Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1969, p. 4

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\Twice Told Tales LANDMARK. ROO!^ -- Pictured above is one of the new rooms in LandmaziT school, after an acoustical ceiling and attractive wall material was completed and before the neutral shade carpeting was completely in place. It is one of ten spacious classrooms which will emerge from renovation of the 1894 building. PLAINDEALER PHOTO PG. 4 - PLAINDEALER-WED. AUGUST 20, 1969 HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG WEISENBERGERS NAME DAUGHTER TRISHA LOIS Trisha Lois Weisenberger, infant daughter cf Gart and Don­ na Weisenberger of 2806 Hol­ iday drive, was christened on Sunday, August 10. Rev. O'Brien officiated at St. Joseph church in Home wood, the same church Trisha's parents were married in. Irene Carlson, Donna's sis­ ter, and Bud Fisher, a friend of the family were the child's God-parents. ' For the very special occas­ ion, Trisha wore a christen­ ing gown that is 40 years old and had been worn by her uncle and cousin. A*festive dinner for approx­ imately fifty guests was held ; at the home of the maternal * grandparents, Mr. : and Mrs. •Thomas Jennings. 1 The precious little girl and ; first child of the Weisenbergers »was born on July 2 in Burling- 2 ton, Wis. WOMEN'S CLUB ? An enthusiastic group of wo- * men gathered at the Mahon - home on Wednesday, August 13, 4 to exchange recipes. The var- -I iety ranged from appetizers to I* salads, casseroles, main dish- •• es, desserts and even an after " dinner liqueur. I During the business meeting " the kick-off dinner, annual dues * and officers banquet were dis- ^ cussed. Vi Abbink presided in * the absence of President Pat ^ Hughes. . * Hostesses for the evening * were Eunice Heise and Marge - Schmidt. ; NEW BROWNIE LEADERS T Mrs. Bonnie Kellen and Mrs. * Mimi D&W4tt have volunteered > to take OWt the Brownie Troop :• for thflr<3&iring year. The troop •I is spoSfefed by the Holiday / Hills Women's Club. Mothers of girls interested in joining either ^ the Brownies or Girl Scouts v are asked to watch this column 1 for registration dates. Gflfc SCOUT TRIP I The junior Girl Scouts of * Troop 478 recently went on a ! most interesting trip to the * kitchens of an airline catering * service planned through the ef- - forts of Donna Kasprzyk's * mother, Mrs. Mildred Leopold, -• who is an employee of the plant, v , A tour through the plant as well * as lunch made it a full day * for the following girls and lea­ ders: Mrs. Vi Abbink, Pat Hugh- * es, Celia Peterson, Donna Kas- 1 przyk and Dee Wegener accom- * panied Janet Szamlewski, Vicky - Foley, Maureen Frantz, Debbie ' Wilson, Linda Gibbs, Nancy ; Foreman, Estelle Foreman, C in dee Weyland, Sue Gertz, Jul- " ia Rauch, Sue White, Linda > Filip, Judy Rostad, Leona Ros- tad, Leora Rostad, Eileen Con- nejl, Cathy Connell, Denise Hughes, Jean Catanzaro, Deb­ bie Catanzaro, Janice Novak, Kim Kathan and Judy Abbink. Young brothers and sisters who also enjoyed the trip were Rita Rostad, Steve Rostad, Priscilla Kasprzyk, Kelly Wegener and John Wegener. . GRADUATION GIFT TRIP Linda Catanzaro was the lucky recipient of a trip through the Western States as a grad­ uation gift. 'Aunt Bea' and 'Uncle Chuck' Catanzaro took her through the badlands of North and South Dakota, Gla­ cier National park, Yellowstone Natiooal park and the Colorado The trip also in- cludwf'irVisit to Joe's Uncle Sam and Cathy Catanzaro and family. Joe and Connie Catanzaro en­ joyed four days away from the regular routine by taking a trip 885-4672 to Washington, D.C. Grand­ mother Catanzaro kept things well in hand with the children at home so that Connie and Joe could relax and enjoy the trip. FATHER-SON CAMP OUT Our local Boy Scouts of Troop 132 and their fathers spent August 15 through August 17 camping out at Eagle W isconsin in Kettle Morraine state park. The boys were Bill Mahon, John Olhan, Jim and Joe Szamlew­ ski, Joey Foreman, Jeff and Steve Kasprzyk, Bill and Jay Wise, Roy Breede, Alan and Robert White, Mark Schroeder, Pat Wilson, Ken, John and Mark Boettcher and John Laskowski. The fathers who were there and I'm told had a