Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1969, p. 5

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RECREATION HOUR -- A test game of volleyball is always good for the figure, as these young ladies find out first hand, at Villa Maria camp, Pi stake© Bay. It's also fun, providing one of the favorite diversions at the Catholic Charity camp, which opened recently. PLAINDEALER PHOTO MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS BONNIE MORRIS 385-0941 SANTA CLAUS VISITS VILLAGE EN ROUTE NORTH Can you imagine the ques­ tions some parents are being asked after their children saw Santa Claus last Thursday at one of our local establishments. Santa was on his way back to the North Pole and happened to stop here in the village. Chil­ dren who witnessed this scene Congratulations to them as they start this life together. FORMER RESIDENTS SEND WISHES Last Saturday the Shigleys were surprised and happy with a telephone call from Chet and Gert Helwig. The He 1 wigs, long time residents of McCullom Lake, moved from our shores 4 years ago to Millbrae, Calif. They want to extend their very best wishes to all of their friends back here. Chet has been were Laura Bitterman, Sandy, hospital this past year, Deborah, Jeanette, and Dennis Straumann, and Matt Levesque. I know it has been cold, but gee whiz! Even Santa Claus is confused! _ t LITTLE LEAGUE The Tigers are off to a«'roar- ing" start this year, winning the first two games of the sea­ son. On Tuesday last week they squeaked past the- Braves 8-7 in a thrilling game. The Ti­ gers had jumped off to a 4-0 lead, but the Braves came back to tie it up and then to go ahead. In the last inning, the Tigers came back to tie it up, and then came up with the win­ ning run, just before a play was ;made at second base for the third out. One of the highlights of this game was when one of the Tigers hit a ball to left field, ; where young Mike White, ^Braves, was playing. Mike, in •his first year and first game of Little League determinately ran 'towards the ball, then stopped, ^ looked down and there in his 'glove was the ball. I don't think *he believes it yet. A proud mo- •ment for all. | On Thursday July 26, it was definitely Tiger Day, as they 'beat the Cubs 15-5. More scores next week. Umpires are needed, >if interested contact Elaine Gleeson at 385-0615. LOCAL MAN TAKES WIFE Miss Kathleen Ann Gallagher, daughter of Mry and Mrs. Wil­ liam Gallaghers Crystal Lake, and James Eugene Morris, son of Sinclair /and Bette Morris, 'McCullom Lake, were united in %iarriage June 28 in a 5o'clock 'Mass, at St. Thomas Mission Catholic church in Crystal Lake. Miss Nancy Morris, Jim's sister was'a bridesmaid, • and his three brothers Tom, - Jack, and Ricky, were grooms­ men. Jim's chum, Jim Frost, * served as an usher. The recep­ tion was held in the church - hall. After a honeymoon inCol- - orado, the young couple will .. make their home in Huntley. but all is well now, and they are both in good health. While the Helwigs lived here, they were very active in village functions, and accumulated many, many friends. Pm sure all of us would like to join together and wish Chet and Gert the best of everything for years to come. If we're ever out your way, we'll look you up. .We could use lome sun back here! RESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY Larry Johnston, 66, 5006 Parkview, died June 24 at the McHenry hospital. Funeral Mass was offered at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Maternity BVM Catholic church, Chicago, with burial in St. Joseph's cemetery, River Grove. He was born June 24, 1903. He had been a res­ ident of our village for two years making his home with his daughter and son-in-law, Jim and Pat Wyman. Survivors be­ sides Pat Wyman are Mrs. Walter (Dolores) Soanski, Mrs. Ronald (Shirley) Filippini, two sons, Larry and George, all of Chicago; sixteen grandchildren; a brother Jim; and a sister, Mrs. Betty Erickson, also of Chicago. Our deepest sym­ pathies to all. CULLOM-KNOLL ELECTION SLATED The Cullom-Knoll Associa­ tion will hold its election of officers on Sunday, July 13, at 3 p.m. at the beach house. All members please, make an effort to be present. SORRY 'BOUT THAT One birthday a year is e- nough for anyone, right? My apologies to Ed Whitney, to whom I tried to give two birth­ days this year. It was not his birthday on June 22 as I re­ ported, it was Ed and Jeanette's seventeenth wedding anniver­ sary. I retract my happy birth­ day, and heartily wish a belated happy anniversary to Ed and Jeanette Whitney. THE BIRTHDAY BEAT . On July 3 if s happy birth­ day to my son, Todd, who turns 7...on the fifth wishes go to Ro Josserand and Marge Eger- staffer...Cheryl Lundy turns 7 on the sixth...Susan Orton is 10 on the seventh...Danny Bit­ terman turns kindergarten age on the ninth...and on the tenth a big day for the Herman Car­ ter family, Herman's birthday and also Herman and Adeline's twenty-fourth wedding anniver­ sary...Best wishes to all. McCULLOM LAKE LITTLE LEAGUE TAG DAY McCullom Lake Little League will again have a tag day in McHenry. The date for this is Saturday, July 5. On Sunday, July the boys will be making the rounds of the village. Keep a lookout for Our Little-Leagu­ ers in full