Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1969, p. 2

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f.': enry Setting For District Luncheon ; Notice : To Brides 1 In order to better serve I McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose | engagements have been announced on our society page J and carry a definite date. > We ask that these completed forms be returned three 'days prior to the wedding, i Complete details will appear only during the week | following wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement announcement has not been published, or if the date„of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage ' form be sent. ' Enjoying a garden setting for the planning of the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club's summer buffet luncheon at Mc- Henry Country club on July 14 are, Left to Right, Mrs. Grant Ernst, chairman of the event, Wonder Lake; Mrs. Henry Nell (standing), Mc- Henry, ticket chairman; and Mrs. Theodore Wickman, also of McHenry. Mrs. Robert Mc- Clory, wife of the congressman from this district, will discuss her experiences in New York television and Washington politics. SICK NOTES BREAKS WRIST Richard Hruby, 11 years old, of Johnsburg, suffered a broken wrist while playing baseball last Thursday. He was treated in Mc Henry hospital. LAWN MOWER ACCIDENT Charles Battaglia of Wander Lake sustained abrasions requiring treatment in McHenry hospital when the cord broke as be was starting a power lawnmower. All women in the 12th Congressional district will want to ;: set aside Monday, July 14, to -I Attend a luncheon at McHenry ' t^ountry club. DDri* Hibbard - McClory, wife of Congressman Robert McClory, will speak of . her experiences as an assistant New York TV producer and of her new role in Washington. A noon social period will be followed by a bullet luncheon at 12:45. 4 Mrs. Arthur Jenner of Crystal Lake, president of the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club has named Mrs. Grant Ernst of Wonder Lake general chairman for the summer luncheon. Members of the committee include Mrs. Henry Nell, McHenry, chairman; Mrs. Frank Borst, Mtmdelein, program; •I Mrs. Raymond Vierck, Harvard, hospitality; Mrs. George Thomas, Crystal Lake, decorations; Mrs. Donald Knapp, Highland Park, mailing; and Mrs. Walter C. Hamann, Lake Forest, publicity. I ~ Tickets are available in Lake county from Mrs. Robert Pett erson, Wauconda, and in McHenry county from Mrs* Hen- - ry Nell, McHenry. Deadline for reservations is Friday, July 11. Rev. Dalrymple To Be Honored At June 26 Dinner Rev. and Mrs. M.J.A. Dal- .^.rymple of Crystal Lake will be honored at a recognition dinner at Martinetti's the evening of June 26. The Rev. Mr. Dalrymple has been pastor of the First Congregational church • (United Church of Christ) since 1935, when he came to Crystal Lake from Burwell, Neb. He is retiring from the active ministry, but will be pastor emeritus of the First Congregational church after July 1. I- The Dalrymples willresid^at "Plymouth place, LaGrange Park, HI., after his retirement, and will be actively interested in church conference affairs, as . * well as his "rights and privileges" as pastor emeritus in the Crystal Lake church. The Rev. Mr. James W. Bidle will become the fortyyfourth ^ minister of the First Congre- ' gational churcTi of Crystal Lake Sept. 1. M , • •* - .4. _.J? ^ V r.- - j-~r / SPECIAL EXHIBITION -- Works of Robert Gray •were featured in a special exhibition at the Country Art Fair in McHenry last weekend. Looking over paintings by Gray, papular artist who died last year, is Mrs. Barbara Wernquist, member of the committee for this McHenry hospital benefit sponsored by the Woman's Auxiliary. DON PEASLEY PHOTO Grandma Sez - - - : > 4 REVIVAL CRUSADE > ; ' A revival crusade is announcfor June. 22 through 29 at -Xthe First Baptist church, 5500 X Hill road, Richmond, at 7:30 p.m. The crusade will feature the message of Rev. Tommy *- Phelps, who turned from apro- * fessional Vjrestler to an evangelist. As I wuz a readin' some things, t'other day, whilst enjoyin* my old rockin* chair, it became obvious t' me, that a healthy amount o* formality is fast disappearing from our society. The way in which young folks address their elders, usin' first names when they should use the surname, begets .a certain amount o* familiarity which, in turn, creates an attitude o* less respect. "Familiarity breeds contempt," is one o» the phrases I kin still hear my father a sayin' to usfr$nd It is true, as ye kin provp-/ n"ye jist take time t' When I wuz a young woman, and I had my husband and family about, I tried to* keep a certain prideful respect, in the way I treated them. Insisting on a certain amount o* formality in the home, is a sure way o' keepin the order, and proper attitude fer all members o* the family, toward one another. 