fctapi*Mi IttA&uedfa* <0t LIBERAL ARTS eei VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL EDOCATION ADULT EDUCATION ADULT EDUCATION Adults wHH find many of the coureee lleted undw #m hwdbMi of Occupational and Unhrcohy PaM offerings of IntaMttl!! Tbeee coureee ere lleted on *» dees ahedule which forms e port of tftte taken. Laboratory and meteriob faaa ara cherged in certain coureee. Students ara axpactad to provide thair own text books and other required matariala. / ; WHAT DEGREES ARE AWARDED? The Aeeodote Degrae uriH be ewerded to ell 1 completing a 2-yaar program of atudy, tftoaa aatiafactorWy completing a program of lea REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2 yoara duration. REGISTRATION WHAT DOES IT COST TO ATTEND McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE? h $12-®° ** *mut of maximum of $175.00 par nnuntei. A fill lima Mm of credit par year wiM, dwrafor% pay a carrying 32 loftXOiOO -- n o u n o r c v e a n p a r y e a r WM, Iterator* pay a total of *360.00 1.1 in tuition each yeer. Part-tima etu dents wM pay proportionately leee, meetings depending upon tiie number of oradh hours or eradhequlvaleney hour* 2.1 , September 3,4 -1:00-5:00. 0:00 9:00 p.m. W-Th NOTICE 1. No roglatrationa for credit couraaa will be mode during da The College must reserve the ri#it to cancel eny dm. 7:30-9:30 p.m.-Th-Harvard Junior HS 112-Staff-10 weeks 10 READING IMPROVEMENT 7:00-9:00 p.m.-Th-Campus A205-Staff-12 weeks 99 RED CROSS FIRST AID Cherge $12.00 722 Credit Equivalent IX Semeeter Hours Cherge $1175 724 No Charge 726 7:30-9:30 pjn.-W-Horverd Junior HMi School 103-Staff-5 weeks 90 ROBERT'S RULE OF ORDER AND PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE CradH Equivalent 1 7:30-9:30 pjn.-W-Crystal Lake High Sehool 206-Staff-10 weeks --• 84 SLIDE RULE CradH Eqatodcnt 1 Charge $12.00 729 Charge $12.50 730 7:30-9:30 p.m.-M-Cory-Grora High Sehool 37-Staff-8 weeks 11 SPEED READING Credit Equivalent 1H Ismstsr Hours Chavge $18.75 7:00-9:00 pjn.-M-Crystd Lake Hirft School 214-Staff-12 weeks 732 JOB IMPROVEMENT 57 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE BEGINNING CradH Equivalent 2 Semeeter Hours Charge $25.00 7:30-9:30 pjn.-M-Campus C142-Staff-18 weeks 734 58 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE ADVANCED CradH Equivalent 2 Semeasar Hours Charge $26.00 7:30-9:30 pjn.-W-Campus C142-Staff-18 weeks 738 67 BLUEPRING READING BUILDING TRADES CradH Eqybdcnt 1 $ameeSar Hour S Charga $12.50 7:30-9:30 pjn.-T-Crystd Lake High $ehool 166-Staff-IO weeks I CAM DESIGN, BEGINNING 7:30-9:30 pjn.-Th-Cempus . C142-StaH-18 weeks 7$ GENERAL BOOKKEEPING CradH Equivalent 21 CradH Equivalent 1 740 Cherge $12.50 742 7:30-9:30 pjn. M-Harverd Junior Hî i Sehool 114-Staff-10 weeks 63 INTERIOR WIRING DESIGN CradH Equlvdent 2 Semeeiar Hours Charga $26.00 7:00-9:30 pjn.-T-Crystd Lake High School 132-Staff-10 weeks 744 56 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR TRAINING CradH Equivalent 1* Semeessr Hours Typing qraed of 40 wpm, or Typing 101. LknH of tiwoe students to a 746 746 747 12:30-3:30-Th-Campus A315-Staff-8 weeks 7:00-10:00 pjn.-M-Campus A315-Staff-8 weeks 7:00-10:00 pjn.-W-Cempus A315-Staff-8 weeks 61 LIGHTING FUNDAMENTALS CradH Equivalent 3 Semeetcrs Honrs Charga $37.50 7:00-9:50 pjn.̂ Crystd Lake High School 132-Staff-1S weeks 748 01 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION DRAFTING CradH Equlvdent 3 Semeeiar Hours Charoa $37.50 7:00-9:50 pjti. Th-Crystd Leke Hi* School 166-Staff-18 weeks 750 02 SHEET METAL LAYOUT CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeiar Hour* Charge $12.50 7:30-9:30 p.m.