Pastors who have served Mt, Hope church, Pistakee High- J. Doenecke, John C. Atherton, Rolla Swanson, Stewart B. lands, over the past ten years returned for the anniversary Smith, William H. Walker and James Hageriy. "p'ebration held recently. They are the Reverends Christian »«• \rv *:• - &% * H h 'SvtP > > t Charter Virginia bara Sis members of Mt. Hope church are Cris Sorenson, Thoren, Hazel Morley, Meryl Fletcher and Barx, seated, and Irvin Sorensen, Edward Thoren, Richard Morley, Harlan Shaw, Rolla Swanson and Arch Fletcher, standing. Everett Sisk was not present when picture was taken. Observe Tenth Anniversary Of Mount Hope « The Pistakee Highlands community recently celebrated the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Mt. Hope Methodist church. About 150 persons gathered at the barn, which serves as a community center meeting place of the church ten years ago, for a banquet honoring former pastors and charter members. Models of the present church served as table decorations, prepared by Mrs. Virginia Thomas and Mrs. Bert Tischer. ^ Following dinner, talks were t given by Dick Morley, William Barth and Jim Goodfellow. At the Sunday morning service, Dr. Robert A. Mulligan, superintendent of Elgin district, presented the message, assisted by Rev. James Hagerty and Rev. Willis H. Walker. The committee in charge consisted of Archie Fjetcher, chairman, assisted by Glenda Wieck, Hazel Morley, Vi Krispin, Dee Bischoff, Cris Doenecke and Meryle Fletcher. Membership i n the church has grown to 107. DURING OUR CONTINUING STORE WIDE 77th ANNIVERSARY SALE! from UNITED HUTCH & BUFFET • CREDENZA9 OVAL TABLE • 4 CHAIRS INDIVIDUALLY PRICED AT ONLY $894.80 OPEN FRIDAY " Nl GHT TIL 9:00 P. M. Free Delivery Free Parking Free Over $400 In Prizes RNITURE. Inc fiim/Hrfe Since... NOW 497 77 1265 N* Green . Added for your McHenry Convenience^^;;0 Revolving Charge CRASH FATAL TO BARRING TON YOUTH FRIDAY (Continued from page 1) was sworn in Saturday morning at the George R. Justen & Son chapel, McHenry, and the inquest continued. Margarita Garcia of Woodstock was blamed by deputies for a one-car crash which occurred at 5:15 a.m. Sunday on R. 120, six miles west of McHenry, The driver was charged with driving too fast for conditions. Garcia was travelling west on R. 120 and lost control on a curve, after which his vehicle rolled over in a field. CHORAL CLUB I N SPRING PROGRAM (Continued from page 1) The "Student Prince" medley will conclude the program. Featured performers include Dorothy Hollander, Mary Idstein, Betty Smith, Jacqueline Schau, Otto Pyritz and Bill Weber. Each section of the Mini- Musicals will be performed against appropriate backgrounds. While the spring program officially concludes the present season, the club has accepted an invitation of Bob Freund, director of the McHenry Stage band, to open the summer series of band concerts in the park on June 5. STATE CHAMBER MEETING SCHEDULED (Continued from page 1) Brook, Pland, Richmond, Ringwood, Roselle, St. Charles, Sandwich, Schaumburg, South Elgin, Spring Grove, Union, Villa Park, Warrenville, West Chicago, West Dundee, Westmont, Wheaton, Wood Dale, Woodstock and Yorksville. The meeting is one of a continuing series being held throughout the state to keep businessmen abreast of current state and federal economic and legislative issues. PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER-WED. APRIL 23, 1969 T)ke IVottg I C linic 20 cents and look at the true facts. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclosing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) The McHenry County college board will meet in regular ses - sion at the interim offices, 6200 Northwest highway (I.L.T. building), Crystal Lake, on Thursday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m. Read Dr. Jason's report. If you then have a scientific mind and want to view the true facts, send for the booklet below. Unless you are on a sodium-free diet (low salt), then you might try the biochemical idea below, for our bodies must need all 44 of the ocean's trace chemicals since our blood contains traces of all of them! By - George W; Crane, Ph. D., M.D. J CASE J-580: Dr. Jason is a famous dental surgeon. "Dr. Crame," he began, "back in 1955 