Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1969, p. 2

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\ ,4> GRANDMA SEZ ••• MR. AND MRS. THOMAS DOUGHERTY April Young Becomes Bride On Saturday Lovely April Young ex­ changed wedding vows with her school-day sweetheart, Thomas Dougherty, on Saturday, July 5, at 3:30 o'clock in the after­ noon at St. Patrick's Catholic church, before an altar decor­ ated with yellow and white bou­ quets. Yellow daisy pomps, greens and white bows were placed at the pews. Miss Young is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Young, 3002 S. Elder !#ne, Mc- Henry, and Mr. Dougherty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mi­ chael Dougherty, 4411 Maple- leaf drive, McHenry. The bride's cousin, David Ziervogel, offered two selec­ tions, "I'll Walk With God" and "Impossible Dream". An aunt of the bride, Mrs. Jeanne Savarese, of South Bend, Ind., fashioned and made the ex­ quisite dress, a dream come true, of silk organza over peau satin, in A-line style with peau cfange' lace encrusted with crystals and pearls bordering the gown's hem, illusion neck­ line and appliqued on the tra­ ditionally long sleeves pointed at the wrist. Her regal court train was edged in scalloped lace also aglow with the same crystals and pearls which dec­ orated the goivn. The scallcpcd lace crown repeated the motif and was topped with layers of illusion forming the veil. Acting as maid of honor for her sister was Gail Young of San Francisco, Calif., and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Debor­ ah Mohaupt, of Bloomington, the bride's cousin, Mrs. Su­ san Orton, Lynda Abbink, Anne Dougherty, sister of the groom, all of McHenry. Wendy Young, another sister of the bride, was the junior bridesmaid. The attendants' dresses were also designed and sewn by the bride's aunt and were of yellow silk organza over peau satin with empire waist, short puffed sleeves trimmed with Irish lace and velvet ribbons. The halo headpieces were trimmed with the same lace and ribbon. L/Cpl. Richard-Harrison of the U.S.M.C. served his friend as bestman. Groomsmen were Dave Weikel, James Laursen, of McHenry, Greg Stiener, of Ohio, a schoolmate of the groom's in Colorado, and Lar­ ry Korich, Evergreen Park. John Dougherty, McHenry, was the junior groomsman for his brother. For her daughter's wedding McHEN n Y COUNTY'S NEWEST NEW CAR DEALER Lead ing the t rend in au tomot ive sa les and serv ice . T R E N T Lincoln Mercury 46H W. Rte . 120 Mc Henry , 11 i no is P f ione 385 - 80 60 LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Mrs. Young chose a pale green crepe chiffon dress, trimmed with the same color Irish lace and wore matching accessories. Mrs. Dougherty was gowned in champagne colored satin trim­ med with gold beads and wore gold accessories. A reception for 200 guests was held at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. After a honeymoon in Wiscon­ sin the young couple will live in McHenry until August when they will move to Norman, Okla. The bride graduated from McHenry high school in 1968, worked as a nurse's aide at McHenry hospital and expects to further her education in Ok­ lahoma. The groom graduated from McHenry in 1967, went to Trinidad State Junior college, Trinidad, Colo., for years, attended Oklahoma university and will return there in August for football practice and school in September to complete his education. D'ya know, it's a downright shame, and I feel mighty sorry fer the parents who thought t' give their younguns more ad­ vantages then they, themselves, had when they were kids. There has been more harm done than a body realizes. The entire so­ ciety has been affected in more ways than one. Seems that, in the wonderful feel in' o' love fer the offspring, some parents hev gone overboard, a workin* and strugglin* t' pervide ever*thin* they possibly kin, f make life enjoyable. Now, this is a fine attitude, but history has taught us that it is good fer the younguns t' grow up wi' a certain consider­ ation fer the elders. It seems t' hev a strong affect in matin* them better men and women, more