Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1969, p. 2

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r V MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK FORBES, III MARRIED JUNE 28 -- Miss Susan Pries was a beautiful bride when she married Mr. Frederick Williams Forbes, HI, at Zion Lutheran church, Saturday, June 28. Miss Pries is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pries, 3^12, W. Golf View road, McHenry t and the bridegr' ti is the son of Mr. and Mrs. War­ ren Gamble of 640 S. Bristol lane, Arlington Heights. Grandma Sez - - The way I sees it, from many years o* observin* younguns, and rememberin' my own days when I was a teenager; there will always be a generation gap, fer the simple reason thetthe kids ain't had the years o* livin* thet the elders have. Mark my words, it ain't kite £act Ukh ute parents cain't see 'r understand the youngsters, 'cause, don't 4ergety they wussMds, too,atort® time, and most of us kin re­ member how we rebelled a- gainst what we thought wuz too much interference by the older generation. But we profited by givirf our attention to what wuz told us, and tryin' t' learn t' live in this old world. Youth gits carried away wi' thinkin' they kin see the holes in the structure of society, and they think they kin correct it wi' a whole lot o* noise and de­ fiance. The thing I don't agree wi', is that we, who've made all the many mistakes, and lived t' see the error o' the way, al­ low the kids t' git away wi' the carryin's on they indulge in. The way I see it, there is a group o* young folks who've been brought up in the manner we were told, some time ago, should be operated. This way was to not frustrate the individ­ ual, but to let the child grow up wi' out hinderin' the natural development. Now, as I see it, and have fer a long time, these folks were not taught^, that to live in a society, in happy associa­ tion wi' the neighbors, one had Friendship Ciub Planning Wilmot Picnic July 20 The Friendship club of the First United Methodist church of McHenry will have a picnic on Sunday, July 20, at Fox River Park, just north of Wil­ mot, Wis., starting at 1 p.m. * Those attending are asked to bring their own table service and lunch. Anyone needing a ride should contact either Lilah and Bill Jordan, Marie and Albeet Mui- lere or Ruth and "Cy" Young. Notice ; To Brides In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements .have been an­ nounced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these comple­ ted forms be returned three days prior to the wedding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out-of-state wed­ dings, where an additional week is allowed. Photographs will be prin­ ted any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement an­ nouncement has not been pub­ lished, or if the date of wed­ ding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. BARBARA HUEMANN ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED -- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hue- mann of 2020 W. Johnsburg road announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Christopher Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wirtz of McHenry. An Oct. 4 wedding is planned in St. John's church, Johnsburg. PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER-WED. JULY 9, 1969 to hev a few rules t' live by. Wi'out these rules, folks find themselves livin* in fear o' their very lives, because a few younguns feel like lettin* off steam, against the old folks. They seem t' lose sight & the fact thet they're goin* t' be the uiu folks, one & iitese days. It's high time thet the old­ sters let the kids know who's in charge, t' my way o* thinkin* Who's payin* the bills, anyway? Surely not the younguns, not dry behind the ears, yet. Some parents seem t' be afraid o* the kids, and take the easy way out, not frustratin' the little darlin's. Thank the Powers thet be, there's a few left, who kin see the fallacy C the modern upbringing Perusin' over a lot o' mem­ ories of things this grandma has tried t' accomplish, o'er the years, it came t' mind that I cain't recall an incident o* responsibilities, in which I kin say I was satisfied wi' doin' "Good enough". Seems as though, if I couldn't do my very best, I jist couldn't jbe happy. The good feelin' b' a "job, well done", cain't be compared wi' doin' it jist good enough F pass. This attitude is import­ ant, an' necessary t* build a self-confidence in one's capa­ bilities to do most anythin' if he puts his mind to it. Now, the credit belongs t' my good parents, who'd never let line get away wi' anythin' hingin' on a slip-shod attitude. Constant remindful teachin*, an' knowin* what kind o' results I was a turnin' out, by checkin' an* bein' interested enougfythat we learned the things they was a tryin' f teach me, took a lot o' patience^an' effort. I know, 'cause, I tried t' do the same by my own younguns. Ye cain't take a passive attitude, 'r the youngun won't try as hard. Pride, in the kind o* folks we try t' help the youngsters t' grow igj t' be, an' hope fer the happiness we wish fer them, inspired by the love fer 'em, is all it takes along wi' a firm determination t' have them qualify. I Know folks who're reluctant t' mete out