Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1969, p. 5

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Y HUNT GRADUATE OF NEVADA SCHOOL Larry Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hunt, 301S. Ridge road^ graduated June 5 from Southern Nevada Vocational Technical) center. Las Vegas, NeV. During his freshman and sophomore years he attended McHenry high school and completed the junior and senior years at the Nevada school with a major in an auto body course. His parents attended the graduation exercises at Convention Center in Las Vegas and 1 Larry returned home with them. Jamie Schneider, daughter oT Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schneider, also returned to McHenry with her, grandparents, the Hunts. nMrs. Schnekler is the former Nancy Hunt. \ SHOP [N MCHENRY Viewing The Candidates The following information has been compiled bjy the Woodstock- McHenry League of Women Voters concerning the two candidates for Representative in the 33rd district of Illinois. Voting will take place next Tuesday, June 24, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in McHenry township* s eighteen precincts. If you live in "the McHenry county townships o? Aide!!, Burton, Chemung, Coral, Dunham, Greenwood, Hartland, Hebron, Marengo, McHenry, Richmond, Riley and Seneca, the following is information on the two candidates and their positions on a number of issues. Democrat: John L. Wine land, DeKalb, teacher, MS. 1965 Northern Illinois university; active in community organizations but has not held public office before, not ^married. Republican: R. Bruce Waddell, Dundee; real estate; college education; served two terms on Illinois State Park board; married, two children, three grandchildren. QUESTIONS: What is your position on state income tax (as proposed or otherwise). Waddell - Position open. If constituents indicate, then would like to be informed as to the percentage acceptable. So far, none has indicated a full 4 percent. Credits and deletion of other taxes favorable. Unequal taxes have been deemed unconstitutional, therefore, any additional taxes (such as industry) will properly come before Con Con. Wineland - I favor a progressive income tax with a higher rate mi corporations. Hie true effect of the tax proposed by the governor would be to tax individuals at the average rate of 3.5 percent and corporations, after their deductions and depreciation, at the average rate of 2.1 percent. Any income tax, however, must be accompanied by abatement of the personal property tax, elimination of the sales tax on food, clothing, and medicine and return of revenue to local communities for relief of real estate taxe*. AID TO EDUCATION Waddell - In favor if equitable Wineland - (taken from his Position Paper on Education) The School Problems commission, a bipartisan body of legislators and state officials, recommended to the General Assembly an increase in the "Foundation Rate" from $400 per pupil to $550 and a change in compensation from average daily attendance to average daily enrollment. I strongly support the recommendations of the commission and hope that the Foundation Rate would be increased to $600 or more as soon as the revenue structure in the state will permit. ^ I also endorse the increase in the required minimum in qualifying rate per $100 assessed valuation as recommended by the commission. WELFARE Waddell - Open to your comments as I need information and have not prejudged this matter. Wineland - A national standard of welfare would reduce the incentive of individuals to qpme <£o IlUuaifl folely to obtain relief. I favor the creatiop of such astandardto cover essentials and also a program of day-care centers which would provide a wholesome environment for children on ADC .and free needy mothers to obtain training and employment. OPEN HOUSING Waddell - Position open on this matter also as I need your assistance in ascertaining the facts prior to making a judgment. Wineland - A number of communities in the 33rd Legislative district already have local ordinances providing for open housing. Nonetheless, I favor a state statute on the subject. This should provide for local enforcement and emphasize conciliation and education. However, in the last analysis, it must provide for legal redress to citizens deprived of an opportunity to acquire housing on a non-discriminatory basisc WHAT ARE YOUR SPECIFIC AIMS OR GOALS? Waddell - To represent the people in the 33rd to the best of my ability and to represent all fairly and impartially. Wineland - My political interests are generated fay a desire for an honest and viable government, responsible to the people of the state of Illinois, seeking social justice and equality for all men. Good government can be maintained by elected officiate keeping in communication with the constituency. I would like to contribute to the welfare of the legislative district land the state fay addressing myself to the critical issues confronting us and hopefully thereby to find solutions which will be best for Illinois. Political decisions have often been made from personality, or party interest, but it w^ll only be a commitment to good government which can resolve the complex questions and