Service News |'\T. DWIKl. LAM;!-: IM. Daniel 1). Lange, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lange of Idyll Doll road, Mellenry,completed basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., and now is attending schoo1 at Ft. Eustis, \a. , Pvt. Lange graduated from MC I IS in 1967 and entered the \rmy in March of this year. LET S LOOK AT THE v JJ RECORDS J-1 0 BY LINDA NORRIS I wo bright American stars of the world of opera are heard (Hi Angel Kccords for the first lime: soprani-- Reri Grist and baritone Cornell MacNe I star in Verdi's Kigoletto as the naive (lilda and her haunchbacked court jester father . . . New York born Keri (irist appeared in llroadway musicals before she made her opera debut m Santa l-'e and Cologne, both in 19T>9 . . . Since 1960 >ln- has been associated with the Zurich Opera, singing frequent engagements in San Francisco. Chicago, (Ilvndebourne. I ovent harden, Spoleto, I .uScala. Vienna. Salzburg and the Metropolitan < Ipera ( since i964 ). Hey one) a particularly distinguished gift for the high soprano roles in Mozart and Strauss, she has proven amazing versatility in operetta and l-'rench and Italian repertoire . . . Keri Crist's partner for highly acclaimed performances of "Kigoletto" at London's Covent (larden in 1966 (as in the new Angel Recording) was Cornell MacN'eil, born in Minneapolis . . . He. too, had experience on Broadway, later graduating to the New York City. Chicago Lyric and San Francisco operas . . . A few days after his debut at '.aVala in 1959. he was called upon to substitute as Kigoletto at the Metropolitan, where he has been a regular member ever since. The c>mplcte opera is on " three records, stereo only and sells for *17-37 . • • It is the first new recording of the famous opera in four years. . . MacN'eil and (Irist are manificent in their Angel debuts and the immensely versatile Swede Nicolai (ledda sings a vocally brilliant an.l irresistibly handsome- sounding Duke of Mantua. . . The 1'radelli chorus and orchestra are in top form for Verdi's .most melodious creation and Angel's sound and stereo-staging are on the very highest level. Wasting Vz Your Lunch Hour Waiilag For Service Try Bill lindwalls LAMPLIGHTER CAFE 3S13 W. Elm St. Fast Service & Good Food Open Every Day at 5 a.m. Closed Wed. 10:00 a.m. )he C linic Lorna's worry is shared by millions of Americans. So scrapbook this case if you want to win friends, be popular and avoid the divorce court. Teenage girls spend too much time on cosmetics, thinking that eye shadow, false lashes and rouge are the chief way to win husbands. The method below is far better! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE K-531: Lorna H., aged 17, is a high school senior. "Dr. Crane," she began, "I have always been quiet and shy. " That is partly because I was awkward and taller than my classmates in grammar school. "But now I find I am about average in height, yet my earlier shyness trng, held me back from making friends. "So can you please give me some shortcuts to popularity? POPULARITY SECRETS The secret of winning friends consists of realizing that everybody you meet is interested in "Me-Here-Now." > So smile (which is a nonverbal compliment) and also utter a spoken bit of honest praise. "An acquaintance that begins with a compliment," said Oscar Wilde, "is sure to develop into a real friendship." Sanford-Brown college in St. Louis offers its students a card containing "5 Tested Friend Makers," as follows: (1) "I am proud of you! (2) "What is YOUR opinion? (3)" If ypu please!" (4) "Thank you!" (5) "YOU!" Every college might profitably imitate Sanford-Brown, for when teen-agers can learn how to win friends and popularity, they are better equipped for happier adulthood than by earning a college major in History, Math, Chemistry or other departments. And I am not exaggerating, for popular people zoom to the top. Then they can always hire competent associates who are specialists in their fields but probably not very popular folks! Girls like Lorna should clip this column and memorize its contents. Then they can literally outbid the beauty stars and miniskirted classmates, for most men don't marry Miss Americas. * And the wives who never enter into divorce proceedings have used some or all of those' 5 points in the Sanford-Brown formula. If you teen-agers (or oldsters) don't know how to carry on an interesting conversation, then use No. 2 in that formula and ask your companion for his or her opinion on any timely topic. To stay up-to-date on current ideas, make it a habit to read this newspaper more thoroughly. For example, most of you teen-agers focus onthe comics, the sports section and maybe a quick glance of Page One. So learn to be your own professor! Assign yourself the daily task of dipping into at least 10 pages of your daily newspaper, even if you read only one item on each. Pick out at least one of the editorials, plus the medical column and