PG. 10 - PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER REAL ESTATE BY OWNER: 3 bedroom, 1% bath ranch. Just 6 years old. Spacious, bright, cheery living room, family size kitchen with dining area. All built-ins in- cuding refrigerator, full base ment, attached garage, 75x195' lot, large pier on McCullom Lake, McHenry, 111. Call 815- 385-7366. 9-5 69 RAISED RANCH. 2600 ft. in cluding garage. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, recreation room, large 2 car garage, $27,900. $24,900 with lower level to finish. Choice of lots. Model available for inspection. Call 385-1304. 8 29/9-5-69 MOVING MUST SACRIFICE Lovely 1% story large 3 bedroom home. Wall to wall carpeting, modern cab inet kitchen, modern bath, , fireplace in living ro&m, formal dining room, de tached 1% garage. Beach and river rights. Asking $19,900 CALL 385-1160 95 69TF2 PBHPX- roHtrllo rral ratatr ro. "Where Service Comes First" ZAP! Price reduced $3400!! Own ers building, want to move before winter. On 2 acres. Scores of trees; Apple, Plum, Mt. Ash, Pine, Weep ing Willow, and others. Sit in screened-in porch with B-BQ and enjoy the fresh, woodsy breeze. Or retire to the contentment of the family size kitchen for a cool, refreshing drink. Don't let this one get away. Hur ry! Now! $27,900 GOING, GOING . . . Gone! If you don't hurry to this one. % acre lot. Huge 15x22 LR with fire place, beamed cathedral ceiling. 13 x 16 kitchen. Ceramic tiled bath, colored fixtures. Three spacious bedrooms. Pegged hard wood floors. And more. Don't wait! Owner Anx-: ious. See it now! $29,900. SPIC 'N SPAN This 2 bedroom home so neat it doesn't look lived in. 20 foot living room with massive fireplace. Ceramic tile bath. Large closets. Huge utility room. SHARP! SHARP! SHARP! If you pass this one by you don't want to buy. So hurry! $25,000. SHORT ON SPACE? 5 Bedroom 2-story home just right for a large fam ily. This home is situated on a large woodsy, secluded lot, just 2 blocks from the beach. Full basement & garage. Only $12,500. LOTS OF LOTS City lots, waterfront lots, acreage, flat, rolling, or wooded. In town, in the country, on a golf course. Wide selection from $900 to $45,000. State your pre ference. We have it. Are you looking for com mercial or farm property? Call Us! PBBPX- rostrllo rral patatp ro. 4= Cooperating Member of Associated Listing Service HOURS DAILY 9 to S Snnday 12 • 5 pan. 385-7050 McHenry ( Across from Jewel Tea) 8717 W. Elm W Virginia St., Crystal Lake 9569 T. P. MATHEWS. REALTORS Needs your farm, vacant i acreage or rural property | for its buyers. ( Call our Rural Property Dept. j 385-6341 or 653-2061 j 9-3-69TF1-2 I Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted S E C R E T A R Y Interesting position open in Sales Depart ment. Must be good typist and prefer ably take shorthand. We will teach you. to use simple dictation machine. Will also do some clerical and research work. Must be accurate, dependable and en thusiastic. This is a permanent position with excellent starting salary. Modern plant, liberal insurance plan and other employee benefits. John Sterling Corporation 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond* Illinois Follow U.S. Route 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H, turn left on Sterling Parkway. 9-3/9-5-69 JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT $5,000 & UP Prefer recent accounting major. No experience or degree required. For day or evening appointment contact: CONTROLLER LADD ENTERPRISES 451 COVENTRY LANE CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL 815-459-5500 9-5/9-10-69 SECRETARY Part time. General typing, shorthand desirable but not necessary. Excellent hours and benefits. PIONEER CENTER for the EXCEPTIONAL Call 385-3310 9 3/9 5 69 OFFICE GIRLS' All Kinds Immediate Placement to $600 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock PHONE 338-3200 9 5 69 Full Time Days Part Time Nights (6 to 11 p.m.) Openings for SOLDERERS WIRERS ASSEMBLERS MAJOR CORP. Rtes. 14 and 31 Crystal Lake, 111. 9 3 69TF12 AUCTION AUCTION A U C T I O N Sale of Personal Property THE ESTATE OF MARIE SIBLEY, Deceased PLACE: William E. Gaulke Barn, North Rt. 47 across from Northwood School Woodstock, Illinois TIME: 1:30 P.M. SUNDAY September 7, 1969 Green lounge chair, Admiral T.V., pole lamp, davenport, vacu um cleaner, kitchen table and 4 chairs, table radio, work chest, Gibson refrigerator-freezer combination, set of Japan Cen tury China dishes, 8-piece set silverware, electric mixer, step ladder, electric fry pan, electric sandwich toaster, electric grill, 9x12 green rug, 9x12 brown rug, wall pictures, everyday dishes, everyday pots & pans, electric sweeper, 2 double beds* 2 dressers, and night stand, Zenith T.V. - console, Polaroid camera, sewing machine, bowling ball, Airguide Thermo-hu- midifier, Remington typewriter - portable, electric ice crusher, electric deep fryer, lawn mowers, sun lamp, electric sander, PstftyBerg set of 3 woods, 9 irons, bag & 1 putter, Wilsori set of 3 woods, 9 irons, bag & 1 putter. Many more articles too numerous to mention. W. H. RUSSEL, Auctioneer FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking TERMS: CASH Not Responsible for Accidents. 