Dairy Princess Begins Illinois Tour June 6 JUDY SCHAUFELBERGER Miss Judy Schaufelberger, the energetic Amorican Dairy Association of Illinois Dairy Princess, begins a state-wide tour June 6 to launch June Dairy Month activities in Illinois. Jufy, 20, completes her sophomore year at the University of Illinois a day earlier, and begins the salute to the dairy industry in Chicago the morning of June 6. Sponsoring her appearance around the state will be the ADA of Illinois. The e f f e r v e s c e n t d a r k - haired beauty has the background to serve as the ideal Dairy Princess. She lives on a dairy farm near Greenville in Bond county and raises and shows Holstein cattle. Through nine years in 4-H she has built a herd of ten Holsteins and has earned top production awards with her cows. She is majoring in home economics at Illinois and lives in 4-H House, where she is gaining additional experience. At the University, Judy is secretary of the Dairy Production club. She was a member of the freshman home economics committee, a branch of the v Home Economics council. Popular with other students, Judy reigned this spring as the Plow Boy prom queen. She is president of Nabor House Fraternity Big Sister organization and is the historian at 4-H House. This spring she served as a member of the planning committee for the first annual meeting of the Illinois Jujriior Holstein association. Active in both agricultural and home economics 4-H, Judy has been elected to the continuation committee for the Illinois State Junior Leadership conference. Honorary June Dairy Month chairman for the ADA of Illinois this year is John W. Lewis, director of agriculture for the state of Illinois. Among Judy's appearances this year will be the traditional Dairy Princess participation in the annual meeting of the Illinois Future Farmers of America on June 11. Also, she will greet members of both houses of the Illinois General Assembly on June 10, and remind them to enjoy dairy products despite their intensive legislative schedule! Judy's hobbies are diversified, centering around her interest in 4-H and foods. She likes to cook and enjoys making her own clothes. She plays the guitar and piano and before entering college taught a Sunday School class regularly. woooBOoaBooBOCOoouuiinnnnnooocooocjunnnoooQi \A/ED. JUNE 4, 1969 - PLAINDEA'.ER - PG. 3 COMING EVENTS PATRICIA NcNALLY SET FALL WEDDING-- Mr. and Mrs. James McNally of Volo have announced the engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to Michael P. McDonough, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McDonough of Naperville. A fall wedding is -planned. OSPvlTAL j\o#U MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Among patients admitted to Memorial hospital during the past week were Doras Cleveland, Virginia Whiting, Betty Alderson, Mary Raedel, Brigitte Scarbrough, Thomas Schweder, Walter Schaedel, Raymond Schiller, McHenry; and Helen Eyster and David Campbell, Wonder Lake. Mrs. Gerald Biederer and Celia Kroken of McHenry were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan of Wonder Lake announce the birth of a son, May 27. On May 22 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James of Ringwood. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lishamer are parents of a son May 31. OTHER BIRTHS Chi May 23 a daughter, Kristen Elaine, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Fredricksen of Mundelein at Lake Forest hospital, Lake Forest. Other children are Ricky, 8, Jean, 7, Jill, 2, Jan, 1. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grossman of Spring Grove and the paternal ones are Mr. and Mrs. IvAr Fredricksen, Fort LauderddSfe, Fla. In 1827 Army officers were lent to the founders of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to initiate its construction. This was to become the first link in the Nation's great rail communications chain. MARRIAGE LICENSES James Perryman, Wauconda, and Sharon Gerrie, Wonder Lake. Without automatic data processing, the Veterans Administration, which serves nearly half of the nation's population, would And it impossible to transact its business as speedily as it does. ACCOUNT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * t t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I t * When telephoning the McHenry State Bank regarding your checking account, the pleasant voice you hear is most likely to be Marge Riordan or Diane Hiller. Marge is shown checking an account balance while Diane answers a telephone inquiry. Marge lives with her husband Robert in Orchard Heights, she is particularly happy these