Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1969, p. 2

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HEARING AIDS Senior Citizens Hold Flower-Garden Show, The- McHenry Senior Citizens club will hold its first flower and garden show at the Monday, Aug. 25, meeting at 7:30p.m.inthe East campus cafeteria. Rules for the show, which is open only to club members, have been established byQ.I. Wagner, accredited by the M.G.C. of America. No exhibitor may make more than three en­ tries of the same variety and all horticultural entries must have been grown outdoors by the person entering. The committee reserves t| right to disqualify any entries which do not cc form to schedule. Points for merit are as follows: Blue ribbon, first place, 5 points of first prize. Red ribbon, second place, 3 points or second prize. Yellow ribbon, third place, 1 point or thfFd prize. White ribbon, fourth place, no points; hon­ orable mention for effort. Judges may reclassify by color. Scheduled classes are 1--marigold, Class 1; 1 large flower allowed per entry, class 2, three small flowers; 2--zinnia, Class 3, one large flower per entry, Class 4, three small flowers; 3--dahlias, Class 5, one large flower per entry, three small per entry. White--Formal informal- Simacactus -Cactus ...over 8" Bi-Color- 13..113 27..127 Variegated-14..114 28..128 41..1*1 55..155 42..142 56..156 Yellow-- Flame-- Red A...B 1..101 2..102 5..105 6..106 A....B 15..115 16..116 19..119 20.. 120 A....B 29..129 30..130 33..133 34..134 A....B 43..143 44.. 144 47..147 48..148 Purple-- 10..110 24..124 38..138 52..152 4 -- - Asters, 3 blooms per entry; Class 6, biol en as per colors. 5--Roses, Class 7, 1 rose per entry, broken as per color by \judge§; 1 branch of Flori- bundas, 1 branch of grandifloras; same sched­ ule for other roses, 1 per entry. 6--Class 8, gladioli, broken down as per size and color. 7--Class 9, miscellaneous. Annuals and bi­ ennials, all species may be broken into a class as per color, stem branch, large flower; 1 per entry. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Class 1--Fresh fruits; apples, 3 of a kind; crabapples, 6 of a kind; grapes, 3 bunches; pears, 3 of a~lfcifld; peaches, 3 of a kind; small fruits, 12 of a kind. Class 2--Vegetables; beans, green, lima and wax, 12 per entry; beets, 3 of a kind of a variety; carrots, corn, cucumbers, onions, po­ tatoes, 3 of a kind; squash, 1 per entry; pep­ pers, 3 of a kind; tomatoes, large, 3 per en­ try, small varieties, 5 per entry; rhubarb,. 3 stalks per entry; turnips, 3 of a kind; others not listed by size, form, etc. Class A.A.A. may be for flower arrange­ ments, with exhibits broken by judges as to design. During the judging of the show, a string ensemble will play continuously for the enter­ tainment of the club. The quintet is known as the Northwest Ensemble. CIETY FASHION SHOW MODELS -- Pretty models for annual fashion revue sponsored by St. Home and School association are Lori * Wilhelm, left and Lois Lennon, caught by the •» the * Mary's photographer smiling over a bouquet of late summer flowers. The public is invited to the show, which will be held at 12:30 p.m. Wed­ nesday, Aug. 13, at the V.F.W. clubhouse. PLAINDEALER PHOTO PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. AUGUST 8, 1969 DAR Chapter Plans Benefit Card Party In Late August I i | § 1 ! to McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital this past week included Gloria Gowin, Shirley Swanson, Mary McDermott, Jeanne Wetteland, Hulda Norling, Jef­ frey Anderson, Sandra Deubel, Jeraldine Glueck, McHenry; Peter Storcz, Island Lake; Ju­ lie Jenkins, Mary Karlovsky, Wonder Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - WOODSTOCK Patients admitted during the past week to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Rose Mag- nine, Jean Janeczko, Penny Taylor , Norman Morrison, Terry Lee, FrankSchafer, Har­ vey Beth, McHenry; and Artis Teresi, Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL George Brda and William Biggerstaff, McHenry, were