PG. 4 - PLAINDEAUER - WED. JULY 16, !969 AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1969-1970 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Illinois: "• SECTION 1. That it is deem ed necessary in order to de fray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year, that there be and there hereby is appropriat ed to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the current fiscal year, the ag gregate sum of Nine Hundred Eighty-Two Thousand, Five Hundred and No/100 ($982,- 500.00); that the object and purpose for which said appro priation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: Debt Service: tractural Services 2,000.00 Supplies 1,500.00 Water and Sewer System: Salaries - 45,000.00 Equipment purchases 6,000.00 Equipment maintenance1 7,000.00 Labor and repairs 7,000.00 , Power 10,000.00 Meters Jx- 7,000.00 Billirw services 2,000.00 Auditing . 1,250.00 Insurance 2,500.00 New Construc tion 50,000.00 Engineering 25,000.00 Supplies 6,500.00 Sundy 3,000.00 Interest on bonds 5,705.00 Maturing bonds 10,000.00 Legal fees and court costs -f 5,000.00 Employees State Retirement 1,750.00 Lighting Street lights and repairs Materials and supplies Construction- streets Snow removal Labor on streets New equipment Gas, oil and expense Street signs Storage of equip ment Miscellaneous Off-Street Parking: Rental Acquisition and maintenance Miscellaneous 15,000.00 3,000.00 20,000.00 70,000.00 9,000.00 7,000.00 10,000.00 6,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 500.00 lirjis Planning Comirassion 3,000.00 Administrative Employee's State Retirement System Sidewalks Auditing fecial Salaries And Wages Supplies Election expense Insurance and bonds Contingent 8,000.00 2,000.00 1,250.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 7,500.00 3,970.00 Parking Meters: Salaries Repairs and supplies New meters Vehicles „ Miscellaneous 9,000.00 I,0U0.UU 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 Library: Expansion Salaries Operation C: Loss and Costs of Collecting Taxes Engineering Civil Defense Police Pension Fund 25,000.00 5,000.00 Public Benefit 30,000.00 17,500.00 7,000.00 Mc.Henry Board of Fire & Police Commissioners Personal Services 990.00 25,000.00 » Contractual Services 885.00 Commodities 125.00 10,500.00 Legal Services 4,000.00 SECTION 2. •v All unexpended balances of any item qE-itrais of any gen eral appropriation made by this Ordinanofe may be expended in making-nip any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Or dinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take ef fect from and after its pas sage, approval and publications, according to law. Passed this 7th day of July, A.D., 1969. Approved this 7th day of July, A.D., 1969. Donald P. Doherty Mayor of the City of McHenry, Illinois ATTEST: Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Published: July 16, 1969) WITNESSES HEAR NATHAN KNORR AT SOX PARK "Peace on Earth" International Assembly of Jehovah's Wit nesses to be held at Chicago' White Sox Park, which delegates from the local congregation will attend July 21-^7. As president he travels some 50,000 miles each year visiting some 90 countries. His work of visiting branches and conven tions and his organizational ability has been a great factor In the phenomenal growth of the Witnesses since he became president in 1942. Boph in Beth- leham, Pa., 1905( he became a member of the headquarters staff in Brooklyn, N.Y.,inl923. The highlight of the conven tion will be his discourse, "The Approaching Peace of a Thousand Years", Sunday, July 27, 3 p.m. The public is in vited and no collections will be taken. RECORD SET One hundred twenty-one pro- cts for highway construction and related work valued at $84 million--an all time record- have been listed by the Illinois division of highways for bids. Projects involving interstate construction make up about $50 million of the total value of the letting. Monies expended on highway contracts are from user funds and federal match ing grants required to be spent on road projects and are not subject to the freeze on gen eral revenue spending ordered by Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie. 600.00 $982,500.00 Major manufacturers of metal beverage cans are re designing their flip-top ring tabs so they can't be used as slugs in parking meters. NATHAN H. KNORR Nathan H. Knorr, president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York City the representative agency for Jehovah's Witnesses in 200 lands, will speak to an antici pated 45,000 Witnesses at the A $1 billion program is being looked at to double the width of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Traffic on the nation's oldest major toll road has increased from less than a million ve hicles in 1940 to about 50 mil lion last year. ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN will clean floors & general maintenance Work after hours. tALL 338-3523 Interest on bonds Si 5,225.00 Legal Fees and Court Maturing bonds 30,000.00 Costs 7,500.00 Public Property: Band 2,000.00 Salaries 3,000.00 Improvements 15,000.00 Printing and Material and Publication 3,500.00 Supplies 3,500.00 ° , Labor and repairs 2,750.00 Salaries: Telephone^ 1,500.00 Police 80,000.00 Light, gas and heat 1,000.00 Aux. Police, Tree removal 3,000.00 Desk Men 20,000.00 Office rent 500.00 City Attorney 800.00 New equipment " 5,000.00 Ci^r Clerk 8,000.00 Miscellaneous 3,000.00 Zoning 1,000.00 New City Hall Mayor and & equipment 135,000.00 Aldermen 8,500.00 Treasurer 600.00 Police Department: Supt. of Public Gas, oil and expense 7,000.00 Works 13,000.00 New equipment 10,000.00 Board of Health 100.00 Pension fund Clerical 9,000.00 transfers 4,500.00 Sundry 2,500.00 Streets and Alleys: Uniforms and con- Salaries 45,000.00 CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF McHENRY STATE BANK N \ of McHenry, Illinois And Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries, \ and the close of business June 30, 1969, a state banking in stitution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Pub lished in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. A S S E T S 1. Cash and due from banks 4,912,038.72 2. U.S. Treasury securities 10,574,225.59 3. Securities of other U. S. Government agen cies corporations «... 1,275,781.25 4. Obligations of States and politidal sub divisions 1,542,968.38 5. Other securities (including $54,000.00 corp orate stocks) ; • 54,000.00 8. Other loans • • • • 22,834,595.23 9. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises .... 656,626.75 13. Otherf assets 8,380.48 14. TOTAL ASSETS $ 41,858,616.40 L I A B I L I T I E S 15. Demand deposits of individuals, partner- ^ ships, and corporations 10,327^)18.50 16. Time andVsavirs? dT~?*c individuals, partnerships, and corpofations-" 22.615,044.40 17. Deposits of United States Government .... 336.533.21 18. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 2,986,092.22 21. Certified and officers' checks, etc -. 613,708.96 22. TOTAL DEPOSITS 1 $36,878,397.29 ( a ) T o t a l d e m a n d d e p o s i t s . . . 1 3 , 8 8 3 , 3 5 2 . 8 9 (b) Total time and savings de posits 22,995,044.40 27. Other liabilities 1,035,311.47 . - 28. TOTAL LIABILITIES 37,913,708.76 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES 30. Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) 484,052.66 32. Reserves on securities 200,000.00 B3. TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES '• 684,052.66 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 35. Equity capital, total (sum of items 36 to 40 below) 3,260,854.98 37. Common stock-total par value 800,000.00 (No. shares authorized 80,000) (No. shares outstanding 80,000) 38. Surplus 1,000,000.00 39. Undivided profits . 910,854.98 40. Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 550,000.00 41. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS (sum of Items 34 and 35 above) 3,260,854.98 42. TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS (sum of items 28, 29, 33 & 41 above) 41,858,616.40 M E M O R A N D A 1. Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date ...... ... 36,564,687.11 2. Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 23,912,315.89 I Thomas F. Bolger, Vice President and Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. , . • •f RICHARD J. ZIEMAN , ROBERT L. WEBER • ( . GERALD J. CAREY A Directors State of Illinois County v of' McHenry ss: Sworn to and sub scribed before me this 30th day of June, 1969. \SUSAN SMITH, Notary Public (Publish July 16, 1969) HO* -e \^n° ^ „o runt 1» iSote 1* CARDINAL WINES and LIQUORS, Inc. rfltllC * ^ The IMPORTED f MUIRHEAD BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKEY 1/2 GAL. BUY ALL YOUR LIQUOR NEEDS FROM 305 Virginia St. Crystal Lake Phone 459-4050 Morfv thru Sat. 9AM to 1*QPM Sunday 12 Noon to 9PM ONE TIME ONLY |Mattingly III re 1/2 GAL PEBBLE FORD FIFTH RON CARI0CA One of our finest ftierto Rican Rum % 7̂7 1/2 gallon 8 years ol<^ SCHENLEY'S Champion Finest Straight Kentucky Bourbon Beerfcee n/2 gal. $7*77 Inver House »o« SCOTCH ( J.W. DAW XH M1ESTER BRAU $2*9 CASE 24-12 oz. 86 PROOF #, OLD (V FORESTER „ 9-llon »17.97 N' Full Old Hickory Bourbon " fifth New Tax Aug. 1st New Tax Aug. 1st HAMMS MILLER • CANS New Tax Aug. 1st BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND TEACHERS Highland Cream Scotch Whiskey 1/2 gal. Reg. $14.65 BLENDED WHISKEY Paul Jones *3 ̂ CORDIALS J.W. DANT $077 FULL QT. ITALIAN SWISS COLONY Ml BRANDY FULL QT. $3.97 Ron Rice Disrtlle££uertoR^ Whitehall Gin or Vodka fuiiqt. d O Bacardi Rum a gaL Souther^ Comfort *2* V CAR STAIRS mi*. T Parke ft Til ford Gin & Vodka fuiiqt. T Straight Keatockey Wktakey Stagg , fuiiqt T 190 proof Alcohol fifth OM ol oar (BMO4 Imported Scotch's $"997 House of Peer vs gat. f fifth $349 Aristocrat V4g«i. $7^' O t a o r V « Glenmoro New Tax Aug. 1st Schlitz IHamm's 24-12 oz. Bottles Three o Feathers 49 Ml Quart New Tax Aug. 1st FREE . FREE Use of Glasses and Champagne Fountain tor Wed- dings and for, Parties with Purchase < the Cardinal. We have Free Ice cubes Purchase. BR™NDY<J297<'S- *3>y Imported Canadian Whiskey ^Wfth One of our Better Makes V ' HeHmsn't • Case 24 It or. bits. Special Export Grees $ Brier a Tom O'Shinter 297 New Tax Aug. Is# Carton . Cigarettes 3 lsl % BARRELS PONIES $8.95 $4.95; Case 24 12 oz . btls Old Style Miller's V-