0* course, I don't condone a lot o' stuffy formalities, but jist enough t' balance out a nice and respectful attitude o* folks, fer one another. It is good fer a civilized society. I cain*t see how we "kin, mend the damage already done, like we see things on the TV, but a body kin witthe big change, every time#& ye listen t' the radio, 'r read the papers, 'r listen to and watch the TV. Things have come to a pretty pass, when the things we alius thought were fer private conversation, 're aired right in public. It's gittin* so that there ain't nothin* private anymore. It's downright embarrassing*-- «nd the sad part o* it is that the youth o' t'day, and the little ones, a comin* along, ain't a goin' t' hev no sense o* shame, 'r pride, 'r dignity eithej". They won't know what t' be ashamed of. If this is what is meant by a "Free Society," Pll take the old fashigned kind. The further we go, in this modern attitude toward society, the nearer we're gittin' t' bein where mankind started, back in the jungle. Most o' the deportment we carried on, in times past, wi' a high regard fer the formal attitudes in daily life, were instigated from trial and error. Mankind found that his standards grew fer the better, wi' a healthy11 respect fer a goodly amount o' formality mixed in wi' his daily life. The pity is that the rotton apple is spoilin* the barrel, and younguns don't seem t' know the right from the wrong. Thanks t' the old fashioned parents, there's still a few who do. Grandma Radtke McHenry, Crawford, WED. JUNE 25, 1969 PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER MARRIAGE LjCl Charles E. Thormon and Jean Ann Lucarz, both of Wonder Lake. Frank Ray Norameyer, Richmond, and Patricia K. Neufeld, McHenry. , John ETStevens, and Rissie Lake Houston, Texas. Walter T. Wojek, Chicago, and Mildred C. Wootan, McHenry. Bobby E. Carnes, Crystal Lake, and Carole Ann Witt, McHenry. Joseph R. Storrs, Solon J^lls, and Peggy J. Schlosser, Richmond. Richard R. Harms and Sharon Nape, both of McHenry. Fred L. Schmidt and Constance C. Ritter, both of McHenry. CUT BY KNIFE ^ Kenneth Mitchell, 10, of 1320 W. Wauconda road, McHenry, escaped serious injury when a knife in his pocket penetrated his abdomen as he stooped over. * * * * * * * * NOTICE * The Pin Curl wishes to inform the public that we have no one soliciting by phone for our beauty salon. Miss McCall Wed June 14 1 by her aunts and grandmother was held at the hone of Mrs. James McCall in Addison. A lovely dessert luncheon was ^rved following the opening of beautiful and useful gifts. Mrs. John Gustek and Kirs. Richard Parker held a shower at the Gustek home in Wonder Lake. Twenty-five friends were present to enjoy the buffet lunwhich included homemade Italian beef. Student friends and fellow employees of Jeanette at Will-TV station on campus surprised her at her apartment. They decorated with red, white and blue and rather than wedding wishes the theme was "Happy Flag Day", which was the day the wedding took place. AIRMAN AND MRS. RICHARD FREDRICK, JR. WED RECENTLY -- Noreen Anselmini, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anselmini of 1536 W. Augusta Blvd., Chicago, summer residents of Wonder Lake, and Airman Richard Fredrick, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fredrick, Sr., of 1404 W. Lakeview, McHenry, were married at the home of the groom's parents Sunday, April 27, by Judge John Kaufman. Airman Fredrick is stationed at Pope Air Force base, North Carolina. Mrs. Fredrick is making her home with her parents for the present. THE BRUCE PALAGIS Sunshine and daisies were the setting for the happy day when Miss Jeanette Sue McCall, daughter of Mr.andMrs.LeRoy J. McCall, 7701 Brook drive, Wonder Lake, was united in marriage with Bruce Brian Palagi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Palagi, Dolton, on June 14 at a 2 p.m. ntqjtial Mass at Christ the King Catholic church in Wonder Lake. Hie mass was read by Rev. Conro. Mrs. Victoria Sansone, a sister of the bride, was matron of honor and her other sister Geralyn, was maid of honor. Robert Palagi, was his brother's best man and Bruce Sansone, brother-in-law, was his groomsman. One hundred and thirty-five guests attended from Chicago, Berwyn, Dolton, South Holland, Crete, Champaign-Urbana, Dundee, Lombard, Addison, Arlington Heights, Bellwood, Japan, Ireland, and the Woodstock- Mc Henry and Wonder Lake area. The bride, a 1965 graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school, is