pa­ tients in Harvard hospital during the past week. Pictured at the Aug. 5 enrollment of the Women of the Moose, Chapter 1348, are the following new members and sponsors: Front row, Sponsor Eileen Hodgson, Dorothy Wachna and Re­ corder Gloria Flannigan; back row, Senior Regent Carolyn Sima, Millicent Ladoucuer, Myrna Talley, Sponsor Polly Licastro and Carole Humann. Mr. ajad Mrs. Thomas Hach- meister of 508 Higgins, Park Ridge, announce the arrival of their first child, a daughter, born July 27. Julia Mae weighed 5 lbs. 14% ozs. at birth. The proud pate'rnal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hachmeister " of Des- Plaines. TV T[$r 1 . J o h n W a y n e m o v i e , " D o n o v a n ' s " Navy War Reef 2 . C o - s t a r o f a b o v e m o v i e . Henry Fonda David Niven Lee Marvin 3 . D a y t i m e g a m e s h o w , " F u n n y , Y o u S h o u l d Laugh I Disappear Ask 4 Ex- " M i s s i o n I m p o s s i b l e " . s t a r , a w a r d w i n n e r Barbara Bain Doug McClure Gary Grant 5. Star o f " D a g w o o d " series. Arthur Lyons Will Hutchins Peter Lawford UD^ OU -- | .'J8A0 AjpjD^ -- J !J8«8|A 9UJ!J9UiOS-- £ 'jaipjOM juanb -9Jf - p f j jadxa - g = jaODS suiipin|_| u;og '>|SV u i A j o w : S B 3 M S N V Women Of The Moose The Aug. 5 meeting of Mc­ Henry Chapter, No. 1348, was called to order by Senior Re­ gent Carolyn Sima. After the fourfold declara­ tion, enrollment was held for Carole Humann, sponsored by Collegian Gloria Flannigan; Dorothy Wachna, sponsored by Eileen Hodgson; and Millicent Ladoucuer and Myrna Talley, sponsored by Polly Licastro. Balloting was then held for new co-workers. A letter was read inviting co-workers to attend Officers Chapter Night at DesPlaines Chapter 835. The date for the meeting is Thursday, Aug. 14, and anyone who would like to go should contact Recorder Glor­ ia Flannigan for more details. A film strip of the LOOM float was shown. It was this float that won a first place in the McHenry Fiesta Day parade on July 20. Refreshments were served by Senior Regent Car­ olyn Sima and her officers' committee. Our deepest sympathy goes to the William Walker family on the death of Betty's mother. Marcella Carlson is in Mc­ Henry hospital after an auto accident on July 30. She has al­ ready undergone surgery, with more to come, so how about a card to let her know she's missed? The next chapter meeting, Aug. 19, will be Star Record­ er Night. It's a pot-luck sup­ per for this evening, so bring a dish to pass and come and help make this a memorable night for Senior Regent Caro­ lyn Sima, our new Star Re­ corder. Aug. 16 is the date of the square dance. ^You're urged to come whether you like to dance or just watch. On Aug. 23 the corn and rib roast will take place, so mark your calendar now for these events. Our birthday gals for this meeting were Mabel Thomas, Gloria Flannigan and Doris Schabow, although none men­ tioned how many they've had. Josephine Belongia would have received the attendance award if she had been present and Marion Vornkahl received the special award. If you have any news for this column please call HYatt 7- 3718. Florence McCormick, Publicity Chairman ^imiiiiiimiimniiiiiiiimimiiiimiiiiuf iKiwanis News | = = KIWANIS NEWS Wonder Lake Kiwanis club members learned Monday eve­ ning that Division 20 Ladies Night will be hosted by the Syc­ amore club on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Wednesday, Aug. 13, is Baseball Night at Milwaukee. The bus leaves at 5:45p.m. from the T.P. Mathews building in Wonder Lake. Few wives are as persistent in mending clothes, as in mend­ ing ways. The annual Kishwaukee Trail DAR benefit card party will be held Monday, Aug. 25, at 1 p.m. at the Timbers, Wood­ stock. Proceeds from this par­ ty are used to support DAR schools, American Indian con­ tributions, Museum Gallery fund, NSDAR American History scholarships, local senior girl - Good Citizen awards afid a new­ ly added grade school History award. The members of the benefit planning committee are