Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1969, p. 16

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PG. 16- PLAINDEALER-WED. JUNE 11, 1969 High Schools Graduate 489 (Continued from page 1) society. The class of 1969 includes the following: Aalto, Mary Acred, Ginger Andersen, Barfy K. Anderson, Dane David * Andreas, Margo Antonicelli, Mike «• Atkins, Carole Ann Baker,- Tari A. Bauer, Karen Bauer, Kevin Beck, Carole L. Becker, Kathy A. Bclahlavy, Douglas ' Besserud, Cynthia \ Bessler, Kay.e Betke, Karen Mary Betts, Daniel Bctts, Debra Ann Bitteirnan, Jacquelyn Bjorkman, Steven B. Blair, Frances Blake, Linda L. Blonjgren," Laurel Borrelli, Beverlee Borter, Gregory E. Borzewski, Frank u Bos, Marjan , Brand, Robert Brennan, Robert Broderick. T. Steven Brody, Becki Brown, Alice P. Brown, Patricia A. Buchert, Joyce A. Burger, Glenda ° 'Burns, Roger Burton, Tom Buss, Robert Butler, Keith Bye, Charlene P. Camasta, Mark Cary, Kevin Lee Castle, Susan P. Caulfield, Jim Coburn, Chris Marie Col born^George Conrad. Veronica Cooper, David Cooper, Eileen Cristy, Larry Crouch, Susan Cullotta, Thomas Dv. Currfin, Carol Ann Damians, Phil Davidson, 'Sharon Lee Dawson, Sandra Ann DeCarlo, Paul DoMar, (Barbara Dember, Dianne E. Dethlefson, Denice C. Dcvries, Jeannie sBiedrich, Doris Diedrieh, Mary Diedrich, Robert A .Dougherty, Mary Dowell, Gary Dowell, Kathy Drake, Larry Dralle, Wendy Duarte, Kathy Ducey, Polly Jane Dusthimer, Susan "Estis, Nadine Marie Etten, Daniel Etten, Donald Eurich, Pamela S. Evans, Diana Fail, Elaine Fair. Duwayne Fardella, Mary Jo Farr, Joan Fenwick, Julie A. Fernstrom, Helen Ficken, Cynthia Fillip, William Fini, Donna Marie Fisher, Scott Foerster, Fredrick Fojtik, Dianna , Frett, Robert Freund, Cynthia Freund, Gerald Freund, Joann Freund, Kevij Freund, Su^ Frodin, Morton Garske, Michael Gaub, Mary Jo Getner, Patricia Giacomo, Lynn A. Gilbertsen, Edward Giurlani, Debra Greidanus, Tim M. Grek, Steve Grothman, James Guettler, Dawn Gustafson, John Haagenson, Robert Haffner, Michael Harbecke, Danny Harrington, Michael Haufe, Betsy A. Hawkins, Paul Wesley Hawkins, Richard Haze, George Helm, Sylvia M. Herdrich, Linda Herrmann, Margaret Hettermann, Jean M. Hiller, Carol Jean Holtz, Charles Hornewer, William Houser, Robert Hurckes, Robert Huska, Ellen M. Hutchinson, Nancy Infantino, Lynda A. Ingram. Roy Lee Janik, Michael El. Jon^en, Anina Jensen, Arvin - Jrsky. Barbara Johnson, David Johnson, Dennis Johnson,, Donna Johnson, Lynnette R. Jost, Ted Justen, Dennis Justen, Kenneth Justes, Matthew Kawell, Wayne Keith, Cynthia Kerr, Kristine Kiddell, Laura S. Klapperich, Robert Klontz, Lorilee Klotz, Frences Kober, Barbara Kobus, Candace Koch, Denise H. Koehn, Patricia M. Koleno, Anthony V Kollenkark, William Kommer, Linda Kowalski, Thaddeus Kraymer, Diane D. Kraymer, Nancy L. Krepps, Clarence Krickl, Michael A. Krueger, Kathleen G., Kumpula, Ronald Kunz, Linda Kur&tski, Ken P. Lag'ios, Vickie Lamberg, Nancy Larson, Karen Ann Lary, Daniel R. Lawrence, Linda C. Lehr, Robert Joseph Leight, Russell A. Lippke,«Alane Low, Timothy Lynn, Elizabeth MacGregor, Bonnie Maggio, Joseph Manny, George Marcellis, Ann M. Marshall, Earla M. Marshall; Sheila Ann Martin, Marta Mason, Sharon Matheson, Allan Maxstadt, Judy Ann Mazzone, Chrystine Mederos, Ronald , Mergl, Otto Meyer, Charlene Meyer, James Walter .Meyers, Patricia Ann Miller, Eula Miller, Lawrence , Miller, Marsha , Miller, Nancy Miiler, Ronald Moll, Carol Jean Moore, Maureen A. Moorman, Ann Marie Morenz, Barbara J. £ Morowski, Dorothy Morris, Beverly M. Morris, Clifford T. Moy, Perry Mueller, Richard McArdle, Michael McClary, Susan McCormick, Robert McCulloh, Alice Mclnerney, Mary E. McMillan, Thomas ^ McPherson, George Neeley, Linda Gail Newkirk, Virginia Nicolai. Ruth Ellen Norton, Karen Nowak, Ralph Oeffling, Jameii Okal, Beth Olcott, Terry Lee Ormord, David Edwin Orton, Rosemary Osborne, Margie Osmon, Jody A. Owen, Phillip Aller Parker, Barbara Parker, Richard Pedersen, Melanee Peloquin, Cindy A. Peterson, Caryn Sue" Peterson, Peggy Jean Phannenstill, Laura Pickett, Delores Pike, Marie Pogany, Rinetta Pollock, Carolyn Pope, Linda Ellen ' Potter. Robert Powers, Mary Jane Pytko, Dale Raasch, Laura Jtadner, Jacquelyn