Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1969, p. 18

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/ i J . "'• Sec. 2, Pg. *6 - Plaindealer - Wed. July 16, 1969 LAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR 385-2645 VILLAGE BOARD HOLDS REGULAR MEETING JULY 17 A reminder the Village of Lakemoor will hold its meeting tomorrow evening, Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m. Please try to attend your village meeting; NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Now that the warm weather is here the village clerk Pat Morrison and the police de­ partment are getting numerous complaints concerning dogs barking all night long. If owners do not put their dogs in at night and the animals constant­ ly bark this is a nuisance, ac­ cording to a village ordinance. The police will give one warn­ ing to the owners and after that a ticket will be issued. BEACHES The water in Lily lake has been tested and found to be free of pollution and free to swim in. There has been several com­ plaints about youngsters run­ ning across the highway to and from the large beach. As res­ idents know there is a curve in the highway by the beach and motorists can not always see the youngster. Please parents instruct your child or children to cross the highway in safe­ ty. They are very anxious to get to the beach to go swim­ ming with their friends. They are also anxious to get home to eat and get back to the beach as soon as they can. Please tell them to look both ways before even trying to cross the highway. We wart to see them enjoy their summer, but not hit by an auto.^Asmany of you parents know^pbu cannot stop a car on a dime, and no driver wants to hit a child. The highway is well travelled not only by cars during the day, but also by all sizes of trucks. Tell them please take those extra few seconds and stop, look both ways when crossing the highway. No dogs are allowed on the beaches because of health rea­ sons and due to so many people on the beaches. It also is not safe to have dogs around a crowd when it is hot. It also would be appreciated if the children not swim in their street clothes because of health rea­ sons. ^ DEEPEST SYMPATHIES No words can express our deepest sympathies to Myrtle Booster and her son, Larry, on the loss of Myrtle's hus­ band and Larry's father, How- ard. LADIES LEAGUE Held their regular meeting Wednesday, July 2. After the business on hand was taken care of bunco was played. Winners were Olive Corbett, first prize, Rose Zelenka, second prize, and Sophie Pateson, third prize. Booby went to Jo Johnston this time. LAKEMOOR WOMEN'S CLUB Due to the summer months and so many vacations the Lake­ moor Women's club has sus­ pended its meetings for the months of July, August and Sep­ tember. Their next regular meeting will take place Wed­ nesday, Oct 8. PICNIC The Fourth of July picnic sponsored by the Lakemoor Wo­ men's club was a huge success. The women who worked so hard on setting up this picnic were rewarded by so many turning out for it and having such a good time. RETURNS HOME FROM HAWAII Pat Acred spent several days in Hawaii visiting with her hus­ band, Lance Corporal David Acred, The few days David had for his R and R were enjoyed by both of them. David is one of the many Marines stationed over in Vietnam. BELATED BIRTHDAY Greetings go to three of our resjdents. Ruth Young cele­ brated her birthday Friday, July 4. Belated greetings go to Little Miss Evelyn Colberg. Evelyn became a great big four years old Saturday July 12, And greet­ ings go to Steve Wijas. Steve celebrated his birthday Monday, July 14. Many happy returns Ruth, Evelyn and Steve. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS ^ Go to Gene Rodde and Helen Colberg. Gene is celebrating his big day today the sixteenth. Helen will celebrate her birth­ day Tuesday, July 20. Many happy returns, Gene and Helen. BELATED ANNIVERSARY Greetings gu w> Dave and Sheila Anderson who celebrated their seventeenth wedding an­ niversary Saturday, July 5. Belated anniversary greet­ ings go to Gene and Helen Rodde. Gene and Helen celebrated their wedding anniversary Sundav July 13. ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Chris and Madeline Wijas who will cel­ ebrate their first wedding an­ niversary Sunday, July 20. Con­ gratulations, Dave and Sheila, Gene and Helen, Chris and Mad­ eline and hope you celebrate many more together. BELATED WEDDING Congratulations go to three couples. Congratulations go to Chuck Thornton and Jean Lu- carz who were married cm June 7. Chuck is the son of Char­ les and Irene Thornton of Lily- moor. Jean is the daughter of Mr. and Mr?. John Lucarz of Wonder Lake. Miss Janice Acred became the bride of Dennis Druml Sat­ urday, July 5, in Crystal Lake. Janice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Acred of Lily- moor. Dennis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Druml, Sr., of Lakeland Park. Mrs. Martha Smith became the bride of Donald Wattles on Saturday, July 12. Martha » the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Franks of Lakemoor. Donald is the son of Howard Wattles of McHenry. Congrat­ ulations Chuck and Jean, Janice and Dennis, Martha and Donald and may you alLJiflvfiXfriany, many years of happiness. BACK FROM VACATION The Schuerrs spent two weeks WHISPERING OAKS GERTRUDE DISNEY 38"> 7S15 FLY MANY FLAGS DURING HOLIDAY IN SUBDIVISION It was most impressive on Independence Day to see so many flags flown by our res­ idents in Whispering Oaks as well as all over the McHenry area. Most of these are un­ furled on all National holidays and many every other day. A leaflet containing important and authoritative information con­ cerning the correct use of the flag is available at- no cost to any interested person through this column. NEIGHBOR DIES Our neighbor,FosterSmythe, 4402 Sussex, passed away sud­ denly Saturday, July 5, from a heart attack. He was buried at the Primitive Methodist cem­ etery in Benton, Wis. They have a daughter, Marilyn, and three grandchildren who were so fond of their grandfather. Our deep­ est sympathy goes out to Mrs. Smythe. God-given grace will be hers. taking in the interesting sights of the states of Missouri, Okla­ homa, New Mexico and Arizona. We also paid a surprise visit to our nephew and niece, John and Cindy Schuerr, in Lawton, Okla. John is stationed at Ft. Sill till the end of August when he will become a civilian a- gain. We also took in the tour of Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico and Meramec Caverns in Missouri. Weatherwise it was very warm and no rain while we were gone. We hit temperatures anywhere from 97;to 109, but very dry and didn't mind it at all. IN CLOSING Now that I am back and set­ tled down to normal please give a call if you have any news for the column. If by chance you do not reach me during the day, please call me in the eve­ ning at 385-2645. Thank you for being so patient waiting for the column to come back into the Plaindealer. ccuvui home/ bm|4 tytowvowv DEHMIK SHIRTS MEN'S short sleeves, long sleeves, dress shirts, sport shirts, knit shirts. Broken assortment of patterns and sizes, reg. $5.00 Sports Caps Large selection • $1.75 OR 2/$3.00 50* Swim Trunks $1.00 2/$3.00 ,oy'4s"*a,*r* $3.00 Wllt> WAUef Boy's Shirts reg. $3 to $4 SWEATERS Cardigan, pullovers and crew neck, mock-turtle, orlons, Dacron and wool, all wool, stripes, figures and plain colors $10.95 to $14.95 values o A 1 3T ti JACKETS Hip-length Jackets, zipper front light weight, plaid or plain colors. Broken lines, colors, sizes No charges - No stamps on Sidewalk Sale Merchandise GBEEN STREET MAIL WHITE'S ««.»* 1214 N., Green St. ^-McHenry 385-0019 m BIBLE CLASS PICNIC Mrs. Wallin's Bible study class will have a picnic Wed­ nesday. If the weather is bad it will be held in the recrea­ tion room. Those attending are • Mrs. Peach, Mrs. Linder, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Disney. All ladies are invited to attend the class every other Wednesday. GUEST TRAVELER Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skoog, 4403 Sussex, have a traveler as a guest at their home, one who traveled all over Europe, crossed the ocean ten times, has been to the Canary Islands twice. He is interesting com­ pany, he is Swan Holmlin from Krylbo, Sweden. / BREAKS WRIST Lloyd Wehrhim, 914 Hamp­ ton Court, fell down his base­ ment and broke his wrist. Whft luck. They are rather new here and hope their luck will be all good from now on. NEW RESIDENTS New in the neighborhood are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Chris- tensen, 4806 Chesterfield. They have a married daughter Car­ ol Nardulli, and she has a little boy, Michael, four. Da­ vid Christensen, their son, has graduated from Purdue. He will be married this fall. ATTEND LUNCHEON These ladies went to a lun­ cheon Friday, Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. Ammerman, Mrs. Braid- wood and Mrs. Wilson. After lunch they toured a pottery plant. Mrs. Pearson wanted to