uniform, and give generously. All proceeds are used for Little League equip­ ment, uniforms, etc. NOTES FROM FORMER SCRIBE Hi, all you lovely people. This is Eve Levesque with a few notes about our family. Lots has happened in the two months since I last submitted a column. And aren't you lucky to have such a talented young woman, Mrs. Bonnie Morris, doing the reporting? With your support, she can continue to do a fine job for organizations, the vil­ lage, and all of you. JEFF BACK TO VIETNAM: For the past month, we have been enjoying every moment of Lance Cpl. Jeff's company. He arrived home Memorial Day and has brightened every day with a million thoughtful ges­ tures. He left O'Hare airport at 8:35 Tuesday morning for the flight to Travis Air Force Base and the return journey to Viet­ nam. Our family is now re­ duced to Jake, Matt, and me. Mightly lonesome because Jake is gone most of the time. GOVERNOR'S REPRESEN­ TATIVE: Jake was authorized by Governor Richard Ogilvie to represent him at S.I.U. for the dedication of the University's new airport. It was a thrilling experience for Jake who holds the position of Assistant Direc­ tor of Aeronautics for the state. Since assuming his duties in March, he has been to Washing­ ton D.C., Kansas City, Mo., and Denver , Colo., on state business. STUDYING UP A STORM: SecondVLt. Chrys, our daugh­ ter in tte U.S.A.F. is deep in studies laving to do with com­ munications. She is based at Goodfellow A.F.B., San Angelo, Texas, and enjoying her work and her friends. She called home Sunday morning to bid farewell to her brother. > CRISES, TORNADOES, AND FUN! Our young Deedee, who will be entering her junior year at McHenry high is having the time of her life, attending spec­ ial classes at the University of /Kansas. Last week, Lewis Hall was on tornado alert which caused a stir of excitement, > which is very familiar to all of us. Fortunately, they weren't in danger. Another crises oc­ curred when two young people were stuck in a balky elevator and it was sometime before they were extricated. Deedee has been enjoying her courses, chums, and just about every­ thing except the food. Says she misses Mom's cooking. She wrote in time to bid farewell to her brother. She will be home, Sunday, July 27. WEDDING BELLS:, Last weekend, Theodore Olsen, Mar­ gie and Ole's second son, ex­ changed nuptial vows with Miss Janice Eva Beaumont, daugh­ ter of Col. and Mrs. Allen Bea- mont, Belleville, 111. Their re­ ception was held in the Officer's Club, Scott Air Force Base. The entire family was invited but most of us were unable to make the.journey. Marge, Ole, Tom and young Margie attended - from the groom's family, in­ cluding paternal grandparents, Sally and Papa Olsen. They re­ ported the wedding as just beau­ tiful and we wish Jan and Ted every happiness. They will be residing in Milwaukee. MIRACULOUS RECOVERY: So many of you wonderful dears have inquired about the health ' of sister--Theresa Schultz--I feel a bulletin is in order. Since her release from the Wood­ stock Residence, she has made tremendous strides in recover­ ing her health. She is just about completely self-sufficient. What help she needs is forth­ coming from husband, Will, and children--Lynne and Len Ben­ son. Everything is "coming up roses" in that department and we couldn't be happier for them. The Schultzes and the senior Olsens (Papa and Sally) recently returned from a cold and fish- less vacation jo Wisconsin. It was great for the four of them to get away, but miserable weather and no fish left them disconsolate. They are consol­ ing themselves by building a super dooper recreation room ^..where their outdoor patio used • to be. MATT AND MOM: Fortunate­ ly for us, we still have Matt at home. He has been amusing himself since school let out with swimming and little league. His ball playing has improved and ditto his swimming. He is hop­ ing to attend day camp for at least one week. Since his big brudder has been home, he has been well entertained, but that ceased, as of Tuesday. Also en­ joyed an overnight visit with his "cousin" Kevin Rourke. This former scribe has been busy working at the usual location, savoring every moment of JefP s being home, and a quick trip to V V • \ ' ~ the State Capitol, recently. We visited the State Legislature in session, visited with the Gov­ ernor and William Scott, and met a friend from 24yearsago. When Jake and I were first married, he was stationed in Indiana and myself in New Or- ^ leans. Not ideal for newlyweds; William Norton of Red Key.Ind., improved conditions by taking this second class mech for a few trips to the Hoosier State. By coincidence, he was in Sprigfiekl the same weekend we were, checking on his instru­ ment instructor's rating. He read the name on the door, rec­ ognized Jake, and the three of us had a terrific reunion. Truly a very small world. Thanks to Bonnie and the Plaindealer for letting me sub­ mit this bulletin. She is doing a great job and deserves your complete cooperation. Bye for now, and a happy and delightful Fourth of July to all. Sin­ cerely--Eve Levesque. JUI.Y3, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 5 INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS FOR ONIT DISTRICT ^ Four