Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1969, p. 3

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Friendship Club Enjoys Cruise Through • Slides The April meeting of the Friendship club met at the First United Methodist church dining room at 6:30 p.m. for the regular pot-luck dinner and program, with forty-five persons in attendance. Mrs. Bertel Swan son was in charge of the meditations and read "The Greens of April" and "The Gift of Patience", both very interesting and inspirational. Miss Frances Vycital and Mrs. Agnes Wissell were in charge of the program. Miss Vycital introduced her sister and brother-in-law, Elsie and Arthur Hoppe, who gave a delightful account of their "Caribbean cruise, with beautiful slides showing the seven islands they visited. For those who are upable to take such a trip, it provided a very good substitute. The next meeting of the Friendship club will be on Saturday, May 12, at 6 p.m. in the church dining room. Marie and Paul Keller will be in charge of the program, and hosts for the evening will be Hattie and Ray Horenberger, Marie and Paul Keller, and Helen Rohrdenz and Babe Seepe. Mrs. Robert Fry of Normal was elected president of the Mothers association of Illinois State university at its annual meeting held on the ISU campus Saturday. She succeeds Mrs. Robert Judd of Urbana. Named to the board was Mrs. Vernon Thompson, 4025 West McCullom Lake road, McHenry. Notice To Brides In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been announced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days prior to the wedding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement announcement has not been published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. T H E World f Of Pharmacy Donald Doherty R.PH. Robert Schultz, lLPh. POISONS The first Poison Information Center was established in 1953, now we have over 500 in the United States. The association of Poison Control Centers have files on trade names and ingredients of over 250,000 potentially dangerous items that may be found in the home. An antidote is not always necessary: the physician avoids delay by inducing vomiting or washing out the stomach. The Federal Hazardous Substance Labeling Act requires dangerous ingredients to be listed, this is most helpful in determining the type of poisoning. If contents of dangerous ingredients are transferred to another bottle, be sure to always replace the label. Our name-BOLGER'S DRUG STORE - carries the prestige in the field of pharmacy from past satisfied customers who have received only the best in quality at 1259 N. Green. For the confidence in knowing the very best service is yours, dial 385-4500. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY...... Whitman Candy Fannie May Candy Norcross Greeting Cards..Max Factor.....Revlon.. Coty.... THIS WEEKS HELPFUL HINT: The universal antidote is two parts charcoal, one part tannic acid, and one part magnesium oxide. OMING VENTS FRI. MAY 9, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 3 MAY 9 Senior Citizens Club Kitchen . Band Practice, 7 P.M. to 9 P.M., Room 112, EasT Campus. MAY 10 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting; - 6 P.M. - First Methodist Church Dining Room. Fun Fair -- Valley View School -- 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. MAY 11 Mother's Day Chicken Dinner -- McHenry Moose No. 691 - 12 Noon to 3 p.m. MAY 12 Mother-Daughter Banquet -- Catholic Daughters Of America, Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 - McHenry Country Clyb. 6:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Club - 7:30 P.M. - East Campus; Spring Luncheon^ Card Party -- Hunter Country, Cli(b, Richmond-Lotus Country 'Women's Club -- 12 o'clock Noon. MAY 13 O.E.S. Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron Night, 8 p.m. Acacia Hall. MAY 14 McHenry Garden Club Luncheon-- Hunter Country Club -- Richmond -- 12 Noon. MAY 15 Catholic Daughters Of America, Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 -- Regular Monthly Meetiing -- K of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. McCUllom Lake Conservation Club Meeting - 8 P.M. West Shore Beach - Sven Enarson Home - 2411 North Beachside Road. MAY 16 Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band Practice, 7 P.M. to 9 P.M., Room 112, East Campus. NAIM Regular Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Board Meeting 7 p.m. - Oak Room -- St. Mary's School. MAY 17 Holiday Hills Property Owners Association -- Rummage Sale -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- 1509 W. Birch street, Holiday Hills. Spring Fling Dance -Johnsburg Community Hall -- Sponsored By Lily moor Association. / Rummage Sale -- Oakhurst Subdivision -- 2 Miles South Of McHenry On River Road. In Event Of Rain It Will Be Postponed To May 24. -- 10 a.m. to 4 D.m. MAY 19 Pi Alpha Meeting -- Home Of Barbara Studley -- Program - Sculpture And Painting Presented By Adele Safael And Carole Kernosky -- 8:15 p.m. MAY 21 Salad Bar Luncheon And Card Party -- 12 Noon -- Zion Lutheran Social Hall -- Rt. 120 West -- Sponsored By Ladies Aid Society. McHenry Woman's Club Spring Luncheon--12:30 p.m.