Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1969, p. 2

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Members of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake honored Mrs. Clayton Bebber at a special awards surprise party in her horn??. Shown, left to right, are Mrs. Ed*ard Dudiiak. M*.i. BoVwr, M' Joh.1 Sorenson, Jr., and Mrs. Conrad Rupp. Club Honors Charter Members Mrs. Grant Ernst, president of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake, honored Mrs. Clayton Bebber at a special awards sur­ prise party recently in her home. Mrs. Bebber has been a member of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake since its begin­ ning and because of her great /ijiterest, the club was formed and was federated with the Ill­ inois Federation of Women's Clubs.- Mrs. Grant Ernst presented Mrs. Bebber with an honorary membership card from the Wo­ man's Club of Wonder Lake and the Illinois Federation of Wo­ man's Clubs. Mrs. Bebber and her children are leaving the Wonder Lake area very soon to join Mr. Beb­ ber in Arizona, where they will reside. Notice To Brides In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been an­ nounced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these comple­ ted forms be returned three | days prior to the wedding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding ^xrept in the case of out-of-state wed­ dings where* ar adjUpotial? week is allowed. Photographs will beprin-. ted any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accompany the story. If your engagement an­ nouncement has not beer, pub­ lished, or if the date of wed­ ding was not known at that S-time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. . Republican Women Plan Annual Luncheon On Wednesday, July 30, the Algonquin Township Republican Women's club will h<jld its sec­ ond annual summer luncheon. The club invites all area wo­ men to attend this fun event which will be held attheCzecho Lodge in Crystal Lake, start­ ing at 12:30 p.m. with a social hour at 11:30 a.m. The luncheon's theme is "Musical Paintings" to be pre­ sented by John Mesiman of Al­ gonquin. The program material which is both entertainment in­ volving art, music, colored lights and drama. John Mosiman developed his "Musical Paintings" in Quito, Ecuador, where he was art di­ rector for a TV station for 10 years. Having captivated audi­ ences ini7 foreign countries, he is now sharing his talents with North Americans since taking up his residence in Al­ gonquin in 1966. He holds B.A. And M.A. degrees in art, and has made over 2000 appear­ ances during his career. Of some 6,000 cars towed from restricted parking areas in New York City last year, 627 were never claimed, and were sold at public auction. 5 I -C. SOCIETY MR. AND MRS. JAMES MORRIS WED IN JUNE -- Miss Kathleen Ann Gallagher of Crystal Lake became the bride of Mr. James E. Morris of McHenry in St. Th las Apq?**£ irCNwx'h,. Crystal Lake, on Saturday, June 28. The bride is the daughter of Mri and Mr:*. William J. Gallagher, Sr., of Crystal Lake, and the groom the- sor. of Mr. "£ Mrs. Sinclair Mor PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - WED. JULY 16, 1969 Two Surprise Showers Honor v. Bride-To-Be Miss Joyce Ann Adams was honored at two surprise mis­ cellaneous bridal showers held recently. The first was given by Mrs. Richard West, McHenry, who was assisted by Mrs. Fran­ ces Smid, McHenry, and Mrs. John Savini, Sr., Island Lake. A buffet supper was served to twenty-six relatives of the bridegroom - to-be attending from Palatine, Roselle, Ben- senville, Maywood, Fox River Grove, Fox Lake, Mundelein, Island Lake and McHenry. Mrs. James (Sue) Cervantes, who will be matron of honor, entertained, Friday, July li, in her McHenry home for twenty- five guests. The wedding colors of peacock blue and white were used in the decorating theme and each guest presented with a heart-shaped corsage tied with wedding bands. Miss Patricia Conway, Chicago, who will be maid of honor, made the fa­ vors and a wedding cake of white towels with accents of m 1 m Community^ Calendar X , „ JULY 16 / Luncheon And Card Pary- SiXPat rick's Church Hall -- Sponsored By Altar. And Ro­ sary Sodality -- 12 Noon. JULY 17 McHenry County Shrine Club -- Regular Meeting -- Crys­ tal Lake Country JTlub -y Din­ ner at 7:30 p.m. -- Bring Cir­ cus tickets. McCullom Lake Conservation Club Meeting -- McCullom Lake Beach House--8 p.m. JULY 19 Joint Installation-- American Legion No. 491 -- Ladies Aux­ iliary -- Legion Hall -- 7 pjn. - JULY 23 •>. McHenry Garden Club Lunch- eon--McHenry Country