humane and under standin' o* the ills and trials o' others. There's a big noise gain' on, about the poor and underprivel- eged, but a lot o' it is just that, a great big noise. The way, in which many folks hev to live depends on their attitude toward life. Pervidin' the where-wi'- all, has always proven t' be the least inspirin* toward them makin' it on their own. If things come easy, there ain't no rea­ son t' bend their backs, and so they jest have t' hold out their hands fer more. Same thing works wi' the younguns. There's a lot & fine, enterprisin' ones who hev been taught, all the time they were growin' up, thet money doesn't grow on trees, and ye heve t' heve a good quantity o* it, t' git .along in this world. They're ones who'll leave their mark their communities, 'n be a credit t* their families. There's a certain group, some rich, 'n some not so rich, but, who've had a similar bringin* up, t' feel that the world owes them something. These are the trouble makers, some who don't hev t* turn their hand t' git what they want. They go about, talkin* real loud, about ever* body havin' an equal share or the world's bounty. They seem t' ferget that someone had t' pervide the bounty they talk about, *•/•>•• b Young folk're easily affected in their thinkta* fer the reason thet they ain't lived long enough t' hev learned the hard lessons o' life. First thing ye know, DCIETY I THE COLONY TAP JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS 815-385-4715 EXCELLENCE IN MIXED & COCKTAIL DRINKS Presenting the MOONLIGHTERS ' Saturday Nights (except holidays) Open Weekdays 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. L_ riday & Saturday unt i I^2 :00 a .m. they're goin* right along wi' the loud talkers, simply 'causethey seem f git a lot o' attention. It's t' the elders t* keep the reins on, until the young­ sters km git settled down, a bit, a lime.experience, and a few hard knocks t' level 'em off. Ensign Kramer Claims Bride In Galveston, Tex. A wedding of great interest was performed in Trinity Epis­ copal church, Galveston, Texas, on Saturday, July 5, when Miss Carol Ann Martindale became the bride of Ensign Vernon Fred Kramer with the Reverend Jo­ seph DiPaola officiating and Neils Nilson, organist. Parents of the young coiqple are Colonel and Mrs. Robert W. Martindale, 7709 Chantilly • Circle, Galveston, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Kramer, 3305 West Elm street, McHenry. Given in marriage by her father, the lovely bride chose a silk linen floor lehgth gown with empire bodice of Venetian lace over English net. The sev­ en foot silk linen train was bordered with Venetian lace. The fingertip veil of silk il­ lusion net fell from a head- i piece of silk linen bow accented with Venetian lace and tiny pearls. She carried a cascade of white carnations and blue star burst mums accented by one white orchid. Maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Mari Martindale, Galveston, and the bridesmaid was Miss Cameron Joan Watt of Edwards Air Force Base, California. Bestman was Skip Thomas, Park Forest, 111., and Lieuten­ ant Robert W. Martindale, brother of the bride, of Gal­ veston, was the groomsmen. Another brother, James W. Martindale, was an usher. Following the ceremony a re­ ception was held at the Out­ rigger Room, Flagship hotel, Galveston, for 150 guests. ' The newlyweds will live in Meridian, Miss. : The bride is a graduate of Alamo Heights high school, San Antonio, Tex., and Southern Ill­ inois university, Carbondale, 111., and is a member of the Alpha Gairfina Delta social sor­ ority and is a teacher of el­ ementary art. Ensign Kramer is a graduate of McHenry high school and Southern Illinois un­ iversity at Carbondale and is affiliated with Theta Xi, so­ cial fraternity. An ensign in the U.S. Navy, he is a training pilot at Meridian, Miss. *1 < I I IS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson?* Island Lake, are parents of a daughter born July 9. KATHLEEN SUE STEINSDORFER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steins- dorfer of 1509 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, announce the en­ gagement of their daughter, Kathleen Sue, to Phillip Eugene - Miller, \son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller of 3912 W. Oak avenue, McHenry. Kathy is a 1968 graduate of McHenry and is now attending McHenry School of Beauty Culture. Phil is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school and is now a senior at the un­ iversity of Wisconsin, Madison. He is also a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. A July 11, 1970 wedding is planned. ; "Notice I To Brides 1 In order to better serve [McHenry area brides, the 1 Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose 1 engagements have been an- 1 nounced on our society page [and carry a definite date. 1 We ask that these comple- •ted forms be returned three [ days prior to the wedding, 1 Complete details will ' appear only during the week [ following wedding except in 1 the case of out-of-state wed- 1 dings, where an additional | week is allowed. r Photographs will beprin- 1 ted any time later, or will be | included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement an­ nouncement has not been pub­ lished, or if the date of wed­ ding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. . . f 'N • /PG. 2 - .PLAINDEALER - FRI. JULY 11. 1969 1 1 , ; " t • -- little Mi** Peanut Contest Entry Blank Kiwani* Club of McHenry Contestants must reside in the McHenry ffigh School District Name of child " Name of Blrthdats received no later than July .19, 1969 Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance or in person to McHenry Plaindealer Communil Calendar JULY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club--Annual Picnic For Mem­ bers -- Veteran's Acres Starting 11 a.m. y. JULY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- Special Pro­ gram -- East Campus Cafeter­ ia. McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting -- Home Of Mrs. Frank Gans -- 9:30 a.m. . McHenry Country Club -- 6 p.m. -- Call 385-1532 For Reservations. JULY 16 Luncheon And Card Party- St. Patrick's Churc * Hall -- Sponsored By Altar And Ros­ ary Sodality -- 12 Noon. JULY 17 McHenry County Shrine Club --Regular Meeting -- Crys­ tal Lake Country Club -- Din­ ner at 7:30 p.m. -- Bring Cir­ cus tickets. MR. AND MRS. J.A. VANBERKUM GAYLORD PHOTO JULY 15 Riverview Camp R.N.A. -- Summer No. 6818 Outing -- Bride Given In Marriage By Godfather Given in marriage by her god­ father, Nick Miller, pretty dark haired May Kay Lorenz, 1814 S. 55th avenue, Cicero, met her bridegroom, Albert F. Vanber- kum, 4107 N. Riverview drive, McHenry, at the altar of St. John the Baptist church, Johns- burg, where Father Eugene Jung, M.S.H., of Aurora, per­ formed the wedding ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Clara Hermance of 11,519 U.S. 12 N., Richmond, and the groom, tjie son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Vanberkum, Repelstraat, 1-A, Oss, Holland. For her wedding Mary Kay chose an all white organza over blue taffeta and peau <F ange lace A-line, empire style dress with high scoop neckline, elbow sleeves, scalloped hemline. The attached, full chapel train was of peau cfange also, trimmed with seed pearls and sequins. Mrs. Donna Adams of Genoa City, Ms., was matron of hon­ or for her sister. She wore a yellow all lace dress with an empire A-line skirt, high scoop neck, a sheer pleated panel in the back and small lace puff sleeves. Adrianne Adams was the charming little flower girl, wearing a white all lace with full hoop dress, small puff slee­ ves and a square neckline. A satin ribbon circled the nat­ ural waist. Bruce Adams of Genoa City, Wis., was the bestman and John­ ny VanSchyndel was the state­ ly ring bearer.. The bride's mother chose a gray silk cosume suit with pink accessories. The groom's par­ ents were unable to attend. A reception was held at the McHenry Country club. Following a three week honeymoon through Europe the young couple will be at home at 4107 N. Riverview drive, McHenry. The bride is a graduate of . Richmond-Burton community high school and is employed as a bookkeeper. Her husband is a graduate of St. Willie Bro- dus, Oss, Holland, andjs a car­ penter. SICK NOTES McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to Mc Henry hospital during this week in­ cluded Laura Straus, Phillip Mangold, Lilah Jordan, Karen and Debra Stupey, Lester Klotz, Sr., Joseph Washburn, Loretta Mohr, Elsie Wabel, Edyth Staf­ ford, McHenry and Arline Lon­ don, Solon Mills. "1 s THE McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP announces the association of Arthur J. O'Connor, M. D. in the department of General Surgery and Gerard Dominique, M. D., in the department, of Ophthalmology. . Hours by Appointment. 