any disciplinary measures, fer fear that the Kids won't love them. In teachin' the young folks, it is"rtfecessary to' show 'em that ther're certain requirements t' be met, all through life. The poor kiddies thet hev Mom and Dad do ever'- thin' fer 'em, get cheated in the long run. Life doesn't go easy on the individual, 'n if a youngster 's turned out into this world wi'out havin' the ex­ perience 0* bein' tempered wi' a little 0* the right kind o' heat, at home, he won't git along so good. Some o* these kids 're the ones who want f rebel against rule, law'n order, 'n hev a hand in creatin' some o' the havoc fer other folks. Kids, growin' up, alius feel thet they know better, about some things, 'n will put up a big fight t' hev their way. But older folks hev been through the same mill, 'n hev learned the error </ some o* youthful thinkin', same as these kids, growin' up today, will learn when they git a few years on their heads. As I said in the beginnin', one accomplishment that will contribute a better attitude, and a whole lot more happiness fer the youngun, is t' do any job the very best he possibly kin. Grandma Radtke ***************************** I PERSONALS * KAREN HAY COUPLE ENGAGED -- Mr. and Mrs. William Hay of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Karen, to Alex­ ander Lynn Gunderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Gunderson, of, Crystal Lake. She is a 1968 graduate of Mc­ Henry high school, and attended McHenry County college. He attended Crystal Lake schools and served with the United States Army in Vietnam. Both are employed in Crystal Lake. No definite date has been set for the wedding. nil. Cctlenetevc JULY 12 * McHenry Senior Citizens Club--Annual Picnic For Mem­ bers -- Veteran's Acres -- Starting 11 a.m. JULY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- Special Pro­ gram -- East Campus Cafeter­ ia. McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting -- Home Of Mrs. Frank Gans -- 9:30 a.m. JULY 15 Riverview Camp No. 6818 R.N.A. --- Summer Outing -- McHenry Country Club -- 6 p.m. -- Call 385-1532 For Reservations. JULY 16 Luncheon And Card Party- St. Patrick's Church Hall -- Sponsored By Altar And Ros­ ary Sodality -- 12 Noon. JULY 17 . *' McHenry County Shrine Club --Regular Meeting -- Crys­ tal Lake Country Club -- Din­ ner at 7:30 p.m. -- Bring Cir­ cus tickets. JULY 23 McHenry Garden Club Lunch­ eon -- McHenry Country Club-- 12 Noon. - JULY 24 St. Agatha Court No. 777, National Catholic Society Of Foresters -- Cubs Ball Game-- Wrigley Field -- 9-9:30 a.m. - JULY 27 Friendship Club Picnic - Fox River Park, Wilmot, Wis. Starting At 1 p.m. JULY 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. East Campus Cafeteria - Business Meeting Followed By Cards And Visiting. < AUGUST 4 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Lun­ cheon and Meeting --12 Noon- Lakeland Park Community House. AUGUST 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting-- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria--Pro­ gram "Wilsons' Ireland Trip." AUGUST 13 St. Mary's Home & School Association Fall Fashion Re­ vue -- Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Hall -- 12:30 p.m. AUGUST 14 Luncheon - Matinee -- Shady Land -- 12 Noon -- Reserva­ tions by Aug. 8 -- Eva Schae- fer, 385-2560 -- Laura Schmitt, 385-1243 -- Blessed Virgin Sodality. ." Mrs. Ray Parchman of Har- risburg, 111., spent several days recently in the home of her brother, Earl McAndrews, and while here attended commence­ ment exercises at Marian Cen­ tral high school in Woodstock, her grandnephew, Patrick Mc- Andrew^, being a member of the class. Other guests in the Mc­ Andrews home for a happy get- together while she was here were two cousins, Miss Mary Keough of Mundclein and her sister, Miss Elizabeth Keough of Anthony, New Mexico. Mrs. Parchman also visited in the home of her niece, Mrs. W.W. Pape, in Chicago and saw her grandniece, Joan Pape, re­ ceive her diploma at eighth grade exercises at Christ The King church. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ra- maeker and children, Elaine, Mary, Judy and Brad, of Hardy, Iowa, spent several days here where they were called by the death of a nephew, Danny May, last week. Sister Roland of Waukesha, Wis., spent a few days last week in the Alvin Miller home and while here accompanied Mrs. Miller, Mary Lou and Michael to Humboldt, Iowa, to visit rel­ atives. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, sons, Hilary and George, the latter's wife and daughter, Jean, and George Steilen were in Aurora, Sunday, to attend a celebration of the golden wedding of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Leo­ nard Hines, held at the K. of C. hall. Atty. Joseph Bauer, wife and daughters, Cathy and Julie, of Oshkosh, Wis., were weekend visitors in the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer. Mrs. Carl Elshoff, Karen, Debbie and Tony, who had been AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Pro­ gram "Garden Show". * * * visiting her father, Herb Simon, and other relatives here, the past ten days, returned to her home in Springfield Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and son, Robert, were in Chicago Sunday to attend the