONVENTION OF WITNESSES IS HELD IN E> "IN 4$ "Eternal blessings await those who love law and order. Within this generation God will produce law and order earthwide." These words set the theme for the major address of A.B. Stutler, a special representative of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society of Brooklyn, New York to 2487 Jehovah's Witnesses assembled at a Circuit Assembly convention concluded on Sunday, April 13, at Larkin high school in Elgin. The title of the talk, which was also attended by many delegates from the McHenry area, was entitled "Law and Order - When and How?" Stutler reviewed the worldwide situation, pointing out that "we are surrounded with so much lawlessness that it takes an extreme example to shock most people ... indications are that pressures on everyone will be greater in the future because lawlessness and disorder are increasing." Stutler went on to point out four primary reasons why lawlessness and disorder are on McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone S85-0170 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, 111. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM New Car Warranty Maintenance Service ERNIE SCHOOLEY'S STANDARD SERVICE STATION 3522 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-9832 Larry E. Lund -- Publisher MEMBERY NEWSPAPER --f.'Kv'.- 1 9 6 a -[21. Adele Froehlich, Editoi- MEMBER JAM$NAL 'EWngPf+PER Association - Founded 1885 Subscription Rates 1 Year $7.50 1 Year In McHenry and Lake ^County $9.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County $5 OF^/^ on purch ase of Atlas Plycron Tires with this coupon. ERNIE SCHOOLEY'S 3522 W. Elm St. 385-9832 McHENRY SERVICE CENTER r £ I'M SI M. I il'I-'.l'I. \( KS screen them.. Barber Shop | ^0 • Hair Coloring I < • Hair Styling • t Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts ADAMS Bros. Repair | 3004 W. Ri. 120 I 385-0783 f E'S by appointment 385-7771 GET THE PARTS YOU WANT - WHEN YOlT NEED THEM from Community Auto Supply Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4102 \V. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 Phone 385-0778 -- -- FOR SERVICE 5 COUNTERMEN Mike Kalfus . Frank Meisner Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin ..... fast! Lakeland Park CAR WASH Next to Phillip's 66 FM Buy-Sell-Trade RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Rt. 120, McHenry Wc service all makes • TV's • Radio • Stereo • Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING I I I I I I McHENRY j GUN CENTER I Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock Daily 9 • 9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 ^Au.iktHigtd JACOBSEN LAWN MOWER SALES AND SERVICE Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life Fire Auto Homeowners Liability Plate Glass Bonds Marine Workmen's Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois, 60050 Eipeft Repair--Fa - trained mechann Full stock of genuine factory replacement parts i Engine tune up and complete safety check i fast precision sharpening -- Complete selection of 68 Jacobsen lawn mowers 385-0434 Adams Repair Shop 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. J McHenry I Garages Any size any style. Complete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize In room additions. No Money Down-Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph. 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake the increase: (1) That the legal systems for law and order are man-made and, therefore, imperfect, and are established and enforced by imperfect men; (2) That the people themselves in being ruled by the legal systems are likewise imperfect; (3) That the people are led into lawlessness by Satan the Devil wlib is 'ruler of this worltf; and\(4) That Jehovah God never , gave humans the right to independent self-rule in the first place. Stutler pointed out that Bible prophecy made clear that 1914 marked the beginning of the period known as the "last days", and went on to show with the use of Bible scripture that law and order under God's established kingdom would definitely come within the lifetime of the generation that saw the events of 1914. Thus, he said that the present lawlessness and disorder would soon end giving sincere Christians reason to rejoice and have great hope for the future. There were twenty-nine people baptized on Satui-day afternoon at the convention, following an address by Stutler . pointing out the responsibilities and obligations with baptism. Such baptism to Jehovah's Witnesses constitutes ordination as a minister of God and is a public declaration of the fact that they are dedicating their lives to serve God in their ministry without reservation. Such conventions are attended regularly three times a year by Jehovah's Witnesses from the Woodstock and other nearby congregations for the purpose of increasing their Bible knowledge and improving their ability to serve in their unique door-to-door ministry and in their conduction of home Bible studies with interested members of the community. ASK PERMIT , FOR SEAWALL CONSTRUCTION Six applications for construction permits have been received by the Illinois Division of Waterways, Public Works Director William F. Cellini has announced. Persons favoring or opposing the proposed construction may write to John C. Guillou, chief waterway engineer, 201 W. Monroe St., Springfield, 111. 62706 prior to Apr. 28. One application has been submitted by William S. Dick Jr*, 5100 W. Christiana, Chicago, to construct a steel sheet piling seawall on the west bank of the Fox river south of McHenry. This man has Need auto insurance? He's got it. Want to insure your home? Your life? Your health? Your car? He's the man to see for low cost State Farm insurance. See him soon. Shop In McHenry Granville Sornson 1212 N. Green St. McHenry,111. Phone 385 - 1627 STATE FARM State Farm is all you need to know about INSUQANCI insurance. STATt r*l)M INSURANCl COMPANits HO'Ml 0HICIS BIOOMINGTON tUINOIS The dandelions are coming! The dandelions are coming! There may not be a dandelion in sight right now. But one day soon, when it warms up, they'll be all over the lawn. That's where Scotts TURF BUILDER PLUS 2 comes in. PLUS-2 clears out dandelions and a couple dozen other weeds easily and surely. Full-fertilizes your lawn at the same time, so grass grows greener and sturdier -- filling in those places where the weeds were. April Sale Save $2 -- 10,000 sq ft bag 12.95 Save $1 -- 5,000 sq ft bag JSS 6.95 ^9^ You can prevent crabgrass at the same time If crabgrass was a problem in your neighborhood last year, you'll want to use Scotts TURF BUILDER PLUS 4. It gives all the benefits of PLUS 2 at the same time it prevents crabgrass and foxtail from sprouting. Grubproofs your lawn for a full year too. All from a single application. April Sale Save $2 -- 5,000 sq ft bag 5 16.95 Save $1 -- 2,500 sq ft bag 8.95 authorized dealer Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm 385-0722 McHenry