Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1969, p. 2

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streamers, u F^ANcB^Diisun/in/) MEANS HUBUB^Uli'ABA.tPO OR THE HUMMM OF CONVERSATION. •aHMfWH InMcHe n r y, Dieun/in/l: MEANS ASM Alt SHOP FTLllk OR ; I CAtlFORNlA WEARS***- • sportswear,partywear ; FOOTWEAR (DOMESTIC & IM- = POKTED), OUTEBWEAR& ACC- H ESSORlES.ClPTHES Wilt FIT ! H JUNIORS &PETIXES.SHOESS» [ ACCESSORIES with- FIT ANYONE ' EXCEPT THE EAT L̂ DRS-WE THIN J I22C N. GREEN ST. * MPHENRT ODr***MAYBE EVEN THEM. ^ KAX MA-^;JUAAA/AMAAAJUUAAAALAJU\AAAAMAMA;\AAAA A 7U r Pastor Virgle Chappell of the First Baptist church discusses plans for Religious Emphasis Week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Church Wil l Pay Tribute f fo "Over 60" »*- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ketel ;«4re two of the persons who are to •^receive special honor at the first Baptist church on Relig- )us Emphasis .Sunday, Aug. 24. *^The church is planning to be- -Jtow recognition and honor upon I«ll elder citizens who are pre­ sent on that Sunday. >* Mr. and Mrs. Ketel are faith­ ful in their attendance at the •*iocal Baptist church, where >Jtfrs. Ketel teaches a ladies' >13ible class. * We often forget Z^o express our appreciation to >lhose who have presented to us Cpur great religious heritage," •f*as the statement made by Pas- v*lor V. Chappell of the church. C^'On this particular Sunday, all »~those who have contributed in $Kany way to the religious ele- *vment of our community will be •^recognized. The only stipula­ tion is that they must be at least £*60 years of age," concluded the pas tor. ;Z1 Prompting such an emphasis I**is the anniversary date of the >! first religious service in Mc- Henry county. It is reported that -*• the Rev. Joel Wheeler conduct- ^•ied the first religious service •t on Aug. 19, 1837, and at the close of this service organ- »• ized a ' Sabbath School" to pro- •I vide for the religious instruc- Z* tion of the scattered settlers of Z+ the community. •X The Baptist church is asking Zl that any person who has know- V» ledge of descendents or articles connected with this old Baptist V church, please contact the pre- •v* sent pastor. >* Last year, a niece of the Rev. Joel Wheeler, Mrs. Ethel Kil- *Z' burn, was present at the church »-! services. Mrs. Kilburn is a res- •I ident of McHonry. "I have heard that the old pulpit Bible is still in the corn­ et munity. If this is true we would >*Z appreciate just borrowing it Z* for a day," encouraged thepas- •£* tor. "We're going tc have a great time at church on Kelig- ;•* ious Emphasis Sunday," was Cliff Wardle's observation. Mr. Wardle is directing the educa­ tional program of the church. An "old fashion" service is planned for the regular Sunday evening hour. All attending are encouraged (not required) to wear old-fashion or pioneer clothing, and the old time gos­ pel songs and hymns will be sung. The text for the sermon by the pastor will be the same as that used by Rev. Wheeler 132 years ago. mem:. BEAUTIFUL. FLOWERS IN A PERMANENT GIFT? tSpeed A Gift / nfl/VFRy .SIRV/Ct / ERSONALS Ketel, long time residents of McHenry and McHenry county. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Sister Mary St. Hilda of Mt. Carmel, Dubuque, Iowa, spent the past week in the home of Mrs. Robert Conway. Miss Mary Lange of Pacifi- ica, Calif., arrived Sunday by plane to spend a few weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Rita Ul- rich, and aunt, Mrs. Bill Thom­ as. Pfc. Vincent Adams of Camp Gordan, Ga., is here for a 21 day leave with his parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Adams. Alex Adams has returned from a week's vacation at Lanse, Mich., where he was ac­ companied by Dick Jablonski, sons, Dick, Mike and Tommy, and brother, Frank Jablonski of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and son, Roy, spent several days last week in the Merle Davis home enroute from atrip to Oregon, to their home in Or­ lando, Fla. Mrs. Lillian