good time, were Joe Catanzaro, Jack White, Bill Mahon, Con Kasprzyk, Lou Las­ kowski, Dale Lonnegan, Harry Schroeder and Bill Boettcher. m 6**. „ • -4 GET-WELL WISHES ' ; Get-Well wishes to two young men from Holiday Hills. Den­ nis Wilson is recuperating at home following eye surgery. Jimmy Gertz is confined to Mc- Henry hospital due to injuries suffered when he was hit by an automobile in Island Lake. REUNION PICNIC One of the nicest Sundays of the season added to the enjoy- ment|of the annual reunion pic­ nic held at our home last Sun­ day. Gathering on the second Sunday in August for more years than any of us want to admit, the group consists of former J. Sterling Morton high school football players and cheer­ leaders, plus some of our good friends from Holiday Hills. This year's group consisted of Clar and Darleen Self, Amy and Bud Street, Kim and Kendell, Norm and Gladys Brom, Nancy and Cathy, Joan and Bob Rankin, Lorry and Larry Olsen, Kris, Scott, Michael and Bonnie, and friend, Tom, Donita and Rick Lesner, Vi and Bill Abbink, Lynda, Connie Judy and Terri, Midge and Don Teuber, Keith, Kurt, Pat and Kris Eunice and Chuck Heise, Dean and Dawn, Renee and Larry Jende^Fred, Mark and Leslie, Denny Kilroy and Nancy Rothermel and Ap­ ril and Tom Dougherty. This summer found the first two of the children of the group mar­ ried and we were pleased that both sets of newlyweds joined us and added to the enjoyment of the day. They were the Rick Lesners and Tom Doughertys. GREETINGS A happy birthday to Laura Kathan who will be eight years old on the twenty-fourth and a happy anniversary to Virginia and Roy Lundelius who cele­ brate 18 years of togetherness on the twenty-fifth. HISTORY WRIT TEN One of the two universities created by the state of Illinois in the Twentieth Century was launched last week with the signing of three legislative bills by Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie. The historic event took place at the Olympia Fields Country club on Chicago's south side. The bills signed were House Bills 666, 667 and 668. The bills established the new uni­ versity as Governors State un­ iversity and placed it in Monee township, Will county. Gover­ nors State university and its sister state university, Sanga­ mon State, in Springfield, are unique in that they become two of the few senior institutions of higher learning in the United States offering only junior and senior courses plus a master's degree program. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Aug. 15, 1929) Mrs. Delia A. Hobart, 79 years old, passed away at her home in Ostend on Aug. 9, af­ ter an illness caused by hard­ ening of the arteries. She was a correspondent fortheMcHen- ry Plaindealer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson were pleasantly surprised cm Aug. 7, when a party of friends walked in to spend a few hours with them in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniver­ sary. The Peoples State Bank of McHenry is the name of a new financial institution which will open for business on Green street Aug. 24. .Two new faces will be seen among the teachers at the grade school this year. Miss Gene­ vieve Knox as teacher of the first and second grades and Mervin C. Schoenholtz will teach fifth grade and supervise the athletics in the grade school. The McHenry firemen will put on a carnival in the McHenry park. Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 and 2 for the benefit of the depart­ ment. The entire receipts of this carnival will be used to pay off the indebtedness on the city fire truck. The members of McHenry Council, K of C, are planning an autumn ball to be held at the Fox Pavilion, Aug. 22. Bob Peary's Bohemian Band will be under the direction ofTomLof- tus, Chicago's famous tenor. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Aug. 17, 1944) A little more than a year ago the community was sad­ dened over adding to a then com­ paratively short casualty list the name of Ensign Thomas Gardiner, 23, who at that time was listed as missing in ac­ tion in the pacific. This week, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Gardener, who have resided for the past year and a half on the old Sayler farm west of McHenry, received a letter from Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, saying their son had been declared dead. Throngs of parishioners and visitors crowded beautiful St. Mary's parish church Aug. 15, when all united in commemor­ ating the parish's golden jub­ ilee. Serving the church longer than any other priest since its organization is Msgr. C.S. Nix, its present pastor, who has ser­ ved the needs of the parish for the past twenty-three years. A- mong the other priests remem­ bered and honored on Aug. 15 for their early work in the church were Father Kirsch, Father Berthold, Father Barth, Father Boyer and Father Oe- stenkoetter. Taking over his duties as a state police officer on Aug. 1, was Nick Adams, who resides on John street. His work car­ ries him into five counties. Three grandsons of Mrs. Elizabeth Michels of this city narrowly escaped death from asphyxiation one day last week when they were overcome by escaping gas from a hot water heater. The boys were taking showers in the basement of their home in Waukegan. It was "Yanda night" at the Legion hall Monday night ac­ cording to well laid plans, everyone but Paul Yanda, hon­ ored guest, knew ahead of time what was taking place. The e- vent was planned by the mem­ bers of McHenry Post No. 491 P I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO ENTER OUI m CONTEST CLOSES ON SATURDAY, AUG. 23 If you have not registered for our SCORCHER CONTEST stop in today and fill in your entry blank. ^TATE BANK AUTO LOAMS l» depositor insured to H5JJOO You don't have to be a depositor to enter the contest; however, why not use this opportunity to open an account with McHenry County's largest and area's finest financial institution. McHenry State Bank "Where Family Money Matters" A FULL SERVICE BANK to show their appreciation for his fine work done during the past year as commander. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Aug.- 20, 1959) The success enjoyed by two former McHenry men has been told in a recent publication of the Iowa Farm and Home Reg­ ister. It concerns Andy and Dave Ramaeker of Humbolt, Iowa, who farm 600 acres in Humbolt county and have in­ vested $10,000 in new silos and an automatic feeding sys­ tem for beef cattle. The two men, natives of Nebraska, left there in 1937 after nine crop failures in a row. They' 'hopped a freight" to Illinois and in this area started work at the J.C. Jepsen and Leo King farms. Now the two men and their fam­ ilies reside in Iowa and oper­ ate as Ramaeker Brothers, working together without hired help. Youngsters throughout the McHenry area are eagerly a- waiting the annual fishing rodeo which will be held near the Mc­ Henry Country club on Aug. 26. All the young people between the ages of six and twelve, inclu­ sive, are invited to participate. The Lilymoor Rabbit track at Fritzsche's estates will have grand opening Aug. 22. v The Standard Oil service sta­ tion operated by Nick Justen, located on Rt. 120 near East­ wood Manor, was broken into for the second time in recent weeks on Friday night. Richard Cronin, 64, a long time resident of the McHenry community, was killed the morning of Aug. 18 when his car went out of control on East River road and struck a tree. Delivery of new "dialized" telephone directories in Mc­ Henry began today. SHOP FOREMOST h(/u( c ( i < » A M E R I C A ' S D I S C O U N T L I Q U O R S U P l P M A R K f T S rfOflAi M'OS" COfPOtAMO* 3510 W. Elm McHenry 385-1040 SALE AT McHENRY STORE ONLY 4512 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday THESE VALUES! OLD STYLE BEER 24-12oz. bottles POPULAR BRAND GIN OR V0DK GOLD COACH 12 YEAR OLD BLENDED WHISKEY BLATZ Draft Brewed 2 98 FIFTH PAISAN0 A Mellow Red Table WINE FIFTH DREWRY'S DRAFT OR REG. 1 89 GAL. CIGARETTES REG., KING, FILTERS 6-12 oz. Cans HIGHLAND BREEZE Imported SCOTCH 3 79 QUART 3 34 CARTON DIET PEPSI 66 8-16oz. bottles 24-12oz. bottles BURTONS Special Reserve BLENDED WHISKEY 3 39 QUART 3 for $10.00 BOOK MATCHES 50 COUNT 9 California BRANDY 3 19 FIFTH 4512 W. ROUTE 120 • McHENRY 9 A.M. 11 P.M. 7 Days Advertised Beer And Beverages Not Iced ••

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