this psychology column, as well as noting if the stock market went up or down. Within 15 minutes, you can then have 5 or 6 current topics about which to start conversation and ask your escort: •' What is YOUR opinion?" Remember, lazy folks, don't become popular I For you must plan ahead! And memorize the proper techniques for conversation; then practice them on everybody you maet till you are deft and graceful. Men may date a beauty star once but they don't come back again unless a girl can make it easy for them to carry on effortless conversation! So. send for my booklet" Formula for Being an Interesting Conversationalist," enclosing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclosing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when 'you send for one of his booklets.) r\T. IOIIN TIIKWKS IM. lohn Thennes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes oi 11'11' \. Court, Mcllenry, completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and is now in AIT training for nine weeks at Fort LewisWaqlw H$- enlered the Army on March 18, £^UNDERWATER PI.AY . . . Lovely and talented mermaids at Weeki Wahcee, Florida enjoy themselves as they present an underwater Mermaid-Show- entitled "Snow-White and the Mermaids" in the watery depths of the Underwater Grand Canyon. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says... QUALIFIED PART-TIME TEACHERS A Programs using fully qualified, part-time teachers may ease teacher shortages without compromising the' quality v-'of * - education. ILLINOIS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Ife Gaslight Savings Time Charmglow 300 Special sale prices are now in effect. Falcon 110 Perfect timing! The whole outdoor living season is ahead of you. Wait till you see what, a gaslight does for your patio. Gaslight doesn't shine like ordi^ry light... it glows, like candlelight. It's festive, flattering . . . and, best of all, it doesn't attract insects. Choose from a variety of models. Maybe an elegant traditional or a modern model. Choose one for the patio and one for the front lawn. Easy terms available, too. But hurry. Sale ends June 30th. The number to call is listed in your phone book under Northern Illinois Gas Company, Sales and New Construction." Call now, and move outdoors in style! Northern Illinois Gas Company Serving mare than a million customer s FROM THE FARM BEWARE THE TINY TICK City-dwellers heading for the woods this spring could be headed for trouble -- if they meet up with the tiny tick. Each year, scores of unwary woods-walkers bitten by ticks contract a terrifying, frequently faltal disease called Spotted Fever. Up to 30 percent of the victims die from the disease. Shotted Fever -- one of a family of serious ailments called Rickettsial diseases -- begins with a severe rash, fever and cough. After the patient lingers in a state of weakness and apathy for some time, he develops delirium, convulsions, stupor and finally lapses into a coma. Death usually results u'onr advanced brain damage and circulatory failure. Even when the tick is not a carrier of Spotted Fever, it is dangerous. Jts venom is capable of causing another frequently fatal condition called "Tick Paralysis." Starting in the lower extremities, the paralysis slowly works up to the trunk, arms and finally the brain. Children are the most frequent victims. Hardly bigger than a hangnail, ticks are six-legged when hatched and develop two more legs as they grow to adulthood. There are some ten varieties infesting almost every region in the world. Although the wood" and dog ticks common to our area most frequently carry Spotted Fever, other varieties carry a host of Rickettsial diseases ranging from "nine mile fever" in the western Lnited States to South American Spotted Fever in Brazil. All ticks have one thing in common, however -- they are bloodsuckers. Most frequently they transmit disease by picking up the infecting organism from a rodent or other animal and carry it to man. If you are bitten by a tick, you'll know it. There is the familiar red swelling at the point of entry, followed by itching and burning. Common sites^ of entry are the pubic region; armpits-, and especially tba scalo and hack of the neck. Your first impulse will be to pull out the tick vigorously -- BUT RESIST THAT IMPULSE! You may succeed in removing the body, but invariably leave the venom-filled, germfilled head to continue its dirty work. The several accepted ways of removing ticks depend on immediate facilities -- and pain tolerance. 1. Hold a lighted match or Wed. June 18, 1969 - Plaindeoler - Sec. 2, Pg. 3 cigarct at the point of entry and burnjt out. 2; Apply oil to the tick.. This interferes with its respiration and, thus, will bring about easy removal with gentle pulling. 