Warglot of Chi­ cago accompanied by Mrs. Jo­ sephine Paul of Miami, Fla., spent a recent day in the Alex Adams home. Mrs. Charles Heimer and Mrs. Clarence Craig of Chi­ cago returned home Monday af­ ter a few days visit in the home of Miss Clara Miller. Mrs. Clara Stilling has re­ turned from Idledale near Den­ ver, Colo., where she accom­ panied her daughter, Mrs. Ed­ ward Doyle, and family when they moved there a month ago to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Heuser, Patti and Suzy, of Bellwood, visited his mother, Mrs. Helen Heuser, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pur- SHEILA MARSHALL ENGAGED -- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Marshall of 2111 W. Fair- view avenue, Johnsburg, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sheila Ann, to Bruce Wiedenhoeft. Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wiedenhoeft of 2707 W. Apache trail, McHenry. Both young people are June, 1%9, graduates of McHenry high school and both plan to enter college in the fall. A 1970 summer wedding is planned. vey have returned from a va­ cation trip through Wisconsin and Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pitzen, Patty, John, Ted and Annette accompanied by Miss Judy Buss have returned from an enjoy­ able motor, trip to Idledale near Denver, Colo., where they vis­ ited Mrs. Pitzen's sister, Mrs. Edward Doyle, and family. Mrs. Marie Vales and son, Albert, attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Betty Ellyn Vales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Vales of Chicago, to Gerald Francis Griffin which took place at St. Domitilla's church, Hillside, at 4 p.m.,Sun­ day, Aug. 17, with a reception following at Melody Mill ball­ room at 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and son, Bobby, were among a large group of relatives and friends from Denver, Colo., Cincinnati, Ohio, Grand Rapids, Mich., Chicago, Woodstock, Richmond and Crystal Lake present to see the Olsens' grandson, Steven Houghton, have the honor of receiving the Eagle Scout badge at ceremon­ ies held at the Congregational church, Crystal Lake, with a re­ ception following at the church hall last Sunday. Mrs. Vera Yonke of Holly­ wood, Fla., and Mrs. Alta Fra- zer of Sacramento, Calif., spent a recent week with Mrs. Ag­ nes Schaefer and while here accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Weber enjoyed luncheon at Crystal Lake where much rem­ iniscing was done as the four were former classmates at Mc­ Henry high school. Jeffrey and Jennifer Yegge Miss Johnston wore a floor length silk organza gown which featured a lace bodice and train trimmed with crystal and pearl appliques. It featured a high, stand-up collar, long, pointed sleeves and a chapel length train. Her bouffant veil fell from a tiny crown of pearls overlayed with lace and en­ crusted with crystals and seed pearls. Her bouquet was com­ posed of Amazon lilies and pink roses. Miss Jill Johnston, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Terry Newkirk and Miss Mar- la Fisher of McHenry and Miss Victoria Tierney of Rockford. The attendants wore pink chiffon gowns which featured large eyelet lace collars and garden hats Of the same lace, trimmed with a deeper pink bow. Each young lady carried a basket of pink and white dai­ sies accented with pink satin John Hale of McHenry ser­ ved as best man and grooms­ men were Scott Bourbon of Mc­ Henry, Dick Mosenfelder of Rock Island and Bub Fatherree of Champaign. Mike Sobacki and Scott Bourbon of McHenry were ushers. Mrs. Johnston chose a green silk shantung dress accented, with a green-tinted glamellia as a corsage. Mrs. Eide wore a pink and white three piece silk suit with pink accessories and a pink glamellia corsage. Later, 125 guests gathered at the Hunter Country club in Richmond for a reception. ^ After a trip to the Wiscon­ sin Dells, the couple will be at home in Macomb, 111., where both are students. The new Mr. and Mrs. Eide are graduates of McHenry