Sec. 2,• Pg. 4 - Plaindealer - Wed. Apri[ 23, 1969 COUNTRY CLUB NEWS Geri Neubauor 1S5 7194 AREA RESIDENT WORKS ON MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT Mrs. Martin Ehlen of Country Club drive is quite excited about the up and coming "Country Fair on the Square" to be presented on June 15 in the outter perimeter of the Woodstock Square. Mrs. Ehlen and her fellow volunteers of the Woman's auxiliary of the Mental Health center for Mc- Henry County Inc., have spent much time and energy planning the fair presentation. The time will be from 11 a.m. until dusk. There will be booths of. flowers, books and records, antiques, baked goods, toys, dolls, handmade crafts, photos, sketches, a fish pond, an international booth and the everpopular white elephant. The committee is also open for new and different ideas to make the fair a success. We all know the wonderful work carried out by this organization so let's give them a hand with our donations of time or goods mentioned above. Additional information can be obtained by phoning Mrs. Ehlen at 385-5269. ANOTHER TOUCHY SUBJECT Another of our touchy subjects along with the dogs, is our road condition. The holes on Victoria and Virginia are getting so big and dangerous they make an obstacle course simple. While there seems to be considerable question as to what if anything will be done about them we can only say -- please -- drive slowly, carefully and we'll just hope for the best. Any suggestions? BIRTHDAY SLEEP-IN Maria Delores Ehlen celebrated her twelfth birthday last week with a. birthday party and ten of her close chums. The girls all spent the night following the birthday festivities. A good time, but little sleep was had by all. WELCOME MAT A hearty Country Club welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fletcher of Riverstream drive. The Fletchers are former Lincolnwood residents. We hope they will read and enjoy our column and contribute hews items and special occasions. Double-Good Skillei Meal Is Made with Double-Soup Sauce S>SS&SK Main dishes take on an extra dimension when you use two condensed soups instead of one as a double-delicious sauce for meat, poultry, or fish. For instance, mix condensed golden mushroom and tomato soups. Ladle the resulting double- rich, double-thick sauce over brown beef strips. Then add Italian accents. With these few steps you've concocted a new dish, Golden Heef Strips Italienne. Whet appetites for Golden Beef Strips Italienne with a first course of hot beef broth teased with a lemon twist. Along with the main dish, serve your favorite tossed trreen salad. Slim bread sticks or a hearty Italian loaf complete the main meal. Remember that your main dish is more than half prepared when you add a convenience sauce of condensed soups. You don't need a lot of extra seasonings . . . they're already in the soups. GOLDEN BEEF STRIPS ITALIENNE 1 ' pounds muiid steak, cut in strips 'J tabli'spoons shortening 1 ran i 10' .miners > condrused K"l'lt'n mushroom soup 1 ran (10: ,i ounces) condensed tomato soup riip water 1 teaspoon oregano. crushed 1 l arjee clove garlic, minced 1 pound (about l<i) small whole white onions 1 package (bounces) frozen Italian style green beans In skillet, brown beef in shortening; pour off fat. Add soups, water, oregano, and garlic. Cover; cook over low heat 40 minutes; stir now and then. Add onions; cook 20 minutes more. Add beans, cook 20 minj utes more. Stir now and then. ' Makes 4 to servings. ^ Sounds ridiculous, doc-n't it But what if everybody in th is country were to throw their band - up in despair and -ay thrv don't {live a hoot. Indeed, there would be no tomorrow.. But fortunately. American^ have a way of -<11 \ in^ their problems. And t h a t ' - m-t what'- to happen in the-e troubled times. Simply because i t ' - always been an American tradition. Now. how can you a- on» l i t t l e 'ole citizen in this bip. wide country of ours be of any help? Well, think about I ' . S . Savings Bonds. No. it isn't an immediate remedy for all our ills. ' But it helps. If everybody were to buy B ind-, your country would be -tronger economically to wipe out -ome of tho-p scars we've been -porting. Of course. everybody would be helping themselves too. If vim were to -ign up for Payroll Saving- at work, you'd have quite a nice ne-t egg for voiir-elf one of the-e dav-. For thing- like college education-, that new home. secure retirement, 'o think about Saving- Bondtoday. •\nd then go on and -ign up. Tomorrow. Take stock in America Buy U.S. Savings Bonds & Freedom Shares BIRTHDAY TIME... A belated happy birthday to Mrs. William Day of Virginia avenue. Also a happy birthday to Mrs. Laurie Frett of Victoria avenue, April 22. HELP You can see how short we are this week ... I could sure use some help. I guess we're all recovered from having the kids home for a week, so how about giving me a hand with some newsy stuff... Till next week... MILK PRICES A minimum order blend price of $4.95 per hundredweight will be paid dairy farmers for Grade A milk delivered during March to plants within Zone 1 of the Chicago regional market order, Pure Milk association has announced. The $4.95 applies to milk of 3.5 percent butterfat content and is a blend of the $5.35 per hundredweight minimum order price for Class 1 (bottling) milk and $4.28 per hundredweight for Class II (manufacturing) milk. . ROBERT TAFT, JR. Robert Taft, Jr., member of the US House of Representatives from the first district of Ohio, ypll be guest speaker at the dinner to be given at the Illinois Beach State park, Zion, on Sunday, April 27, at 2 p.m. Congressman Robert McClory will introduce Mr. Taft at the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club event. Those attending will have an opportunity to meet Congressman Taft and Congressman and Mrs. McClory at a reception at 1 o'clock. Mr. Taft was educated in the public schools and received his BA from Yale university in 1939 and LLB from Harvard Law school. He served on active duty in the Navy from 1942 to 1946 and then practiced law. In 1955, Mr. Taft became a member of the Ohio House of Representatives and entered the US House of Representatives in 1963 as a member- at-large from Ohio. Political posts he held include chairman of Republican Coordinating Committee Task Force on Functions of Government and chairman of the House Conference Research committee. The public is invited to make reservations by Thursday, April 24, with Mrs. Grant Ernst at 653-7451. HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG 3854672 the twenty-ninth when she celebrates her thirteenth birth- ' day and anniversary greetings to Renee and Larry Jende on the twenty-fifth. ITEM: Teflon, a registered trademark, concerns measurements of adhesion, thickness, nonstick properties, and other characteristics of the coating, Many manufacturers are using and will continue to use this label on their products. PROPERTY OWNERS HOLD RUMMAGE SALE MAY 17 The Holiday Hills Property Owners Association will hold a rummage sale on Saturday, May 17. As you do your spring cleaning, won't you set aside your usable rummage and take it to 1509 W. Birch. All types of rummage are needed, clothing, household furniture and appliances .... Items should be delivered early to enable the committee to set it up and display it before the seventeenth. Now is your chance to get rid of all the clothes that are outgrown and the items you no longer use. Clean your house and help out the rummage sale. ROADS The roads in Holiday Hills are one thing that we are always aware of. Occasionally the channels come up a little high, as they are now, sometimes the weeds get a little out of hand, nothing causes as much concern as the roads. Unless you are a shut-in it is impossible to be unaware of the roads. Lest we forget -- they remain passible, even through the heavy spring rains through the untiring efforts of the men who volunteer their time to run the grader: Ed Hughes, John VanDuyn and Bill Abbink. GET WELL A cheerful bouquet to Carol Carlson recovering from surgery at McHenry hospital, where she in her job as a nurse has spread cheer to so many others. Get well soon, Carol! GREETINGS A very special happy birthday to our April who will be 19 years old on the twenty-sixth and to Mary Kay Catanzaro on LAW REPEAL SOUGHT Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie said legislation will be introduced to repeal an archaic Illinois law allowing formation of tigilante groups. The law permits groins of 10 or more citizens to organize for purs||jt of "horse