informational meetings to discuss the formation of a community unit school district - for Woodstock have been sched­ uled prior to the July 19 elec­ tion. They will be held at Ol­ son school onTuesday, July 8, at Northwood school on Thurs­ day, July 19; at Greenwood school on Tuesday, July 15; and at the Woodstock Community high school on Thursday, July 17. All meetings are open to the public from all three school districts and will begin with cof­ fee promptly at 8 p.m. Edward Hall, assistant superintendent of McHenry county schools, will conduct the meetings/Resource people will be present at each session to answer questions. County Superintendent of Schools Richard Tazewell, held an open hearing on June 4 in response to a petition witlt* more than 300 signatures re^> questing a vote of the conjmun-; I ity on the question of a unit: school district for Woodstock,* Fo l lowing t he hea r ing , Mn~ Tazewell approved the request and called for an election to be held on Saturday, July 19. The polls will be open from noon to 7 p.m. Absentee ballots for those voters who will be -, out-of-town on election day are J now available at Mr. Tazewell's office in the Court House Annex. ON HONOR ROLL John Nelson, Rt, 9, Box 307, McHenry, was one of 206 sty - dents to obtain a grade point average of 3.50 or better ai; Carroll college, Waukesha^; Wis. Nelson was placed on theC- honor roll with a 3.67 average.:- The perfect average is 4.00, a> straight A. Twenty-five women I and twenty-four men obtained a 4.00. \ Olivetti underwood The Typewriter With a Memory OLIVETTI UNDERWOOD EDITOR 2 One of the Editor2\s unique features--and perhaps the most surprising--is its memory. The memory automatically eliminates common typing errors: flying caps. Shading or ghosting, crowding or piling, improper spacing. The memory allows extremely fctst typing-up to 185 words a minute. Take a look for yourself ... We will be happy to give you a demonstration without ... CALL TODAY obligation TMcTtemtf OUice 0)%cic6£*te&> Authorized Agent Hor Sales and Servic IttC. 93 GRANT ST. Agent hor Sales and Service Factory Trained Personnel 815-459-1226 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. . RED JACKET 1 •Hi 1 McHENRY COUNTY WELL PUMP CO. 385-5252-Res. 385-0713 4913 W. McCullom Lk. Rd. McHenry "V VW NfV \1 VN/ YYVWWVWVWVWtfVlfWVVTryUYV Wsi V\^y\fwYV/WV K IN FRANCE, MEANS HUBUB,HUlirAB*lPO OR THE HUMMM OF CONVERSATION. IN MCHenry, MEANS ASMAUr SHOP FUlir OF CAUFOBNIA WEARS SPORTSWEAK, PAPmrWEAR FOOTWEAR (DOMESTIC & IW- POHTET>), OUTERWEAR. ©• ACC- ESSORIES.CLPTHES WL& FIT JUNIORS &PETITEE.SHOES & ACCESSORIES mib- fit ANYOME EXCEPT THE FAT THIN J220 N.GREEN ST MPHENRV 1>DY * * EVEN THEM. KAA AJV/VA /yv^VAA AAAnMSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AJVAAAAAAA\AA*AJLZU.J SERVICE CENTER McHENRY 3 Complete Cooling System Services HEATERS RADIATORS GAS TANKS ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. RTE. 120 385-0783 I Barber Shop I ^0 • Hair Coloring ^0 • Hair Styling ^0 * Hair Pieces FM llazor Cuts JAME'S i by appointment 383-7**1 RADIO & TV ,SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Rt. 120, McHenry Wc strvicc all makes • TVs • Rad io • Stereo / • Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING Buy-Sell-Trade Auto Air Conditioning Sales & Service We Are An Authorized MARK IV DEALER Speedometers & Mechanical tachometers -Repaired and Recalibrating. STEWART WARNER GARAGES A-OK Speedometer Shop 3421 W. Pearl 385-7282 PAYTON CHEVROLET SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on arty make car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908*N. Front McHenry Ph. 385 -2155 Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4102 \V. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry j Bus. 38S-0420 | Res. 385-0227 j Illinois most « on:plete • Ciun Store with a selecting ol over 1,000 Runs In stock] I McHENRY | GUN CENTER . Daily 9 • 9, Sat.Q& Sun. 9 - (> V 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 JL Insurance A: Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life > Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Compensation Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident A Health JACOBSEN LAWN MOWER SALES AN0 SERVICE • fipert Refill - factory framed mechanics • Full stock of qenume factory replacement parts • fnqme tune up and complete safety, check • fast precision sharpening -- Office 383-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W". Elm Street Drive in AnytiiW, and see your car shin fast! Lakeland Park CAR WASH Next to Phillip's 66 lection ol UyJicobsen lawn mowers 385-0434 I Adams Repair I Shop I 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. I McHenry | McHenry, Illinois, 60050 I • • I I • • Garages Any size any style. C omplete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize In room additions. No Money Down-Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph. 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake McHENRY COUNTY 'S NEWEST NEW CAR DEALER Lead ing the t rend in au tomot ive sa les and serv ice . TRENT Lincoln Mercury 461 1 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111 i no i s Phone 385 - 8Ci 60

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