Mrs. A.B. McConnell, regent; Mrs. Charles Wright, Mrs. Arthur Emerson, Mrs. Wilbert Ohl- rich, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mrs. John McConnell, Mrs. George Stock, Sr., and Mrs. Herbert Kemp. The events for the afternoon consist of each card table having a reservation, dessert and cof­ fee, three special prizes, table prizes and a bakery silent auc- Kitchen Band Entertains For Nursing Home The McHenry Senior Citizens club kitchen band entertained at the .Woodstock Residence re­ cently to an enthusiastic au­ dience. The band started off the fes­ tivities for the monthly birth­ day party by playing "Happy Birthday" , and watching the birthday people blow out their candles. After a number of se­ lections, they ^biegan to receive requests for other numbers which they gladly played, and enjoyed having the community sing-along. The birthday cake was a work of art. It depicted the "Moon Landing", with a moon and two astronauts landing and walking on it. The cake contained the names of all the birthday folks inscribed on it.,. After playing and singing "God Bless America" and "America", the birthday cakes were cut and served. Mrs. Myra Richardson, oc­ cupational therapist, expressed her appreciation to the kitchen band for making the birthday party so entertaining; however, members of the band consid­ ered it a real honor to be able to participate in the birthday celebration. tion table. Friends and guests are in­ vited to place reservations with Mrs. Henry Vogel, Woodstock, or any DAR member. Community Calendar AUGUST 8 McHenry Garden Club--Trip to Lake Geneva Flower Show-- Meet 10:30 a.m. At Methodist Church. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Kitchen Band Practice - Lakeland Park Community House -- 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. AUGUST 10 Annual Chicken Barbecue Dinner-Ringwood United Meth­ odist Church -- Ringwood -- 11 a.m. Until Food Is Gone- Advance Tickets On Sale Now. AUGUST 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria--Pro­ gram "Wilsons' Ireland Trip." St. Patrick's Home & School Association -- Special Meet­ ing -- 7:30 p.m. Rectory Hall. AUGUST 13 St. Mary's Home & School Association Fall Fashion Re­ vue -- Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Hall -- 12:30 p.m. AUGUST 13-17 V.F.W., Post 4600, Carnival - Celebration of V-J Day -- Post Grounds, Rt. 120, McHenry. AUGUST 14 Luncheon - Matinee -- Shady Lane -- 12 Noon -- Reserva­ tions by Aug. 8 -- Eva Schae- fer, 385-2560 --Laura Schmitt, 385-1243 -- Blessed Virgin So­ dality. AUGUST 15-16 Rummage Sale--First United Methodist Church -- Main & Center Streets. Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SHIRLEY LUING ENGAGED -- Miss Shirley Ann Luing of Schiller Park, grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ lie Luing of 1816 N. Oak drive, McHenry, will be married on Aug. 30 to Second Lt. William E. Knickerbocker of Lexington, Ky. The nuptial Mass will be solemnized at 2 o'clock in St. Beatrice church, Schiller Park. Lt. Knickerbocker is a grad­ uate of West Point academy. Miss Luing graduated from Leyden high school and attend­ ed Northern Illinois university, DeKalb. AUGUST 16 Steak Fry -- McHenry Shores Beach -- Serving Starts At 5 p.m. -- Free Beer And Corn Roast -- Rain Date August 17. AUGUST 17 Wonder Lake Water Ski Show- Hickory Falls Beach No. 2 -- 2 p.m. AUGUST 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Pro­ gram "Garden Show". WED RECENTLY -- Of special interest locally was the recent nuptial ceremony held in St. Joseph church, Pomona, Calif., which united in marriage Miss Gail Marie IJickey and Mr. Mich­ ael Kenneth Premer. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Muriel Hickey of Charter Oak and Edmund Ts Hickey of Chicago. Miss Hickey is shown above with her sister, Jeanne Ann, who served as maid of honor. ' of McHenry. Bob Drake and Donald Swanson were ushers. KITCHEN BAND MEETS Hie McHenry Senior Citizens club kitchen band will rehearse from 9:30 to 11:30 on Aug. 8 at the Lakeland Park commun­ ity house and on Aug. 15, 22 and 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the same location. •newr BEAUTIFUL. FLOWERS IN A PERMANENT GIFT! Miss Benoche, Mr. Swanson Wed Saturday Miss Susanne D. Benoche ap­ proached the altar of the First Methodist church of Woodstock last Saturday, Aug. 2, radiant in an organza over taffeta bri­ dal gown. She met her bride­ groom, Mr. Paul D. Swanson and the couple exchanged vows before Rev; Christian Doe- necke. Baskets of gladioli and mums decorated the altar for the noon wedding. Special music included "The Lord's Prayer". Miss Benoche is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Benoche of 1203 N. Circle drive, and Mr. Swanson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Swan­ son of 1013 N. Cherry Valley road, all McHenry. Pretty Miss Benoche's dress was styled with high neck, long full sleeves, natural waistline and A-rline skirt. A garland of Venice lace accented the neck­ line, sleeves, wrists and skirt, with pink satin ribbon running through the lace around the waistline and down the front of her gown for a finishing touch. She wore a full detached chapel train edged in matching lace and ribbon insert which fell from the waist. Miss Benoche was at­ tired in her sister's full length mantilla of imported Spanish lace. Attending her as matron of honor was her sister, Jeannie Jo Stilling of McHenry. Brides­ maids were Julie Rode of Ar­ lington Heights, Kathy Doran and Carole Shipley of McHenry. They were attired similarly in dresses of the Victorian per­ iod, with crocheted, cream- colored torso and high neckline. They featured three-quarter length sleeves fitted at the shoulder and elbow, with pink satin waist belt and natural skirt of Navy blue chiffon, floor length. Greg Warren of McHenry served as best man and grooms - men were Keith Jensen, Gene Stilling and Mike Shannon, also Kimberly Powrozek of Free- port was flower girl for her cousin. Albert Gerali of Elm- wood Park, another cousin, was ring bearer. Mrs. Benoche selected a pink silk chiffon over French crepe, with which she wore pink ac­ cessories* white gloves and purse and carried an orchid. Mrs. Swanson wore a beige chif­ fon dress with matching ac­ cessories and an orchid. Two hundred guests gather­ ed at the McHenry Country club for a reception, after which the newlyweds left on a month's trip to Acapulco, Mexico. Up­ on their return, they will re­ side at University Heights, De­ Kalb. The bride attended McHenry County college for one semes­ ter and is employed as a sec­ retary. Mr. Swanson attended Lincoln college in Lincoln, 111., for two years, McHenry County college one semester and will enroll at Northern Illinois un- iverstiy, DeKalb, next tell. He also is a part-time auto parts salesman. Faith Church To Hold Vacation Bible School Faith Presbyterian church will hold annual vacation Bi­ ble school from Aug. 11 to 15 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 each day. There will be a snack provided at recess, but chil­ dren will return home for lunch. This year's theme is "Liv­ ing God's Way". All area children from kin­ dergarten through sixth grade are invited to attend. There will be a nominal registration fee. Registration blanks have been sent to members, but chil­ dren also may be registered Monday, Aug. 11. * CLMW3Y 407. SAVINGS ON WOMEN'S PORTS WEAR, * % < QUALITY MERCHANDISE + LOW, LOW PRICES S BACK TO SCHOOL BARGAINS spurgeons The world's oldest flower service, introduces the world's newest gift service. Visit our shop today to see this distinctive brass tea kettle and 11 other beautiful, useful gifts. Within hours, we can have your gift, with flowers, delivered almost anywhere in the U.S.A. Also, pick up your free copy of our FTD Speed-A-Gift Selection Guide booklet for handy reference throughout the year. ////'.; Area 8(1 5 - 385-2300 V i y i l o u i ] b » n v 1 1 i u l n e w < h o p o f 1 2 1 3 N o r t h T h i r d S t r e e t McHenry, Illinois

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