1110 N. Green St. 385 - 1050 JULY**23_ McHenry Garden Club Lunch­ eon -- McHenry Country Club-- 12 Noon. JULY 24 St. Agatha Court No. 777, National Catholic Society Of Foresters -- Cubs Ball Game-- Wrigley Field -- 9-9:30 ajn. JULY 27 Friendship Club Picnic - Fox River Park, Wilmot, Wis. Starting At 1 p.m. - JULY 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. East Campus Cafeteria - Business Meeting Followed By Cards And Visiting. AUGUST 4 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Lun­ cheon and Meeting --12 Noon- Lakeland Park Community House. AUGUST 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting-- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria--Pro­ gram "Wilsons' Ireland Trip." AUGUST 13 St. Mary's Home & School Association Fall Fashion Re­ vue -- Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Hall -- 12:30 p.m. AUGUST 14 Luncheon - Matinee -- Shady Land -- 12 Noon -- Reserva­ tions by Aug. 8 -- Eva Schae- fer, 385-2560 -- Laura Schmltt, 385-1243 -- Blessed Virgin Sodality. \ AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Clua Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Pro­ gram "Garden Show". MR. AND MRS. CHARLES PETSKA Miss Tonyan Wed Saturday St. John's Catholic church, Johnsburg, was the scene of a beautiful summer wedding Sat­ urday, July 5, at noon, when Miss Yvonne Marie Tonyan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin­ cent Tonyan, 4210 Route 31, Ringwood, became the bride of Mr. Charles Alfred Petska,son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pets- ka, 1317 Main street road, Spring Grove. Father John Dor- ding was the officiating clergy­ man. An empire style gown with A-line skirt and detachable LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO train edged in lace and sequin trimmed was worn by the bride. The skirt was of nylon organza lined in acetate taffeta with bodice and sleeves of scalloped edged lace and sequin trimmed. Her petal headpiece was at­ tached to the fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of white carnations, stephanotis and a white cattleya orchid. Matron of honor was Mrs. Wesley Bruce of Ringwood, sis­ ter of the bride, wore^a floor length maize gown of nylon or­ ganza over taffeta with satin on illusion sleeves and hem. A satin bow and veil formed the headpiece. She carried a bouquet of rust daisies and yellow pompons. Wesley Bruce of Rii^wood was the bestman. The bride's mother was at­ tired in pink and white lace sheath with white accessories. The groom's mother wore an aqua A-line sheath of rayon with lace bodice and sleeves and white accessories. Both mothers had white cymbidium orchids. Thirty guests attended the re­ ception at the Arbor. They planned a trip through the southern states for their honeymoon. The bride graduated from McHenry high school in 1966 and is employed at International Register, Spring Grove. The groom, employed by Thelen Ready Mix, Antioch, attended Richmond-Burton high school, Richmond. • * VWNTK MVM YVYW WVWYW VW i/v yyiA/iri/T/yyY™ IM FRANCE, MEANS HUBUB,HUL£rABA15>0 OR THE HUMMM OF CONVERSATION. 1220 N. GREEN ST. * MPHENRT IN MCHENRY, MEANS ASMAt SHOP FUtir OP CALIFORNIA WEARS ***- SPORTSWEAR,PARTYWEAR FOOTWEAR (DOMESTIC » JW- POKTED), OUTEKWEAR &• ACC- ESSORlES.ClPTHES Wilt FIT JUNIORS &PETITBE.SHOES & ACCESSORIES with- FIT ANYONE EXCEPT THE FAT LM>r®»1HE THIN ODT* * *A4A^BE EVE N TH E\\ . ^ ^ */AAAW^aaaav\ AAAAA AA AMA/AAAAAAAAI71I

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