-- Timbers Restaurant -- Woodstock. Women Of The Moose Card Party -- McHenry Moose Hall - 7:30 p.m. MAX 23 Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band Practice, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Room 112, East Campus., O.E.S. Demonstration Party -- 7:30 p.m. Acacia Hall. MAY 23, 24, 25 Gigantic Rummage Sale -- Christ The King Church, Wonder Lake -- May 23, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. -- May 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. -- May 25, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. M\Y 26 Senior Citizens Club - 7:30 P.M. - East Campus Cafeteria; - Card Party. MAY 27 O.E.S. Stated Meeting and Memorial Service, 8 p.m., Acacia HalL JUNE 2 Ritual Of Jewels -- Home Of Carole Kernosky -- 8:15 p.m. JUNE 10 O.E.S. Past Officers Night -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. JUNE 21 O.E.S. Annual Smorgasbord Dinner -- Serving from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. - Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street -- Public Invited. JUNE 24 O.EJS. Stated Meeting And Special Night -- Acacia Hall - 8 p.m. Kitchen Band Rehearses For First Public Performance Hie McHenry Senior Citizens club kitchen band are asked to be sure to attend the next practice sessions under a very fine leader and director, Dolly Mazzarella, who really put the group through a strenuous practice session cm Friday evening, May 2. The group is more enthused than ever because they know Pi Alpha In Spring Meeting At the recent meeting of Pi Alpha, the service committee chairman read a letter from the AFS, inviting a member to attend its meeting. As part of the regular pledge training, each member read from the constitution of Beta Sigma Phi. Following the closing ritu&l, a program on "How is your Conversation?*' was given by Mary Ann Achutt and Sharon MacManaway. At another meeting, members discussed ways to raise money for the sorority and decided on selling cook books. A program on "Express Yourself' was presented by Adele Sabel and Barb Studley. now that with Dolly in charge they will make great strides and be well prepared for the first public appearance at the club, card party on May 26^ All members must attend each practice session to be able to be in the concert, as members are working hard to perfect a group of selections to be presented. There is still time for new band members if they are at the next practice session on May 9 at 7 p.m. at the East campus cafeteria. OSRITAL flo&U McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted during the past week to McHenry hospital included Edith Johnson, Honor Hubsch, Claire Engle, Stella Schaffer, Baby Elizabeth Santiago, Deborah Gibson, Jean Gagnon, Robert Sundby, Cecelia Knox, Fred Snyder, Josephine Marczyk, Thomas Bloomquist, Terry Fluger, McHenry; Victor Stanek, Alice Skonie, Richmond; Casimiro Bertuccelli, Solon Mills; Helen Packett, Island Lake. Now we have a new V-4 engine as standard equipment. No mixing oil. No noise. No smoking. And you should see us go. We make cars the way we make jet planes. For maximum performance, comfort and safety. 4iJc About c 9 r new SAAB leasing program /UnusuJl overseas plan Free delivery from Sweden to P.O.E. East Coast OF SWEDEN We stopped smoking. EUROPA MOTORS 331S W. Pearl McHenry OSPvlTAL IfoJte* MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Wilbur Habich, Edward Zinser, Tom Clark, Dorothy Johnson, Wonder Lake; Paul Graham, John O'Halleran, Betty Lamont, Charles Mansfield, Rory Marshall, Elizabeth Clark, Dorothy Miller, McHenry; Olivene Walkington, Ringwood. HARVARD HOSPITAL Admittances to Harvard hospital included William Mueller, Wonder Lake; Mrs. James Nielsen, Mrs. Orlo McMahon, Ruth LaPorte, Orlo McMahon, McHenry. Nearly half of the nation's population is comprised of veterans and their dependents. OTHER BIRTHS Mri! and Mrs. Eugene Maris, Wonder Lake, announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Kay, on Monday, May 5, at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The Marises have two other children, Debra, 7, and Douglas, 4. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bryant of Venice and Mr. and Mrs. George Maris of Heyworth are the paternal ones. Mr. Maris is industrial arts instructor at the McHenry Junior high school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kenyon became parents of their first daughter, Marybeth, on May 4. The Kenyons have two sons, Larry, 4, and John, 2. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Dow, Arlington Heights and Mrs. Henry Kenyon, Williams Bay, Wis. Mr. Kenyon is librarian at the McHenry Junior high school. Low Calorie Appetite Appeaser :ASHION BEGINS WITH JOCKEY. B R A N D UNDERWEAR Styled exclusively for the man who enjoys life. Trim, fashionable. Jockey Mock Turtle Cox'n shirt in a wide assortment of fashion colors. Sizes S, M, L, XL. . $2.50 Jockey tapered racer boxer with racing side vents in complementary colors. Sizes 28-40 $1.50 With more and more people wanting to reduce, diets have become a favorite topic of conversation. The smart dieters know that even though their choice of foods is somewhat limited, the way in which it is prepared and served, can be most attractive and appetizing as well. For instance, take cottage cheese. Long the dieter's staple, it no longer need be bland. By using Chive Cottage Cheese which is available in dairy or delicatessen departments of food markets, lunch becomes a treat. The bright green of the chives enhances color appeal as well. An unusual and interesting way to serve Chive Cottage Cheese is in a ring mold. In this recipe, the tangy flavor of chives is rounded out with a dash of mustard, a nip of vinegar and a blend of mayonnaise. This mold then becomes a perfect centerpiece for fresh or canned fruit. CHIVE COTTAGE CHEESE RING MOLD 1 envelope gelatin V* teaspoon salt Vi cup cold water 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 cups chive cottage cheese V4 cup mayonnaise xh teaspoon dry mustard Iceberg lettuce Vi teaspoon sugar or honey Fruit, fresh or canned Soften gelatin' in cold water and dissolve over hot water. Place chive cottage cheese in mixing bowl. Mix together mustard, sugar or honey and salt. Stir in vinegar. Stir vinegar -spice mixture into chive cottage cheese. Blend in mayonnaise. Stir in gelatin. Pour into 3 cup ring mold and chill until fii'm. Unmold on lettuce and surround with fresh or canned fruit of your choice. Serves 6. | Trade Up Time! | & Ajff ft-- at: McHenry 5 8 G.M.C. & S S Rambler S SPECIAL -- ^ S 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury III $1295 S 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 f S 1966 CLASSIC 770 $1195 fe 5 1965 RAMBLER Classic - $895 S 8 1964 CHEVELLE $795 I fc 1963 CHEV. 4 door hardtop $895 S I 1963 FORD $595 ! 8 1966 SAAB Wagon $995 3 ^ 1964 VOLKSWAGEN $795 5 ^ _ MAY TRUCK SPECIAL -- ^ New 1969 GJMLC. Vz ton pickup.... $1999 ^ ^ 1966 G.M.C- Tilt cab w/sleeper ^ k & tandem rearend, 10 speed fc S* road ranger trans., 8 cyl- S inder diesel engine com- S ! pletely reconditioned $11950 ^ I 1966 G.M.C. High Tilt, 10 spd. I 8 road ranger trans., 8 cyl. 8 q diesel engine, tandem rear- ^ k end, completely recondi- t tioned $10950 S ^ 1966 WHITE completely over- k ^ hauled Cummins diesel eng. a 9 tandem rearend $8950 S ^ 1966 FORD s/4 ton 4 speed $1595 S 5 1966 CHEV. ¥2 ton pick-up $1395 8 8 1956 DODGE w cattle rack $595 ^ ^ 1958 I.H.C. w box & hoist $1495 I 6 1962 CHEV. 80 series, rebuilt en- 5 ^ gine and grain trailer $1895 fc i McHENRY G.M.C.- ; J & RAMBLER £ I PHONE 815-385-2620 ^ ^ 1801 RT. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS /T7lc(Je£"A' V245 N. (ireent St. ^ $TORE for MEN Phone 385-0047 McHenry, Illinois. aiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiimiiimiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiHU E • •"•••.. s = • 'WL'iiP liT'l _ • / E 1 = ••• * •** Moo*/ HCD-I For quick and easy touch ups! GENERAL ELECTRIC HAIRSETTER 23.88 Lets her restore her set or "spot curl" for quick touchups. Unit comes equipped with 18 nylon rollers in three different sizes. Rollers warm up quickly on heat contacts in base. Indicator light pn base lets you know when rollers are ready to use. Model M 17 ewma. •_ •- ' ••mi-W W Model P-14 Model P2750 ; COLOR-STYLED HAND MIXER 10.88 3 Speed Lightweight, compact., G-E 3-9 CUP ELECTRIC PERK 14.88 Brews three to nine five-ounce cups to your taste. Comes with GE mini-Brew,basket for 2-3 cup serving. Easy-to-clean aluminum body with stainless steel pump and stem. GENERAL ELECTRIC TRIM-SIZE RADIO 5.88 Solid state design, carry thong, battery, earphone. GENERAL ELECTRIC STEAM/DRY IRON SAVES TIME! 9.88 Fifteen steam vents give more coverage, switches from steam to dry at the push of a button, extra high cord lift for safety.- \VK L. i Model C4403 GENERAL ELECTRIC CLOCK RADIO FOR BIG PERFORMANCE 13.88 Here's wake-up convenience and a day-long good-listening companion, all in or.?. And what performance features: four inch speaker, wake to music control and much more. GENERAL ELECTRIC HAIRDRYER 15.00 CAREY Appliance Sales & Service Kor beautiful hair styling at home.A perfect Mother's Day gift. 1241 N. Green St. GREEN STREET MALI = McHenry Phone 385-5500 Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij^iiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiin^ m

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