wake of Mrs. Dixon's aunt, Miss Ollie Rusk, where Mrs. Dixoi\ re­ mained to attend the funeral on Monday. Mrs. Mabel Knowles spent the weekend in the home erf her granddaughter, Mrs. Michael Leban, in White fish Bay, Wis. Recent visitors in the home of Mrs. John Bolger were her sis­ ters, Mrs. Howard Ashton, ot Evans ton, Mrs. Earl Highland of Rockford and Sister May Ver­ onica of Milwaukee. Honored At Baby Shower Mrs. Jerry Freund and Mrs. Dennis Huff were co-hostesses at a baby shower honoring Mrs. Jessie Freund at the Jerry Freund home recently. Games furnished entertain­ ment. The home was tastefully decorated for the occasion. A delcious lunch was served and the guest of honor was show­ ered with many lovely gifts. "̂ BIRTHS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. George Nally of Wonder Lake are parents of a son born July 2 at the lo­ cal hospital. On July 5 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Koch. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, WOODSTOCK On July 5 Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ard Hahndorf became parents of a son. » Mr. and Mrs. RonaldSchroe- der of Wonder Lake announce the birth of a son July 2. MRS. ROBERT McCLORY LUNCHEON GUEST -- Doris Hibbard McClory, wife of Con­ gressman Robert McClory, will be the guest speaker at a buf­ fet luncheon to be given on Monday, July 14, at McHenry Country club. Mrs. McClory will discuss her experiences as a TV pro­ ducer and her new role in Washington. Tickets are available to the public from Mrs. Henry Nell. MARRIAGE LICENSES During the past week County Clerk Vernon Kays issued the following marriage licenses: Ralph E. Regner and Kath­ leen May Lawson, both of Mc­ Henry. * John Douglas Dion, Harvard, and Vicki Lynn McRqy of Won­ der Lake. Craig Hall Boss of Ringwood and Donna M. Lunzer of Wood­ stock. Donald G. Holt, McHenry, and Mrs. Carole A. Comstock of Wonder Lake. RURAL TELEPHONES Tbe Illinois Commerce com­ mission public hearings in con­ nection with a statewide inves­ tigation of rural telephone ser­ vice were held in Galesbur? June 19 and 20. Sixty-eight in­ dependent companies were di­ rected to appear in defense of present party-line service, according to David H. Arm­ strong, chairman of the Illinois Commerce commission. Under an order established in 1923, there can be as many as 10 subscribers on a single party line, Armstrong said. In call­ ing for the investigation, Arm­ strong announced that "there are more than 100,000 rural customers in Illinois, and many of them get service that ranges from fair to poor. They are de­ manding, and are entitled to, modern telephone service. A 10-party line is archaic." SHOP IN MCHENRY 0SPTTAL flctfu HOW COME?? Two return- card bottles were dropped over­ board in mid-South Atlantic re­ cently. One was found on the west coast of Africa, and the other on the east coast of South America, onaboutthe same day. McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHen­ ry hospital during the past week included Jarvis Wetzel, Eleanor Krzeminski, Benjamin Schweb- er, Claire Hoettels, Jacob Loe- chel, Mary Behrendt, Eleanor Pratt, Fred Rother, Eugene Mullen, Sr., Gregory Antoni eel- li, Josephine Miller, Cecelia Knox and Paul Jessup, all of McHenry. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memor­ ial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Leona Rauen, Max Koclowski, Clifford Olson, Ellen Berghdahl, Ethel CajthamI, McHenry; Eugene Smola, Jr., Barbara LaGreca, Frank Arkuszewki, Marlen Lehr, Guy White, Gregory Ger- rard, Mary Longdon, Joann Spielman, Dorothy Wanland, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Among patients admitted to Harvard hospital during the past week were Mrs. Charles An­ derson, Mrs. Alfred Michel, Victor Scalfaro, Thomas Rich­ ards, McHenry. Barber Shop Mr a ^0 % Hair Coloring ^0 Hair Styling ^ ° • Hair Pieces • Razor Cut# JANE'S by appointment 385-7771 S(AxJM OPEN Served in the Roman 8tyle On tne North Shore of Long Lake ROLLINS ROAD P. O. tngieeide. Illlnoi* The SPECIAL Pin Curl \ JUNE DRAWING The winner of the Special June Drawing at THE PIN CURL is Sandra Markvart, seen here re­ ceiving a beautiful flower ar - range me nt from (Bobbie) Barbara Michels, the»PINCURCS newest hairdresser. THE Keiuui/iicfo V BRA . . . like no other This bra performs miracles' Makes the small bust appear larger wilhoOt paddine It 's al l you in a Pennvrich bra1 • Lifts and shapes the large' bust, youihfuhzes i t»'Oesigned and patented by Penny Rich herself for comfort so complete you' l l never know you are wearing i t • The Banderin an3 the suspension p' inci pie el iminate strap strain and dig g'ng 'O '^You have probably never ac-hieved the f igure you could have Pennynch Bras wil l give i t to you1 • They are sold by experts in f igure f i t t ing Choose from fine Dacron polyester and cotton or nylon lace, priced frbm 9-' to $16 95 Si ies 28 to 46. Cups A to GG I f f in Cor\ n L B6AUTV SHOP PHONE 815-385-7112 1330 X. Riverside Dr. McHenry, IU. WOUlu YOU LIKE MORE INCOME7 BE A CONSULTANT EITHER SPARE OR FULL TIME EARN 8UICK WILDCATS. FREE' VACATIONS' Call: VIRGINIA HAWORTH 348 Hickory Drive, Crystal Lake 815459 1084 4 4 :f

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