a 1969 graduate of the U niversity of Illinois. Her hus?, tend received his Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois university on June 11. He has received a fellowship from the Atomic Energy, coinmission and will commence his graduate studies at the University of Illinois next week. The young couple will be residing at 406 Green street, Champaign, following a brief honeymoon. Jeanette was honored at three showers preceding her marriage. A family shower given ,"T "i i! Summer Fling Porten's Subdivision Hickory Knoll Community club of Porten's subdivision will hold its annual Summer Fling, the picnic with the carnival atmosphere, on June 28. There will be game booths for everyone, ample homemade cooking and refreshments. To top off an enjoyable day there will be band music for (hnjlno. Activities start at noon and will continue throughout the day. A rain date of June 29 has been set. Location for the event is one mile south of Island Lake, off Roberts road, turn right onto Walter Porten road. 0SRJTAL FLOBU DONNA JEAN BOELENS ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boelens, Sr., of 112 W. Hilltop drive, Mchenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna*Jean, to Richard Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown, of 3607 Ann street, McHenry. A Sept. 20 wedding is planned. 4e4e%%%%4e9|e4ea|c9|e9fe9|e]|B|e^4e9|e9|e9|e9|e%9|e^e%M * * * S0. COMING EVENTS * * * * * IRTHS , McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pfuehler are parents of a son born June 20. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryan June 21. MEMORIAL HOSPJTAL, WOODSTOCK On June 17 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Firnbach. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sobers of Wonder Lake became parents of a son June 18. IT PAYS TO SHOP IN McHENRY JUNE 25 " McHenry Garden Club -- Trip to Whitnall Park -- Hales Corners, Wis. -- Meet 9 a.m. Methodist Church. CDA -- Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573. -- Day Of Recollection -- St. Mary's Church -- 10 ajn. until 3 p.m. -- Public Invited -- Reservations Necessary. JUNE 28 Summer Fling -- Porten's Subdivision, Off Roberts Road, One Mile From Island Lake -- 12 Noon Until? Rain Date June J*' O.EJS. -- Smorgasbord -- Serving 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Acacia Hall. JUNE 29 Lakeland Park Merrymakers 4-H Club -- Bazaar -- 2 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. JULY 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Luncheon And Meeting -- 12:00 noon; -- Lakland Park Community House. JULY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- Special Program -- East Campus Cafeteria. JULY 16 Luncheon And Card Party - St. Patrick's Church Hall -- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality -- 12 Noon. \ JULY 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. East Campus Cafeteria - Business Meeting Followed By Cards And Visiting. McHENRY HOSPITAL During the past week patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Emily Schmidt, Caroline Ekstrom, Sherri Boyle, Joseph Ibsh, Ralph Hickey, Jacqueline Palmer, Mary Lou Olson, Una Kopp, Kenneth Mitchell, Richard Hruby, Lawrence Murray, John Huehne, Walter Lang, Dorothy NQchels, Albert Barchers, Walter Sheppart, Joseph Schwetz, Roman Miskovic, Lyme Mangold, Edward Selen, Josephine Giosa, Josephine Grande, Clarence Young, all of McHenry; Howard Hili, Charles Battaglia, ^ames 0*Neil, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Patients admitted to Harvard hospital during the past week included Mrs. Carl Rau and Mrs.Anton Kaiser of McHenry. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK James J. CNeil and Mary Hansel of Wonder Lake were admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week. Othe,r Births \ C.P.O. Richard Schafer and Mrs. Schafer are the proud parents of a daughter, Kimberly Pauline, born June 17 at Great Lakes Naval hospital. The young lady, who has a 3-year-old sister, Pamela, weighed 7 lbs. 6% ozs. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schafer of McHenry and greatgrandparents on her father's side are Frank J. Schafer and Mrs. Mae Weber, both of Chicago. The maternal grandmother is Mrs. Florence Schwall of Wheeling. Chief Schafer is stationed at Great Lakes. t iiENtl DINE OUT O.E.S. Annual Smorgasbord SATURDAY, JUNE 28th 5:00-7:30 P. M. Acacia Hall 1309 North Court, McHenry ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 $1.00 n i l The SECOND BEST HAN at your wedding "GAYLORD" "rie Accmmtmdtd PlmUgrapher" 3S5-OT7® Evenings--385-8688

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