days as their son Kenny has recently been discharged from the Ajmy after service in Viet Nam. The Riordans have three other children Jerry, Susan and Kevin and one grandchild. Diane lives with her parents, the Norbert Hillers, on a farm north of Johnsburg. She has two sisters, Jackie and Linda, and a brother^ Ronnie. Marge and Diane Ask that for faster more efficient service please give your name and account number when telephoning for accQunt information. Another Service At A FULL !SERVICE BANK McHenry State Bank (i Where Family Money Matters" 3510 W. Elm McHenry 385-1040 * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JUNE 5 Lakeland Park Woman's Club -- 8:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House -- Entertainment By McHenry Senior Citizens Kitchen Band. JUNE 7 Rummage And Bake Sale -- Mount Hope Methodist Church- Pistakee Highland--10 a.m. to 2 p.m. McCullom Lake Ladies Of The Lake--Rummage And Bake Sale -- Beach House -- 9 a.m. toJ> pjm. Rummage And Bake Sale -- Mount Hope Methodist Church-- Pistakee Highlands -- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. JUNE 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Smorgasbord Dinner -- 6:30 p.m. -- Meeting 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria. JUNE 10 O.E.S. Stated Meeting And Special Night -- Acacia Hall - 8 p.m. Mtimlora Bring Sack Lunch. JUNE 11 - McHenry Garden ClulP- Trip To Whitnall Park -- Hales Corners, Wis. Meet At First Methodist Church, 9 a.m. JUNE 13 -NAIM Theatre Party -- Members And Guests -- Reservations Must Be Made With Elvina Latimer. JUNE 14 Friendship Club -- Pot-Luck Dinner And Meeting -- First Methodist Church Dining Room -- Program By Ruth and John Godtfredsen. Annual Garage And Bake Sale -- Sponsored By White Oaks Bay Women's Auxiliary-- At 4513 W. Wonder Lake Drive -- White Oaks Bay Subdivision -- Wonder Lake -- 9 a.m; to 5 p.m. JUNE 19 McCullom Lake Conservation Club Meeting -- 8 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. JUNE 20 NAIM Regular Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Board Meeting 7 p.m. -- St. Mary's Oak Room. JUNE 20, 21, 22 Thirteenth Annual Country Art Fair -- Sponsored By Woman's Auxiliary To McHenry Hospital -- Junior High School. JUNE 21 O.E.S. Annual Smorgasbord Dinner -- Serving from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. - Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street -- Public Invited. JUNE 23 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria. JUNE 24 O.E.S. Past Officers Night -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. JUNE 28 Summer Fling -- Porten's Subdivision, Off Roberts Road, One Mile From Island Lake -- 12 noon until? Rain Date June 29. JULY 16 Luncheon & Card Party -- St. Patrick's Church Hall -- Sponsored By Altar & Rosary Sodality -- 12:30 p.m. IEGA1NOTIEE Ses NOTICE ealed bids will be received by the City of McHenry in the office of the City Clerk on. or before June 16, 1969 for furnishing a new police car vfith trade-in of one car now in use. Specifications may be secured in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in any bi<3 and to accept any considered advantage to the city. CITY OF McHENRY Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk (Pub. June 4-6, 1969) TRUCK LICENSE SALES Over-the-counter sale of the first issue of fiscal-year license plates for trucks and other second division vehicles began Monday, June 2, at two lo^ cations in Springfield and three in Chicago. The plates will be valid from July 1,1969, through June 30, 1970. The fiscal-yea* plates may not legally be displayed on the vehicles before June 1. ' spurgeons McHenry Market Place y Here's How Prices Stay Down: Come Save In Our Once-a-Year A Sleepwear Bonanza Brings You A Super-Style-Collection Now! for or 2.19 each. Valued 2.49 to 2.99 See shift gowns, mini-length shifter long-andlovely gowns, even baby doll pajama sets! All easy care cool fabrics, in solid colors and delightful prints. For yourself, for gifts, pick 25% to 33% savings now! Sizes S.M.L. and 42 to 48. And Here's the Prettiest-Ever Duster and Matching Gown Set! 2-PC. SET $ compare to $7 sets 5 Permanent press, plus a blend of 65% Kodel® polyester and 35% cotton makes this an everfresh, cool treasure. Lace, embroidery, ribbon trimmed, pink, blue, mint or maize. Sizes S.M.L. Hollywood Briefs and Pants, Too 4 pr- Mon.-Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 10-5 Would sell up to 79c if perfect White and colors! Sizes 5 through 11! Here are all-time favorites, slightly irregular. Save! v CHARGE WITH SPURGEON'S OWN OR ANY MIDWEST BANK CARD