Community high school with the class of 1967 and will be returning for their junior year at Western Illinois university Attend Wedding Of George Rossi Announcement has been made of the marriage of George Rossi, grandson of Mrs. Robert Knox, and Miss Mary Jullie of Chi­ cago which took place at St. William's church in that city on Aug. 9, with a reception fol­ lowing at Radio hall for more than 200. / Attending from this vicinity, in addition to Mrs. Knox, were Mrs. Eleanor Foley, Miss Gen­ evieve Knox, Messrs. and Mes- dames Howard Knox, John Knox, Glen Huska, Preston Harris and Ronald Mauer, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.Knox,Hunt­ ley, and Mr. and Mrs. James Busch, Spring Grove. have returned to their home in Milwaukee, Wis., after spending the past weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge. Mrs. Doyle Miller of Peoria spent a few days in the Schoen- holtz home. Mrs. Edna Leon- hart, who had been her guest, returned to the home of her son, M.L. Schoenholtz, with her. The world's oldest flower service, introduces the world's newest gift service. Visit our shop today to see this distinctive brass tea kettle and 11 other beautiful, useful gifts.' Within hours, we can have your gift, with flowers, delivered almost anywhere in the U.S.A. Also, pick up your free copy of our FTD Speed-A-Gift Selection Guidej booklet for handy reference throughout the year. ^ • S ' / r / f / / ' j Area 815 - 385-2300 VuiI run b*a<it)tul <hop Of 1 '2 I Nor th Th i rd 'S t ree t McHenry , I l l i no is r V Vv < C just arrived1 your Regulation Gymsuit MUSTANGER by MOORE £ •. GYMLON/ wash & wear / MOOREPRESS ! WORTH THE DIFFERENCE -- If you don't think you can feel luxurious in a gymsuit, wait until you see and feel the Mustanger. Rose petal soft and smooth; wash and wear. No ironing needed. Func­ tionally high fashion too--cuffed raglan sleeves, Jamaica length. Gymlon is 65% Polyester and 35% $6.95 Cotton. In (list c Jor). AVAILABLE AT: Ben Franklin * McHenry Favorite Sport Center BKNSTIgTMAu. TTT Pretty Bride MR. AND MRS. ROBERT E. CARLSON, JR. KOTALIK STUDIO PHOTO Karen Roby Married To Richmond Man Bouquets of pink and white carnations decorated the altar of St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, on Saturday, Aug. 9, for the wedding which united in marriage Miss Karen Roby and Mr. Robert E. Carlson, Jr. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer of­ ficiated at the ceremony. Miss Roby is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Roby of 2704 Sterling drive, McHenry, and Mr. Carlson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert E. Carlson, Sr., of 10113 Covell street, Richmond. Acting as matron of honor was Karen Ackerman of Mc- Cullom Lake and bridesmaid was Janice Lundren of DeKalb. Christine Morozoff of Elmhurst was flower girl. Dennis Roby of McHenry ser­ ved as best man' and grooms­ men were Craig Roby of Mc­ Henry and Lars Anderson of Richmond. Robert Anderson, Jr., of Crystal Lake served as ring bearer. The newly weds will make their home at 7710 Oak road, Wonder Lake. The bride is a secretary for Hallicrafters Corp., Rolling Meadows, and the bridegroom is a welder for the Mathews Co., Crystal Lake. PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER FRI. AUGUST 22, 1969 Shower Honors Bride-To-Be A miscellaneous bridal shower was given for Paula Rurka last Sunday at the Legion home. Thirty-five guests en­ joyed a buffet luncheon and so­ cial afternoon. Hostesses were Mrs. Tom Keenan and Mrs. Ken Blake. Miss Rurka will be married on Sept. 6 to Daniel Blake. Buying Tips Buying know-how is es­ pecially important when choos­ ing fresh corn-on-the-cob. Too often this anticipated summer­ time treat fails to meet ex­ pectations. Look for bright green, snug husks as they are a sign of well-filled kernels. Shihy, dark brown silk also indicates well- filled kernels. Cob size de­ pends on variety and doesn'jt affect quality. Kernels should be in even rows, bright and plump with milky interiors. The