find the best for this state. < , k<< ^ >i^ * * lf» - £.' • SPRING GROVE NEWS FRI. JUNE 20, 1969 - PUINDEALER- PG. 5 EVA FREUND PHONE 875-2138 PROGRAM PLANNERS -- Roland Grayson, left, general program chairman for the Senior Citizens club of McHenry, and George Bender, co-chairman are pictured at a recent card party club members enjoyed. Women Of The Moose INSTALLATION McHenry Chapter 1348 on June 14 held installation of new officers for the 69-70 year. Officers installed were Junior Graduate Regent, Ila Hogan; Senior Regent Carolyn Sima; Junior Regent, Jeanne Mc- Hale; chaplain, Greta Rother; recorder, Gloria Flannigan; treasurer, Marion Vornkal; guide Doris Schabow; assistant guide Polly Lacastro; Argus, Evelyn Sandell; sentinel, Jeannette Koerper; and Collegian pianist, Eunice Tobey. Installation chairman , was Collegain Alyce Kowal, Guide Lillian Cox; and Assistant guide was Mercedes Morenz. Installing officers were Past Governor Carl Sima, Chaplain collegian, E. Hagberg; Guide Collegian, M. Fernstrom and Collegian Pianist E. Tobey. Loyal Order of Moose escorts for the women were John Flannigan Clare Haerle, John Lacastro, Fred Rother, Wm. Schabow, Milton McHale, Wm. Sandell and Jos. Koerper. When Guide Collegian Mar jorie Fernstrom escorted Senior Regent Carolyn Sima to her station, her husband, the installing governor, Carl Sima, greeted her with a kiss. Carolyn is our second senior regent to be able to have her husband as her installing officer. Carolyn thanked Collegian Alyce Kowal for sponsoring her into the Moose, whi^h gave her a start to her present position, and thanked all the co-workers for their help. She gave an extra thanks to Gloria Flannigan and Ila Hogan for all they have done to help her and of course a big hand to the L. O.O.M. for escorting for the installation. The Senior regent announced her chairmen and escorts for the coming year and then presented a gift to her installing officers. A graduate regent pin was presented to graduate regent Marcella Strossner, and a Moose necklace was present to Junior Graduate Regent Ila Hogan from the chapter. Junior Graduate Regent Qa Hogan thanked the co-workers for helping her this past year as Senior Regent. The guides then escorted Gloria Flannigan to the altar and Ila crowned her queen of the kitchen. Gloria has surely earned it. Many of us have worked lard for the chapter, but I don't think any one can say that Gloria ever says "no". We' could use more like her. Our best wishes to you Gloria. Escort Florence Tussey has been in the hospital and wasnot able to attend the installation. After the installation, a very tasty chicken dinner was served. Thanks to the Loyal Order. There was music that was enjoyed by many (even the squares). Added joy of the evening was singing birthday wishes to Marge Nolan. The first meeting for our new officers will be on July 9. This change of days and date is due to the convention, so make sure you remember. This will be our college of Regent night and will also be an open meeting, so won't you start the new year off right and help support our new SERVICEMAN AND FAMILY RETURN FROM TURKEY Second Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth Kappie aiid infant son have returned from Turkey where the Lieutenant was stationed for one year. They are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kappie. After his leave they will go to Texas. GRADUATION Congratulations to James T. May who graduated from the University of Illinois. A party honoring him was held at the home of his mother, Mrs. Agnes M8y, en Sunday. A buffet supper was served. Those present were the Ken Larson family of Hebron, the Robert Suttons, the Paul Mays, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kappie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Alyce Weber and Miss Kathy Mclntee. CLUBS The birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Alice Stevens on Tuesday. Games Of 500 were played and prizes went to Tillie May, Mame Tinney, Frances Shotliff, Alice Stevens ai^d Peggy Buesseler. Lunch was served. Mrs. Frances Busch was hostess to her club on Thursday afternoon. Those winning prizes were Mame Tinney, Frances Shotliff, Mrs. Busch, Tillie May and Emma May. DEATH We were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round Lake. She was Mrs. Marge Schmeltzer's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Schmeltzer are former residents of Spring Groye. Mr. Schmeltzer wa§ manager of a local lumber company far about fifteen years. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to them. MATINEE „ Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Shirley Dawson enjoyed seeing a play in Chicago on Saturday afternoon and going out to dinner "Italian style". HOSPITALIZED Rev. Nicholas Freund is a patient at St. Mary's hospital in Milwaukee. He will be there for three weeks for observation and medication. McCULLOM LAKE McCullom Lake, northwest of McHenry, was named after William McCullom, who came to McHenry from Virginia in 1837. On July 14 of that year, William and his brothers, John and David, pitched their tent on the west bank of McCullom Lake. William and his wife, Catherine, had six children: Almira, Samantha, Peter, Samuel, George and Margaret. The founder of McCullom" 8 lalie died in his McHenry hoiqe dh June 1, 1884, at the age of 83. The original White HousfelHfrd no closets. Nothing to |ii<j|e, maybe?? I t / i ^ f McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 8812 West Elm Street Phone 8884)110 McHenry, Illinois -- 60060 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, HI. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher ANNOUNCE BUS TRIP FOR "Y" TOURS JUNE 23 The Lake Region YMCA will begin the 1969 summer bus trips for youth, ages 7-14, on Monday, June 23. Eight Mondays of fun and interesting and unusual tours have been planned for youth who reside in Algonquin, Fox River Grove, Cary, Crystal Lake, Island Lake, Lake in the Hills, McHenry, Huntley, Wonder Lake, and Woodstock. The trips provide youth with a full day's outing, a chance to meet new friends, and an opportunity to do things and go places that many of them have never seen before, all at a nominal fee. The trip schedule for June 23 is as follows: Registered trippers who will board the bus at the Oak Knoll school in Cary, the Fox River Grove railroad station, the Island Lake village hall, and the McHenry Junior high school, will leave from 7 officers and give them your best wishes for a good year. All officers, chairmen and escorts (formals) and cap and gown for all College of Regents be looking for you. * An added thanks to all our 68-69 officers and chairmen. to 7:45 a.m. to visit the Chicago Fire Academy, Adler Planetarium and the Chicago Police department. The return time will be 3:15 p.m. to 4 pjn. Trippers who will board the bus at Route 120 and Thompson road in Wonder Lake, the Clay and Dean street schools in Woodstock, the Huntley village hall, Lake in the (fills school, and the Algonquin village hall for the June 23 trip will visit the Chicago Public library, Meigs field, and the Chicago Fire academy. Pick-up time for this bus will begin from 8 to 8:45 a.m. and the return time will be 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. HOLY NAME TO HOLD OUTDOOR MEET MpNDAY St. Patrick's Holy Name society will hold its first outdoor meeting of the summer on Monday, June 23 on Larry Nimsgern's lawn, 3713 W. St. Paul's avenue. Starting at 7 o'clock there will be baseball, horsehoes and games. Refreshments will be served. The officers of the organization would appreciate having a large attendance. MEMBER y 19 6 9 Adele Froehlich, Editor MEMBER ~ NNA l PER Association - Founded 1885 Subscription RateJ 1 Year $7.50 1 Year 9940 In McHenry and Outside McHenry Lake ^County and Lake County WATER-WELLS PUMPS O RED JACKET I THE BEST WATER SYSTEM INSTALLED IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS ' SALES AND SERVICE McHEINRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP CO. 385-5252 - Res. 3854)713 4913 W. McCullom Lk. Rd. McHenry | for MEN When selecting a gift for him.... let us help! 5"TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA By Mr. K McHENRY SERVICE CENTER i S KITCHEN! Complete Cooling Barber Shop Buy-Sell-Trade; System Sendees ^0 • Hair Coloring ^0 • Hair Styling ^ * Hair Pieces • Ita/ JANE'S RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Rt. 120, McHenry We scrvice all makes • TV's • Radio • Stereo • Tape Recorders HEATERS RADIATORS I GAS TANKS Illinois most complete (iun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stocfc McHENRY ft GUN CENTER • Daily 9 -9, Sat. & Sun. I 3325 XV. Elm Ph. 385-7320 FORMICA ADAMS Bros. Repair I 3006 W. RTE. m 385-0783 hy appointment 385-77? 1 FREE PARKING KITCHEN CONVERSION PANELS FORMICA surfaced wood-grained replacement doors, drawer fronts and sides go on your present wood or metal cabinet framework. Gives new kitchen beauty; saves 70%i compared to new cabinet installation. Do it yourself or we install. --1 II 1 1 jjggl McHenry Plaindealer Now Twice Weekly PHONE 385-0170 for news, sports, adv. J, Farm Equipment I George P. J Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland f 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. | McHenry Bus. 385-Cft20 Res. 385-0227 815-385-4915 Hrs: Mon-Fri. 9-6 Sat. 8 - Noon. PAYTON CHEVROLET SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service - on any make car. Fast "Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Ph. 385 -2155 Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin fast! Lakeland Park CAR WASH Next to Phillip's 66 JACOBSEN LAW* MOWER SALES AND SERVICE (iptit Rcpax--f Actoif named mechanu Insurance & Real Estat£ Earl R. Walsh IJfe Fire - Auto Homeowners Liability Plate Glass " Bonds Marine. Workmen's Accident & ;» Compensation Health I Office 385-3300 >. Residence 385-3321 l 3429 W. Elm Street .McHenry, Illinois, 60050- full stock of genuine factor* replacement parts Enqme tune up and complete salet* check fast precision sharpening - • Complete selection ol Ofc*J<«cobsen Uwn mowers 385-0434' Adams Repair Shop 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry Any any style. > C omplete remodeling and repair service. ; * We also specialize Ijlf room additions. ] < No Money Down-Terms.-' DUKE I; CONSTRUCTION CQ. .> Ph. 815-653-6161 ;i Wonder Lake ~ i

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