thieves" and others. The governor said the act, passed in 1885, "has no place in our state today, and could Se misused by misguided citizen groups." Wasting Vz Your Lunch Hour Waiting For Service Try BUI Llndwalla LAMPLIGHTER CAFE 331S W. Elm St. Fast Service & Good ^obd Open Every Day at 5 a.m. Closed Wed. 10:00 eum. & FRANKLIN 17th Anniversary SALE STARTS Friday April 25 Thru May 3 I Ws 1 O --B1N-ERAMKL1M-YAtUAB1E CPU 100 Tablets ANACIN Keg. 1.39 0 Im 46c 7w ! BEN FRANKLIN VALUABLE COUPON Sanitary Napkins KOTEX 12'S Reg. 50c Save He 36' Regular or Super. Mr PMU tiller Kef. 7fc 15 i BEN FRANKLIN VALUABLE COUPON Circus I BEN FRANKLIN VALUABLE COUPON PEANUTS ***** Mfk Sere Ik *tQ 1V4 lb. bag. V MV V 0 u 0 l'l> 0 0 000 0 <M> (> 0 0 BEN FRANKLIN VALUABLE COUPON P' 5th Are. Cantrete NYLONS 66< Micro mesh, nude hMl, demi toe. 8Vk to 11. V i> i) VI, IV v:L>n V' I) 0 0 001(J l> L' 'J 011 U l1 V < > V !>' > \} 0 ^IQMo.vooi Ban Roll-on DEODORANT ~ »i '•» LLt Save 4U UU 1 to oz. extra large size. tf'.'iMK'mH'i1 ov oo oo mm* m!i> I BEN FRANKLIN VALUABLE COUPON Hair Spray HALO *•+ n* AOc Sere Jfc fll 12 oz. can. HUH' VW 0 VVOVl'i'W WVVV 'J V Vented top for cooler Ironing Legs automatically Adjustable IRONING TABLE Sturdy & practical! Steel with rolled edges. Levels to floor automatically, adjusts from 23 to 36-in SPRAY STARCH Spr.iy & iron wilhout dampening l 6- DAMPENING BAGS CU\H p l . i s t i r ; wilh i ippcr 1 8x36- m Jumbo DISHCLO «h, km.J 1 . 1 . I I , inch *#, Reg 29c ea. Bushel Size RUBBER GLO oi [jink S f/ I M Laundry Basket 88{ Reg. 1.29 Lighten your load: easy to carry plastic basket. Skid Proof FLOOR MAT Keg. 1.98 159 Layers of foam & natural rubber. 18x30x%-in. thigk. ROLLER & TRAY 66{ Synthetic covered paint roller, 14x9x2V2-in. tray. 2-in. paint brush 33c 9x12-ft. plastic cloths 17c Masking tape, 1080-in. 48c Will Handle Any Ironing Jobl PR0CT0R-SILEX IRON 3-way ironing: dry, steam or spray. 17 even flo vents, no spill extra high water fill-; compact & light weight, 4 mirro finish sole plate. m Ironing Board PAD & COYER Keg. 1J9 99* Poly foam & cotton layered pad, silicone treated cover. Slide Top WASTE BINS !S 247 Slide top to fill and lift off to empty, holds 44 qts. Chrome Plated GARDEN TOOLS Trowels, cultivators, and weeders. Imported. Nylon Relnforeed PLASTIC HOSE 299 Lightweight, flexible. 50-feet, Vi-in. inside diameter. BABY GOODS SALE! Regular 79c RECEIVING BLANKET 48c Sleeveless BABY VEST 69c Regular 19c ea. pkg. of 2 BABY PANTS 19c Regular 2.99 BABY CARRIER 2.44 SPECIAL! BIRDSEYE DIAPERS ..1 81 Reg. 98c Bag. -- 350 count COTTON BALLS 51c Reg. 39c -- Terry TRAINING PANTS 33c Reg. 1.00 -- Baby PANTS & BIB SET 57c Reg. 2.99 -- Toddler SHORT SETS * 2.57 Screen Printed Siiet U to 40 SHELLS 299 Stylish with jewel neckline 4 back zipper in bucaroni. Misses A Women's NYLON JACKETS 277 100% water repellent, drawstring bottom, elaatlc cuff. 9 Cup COFFEE MAKER Polished aluminum percolator, with black plastic base & hand I e . 1 OH-in. high. West Bend. All Your Writing Needs: fftf. 29c lACH row CHOICE Ruled tablet*, typewriter pads, envelopes, ball "XJintpens. tapir i ndex" fardS.' note pads, rubber bands Reg. 49c NYLON TIP PINS Flair by Paper Mate. ^ ^ Cboice: 10 colors, y j/ TwoSpeed 56-0UNCE BLENDER Proctor - Silex large size model with a one year guarantee".Twotone color 'By manufacturer Automatic 2-SLICE TOASTER 999 Sleek chrome body with white handles, selectronic color control, guaranteed by Proctor-Silex. 20 Gallon TRASH CAN !S 2" Heavy duty and long lasting . . . guaranteed* to last you seven years. In wicker design. •By manufacturer. Reg. 69c Ladies Cotton Eyelet BRIEFS 2 for 1.00 ' reg. 69c % reg. 2.99 Qirls Short Sets stretch nylon asst. colors 4- 6X 2.57 ea. Anniversary Specials! Reg. 1.98 -- 14x24 BATH MAT .. ...99c Reg. 1.29 28 QT. WASTEBASKET 88c Reg. 1.39 -- Plastic UTILITY PAD 78c Reg. 1.98 -- Feathol Tip BROOM 99c Reg. 69c TRASH CAN LEVER Reg. 49c FILE BOXES .. Reg. 1.99 -- Personal FILE BOXES ... ....57c 3?,c 1.57 Reg. 1.99 Room Darkening Plastic WINDOW SHADE 1.44 REG. 1.00 SPRING TOYS CHOICE • Frisbee Flying Saucers • Asst. Zoom Glider Set • Arrow Copters • Zoom A Reno m PERMANENT! PRESS 1 Men's No-iron Dress Shirts m 2.37 •och ^ Reg 2.99 ea, SOLID COLORS BENfFRAN KLIIM McHenry, BEEN STREET MAI I m