-Th-Crystd Lake High School 168-Steff-IO weeks 752 73 SHORTHAND REFRESHER CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeiar Hours 7:309:30 pjn.-W-108-Harverd Jr. Hi0i School-Staff a*"* *'̂ 50 SKILL IMPROVEMENT 51 ANALYSIS AND SELECTION OF SECURITIES CradH Equivalent 1 Semealai Hours Cherga $12.50 7:309:30 pjn.-T-McHenry Hi* School Weet Campus 015-Staff-8 weeks 754 7:309:30 pjn.-W-Crystd Lake High School 251-Staff-8 weeks 795 64 AUTO MAINTENANCE CradH Equlvdent 1* Semeeter Hours Charge $18.75 7:309:30 p.m.-Th-Cery-Grove Hi* Auto Shop 230Staff-12 weeks 756 16 CREATIVE WRITING CradH EquMvdent 1 Semeeiar Hour Char«e$12.50 7:309:30 pjn.-T-Cary-Grove High School 125-Staff-10 weeks 759 74 DRIVER EDUCATION CradH Equhdent 2 Semeatei1 Hours Charge $25.00 To be erranged-Cem pus-Staff 750 To be errenged-Herverd Junior High School-Staff 791 54 INCOME TAX COMPUTATION CradH Equivalent 1 Semaeler Hour Change $12.60 7:309:30pjn.-T-Woodstock High $chod 206-Steff-10 weeks 27 UPHOLSTERY CradH Equivalent IX! 7:009:30 p^n.-T-Campus E102-Staff-10 weeks 28 WOOD FINISHING AND REFINISHING CradH Equivalent 1 7:309:30 p.m.-W-Cempus C162-Staff-10 Weeks HOME AND FAMILY LIVING 762 Charge $15.75 764 44 BEAUTY ON A BUDGET 7:309:30 p.m.-M-Crystd Lake High 168-Steff-10< CradH Equivalent 1 71 CAKE DECORATING CradH Equivalent 1 Charge $1250 M9 Charge $12JS0 779 7.009:00 p.m.-W-Crystd Lake High Schod 124-Staff-8 wnks 45 CONSUMER EDUCATION FOR HOMEMAKER CradH Equivalent 1 Semeeiar Hour Charge $12.50 7:009:00 p.m.-T-Woodstock Hi* Schod 11OStaff-8 weeks 772 Interim Campus 62 HOME ELECTRICITY CradH Equlvdent IX Semester Hours Cherge $18.75 7:009:00 pjn.-T-Woodstock Hi* Schod S202-Staff-12 weeks 774 26 INTERIOR DECORATING CradH Equivelent 1 Semester Hour Chergs $12.50 7:009:00 p.m.-W-Crystd Lake Hi* Schod 122-StafMO weeka 776 7:009:00 pjn.-T-Herverd Junior Hi* Schod 106-Staff-10 weeka 777 26 KNITTING CradH Equlvdent 1 Semaatar Hour Cherge $12.50 7:30-9:30 pjn.-M-Cryatd Lake Hi* Schod 124-Staff-10 weeka 778 24 MILLINERY CradH Equlvdent 1 Semester Hour Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 pjiu-W-Cary Grove HI* Schod 133-Staff-10 weeka 780 20 SEWING, BEGINNING CradH Equlvdent IX Semeeter Hours Charge $18.75 7:0010:00 pjn.-Th-Crystd Leke Hi* Schod 124-Staff-10 weeka 782 7:0010:00 pjn.-Th-Herverd Junior Hi* 1008taff-10 weeka 783 7:0010:00 pjn.-Th-Marengo Hi* Schod Homo Econ Room-Staff-10 weeka 784 21 SEWING, INTERMEDIATE CradH Equlvdent IX Semeeter Houra Charge $18.75 7:0010:00 pjn.-T-Crystd Lake Hi* Schod 124-Staff-10 weeks 786 7:0010:00 pjn.-M-Herverd Junior Hi* Schod 100Staff-10 weeka 787 7:0010:00 pjn.-T -Marengo Hi* Schod Home Econ RoonvStaff-10 weeks 78$ 23 TAILORING CradH Equlvdent IX Semeeter Houra Charge $18.75 790 7:009:00 pjn.-T-Harverd Junior HI* Schod lOOStsfMO weeka RECREATION 33 ADULT PHYSICAL RECREATION MEN'S CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeter Hour . . ' Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 pjn. M Herverd Junior Hi* Schod Gym Room-Staff-10 weeka 792 33 ADULT PHYSICAL RECREATION WOMEN'S CradH Equivalent 1 Semeeter Hour Charge $12.50 7:309:30 pjn.-T-Harvard Junior HI* Schod Gym Room-Staff-10 weeka 794 41 ART IN NATURE 7:009:00 p.m.-T-Vetaren'a Acres Netura BuUdingStaff-100 weeka 39 ARTISTIC DRAWING CradH Equivalent 1 Semeeter Hour Cherge $12.50 796 CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeter Hour Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 pjffc-M-Cryetd Lake HI* Schod 109Staff-10 weeka 798 36 BALLROOM DANCING, BEGINNING CradH Equlvdent 1 Semester Hour Cherge $ 12.50person 7:308:30 p.m.-T-Crystd Lake Hi* Schod Girl's Lower Gym-Staff-10 weeks 800 7:308:30 pjn.-Th-Harvard Junior Hi* Schod Cafataria-Staff-10 weeks / 801 37 BALLROOM DANCING. INTERMEDIATE CradH Equlvdent 1 Semester Hour Cherge $12.50peraon 8:309:30 pjn.-T-Cryatd Lake Hi* Schod GirTa Lower Gym-Staff-10 weeka 802 8:309:30 p.m.-Th-Herverd Junior Hi* Schod Cafeteria-Staff-10 weeka 803 31 BOWLING, BEGINNING CradH Equivalent 1 Semeeter Hour Cherge $12.50 7:009:00 p.m.-M-Herverd Bowl-SutMO weeka 904 34 BRIDGE I CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeiar Hour Cherge $12.50 7:30-9:30 pjn.-T-Feculty Dining Room Cryetd Leke Hlgh-Steff-10 weeka 806 35 BRIDGE II CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeter Hour Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 pam.-Th-Feculty Dining Room Cryetd Lake High-Staff-10 weeka 808 73 CERAMICS, BEGINNING CradH Equivalent 1 Semeeter Hour Charge $12.50 7:309:30 pjn.-Th-Crystd Lake Hi* Schod 109-Staff-6 weeka 810 46 CHESS I CradH Equivalent 1 Semester Hour Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 pjn.-M-Cryatd Lake Hi* Schod Feculty Dining Room-Staff-10 weeka 812 48 GUITAR. BEGINNING CradH Equivalent 1X Semeeter Houra Charge $18.75 7:309:30 p.m.-M-Crystel Leke Hi* Schod 251-Staff-12 weeks 814 38 OIL PAINTING CradH Equivalent 1 Semester Hour Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 p.m.-Th-Herverd Junior Hi* •10 weeks 816 ?ti 115-StefM 7:89-9:30 p.m.-T-Crystd Lake HI* e.^ 79 RECORDER. BEGINNING Charge $12^0 7:09-9:00 p jn.-W Campus A307-Staff-12< 96 SCULPTURE MCCULLOM LAKE NEWS FRI. AUGUST 29, 1969- PLAINDEALER - PG/11 BONNIE MORRIS 385-0941 DETROIT MAN ESCAPES DEATH BY DROWNING On Saturday, August 22, at 4:45 p.m. the police department received a report of a man almost drowning at our beach. Upon arrival at the scene the police officer found Conrad Flint, 24 year old of Detroit, Mich., had been rescued by a re lative of his, Chester Noga, and three unidentified persons. Ac cording , to the report, Flint, who couldn't swim, had been walking out to the raft with his brother, Rudolph, when he step ped into a hole. Rudolph called for help, but it took two to four minutes for him to be rescued. The McHenry fire department administered the respirator on the scene, then Mr. Flint was taken to the McHenry hospital by ambulance where he will spend a few days. NEW MISS McCULLOM LAKE Rhonda Scarbrough, charm ing eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Scarbrough was chosen as our new Little Miss McCullom Lake. The lov ely young miss with a winning smile captured the honors at the annual McCullom Lake fes tival on Sunday August 17. First runner-up was five year old Jamie White, daughter of the Rich Whites and second runner up was Maureen Caron, four- year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Caron. The crown was placed on Rhonda's head by Su san Godina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Godina, who was last year's queen. Rhonda, by win ning the title, received a bou quet of flowers, a trophy, crown, and a cash prize. Cash prizes also went to the runners-up. The other girls who were in the semi-finalists were Sherry Scarbrough, Patty Cunningham, and Mary Lu Fromandi. Follow ing are the names of all en tries, Diana Letson, Sharon Letson, Denise Freund, Nancy Lingemann, Libby Damiano, and Kathleen Arnold. Each of girls entered received a necklace. The judges for the contest were Mrs. Mary Tresky, a for mer stewardess, married to an airline pilot; Mrs. Sherry Jobst, a registered nurse, also marri ed to a pilot; and Col. Alex Ma- Arthur, Governor's Aide and relative of the famous Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Jake Levesque so capably handled the duties of M.C., and of course the chairman of the event, Mrs. Gerry Jensen, did a great job. FESTIVAL DRAWS LARGE CROWD IN SPITE OF THE WEATHER The annual McCullom Lake festival turned out to be a suc cess in spite of the weather Saturday. All the events were rescheduled for Sunday and the sun was out in fine form for it. The first event of the day was the dog contest with judges be ing Ted Hocin, Jack Morris, and Gary Morris. First prize went to Peggy Murray's little friend, second to Sherry Scar brough, and third to Clara Mul len's pet. Bike parade was the next e- vent and the,, judges for this ev ent were Ray Lary and Frank Luto. First place went to Karl Blom and second to Steve Ling emann. At 5 o'clock there was a pre sentation of trophies to the lit tle League players and mana gers. First place trophies were awarded to the Tigers, Ed Car on, manager; second place to the Braves, John Klapperich, manager, and third to the Cubs, Len Jensen, manager. Jake Le vesque served as M.C. for the presentation and took time to acknowledge all who worked so hard for the Athletic Associa tion. The Cullom-Knoll Associa tion is certainly to be commen ded for this affair, it was a fun time for all. Following are the names of some of the people who worked so hard and gave of their time. Ed and Jean Gamer, Gene and Ann Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Ilick, Frank and Mary Lenz, Len and Gerry Jensen, A1 Kanak, Gene Adams, Georfce Scarbrough, Bob Fernandez, Ray Lary, The odore Tjernberg, John Wahl- berg, Jerry Raycraft, Chris English, Micky Murray, Toni Luto, Shirley Luto, Mary Beth Bier, and Mike (Red) and all the many kids. This was quite a lengthy list and we hope we didn't forget anyone. THE BIRTHDAY BEAT Because of no column last week I'd like to wish a few be lated happy birthdays. Back on the twenty -Second to Jackie Whitney . . . on the twenty - fourth to Harry Berry and Pat- ti Klapperich ... the twenty- fifth found Bryan White turn ing 8 ... on the twenty-sev enth it was Dorothy Maenner's day . . . and on the twenty - eighth belated wishes to two of my neighbors Kathy Klapper ich and Armando Gomez. Bela ted happy birthday all !! And now for our up to date birth days! Birthday wishes for the thirtieth go to Beth Ann White who turns 3, to Brad Kommer, and to our Village president George Luto ... on the thir ty-first to Corky Whitney .. . Veronica Ahrens and Adeline Carter share Sept. 1 and on the third it's best wishes to Chad Carter and Jim Bailey. Happy birthday all!! ROBERT CASEY VIEWS CURRENT BUSINESS TRENDS For the past two weeks, fac ulty members from seventeen high schools in northern Illin ois have been getting a close look at current trends and op portunities in area businesses and industries. Participants in a Northern Illinois university summer workshop in business, industry and education training, the eigh teen educators spent one week touring facilities of various corporations and one week in personnel offices learning how to better advise high school students about to enter the job market. Participants included voca tional guidance counselors, co ordinators and teachers. The directory of participants in workshop in BIE training included the name of Robert Casey of 401 N. Country club drive, McHenry. 1876 NEWSPAPER In 1876, C-eorge Gage, who was commissioned to write a history of McHenry county, wrote the following about Mc Henry* s only newspaper: "The McHenry Plaindealer, the only nespaper in McHenry, published by J. Van Slyke, editor and proprietor, is second to no paper in northern Illinois, either in mechanical execution or editorial ability. It has now been running nearly a year and is issued weekly to nearly one thousand subscribers." _ rr 817 CradH Equlvdent IX Semeeter Houra Charge $18.75 818 CradH Equivalent 1 Semeeter Hour Charge $12.50 7:309.30 pjm.-T -Cary-Grove HI* $chod -I 31-StefMO weeka 820 30 TENNIS, BEGINNING CradH Equlvdent 1 Semeeter Hour Cherge $12.50 7:309:30 p.m.-Th-Cryatd Lake HI* Schod Girfa Upper Gym-Staff-10 wdii 822 7:309:39pj*.-Th-Harvard Junior Hi* Schod Gym Ream Staff-19 vraeke 823 32 TENNIS, ADVANCED CradH Equivalent 1,Semaatar Hour Charge $12.50 7:309:30pjn.-T-Cryetd Lake Hi* Schod Gil*" Gym end Field Houae Staff-10 weeka 824 6200 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Telephone 815-459-6800 Using the McHenry Service Center Complete Cooling System Service HEATERS RADIATORS GAS TANKS | WELDING AND WELDING SUPPUES"| ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. ROUTE 120 PHO NE 385-0783 FM RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Route 120, McHenry We service all makes * TVs * Radios * Stereo * Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL Trailers & Trucks * i COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & J TRUCK REPAIRING • ARC & GAS WELDING Guettler Service, Inc.J I FARM EQUIPMENT GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 I 818 N. Front St. 385-9831 j | Payton Chevrolet JACOBSEN LAW* MOWER SALES AND SERVICE e fipgrt Rcpan factory framed mechanics • full sfoch of qenume taciorv replacement parts e fnqme tune up and complete safety check e Fast precision sharpening -- SERVICE CENTER I No appointments for emergency service on any make car. Fast Guaranteed Service { 908 N. Front McHenry Phone 385-2155 DRIVE IN ANYTIME, I AND SEE YOUR CAR SHINE FASTI Lakeland Parkj CAR WASH r I Next to Phillip's 66 e Complete selection oi (J^J>«cobsgn lawn mowgrs 385-0434 ADAMS Repair Shop 3102 N. CHAPEL HILL McHENRY Jim Thompson's Elm St. Service •Complete Lube •Wash *Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management since 1953" 385-9749 3603 W. Elm. McHenry ART'S LAKELAND PARK Jr See your favorite Mechanic using NAPA Automotive Replacement Parts For Expert Repair Service Genuine Parts Distributed by McHenry Auto Parts 3411 W. Elm McHenry Ph. 815-385-8080 Garages ANY SIZE ANY STYLE Complete remodeling and repair service. We also specialize*in room additions. No Money DOwn- Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 815-653-6161 wonder Lake •Tune Ups •Brake Work •24 Hr. Road Service 385-6323 Authorized To Perform New Car Warranty Service. . «4)e6i>U§ b4^c) McHENRY PLAINDEALER i i i Sports | Society | Ĉlassifieds J p ; I (^Advertising j News j I I I PHONE 385-0170 j ED'S STANDARD SERVICE JAXE'S by appointment WE USE AND RECOMMEND RR PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuts 385-7771 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh • EXPERT TUNE-UP • WASH • WAX ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. Elm St. Life .. Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Fire ' Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident & Compensation Health •t.\ Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry. Illinois. 60050 Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHenry Gun Center Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 \