Redmond. Bridget - Reid. Bryan Reid, Ronald Reinboldt, Donald Reinke John Remle. Chiles Reptd; Juanita K. Rhuades Mary Riordan, Susan Lee Roby. Dennis M. Rode, Raymond Romani. Monica Sue Rpthermel, Gayle A. Rowe, Donna A. Roy, Kenneth R. Rudolph, Russell Ruzicka, Robin Salter, Steve W. Santi, Mary J. Savastano. Roger Schabow, Joann L. Schaefer. Judy Lynn Schaft Kristine .Schatz, Peter Scheel, Guenter 1 Schiavone, Karen M. . Schlieben, Michael Schmidt. Patricia M. Schmitt, Catherine Schmitt, Lawrence Schottler, Phillip SChwegel, Pamela Seese, Joseph S. Shelton, Harold C. Shustitzky, Susan Smith, Mark A. Smith. Shelia Springman, Carol J. Stamer. Jesse Stateczny, Rose M. Steiner Stan Stephenson. Mark „ Stokkan, Amfinn Sturn., Donald Summerkamp, Dennis Sundby, David Swedo, Michael Sweeney, Barbara Tiggemann, Ellen K. Todd Edward K. Toerne, Diane Topp: Christina Lynn Ullrich, Chester Valek, John Van Buren, Karen Vyduna. Jame* B. Wagner, Rosalyn M. Wahl, Kenneth Walters, Pamela A. Walters. Thelmav Westgard, Laura fc Wevik. Ed Wheelock, Jeffrey L. Whiting, Julie , Wiedenhoeft, Bruce Wilcox, Corine Wilder. Victoria A. Wilkes. Scott Alan Wilson. Clifford * Winters, Nancy L. Wisniewski, Delphine Woodbury, John Young, Joyce £abroski, Patricia. Zalud. Juergen Zelvis, Leon \ Zilinskas, Janis A. Musin' & Meanderin (Continued from page 1) Don't fail to turn every page of this issue of the Plaindealer until you find pictures of those attractive young people who make up the McHenry area graduates of MCHS West campus and Marian Central high . school. Our congratulations to almost 500 'teen-agers who labored through the past four years in the pursuit of knowledge which entitles them to their diplomas as 1969 graduates. We regret that a delay in . year books until late summer for MCHS (in order to include spring events), has made it impossible to obtain individual pictures of the seniors. Group photos appear on one entire page, giving Moms and Dads an opportunity to search for their favorite son or daughter. " KAF BABY'S LIFE SAVED THROUGH SISTER'S EFFORT (Continued from page 1) turned him over and tapped him until he began to revive briefly before starting to lose consciousness again. In the meantime, the rescue squad truck arrived and the baby was rushed to McHenry hospital. Mrs. Casey told firemen the baby had suffered from a fever since the previous evening. She had just walked to a neighbor's home and left the child in the care of his sister. Fire Chief Peterson was gen- 'erous in his praise of Chris, whom he judged to be about 7 or 8 years old, for her efforts in behalf of her brother. Artists Place " Entries For Fair This Weekend (Continued from page 1) Henry Junior high school. Featured are several highlight facets, but me of them is the one-man show by Gerritt Beverwyk, Wonder Lake artist who is involved professionally as an artist with a major advertising agency. Another attraction will be the .judged show, where each ar- 'tistcan enter up tothreepairrtings for judging by the professional judges. A children's show is sure to interest many guests for it will show the skills of local parochial and public school children. Strolling folk song singers, an exhibit on the techniques of pottery making and puppet shows are additional features. The Country Art Fair is sponsored by the Woman's auxiliary to McHenry hospital. Purpose of the Art Fair is to raise funds to aid th$ hospital with its vast job of providing expert health care for a large area. Several artists have indicated plans to demonstrate their skills at their locations during part of the Country Art Fair. So that the public can plan its schedule that weekend, here are the hours to viewthe Country A5ft Fair: Friday, June 20, 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday, June 21, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.; and Sunday, June 22, 1 to 10 p.m. ASSOCIATE PASTOR At Monday morning's session of the Northern Illinois conference of the United Methodist church, meeting at Northern Illinois university, De- Kalb, Illinois new assignments of clergy were announced by Bishop Thomas M. Pryor. Among new assignments include David E. Scott, associate, McHenry. Fossils of horses, dinosaurs and rhinoceros have been found, in Nebraska -- none of which existed in North America when white men first came. The navy's oldest commissioned warship, the U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) is 166 years old. SET DATES FOR ANNUALPIREMEN SUMMER CARNIVAL At a joint meeting of the trusteesof the Wonder Lake Fire Protection district and officers of the fonder Lake volunteer fire department, the annual firemen's carnival dates were set for Friday through Sunday, July 25 through 27, at the fire grounds, E.