try out her new car. ) NEWS BITS Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood of Charles City, Iowa, and Mrs. J.W. Krieger of Waterloo, Iowa, were guests at the Edward Klo- ser home on Sussex avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Therens spent a few days at Lake Puckaway, Wis. At the ordination of Rev. Ed­ win Jackson, (Mass.) into the Puritan ministry, the congre­ gation drank 6% barrels of hard cider, 25 gallons of wine, 4 gallons of rum, and 2 gallons of brandy. YMCAFIFTH BUS TRIP PLANNED MONDAY JULY 21 / On Monday, July 21, the Lake egion YMCA will conduct the fifth bus trip in the summer series of eight for youth, ages 7 to 13 who reside in the YMCA's fourteen community service ar­ ea towns. The destination of bus Lone Wolf will be Thunderbird Farm for a swim and River Trail Nature Center. Trippers will need a small admission fee to the pool. The bus pick-up sched­ ule is: Rt. 120 and Thompson road in Wonder Lake, 9:45 a.m., Clay Street school in Wood­ stock, 10 a.m., Dean street in Woodstock, 10:05 a.m., and SENIOR CITIZENS PREPARE FIESTA DAY SUPER FLOAT > The Fiesta Day committee reports that the Senior Citizens club float will be "super". The bipycle riders in the club who would like to decorate their bikes and ride behind the float should contact Jim Jansen at once. Twenty member^ of the Mc­ Henry Senior Citizens club ex­ ecutive committee met for a luncheon and business meeting on ^Ionday, July 7, at noon at the Lakeland Park community house. All officers gave de­ tailed reports showing how earnestly and diligently each of­ ficer and chairman take his re­ sponsibilities and duties. A resume of the club and its growth and activities dur­ ing the past year even sur­ prised many of the committee members, as so much has been accomplished and so much ac­ tivity provided for the mem­ bers. The programs planned for the balance of the year prom­ ise good times for all. The next executive committee meeting and luncheon will be on Monday, Aug. 4, at noon at the Lakeland Park commun­ ity house. \ Huntley Village hall, 10:25a.m. The return schedule begins at 4:30 p.m. at the Algonquin Vil­ lage hall, and concludes at Rt. 120 and Thompson road in Won­ der Lake at 5:05 p.m. The destination for bus Gol­ den Eagle will be the River Trail Nature Center and Thun­ derbird Farm for a swim. Hie -bus pick-up schedule is: Mc­ Henry Junior high school, 8:45 a.m., Island Lake Village hall, 9 a.m., Fox River Grove Rail­ road Station, 9:15 a.m., Oak Knoll school in Cary, 9:25 a.m. The return schedule begins at 4 p.m. in Fox River Grove, and concludes at 4:25 p.m. in McHenry. The destination for bus Big Bear is the YMCA Hotel in Chi­ cago, International Sports Core in Oakbrook, and George Wil® liam's college in Downers Grove. The bus pick-up sched­ ule is: Gate 10 and Lake Ave­ nue in Lakewood, 10 a.m., Central scljool, 10:05 a.m„ Crystal Lake Plaza, 10:10a.m., Coventry school in Crystal Lake, 10:15 a.m., Lake in the Hills school, 10:25 a.m., and Al­ gonquin Village hall, 10:30 a.m. The return schedule begins at 6:15 p.m. in Algonquin and con­ cludes at 6:45 p.m. at Gate 10. Space for additional trippers is available on this and the other three remaining trips. On July 28, the above sced- ule will be reversed and trip­ pers will visit the places they did not see on the July 21 trip. The August 4 trip will find all trippers taking an airplane ride and going roller skating. On August 11, tripper* will take a Chicago Northwestern railroad ride and visit the Field Mu­ seum. Registrations should be completed at the YMCA office, 95 Grant street, Crystal Lake, telephone 459-4455, week days from 9 till 5 p.m. Where have all the children gone? With school out, day camps fashionable in some ar­ eas and special playground pro­ grams in some communities, children may suddenly appear unexpectedly on the streets, warns the Institute for Safer Living. Be alert behind the wheel! micgeeM- for MEN When selecting a gilt for h im. . . . l e t us he lp! ^\ TflifletiA- STORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA Sit>e\VALK SALE . <*»...® p*KiZC, PCTiTE PUR.S-ES SS 5A5^V7 5VI-S-HY SASHES STUNNiNO SPiSSA SANOALS '4© DAZZUN4 ,D>CLi<HTTUL t*E«ES COOL, SRAZY, CROP-TOPS 24 SUNNY, SSRU/AFTiOUS SISiKTS 44 SLEEK, SLENt>EK SLACKS** 99S CALIFORNIA <ALAMTiB c£> 8 PEASE &Z0t>iAS <ANM£S« 7<ANNEt> RAINCOATS G> N Litf a HGL'D. 122C N. GREEN ST. / VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA7

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