you alerted our profession to the possibilities of combating deficiency ailments via trace chemicals. "In one of your articles for our dental journal, you thus explained that, farmers had begun using red salt for their cattle to replace the large blocks of white salt. "For you reported the red salt contained 7 or 8 additional trace chemicals, over and beyond sodium chloride. "And Agricultural Colleges had proved that the red salt caused faster growth in farm animals, reduced anemia, and made the animals healthier. "Well, hundreds of us dentists crumbled' that farm salt and used it in our salt shakers on the table. "My gray hair soon began to turn black again. "And my father's chronic arthritis began to improve, too. "Yet I recall that the Food and Drug administration poohpoohed your remarks about trace chemical therapy, especially regarding the 44 water soluble chemical elements in sea water. " What are the latest findings in this field of biochemistry? 4 DEFICIENCY AILMENTS Many human ailments are regarded nowadays as being due to a lack of one or more trace chemicals. They are not caused by germs or a virus. Gray hair and baldness are in this category. So are many others, such as psoriasis, allergy, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, diabetes, and even cancer, according to probably half the 'cancer researchers! There are 44 water soluble chemical elements on this earth, not to mention the 5 gases, which do not erode with each rainfall. Those 44 were in the soil when the continents first rose out of the oceans. i But every rainfall or melting snow began to dissolve them out of the soil aijd carry them back to the oceans. As a result, our vegetables and farm crops are reduced or| almost totally deficient in many of these trace chemicals. And the meat of animals and fowls likewise is thus depleted, for those creatures feed on grasses or grain crops that are thus low in the original trace chemicals. So I suggested that if we drank a few spoonsful of boiled ocean water, diluted in tomato juice or milk, we might help supply our many endocrine glands with the raw chemical materials out of which their vital juices are manufactured. The Food and Drug administration ridiculed this sound biochemical theme, partly because they didn't originate it. An partly, I am sure, because they oppose self-medication of all sorts by the intelligent American public! For sea water is free for the taking and the Washington bureaucrats resented being bypassed! Yet manganese and fluorine and iron and calcium and a dozen other ocean trace chemicals have already been proved vital to health. Almost every month, biochemists prove the value of additional trace chemicals among the 44 in ocean water. So send for my medical booklet "The Ocean's 44 Trace Chemicals," enclosing a long stamped, return envelope, plus MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT For many years the late Walter Nagode of Waukegan conducted a duplicate bridge game with the proceeds being donated to Heart. This year a Walter Nagode Memorial Heart fund game wijl be held April 27, at the Waukegan Bridge center, 13 North West street, Waukegan, with proceeds going to the Heart fund. There will bev an open pair game in the afternoon starting promptly at 2, as well as a junior pair game for players with less than 20 master points. There will be a team of four" game at 7 p.m. BUY IT... THRU THE WANT ADS PHONE 385-0170 ?S1000 UK MEEK STAMPS with your Itfc Fun! ifs Easyl Irs Magic! Everybody Wins) Get Magic Chek and details today at Ed's Standard Corner Waukegftn-Front. McHenry -Ph. 385- 0720 JUDI SAYS! JUOT CARACEUO " JUDI CARACELLO is a popular note teller at the McHenry State Bank. Judi Kor- | becki lived in Downer's Grove where she also worked in a bank. • Judi married Richard Caracello and moved to Highland Shores about two years ago. Richard teaches instrumental music at East Maine Jr. High School in Niles. I | Even though it will mean more work for me I would suggest you take advantage of a | GOOD DEAL and see a loan officer about the p • Spring New Car Special FREE CREDITORS LIFE-INSURANCE FREE SCALE MODEL AUTOMOBILE McHenry State Bank i i t 3510 W. Elm • "Where Family Money Matters ii McHenry 385-1040 A FULL SERVICE BANK