Club-- 12 Noon. JULY 24 St. Agatha Court No. 777, National Catholic Society Of Foresters -- Cubs Ball Game-- Wrigley Field -- 9-9:30 a.m. JULY 27 St. Margaret's Chapter, NAEM-- Picnic--Geri Weber's Home -- 1807 Campion Road, .'Ingle side--3 p.m. Friendship Club Picnic -- Fox River Park, Wilmot, Wis. Starting At 1 p.m. / JULY 28 McHenry Senior" Citizens Club Meeting--7:30 p.m. East Campus Cafeteria - Business Meeting Followed By Cards And Visiting. AUGUST 4 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Lun­ cheon and Meeting--12 Noon -- Lakeland Park Community House. AUGUST 10 Ringwood Methodist Church- Chicken Barbecue Dinner. ^ AUGUST 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria--Pro­ gram "Wilsons' Ireland Trip." -AUGUST 13 St. Mary's Home & School Association Fall Fashion Re- " vue -- Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Hall -- 12:30 p.m. AUGUST 14 Luncheon - Matinee -- Shady Lane -- 12 Noon -- Reserva­ tions by Aug. 8 -- Eva Schae- fer, 385-2560 -- LauraSchmitt, 385-1243 -- Blessed Virgin So­ dality. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Pro­ gram "Garden Show". blue. Other hostesses were Miss Mary Larkin, McHenry, and Miss Terri Savini, Island Lake, bridesmaids. Miss Lynn Neumaier, Woodstock and Chi­ cago, also assisted with ar­ rangements. A buffet supper was served to guests attending from Chi­ cago, Waukegan, Wonder Lake, Woodstock, Mundelein, Crystal Lake, Island Lake, McCullom Lake and McHenry. Joyce and her fiance, Jack Savini, have chosen Aug. 9, for their wedding in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry. 05MTAL McHENRY HOSPITAL Among patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week were William Muel­ ler, Bernice Arentz, Maureen Anderson, Arthur Weirich, Loretta Young, Axel Joranson, Martha Dignan, John Eckdahl, Shirley Swanson, Patricia Burke and Warren Weber, all of McHenry; Helen Christensen, Anton May, Spring Grove; An­ thony Coleman, Richmond; Hen­ ry Miller, Island Lake; William Doyle, Virginia Guzniczak, and Eileen Delelio, Wonder Lake. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. William Hoff­ man are parents of a son July li. v A daughter was born July 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Le- Roy. / Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sword became parents of a son July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Little an­ nounce the birth of a son July 11. DIOCESAN COUNCIL MEETS The diocesan council ofNAIM met Sunday July 13, inRockford. A delicious picnic supper was served " befor-e the meeting. Tnqsp attending from St. Mar­ garet's chapter were Anita Freund, Mary A. Boetsch and Elvina Latimer. Little Miss Peanut Contest Entry Blanfc ^ ~ Kiwanis Club of McHenry Contestants must reside In the McHenry High School District Nam of child. Address. Phone Birthdste Name of parent. Entrv b.anks must be received no later than July 19, 1969 c n Robt. Mortell Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance or in person to MCHenry Plaindealer SGT. AND MRS. ROBERT MAYFIELD WED IN HA WAD -- Sgt. Robert May fie Id, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schroeder, former McHenry residents and now of War re n- ville, and Miss Maryls Krueger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er- nsst Krueger, Rt. 1, Arlington, Minn., were married at an Army chapel in Hawaii June 3. The groom was on a "R and R" from his duties in Vietnam. His bride is living in Milwaukee until his return. Nettie Weber Feted Sunday Sunday, July 13, was happy day for Mrs. Nettie B. Weber, who celebrated the occasion of her eighty-seventh birthday with her family. A party was arranged by Mrs. Weber's only daughter, Mrs. Marty (Helen) Conway, in her home. Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway, Patty and Martin, and the families of John Ficken, Jr., Ron Conway, Marty Klapperich, Don Mer- cure, William Neumann, Ron Vacula, Jack Weber, James Conway and Robert Weber, Jr. Black Watch Players Wil l Present "Harvey^ Summer pedestrians often stray away from their usual sidewalk habits. The Institute for Safer Living urges motor­ ists to be especially alert in vacation, resort and populated rural areas. The famous play by Mary Chase which gave Frank Faye his astounding come-back on Broadway, and addedtothesuc- ' cess of Art Carney and Jimmy Stewart in the television and film productions, will be pre­ sented at McHenry County col­ lege July 25, 26, and 27, by the Black Watch Players, a di­ vision of the Community Ser­ vices department of the college. The time is 8:30 p.m. * The title, "Harvey", intro­ duces the public to the almost inseparable companion of El- wood P. Dowd, the inheritor of a large estate in the west, who is known occasionally to partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Oh, by the way, Harvey is a six foot tall rabbit, which wouldn't be quite so bad if he weren't invisible. Living with Elwood in his large Victorian house is his sister, Yeta Louise, a woman constant­ ly preoccupied with the pseudo- . sophistication of the instaptly wealthy, as well as the :sad state of spinsterhood of her daughter, Myrtle Mae, who also resides with her Uncle Elwood under the domineering hand of her mother. As the play opens, Veta Louise decides that a husband for Myrtle will never be found while Elwood is there to scare all prospects away with his inevitable introduction of Har­ vey, whom only. Elwood can see. The only answer is to have him committed to Chumley's Rest, a psychiatric rest home; how­ ever, after trying to admit him there, Veta becomes the patient and Elwood escapes unaware of the plot to commit him. Dr. San­ ders on,-who cor^ftted Veta,is fired whert Br. j^hOTtUey, the head of the sanitarium, discov­ ers the mistake, Veta is re­ leased and decides to sue the sanitarium with the help of Jug- ge Gaffney, the family attorney, while at the same time Dr. MARRIAGE LICENSES v Licenses were issued to the following couples by County Clerk Vernon Kays: V Robert B. Larson, McHenry, and Miss Marcia Kay Karlsen of Crystal Lake. Walter Vincent Lucarz and •Mrs. Helen Frances Glab, both of Wonder Lake. John William Fernstrom and Miss Maria C. Angennelli, both of McHenry. Donald H. Wattles, McHenry, and Mrs. Martha E. Smith of Antioch. S SHOP IN Chumley begins the search for Elwood. The romantic aspects of the story occur between Dr. Sanderson and his nurse, Miss Kelly, and hilariously, between Myrtle Mae and Wilson, the burly strong-arm psychiatric attendant. The climax of the play to­ tally sums 14} the character of Elwood when he says to Dr. Chumley, "Doctor, Fve been dealing with reality for many years now, and Pve finally won out over it." The character of Elwood and the fast paced se­ quence of events; construct not only comedy, but one of the most pointed social commentaries seettron the stage. Western Melon Shortcake Are you a perfectionist about wanting perfectly round melon balls? Try laying the melon bailer or measuring teaspoon flat on the surface- of the- Apply eseugh pressure to cut^then give ajtwjst te make the ball. Usually melon balls are made by cutting into the melon flesh at ait angle so it leaves one side flat. How you cut the whole melon will also make a difference as to the number of perfect melon balls you can cut out of the flesh. By cutting the melon lengthwise you have more surface to cut from. Western Melon Shortcake Mash 4 cups of <|^lon balls or cubes with a potato masher and mix wi*h V^ to 1 teaspoon almond flavoring; chill. Pr pare biscuits according to your favorite recipe, or use a pack­ age mix if you prefer. Split each biscuit in half and spread cut sides with butter or margarine. Spoon melon sauce over the hot- tom halves of the biscuits. Cover with biscuit tops and spoon more melon sauce over entire biscuit. Serve with whipped cream. SHOP IN McHENRY McHENRY THE COLONY TAP JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS § S 815-385-4715 ' I 5EXCELLENCE IN MIXED & COCKTAIL DRINKSS Presenting the MOONLIGHTERS Saturday Nights (except holidays) Open Weekdays 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.4Ti. 5 ^ 0 Friday & Saturday until 2:00 a.qj. Fashion Shoppe WOMEN'S FASHIONS MISSES r JUNIOR HALF SIZES * SPORTSWEAR LINGERIE QUALITY- MERCHANDISE s A L E JUNIOR PETITIES BLOUSES SHOES FOR LESS THE FASHION SHOPPE Phone 815 385-7747 1007 N. Front St. (Rte. 31) McHenry, Illinois Keep It Beautiful If America hired people for the job, it would take the largest sort of army to keep our country free of litter. But there's no need to hire anyone. It's a job w^can do for ourselves. All of us. Every family that spreads a picnic lunch. Every boatman who cruises the lakes and waterways. Every motorist who uses our roads and highways. >• ^ " It is the pleasure of the U. S. Brewers Association each year to give its fullest support to the Keep America Beautiful Campaign. Remember: Every Litter Bit Hurts. This is our land. Let's treat it right. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. bmwi Sidewalk I )a\ Specials SAVE UP TO SOI OFF REGULAR PRICES First Come First Served Li mi ted Quantity of Regular Merchandise \ vc 1

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