WOMENS Spring dresses -- One group. Linens, bnticieu knits, voiles, cottons. Juniors, missy and half-sizes. Spring Coats -- Solids, patterns. Acrylics, cottons. Junior and missy sizes. Regular $19.95 to $39.95 Jewelery -- One group Full slips -- One group White only '/a off -Pajamas -- -- ----------- - ---- Three piece "baby doll" pajamas -- one group Nylon gowns -- I/- Waltz length ' ° ' Uniforms -- Entire stock. Whites, blacks, pastels. Junior and missy sizes. \jj QII Regular *7.99 to $14.95 • / v/ • i Veil hats -- Entire stock. Flowered straw bags -- On. group. Regular $5.00 and $6.00 '/3 off $3.99 Early Summer Special -- Shorts. -- • ao/ i£ Cottons, knits. Prints, solids. Sizes 8 to 20 IU /O OTT Wrangler shorts -- $2.49 Denim. Sizes 8 to 16. Regular $3.50 and $439 Oxford Starts -- Long-sleeve, button-down collar. Perm-prest. 8 colors. Sizes 30 to 38. Regular $4.00 • Jackpot Hosiery Special -- Knee SI I.\ Panty hose. Regular hose. Regular $1.00 to $4.00 "Penny" loafers -- Brown and black. Limited quantity. Regular $6.99 f. Wash cloths and towels -- &• Dark tones, y,,:m> to S3.50 /3 Off Men's. Vv union's, and Children's Shoes Closeout ;:ro:i $2, $3, $4 MENS Dress slacks -- Dacron/wool blends. Unfinished hems. . • Sizes 30 to 42. Entire stock OTT Pattern pants -- MacLeans. Campus, Levis. A-l. Sizes 27-36. J I 1/^ off Entire stock. M " Manhattan oxford dress shirt Perm-press. White only. Button dow " $3.99 Ivy. Regular $6.50 Spring jackets -- tkQO 1009c oxford nylon shell. Regular $10.00 JpO«77 MacLeans permanent press slacks -- - ~ ^ 50/50 polyester and cotton. 4 colors. £ TOl JpO.T 7 Sizes 27 - 42. Regular $7.00 or $3.99 each Esquire socks -- One group. Regular $1.75 to $2.00 $1.00 Fruit of the Loom shorts -- Solid and print cotton. « 7^. -- ** Snaps and elastic. Regular 3/$2.65 J ' $ • »OU Better "wing tip" oxford and loafers-- $8.99 Values to J15.99 2 pr. for $15.99 APRIL 24,25 & 28 i_n • T O N 1219 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY GREEN STREET MALL ITT