size and color of the kernels de­ pend on variety; they do not affect quality. For best quality, corn should be refrigerated immediately af­ ter being picked. Corn will re­ tain fairly good quality for a number of days if it has been kept cold and moist since har­ vesting. For the same reason, it should be placed in the home refrigerator as soon as pos­ sible and kept moist until used. Although it can be left in the husk, com can also be stored without the husks provided it is in a moisture-vapor-proof con­ tainer. McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted this week in McHenry , hospital included Ja­ cob Zobus, Neil Barbour, Ev­ elyn Rogers, Frank Tomasek, Geraldine Glueck, Virginia Posthuma, Walter Mroczka, Karen Hutchinson, all of Mc­ Henry; and Pauline Poltrack, Island Lake; Ellen Oesterlund, Wonder Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Cathryn Frantz, Can- dice Freres, Sandra Reid, Nell Ronnie, Anthony Noonan, Mc­ Henry; Roy Beranek, Sonia Bryll, William Johnson, Won­ der Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence of McHenry was a patient this week in Harvard hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES Daniel Ryan and Patricia A. Parquette, both of Wonder Lake. Daniel J. Kennebeck,McHen­ ry, and Betty Pauline Her- riman, Wonder Lake. Robert E. Carlson, Jr., Won­ der Lake, and Karen M. Roby, McHenry. Harvey L. Huntley, Jr., South Carolina, and Cristy Fossum, Ring wood. Dale Fiebelkorn, Trevor, Wis., and Maria C. Miller, Ringwood. Clayton Cammett Cole, Jr., New York, and Nancy Lee Gar­ diner, Solon Mills. Fred Schutt, Crystal Lake, and Barbara Hunt, Wonder Lake. Robert Kubsek, Wonder Lake, and Mary Gilkerson, Crystal Lake. Altar vases of white glad­ ioli and pink daisies decora­ ted the altar, and the pews were marked with large white bows and white daisies. Miss -Johnston Miss Arlette Christine John­ ston was a beautiful bride last Saturday, Aug. 16, when she walked up the aisle of the First United Methodist church to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Rockwell Leif Eide. Miss Johnston is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al- ford S. Johnston of 3805 Grove avenue, and Mr. Eide is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leif Eide of 513 Rand drive, all of Mc­ Henry. Rev. David Scott and Rev. C. Doenecke officiated at the 3 o'clock afternoon service,for which Mrs. John Leighty was organist. Shown at Star Recorder Night ar Senior Regent Carolyn Sima, and Collegians Marjorie Fernstrom and Olga Johnson. These three ladies are McHenry's fine Star Recorders. ^ - Collegians Olga Johnson and Marjorie Fernstrom and Sen­ ior Regent Carolyn Sima. Af­ ter the meeting a pot-luck sup­ per was held and was topped off with a beautiful, star-dec­ orated cake. After the fourfold declar­ ation, enrollment was held for Mary Faunt, sponsored by Jun­ ior Regent Jeanne McHale. Co-workers are reminded that Wednesday, Sept. 10, is the starting date for our Fun Fair workshop. The Family Fun Fair will be held on Sunday, Nov. ?, and, as always, work­ ers are needed. Nancy Strossner would have received the attendance award had she been present and spec­ ial awards went to Florence Baumann, Rosemary Gross and Peggy Mo ran. Our next meeting is Sept. 2. See you there? Florence McCormick, Publicity Chairman Women Of The Moose On Aug. 19 sixty co-workers turned out to honor Senior Re­ gent Carolyn Sima on her Star Recorder Night. Carolyn called the meeting to order and then handed the gavel to Collegian Marjorie Fernstrom, Star Re­ corder chairman. We were pleased to have Loraine King, from River Grove Chapter No. 780 as guest Senior Regent, and among the co-workers pre­ sent were twenty-three Star Recorders from other chapters. Wilma Martinson, of the Grand Council, was the speaker for the evening and she told of the many requirements necessary for a recorder to get her star. McHenry Chapter No. 1348 now has three Star Recorders in

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