^ Wonder Lake road. After a report by Treasurer Horace Wagner concerning expenditures and income, other business was discussed, including needed purchases. It was disclosed that during the Justen store fire, the motor on the 1952 tanker became inoperative. While a new iinotor has been installed, for better protection of the district it is felt this tanker should be replaced. Officers of the fire department will make up specifications in order to obtain bids. At the present rate of delivery, it has been estimated that it may require a year. Power saws also will be purchased for both rescue vehicles. The department has been asked to remove trees from roads after severe storms and a power saw will help speed this operations j MANPOWER AGENCY Illinois needs a central state agency with a comprehensive view of state manpower problems, according to a manpower conference comprehensive report issued by the Governor's Office of Human Resources. A. Donald Bourgeois, executive director of the office, said the report calls for development of new job opportunities and urges that new industries be attracted to rural and urban areas of high unemployment. The conference participants, Bourgeois said, gave high priority to the development of new job opportunities. The recommendations urged that hiring practices and job structures be changed to inthe employment of disadvantaged workers and asked for personnel practices which would make the state a model employer. The report concludes that effective development and utilization oflllinois' manpower resources requires that people whose skills need upgrading have access to training and educational opportunities. COLLEGE OFFERS SUMMER COURSES (Continued from page 1) dy Laboratory in English, Mathematics & Reading, Nurses's Aide, U.S. History I & II, Key Punch Operator Training, Introduction to Journalism. Also offered are courses in Elements of Mathematics, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, College Trigonometry, Music Appreciation, Biology n, Field Natural Iflstary, U.S. Government, Psychology, Ed. Psychology, Taping n,& III, Shorthand H & ffl, Office Machines, Introduction to 3ociology, Introduction to Speech, Fiction - Literature 113 (over TV), and American Public School (over TV). Our word "chenille*' comes from a French word meaning "caterpillar". State Farm's resident fire men He handles home insurance for State Farm Fire and Casualty. Handles auto, life and health insurance, too. He may help you save money as he puts out your i nsurance "fires." Give him a call. Granville Sornson 1212 N. Green St. McHenry, III. Phone 385-1627 STATI FARM JBL fM State Farm is all you need to know about insuranci Insurance. STATI FAIN FIK AND CASUALTY COMPANY HOME OFFICE: BL00MINGT0N, ILLINOIS VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS. Long & Short Sleeves. Vanopress, in stripes, checks, solids and white. $5.50-$&00 JJ VAN HEUSEN SWEATER SHIRTS. 'Tycora". Wide choice of colors. $2£0-C&00 VAN HEUSEN SPORT SHIRTS. Vanopress, V-Tapered, 417 styling in solids, stripes, and checks 96.00 . 97.00 D CONTRAST SLACKS Jay-Mar from $18.00 Curlee from $19.00 Hart, Schaeffner, and Marx $28.00 Levi's Sta-prest • . $7.00 - $10.00 £ BERMUDA SHORTS permanent press solids - checks - plaids -- from $6.00 to 12.00 F SWANK JEWELRY Cuff Links/Tie Bars • from $4.00 Tie Bars and Tie Tacs . • from $2.00 Q CARTER HOLMES TIES $2.00. $8.00 Banlons $1.00 H JOCKEY SOCKS Triumph Orlons JANTZEN SWIM TRUNKS from $5.00 PARIS BELTS • • • from $2.00 - $6.00 If CARDIGANS • from $15.00 to $27.50 with Orion S.S. Mock Turtle Shorts to match 5TORE for MEN from $7.50 to $13.00 385-0047 McHenry

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