3. Attempt to pull it out gently, without any preliminaries. With this approach, a tweezers is far more effective than fin-- gers. Thus far, no available antibiotic is effective against Spotted Fever. However, highly effective vaccines given by vour doctor can impart complete immunity. The only real way to avoid tick trouble is to avoid tickinfested woodlands. If you insist on answering nature's call to these areas, make certain you inspect your body for tick attachments every two hours. Above all, act IMMEDIATELY if you detect a tick bite...first by attempting removal, second by. checking with your doctor.. As the old woodsman's warning so wisely puts it: "Be quick with a tick -- or you'll sure get sick." BE CAREFUL WHEN FILLING SPRAY TANKS If you don't have a positive shutoff valve on your puniping system, be careful not to walk away and leave the hose in the tank after filling your sprayer, says University of Illinois weed specialist Ellery Knake. Even with a valve it's safer to remove the hose from the tank to guard against any malfunction. With some pumping systems it's possible for the contents of the tank, including the chemical, to siphon into your well. Another way to avoid the accident is to fasten the hose at the top so it does not extend into the tank. Some farmers who have accidentally siphoned chemicals into their wells have cleared the water by pumping the well until it is sufficiently clear of chemicals. However, it is much easier to prevent the accident than to correct it, says Knake. FLEA BEETLES Watch tomatoes, potatoes and sweet corn for flea beetles. These shiny black beetles jump when disturbed and leave white scratch marks on the leaves of plants. Control rtbem by spraying plants with carbaryl (Sevin). Use 2 tablespoons carbaryl per gallon of water. Wholesome Low-Cost "Main Dish is a Treasure Wouldn't you like to discover a sea chest full of treasures . . . doubloons, pieces of eight, and other delights? Of course, when you need to make an important purchase that strains the family budget, you don't go looking for buried treasure. You save . . . maybe a few pennies a day . . . but they build up until you have a substantial sum. You can economize and still serve your family wholesome well-balanced meals if you occasionally spark imnus with lowcost meat and macaroni dishes like Treasure Trove Medley. There's hidden treasure in this dish--the delightful sauce made from condensed cream of celery soup--that saves you time, money, and effort because it is perfectly seasoned and ready to use. A little sour cream blended with the soup brings out the flavor of the remaining colorful ingredients; diced bologna, macaroni, shredded carrots, green pepper, and dried dill leaves. For dessert, what could be better than an old-fashioned fruit cobbler, the kind grandmother used to make with gobs of pour cream spooned over its bubbling warm richness. Make it with canned cherry pie filling and a rich biscuit topping. TREASURE TROVE MEDLEY 1^2 cups diced bologna (about % pound) V2 ('"1> chopped green pepper *4 cup shredded carrot Vt cup chopped onion % teaspoon dried dill leaves 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can (IOV2 ounces) condensed cream of celery soup 2 cups cooked macaroni (1 cup uncooked) l/4 cup sour cream In saucepan, brown bologna and cook green pepper, carrot, onion, and dill in butter until vegetables are tender. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat; stir now and then. Makes 4 servings. Notice for / (Brides Only!) -Did^You Know That -- THE MONEY you spend for flowers for your wedding, wilt and are thrown away the next day? G THE DRESS you wear is worn only once, then packed away never to-be worn again? THE CAKE AND REFRESHM sumed and nothing is left, but crurrv dishes? ENTS umbs , are conand dirty BUT CANDID WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER CAN MAKE THESE IMPORTANT MOMENTS LIVE FOREVER! 4^i id by GAYLORD "The Recommended Photographer" 385--0170 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 j±JMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||||||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll III llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Hill III llllllllllll.!: SPECIMEN BALLOT To be voted at the SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION, on Tuesday, June 24th, 1969, for Representative in the General Assembly, to fill vacancy, in the Thirty-Third Representative District, (comprised of the Townships of Riley, Marengo, Dunham, Chemung, Alden, Hartland, Seneca, Coral, Greenwood, Hebron, Richmond, Burton and McHenry) in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. COUNTY CLERK O REPUBLICAN PARTY O DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: STATE REPRESENTATIVE: THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT (To Vacancy) (Vote For One) FOR MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: STATE REPRESENTATIVE: THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT (To Fill Vacancy) (Vote For One) I • R. BRUCE WADDELL • JOHN L WINELAND 1 ?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii?