B b A U T I M F L O W E R S P E R M A N t N G I F T ' GET TOUR MAN WITH A It is sure disturbin't' see so many youngunsdisplayin' secha bold 'n nervey attitude toward their elders. Evidently these younguns come from homes where they ain't sech good laws administered by the goverin' body, ' Ma and Pa". Ye kin al ways tell the ones thet have parents who care. Some parents seem t' think that they kin turn out the right kind o' kids wi' bein' indulgent. That ain't the right kind o' ear- in' and it don't work thet way. The world ain't agoin't' be in dulgent, and kids need t' learn that at home. Every once in a while, I run into one 'r two who 're so bold an' nervey thet it's downright unbelievable. Ye wonder how they got that way. Now that it's time fer school again, it brings t* mind that the teachers will soon have these problems t' cope wi'. In my family the younguns're instruc ted from the first day they go t' kindergarten, that if the tea cher had any complaints about them, the parents stand right wi* the teacher. They under stand that the teacher is boss Orchids For Enrollment In Johnsburg PTA Enrollment in the Johnsburg school Parent Teacher associa tion will be held Wednesday, Sept. 3, opening day, at Johns burg elementary, Junior high and Ringwood schools. Mrs. Joan Preston, Membership chairman, and her committee will present orchids to the first 100 women who sign up. The first PTA meeting of the new school year will be held Tuesday, Sept. 16, which will be an open house. This will provide an opportunity for par ents to become acquainted with the faculty. St-mrams McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Price are parents of a daughter Aug. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Does- sel welcomed a daughter Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schmitt announce the birth of a daught er Aug. 26. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hette^- mann announce the birth of their first child, a son, on Aug. 23. Mrs. Hettermann is the former Kathleen Powers, daughter of Mrs. James Powers and the late Mr. Powers. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hettermann of Johns burg. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ho- cin are parents of twin girls August 23. A son was born Aug. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rogers. OTHER BIRTHS Captian and Mrs. MarkVyci- tal are the happy parents of their first son, Jason Scott, born Aug. 18 on Okinawa, wei ghing 8Vi lbs. Jason has a two- year-old sister, Jamie, to wel come him home. Mrs. Vycital will be remembered as the for mer Pamela Munroe. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Munroe and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital. Jason is the first of his generation ( great- grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Vycital) on the pat ernal side to carry on the Vy cital name./ • New Classes Start Sept. 3rd I • * I • a t • : • • • • Mar Rav dance. Studio s • REGISTRATION: I • Z Fri. August 29th • J • Sat. August 30th • ! • o _ _ • • 12 to 3 p.m. • • • • I PLEASE CALL 385-6077 OR VISIT I • AO w A ; OUR STUDIO AT 3919 W. MAIN STREET ; j • McHENRY • J • ™ r-»ppnmtt-. . I • TO RESERVE A PLACE IN ONE OF OUR CLASSES. • Special pre-school classes for tiny tots Tap, acrobatic, ballet, toe, modern jazz. mbling Tap, and tui • for Boys • ------ • • Member of National Association • of Dance and Affiliated Artists, Inc. Gayle McComb Lovely Bride Miss Gayle McComb and Mr. Frank Mansfield were married last Saturday, Aug. 23, in a bea utiful nuptial ceremony solem nized in Nativity Lutheran church, at 6 p.m. Miss McComb is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McComb of 7818 Wooded Shores drive, Wonder Lake, and Mr. Mansfield is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansfield of Alden road, Harvard. Rev. David Allen and Rev. Thomas Johnson officiated at the rite for which Cheryl Elber- sen sang "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by L. Benson. Flo wers and candles decorated the church for the candlelight ser vice. Given in marriage by her fa ther, Miss McComb was charm ing in an A-line dress with crepe skirt and organza overskirt and train trimmed in lace appliqued on the front and around the hem line at the back. The bodice featured an old fashion, high neckline with leg-of-mutton,el bow length sleeves of chantilly lace and organza. She wore a cone-shaped headpiece of lace, trimmed with satin and pearls, and long silk illusion veil. Miss McComb carried a large basket of white roses, carnations,dai sies, mums and baby's breath. In her shoe she wore a six pence given to her by Mrs. May Williams, pearl earrings bor rowed from her bridesmaid, Miss Reuter, white lace hand kerchief from her mother and at the neck of her dress, a ca meo broach, a gift from her husbanB. .Attending her were Wendy Mc Comb of Wonder Lk., her sister as maid of honor, Phyllis Reu ter, Vicki Gustavson, and Ro bin Rasmussen of Wonder Lake, CIETY Patti Brooke of McHenry, and Leslie Little of Vancouver, B. C., her cousin as bridesmaids. Loren and Dori Hart of Whea- ton were flower girls. They were attired similarly in floor length dresses of Navy chiffon over taffeta, featuring white bodice with long, white, leg-of-mutton sleeves and pink cummberbund at the waist. They carried baskets of pink daisies. Their large picture hats were trimmed in Navy. The flower girls wore dress es of the same style as the bride and pink bows in their hair. Danny Tronsen of Wonder Lake served as best man and groomsmen were Sonny Glos son of McHenry, Chris Gale, Phil Azzline and Chris Rasmussen, all of Wonder Lake. Mrs. McComb selected a floor length, crepe dress in bittersweet color, matching shoes and white gloves and purse. Mrs. Mansfield wore a floor length dress of flowered mint green and sheer coat of matching color with white ac cessories. A reception followed the ceremony at the VFW clubhouse in McHenry, where 275 guests enjoyed dinner and dancing. La ter, the couple left for a short honeymoon trip to the Wiscon sin Dells. They will reside at 16808 O'Brien road, Harvard. The bride attended McHenry high school and Western Illinois university. The bridegroom at tended Harvard high school and JEANNIE DEVRIES TELL ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. William DeVriesof 3402 W. Third avenue, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jeannie Kathleen, to Richard C. Jager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jager of 2210 W. Rte. 120. Miss DeVries, a 1969 graduate of MCHS, is presently employed in McHenry. Her fiance, a 1967 graduate of the same school, is serving in the U.S. Navy in Charleston, S. Carolina. on Saturday, Sept. 13. There will be some directional signs as a guide. The beautiful set ting of the Nature Center, high on the hill overlooking the pond in the park, was the inspiration for the title of this flower show. Flower arrangements will be planned around the nature theme including such classifications as Towering Trees, Bright But terflies, Nature's Wood Sculp ture, Changeable Weather, Wa ves of Autumn Grain, Still Pools of Water, and Shadows. The flower show will also in clude the Juniors division, a display arranged by young peo ple under the age of 16, inclu ding dish gardens, arrange - ments in a shell container, veg etable sculpture of an animal, and seed pictures. A horticul ture section of flowers, house plants and vegetables and a sel ection on table arrangements, including picnic buffets for six, luncheon tables for four gram mar school children and lunch eon tables set for a bird wat cher's society, will complete the show. spent three years in service, one of which was in Vietnam. The bride's godmother and godfather, Mr. and Mrs. H. Little of Vancouver, B. Colum bia, and an uncle, C. Biglow, of Winnipeg, Canada, attended the wedding. McHenry Girl Wed Saturday Miss Therese Joanne Bor- relli of 3905 W. Grand avenue, McHenry, was a pretty bride on Sunday, Aug. 24, when she was united in marriage to Mr. Ja mes A. Snower of Lincoln wood, 111., by Rabbi, Dr. David Grau- bart at Fontana D'or, Chicago. Miss Borrelli is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Borrelli of McHenry and Mr. Snower is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snower of 6556 N. Spaulding, Lincolnwood. Cantor Slovensky sang "Till There Was You" for the cere mony, which was performed un der a canopy of flowers. Pretty Miss Borrelli wore a formal length gown of peau d' ange lace in simulated' Caf tan" silhouette over faille taf feta. The gown was enhanced with front and back lace panels and high, Victorian neckband collar. A beautiful madonna mantilla formed the train of her bridal ensemble. Attending her were Miss Marilyn Paul of Oakbrook as maid of honor, Miss Beverly illi of McHenry and Mrs. ira Nelson of Chicago as ismaids. They wore formal sheath gowns of pale pink saki. They were styled with yoke bodice, short sleeves and high Victorian neckband collar fashioned of ruffled, embroid ered lace. The back of the gown featured a bow and streamers. Harvey Benveniste of Chi cago served as best man and groomsmen were Wayne Sni der of Chicago and William Borrelli of McHenry. Mrs. Borrelli selected a blue silk dress, while Mrs. Snower wore a pale pink silk dress. A trip to New York City fol lowed a reception for 200 guests at the Fontana D'or held imme diately following the ceremony. The bride graduated from the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, in 1968 and has enter ed the teaching profession. The bridegroom graduated from the University of Illinois, also Chi cago Circle, in 1967 and attend ed Roosevelt university. The former Miss Borrelli was a business major. Mr. Snower, a political science major, is salesman for the Cicero Sup- *ply Co., Chicago. The newlyweds will make their home at 970 Jefferson Square, Apt. M., Elk Grove Village. Open House Is Planned For Lent Anniversary Friends, neighbors and re latives are invited to attend open house Saturday, Sept. 6, at 5 o'clock in honor of the silv er wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent. The gath ering will be held in St. Pet er's church hall, Spring Grove. Bob and Bemice Lent, form er residents of Riverside drive, McHenry, were married Sept. 5, 1944, in Spring Grove, by Fr. John Daleiden. The Lents have four children, Linda, Kay, Cynthia, and Robert Craig, all at home. MR. AND MRS. DONALD STINESPRING LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Miss Richards Is Married To D.C. Stinespring PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER -- FRI. AUGUST 29, 1969 In a lovely wedding soler zed at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Ail 22, at the First United Method dist church in McHenry, Miss" Susan Marie Richards became the bride of Mr. DonaKt Craig Stinespring. Rev. Raymond White officiated at the ceremo ny with Mrs. David Dolby as soloist accompanied by Mrs. John Leighty, organist. Miss Richards is the daught er of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Richards of 809 N. Lilbanatreet and Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Stinespring of 3329 N. Bay View lane are the parents of the groom. The petite bride was charm ing in an ivory linen sheath dress with empire waist, rou nded neckline, short sleeves, and floating back panel. The mantilla veil formed a floor length train. Both dress and veil were trimmed tn Venetian lace. She carried a bouquet of white tea roses. Acting as maid of honor for her sister was Miss Sara Ri-" chards. Miss LibbyStinespflng,^ sister of the groom, and Miss Beth Newton, Hobart, Ind., a classmate of the bride at Wes ley, were bridesmaids. They were dressed in yellow A-line linen with empire waist, sle eveless , rounded neckline. The skirts were trimmed with yel low and green appliqued dais ies. They carried baskets of yellow and white daisies and baby's breath. Harry P. Stinespring of Cry stal Lake was beat man for Us brother and M. David Cain, brother-in-law of the groom, and James Fredrickson, of Mankato, Minn., classmate of the groom at St. Olaf, served as groomsmen. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Richards chose an apple ~ green, silk worsted, A- line dress with silver accessories. Mrs. Stinespring wore a pale grey satin sheath and pink ac cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Stinespring hosted the rehearsal dinner on Thursday night at the McHenry Country club. A reception for 150 guests was held immediately follow ing the service in the church parlors. As a gift from the groom's parents, the young couple are enjoying a Caribbean cruise leaving from New York for a ten-day honeymoon. A graduate of McHenry high school in 1966, the bride is a registered nurse, having grad uated from Chicago Wesley Me morial hospital school of nurs ing in 1969. Her new husband, a graduate of MCHS in 1967, is presently a second semester junior at St. Olaf college in Northfield, Minn., where they will make their home. McHENRY HOSPITAL Among patients admitted this week to McHenry hospital were Mary Lascola, Woofer Lake; Ithia Fee, Island Lake; Thtre- sa Coughlin, Joan Gagnoft, Am elia Smith, Donna Wolf, Ehrin Klaus. Barbara Krohn, Jme Middlekauf, Carl O. Bergtattt of McHenry; Rose UadNft aril Henry Kufeldt, Spring Grove. Glen Decker Takes LaCrosse ~ Girl As Bride Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Patri cia Lynn Meyer of LaCross, Wis., and Mr. Glen Austin Dec ker, LaCrosse, which took place In the English Lutheran church, LaCrosse, Wis.,onAug.9.Miss Meyer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Meyer of 7010 Prairie drive, Middleton, Wis., and Mr. Decker is the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Decker of 7208 Niagara drive, Wonder Lake. Following a one-week honey moon trip to Canada, the newly- weds are residing at 1426V, Johnson street, LaCrosse. The bride is a graduate of Wisconsin State university, La Crosse, this year, with a major in social work. She is a child care worker at LaCrosse Home for Children. The groom is a senior at the same school, ma joring in secondary education. Tillie Engeln Welcomed Home Mrs. Tillie Engeln, who re cently returned to McHenry af ter spending six months with her daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Melsek, and family at Ft. My ers, Fla., was guest of honor at a welcome home party held at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Bettie Rode, 904 Center street. A cook-out supper last Sat urday was enjoyed by Howard Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wattles, Lee Melsek, Julie and Valerie Rode and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode. Later, they enjoyed playing a tape recording by 1st Lt. Rod Melsek, who is station ed at Camp Casey in Korea. The guests, in turn, recorded a tape to be sent to Lt. Melsek. Mrs. Engeln returned to Mc- •frnry from Florida with her grandson, Lee Melsek. He has since returned home, accompa nied by Howard Wattles, who will vacation in Miami. DONNA JEANNE HARNER BETROTHAL TOLD -- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Harner of 2102 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Jeanne, to Jerome J. Buch. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Buch of 3707 W. Anne street, McHenry. Miss Hamer is a 1967 graduate of Marian Central high school and presently is enrolled at St. Xavier college, Chicago. Her fiance is a 1966 graduate of McHenry Community high school, has at tended Elgin Community college and the Allied Institute of Tech nology in Chicago and is a registered fourth y plumber. A spring wedding is LINDA LEE GALL AS ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gallas Sr., of Elgin, formerly of Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Lee Gallas, to Orion Douglas Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orion Charles Glover of Park Ridge. A December 27 wedding is planned. Miss Gallas is a 1965 graduate of McHenry high school. She also graduated, with honors, from Elmhurst college in June and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Mr. Glover graduated from Maine East high school in 1963 and currently is attending Valparaiso university. REGISTRATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN fantasy 5 'arm CHILD CARE COMPLETE CHILD CARE For Children of Working Mothers Or While You Go Shopping •Playground with Slides, Swing, Merry-Go-Round, etc. •Chickens, Rabbits & Doves for the children to feed and play with. " 0 •. •Story Telling, reading and inside play. •Hot Meals--Morning and Afternoon Snacks * • •Napping Facilities " • •An Opportunity for your Child to play with and get along • with others. • s J The world's oldest flower aarvka introduces the world's newest gil service. Visit our shop today to se this distinctive brass tea kettle am 11 other beautiful, useful gift) Within hours, we. can have you gift, with flowers, delivered almoi anywhere in the U.S.A. Also, pic up your free copy of our FIT Speed-A-Gift Selection Guid booklet for handy referenc throughout the year. CALL 385-2499 FOR DAILY AND WEEKLY RATES YOU CAN AFFORD State Licensed Located % mile South of McHenry # on the old Crystal Lake Black Top Road Ŝ ode/ib t Area 815 - 385-2300 Vni t our btaui i tu l new ihop of 1 2 1 3 N o r t h T h i r d S t r e e t McHenry, Illinois ewe LINDA HERDRICK ENGAGED -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Herdrick of 1601 N. River side drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Kay, to Thomas Foley. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson, 552 W. Kimball, Woodstock. Linda is a 1969 graduate of McHenry high school and her fiance graduated in 1967 from Woodstock high school. GR ANDMA while the children' re away from home, t' attend school, and what she says, goes. If there's any reason fer the teacher t' be findin' any fault wi' em, the pa rents go right to headquarters t' find out the facts k an' cor rect 'em. Well, it must work, 'cause there's a bunch o' grandchil dren, and they all make a big effort t' qualify. Children wi' lovin', strict parents a guidin' them, learn that a governed life is a happier one. The duty o' parents is t' season the you nguns t' meet the conditions they'll encounter when they're exposed t* the world, and t' cope wi' em. Children thet're allowed t' come cryin' t' the parents every time something' happens they don't like, are the ones who don't adjust t' the laws o' society when they git grown up. There's a lot o' fine folks who dedicate their lives t' git- tin' young folks started in life, and it ain't easy, ye kin bet, t' manage so many different personalities in a school room, day by day. It's up t' the parents t' make the job a happy one fer the teacher, so's she kin do her best job of tea- chin'. That way, ever'body'd be happier an' healthier, too. Busy kids 're happy kids. In our clan there ain't no time fer monkey-business. EverJ- body has his job t' do, and they- re all a gittin' edicated t' enjoy their work, as well as their pleasures. Their parents take time t' teach them t' enjoy re sponsibility, and that's mighty good fer the younguns. Grandma Radtke Five Garden Clubs Present Autumn Show The five garden clubs of Crystal Lake will present a flower show, Patterns from Na ture, at the new Nature Center building at 330 North Main street, (near Route 176) from 2 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 12, and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.