9-5-69 PUBLIC AUCTION As we are moving to Arizona, we will sell the following per sonal property located at 203 West Greenwood Ave., Wood stock, Illinois on Sunday, September 7 at 12:30 p.m. sharp Antique 5 piece set of Holly pattern glass, coppertone refrig erator, coppertone double oven electric stove, coppertone wash er & dryer, maple console 21" T.V., Early American love seat, Early American davenports, several maple end tables and coffee tables, Early American lamps, maple telephone bench, maple stereo, several Early American rockers, pic tures, old youth chair, several Early American upholstered chairs, maple bunk beds, maple dough box, solid hard rock maple dining room suite, consisting of drop leaf table, 2 leaves, hutch with glass front, 2 ladder back chairs and 4 spindle back chairs, complete maple twin beds, fruitwood dresser with mirror, chest and nite stand, 2 arm dining room chairs, nearly new 3 piece Early American bedroom suite, limed oak dining room drop leaf table with 2 leaves, 6 chairs, and managing china closet, limed oak desk and chair, complete limefroak bedroom suite, large mirror, several kitchen tables and chairs, 8x10 rug and pad, glass display case, porch furniture, dehumidifier, 5 wooden stools, nearly new stainless steei sunbeam mixmaster and blender, shop and garden tools, ro tary lawn mower, and many more miscellaneous items. TERMS: cash. Not responsible tar accidents. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Brownell Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brownell, owners 203 W. Greenwood Ave. Woodstock, Illinois Don Maronde, Stillman Valley, 111. Howard McAnly, Rochelle, 111., Auctioneers Lyle Kunde, Clerk. 9-5-69 1 Female Help Wanted ATTENTION Part Time or Full Time Mothers and Housewives Bored with housework? Start your own business selling Rawleigh household products. Area open in McHenry and other com munities close by. For prompt Interview call AL GREVER 615 Rt. 31, McHenry, 385-0501 or write the W. T. Rawleigh Co. 223 E. Main, Freeport, 111. 61032 Call 815-232-4161 8 29/9 17 69 ) WAITRESS for part time. Lit tle Chef Restaurant, 1332 N. Riverside, McHenry, 111. 9 3/9 5 69 CAFETERIA HELP WANTED • COOK'S HELPER • SALAD GIRL • SERVERS • HOSTESSES • WAITRESS Excellent earnings, pleasant working conditions. Full time and part time. Phone or visit"Chef Bill" at AJI.A. Service Cafe OAK MFG. CO. Main St., Crystal Lake, 111. 459-5000 ext. 220 9369TF12 Female Help Wanted SECRETARY 2% days a week. Require shorthand, good typ ing. Reply Box 253 c/o Mc Henry Plaindealer. Include sal ary expected. 9 5°91069 WOMAN to do housework, one day week. Furnish own trans portation. Call 385-9696. 9 5 69 BABY SITTER, days, 2 chil dren. Johnsburg area. Call 385-7230 after 5 p.m. 95/91069 OFFICE SECRETARY with experience in office procedure, including typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, to handle legal and real estate work. 5 days a week. Starting salary $75.00 a week. Applicant MUST be healthy and able to han dle FULL 8 hour a day work. Call for appointment. R. A. STUEBEN 3918 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. 385-0268 9 5 69 WOMAN to stay in our home with 2 teenage children while parents take short vacation. Write to. Box 252 c/o McHen ry Plaindealer. 9 5 69 SECRETARIES Here are a few of the many openings located In your immediate area. Secretary To Comptroller Bookkeeping, typing skills, no shorthand required. 35 hour week. Salary $500-$600 mo. Secretary To Vice President Young executive vice presi dent is seeking a secretary with good typing and short hand skills who is capable of handling business con tacts. Must enjoy meeting people. $500 - $600 month Secretary To Salesmanager Will be responsible for sales correspondence, customer service, public contact, etc. Good typing and shorthand skills. $500 -$600 Legal Secretary l̂ ocal well known attorney needs a skilled secretary. Experienced or will train for legal career. Court du ties involved ' $400 - $600 Medical Secretary No medical experience ne cessary. Typing with light shorthand skills with me dical interest $500-$550 459-9010 Mure personnel lac• 467 COVENTRY LANE SUITE NO. 126 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 9-5-69 Female Help Wanted MATURE LADY to work as dental assistant. Experienced preferred but will train. Send resume to Box 246 c/o Mc Henry Plaindealer. 9 3 69TF12 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Hours 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Young woman preferred. Jim's Snack Shop. 1206 Green St., McHenry, 111. 9369TF12 KITCHEN duties; dishwashing, salads, etc. evenings. Apply in person. Longhorn Steak House, 615 Rand Rd., McHenry. 9-5-69 LADY to baby sit Saturday evenings and part of Sunday. Call 385-5659. 9 3 69TF12 SUPERVISING HOUSEKEEPER Part time - some week ends for small conference center. Call 338-4791 or 338-3600 93/9-5-69 HELP WANTED SALESPERSON Full Time Experience not necessary. Profit sharing, employee discount, paid holidays. Apply in person GLADSTONE'S 1219 N. Green McHenry, Illinois 9569TF12 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS For East Campus High School and for playground duty at Hilltop Elementary School. Contact Mrs. A M. Candella McHenry Public Schools 815-385-7210 9 3 69TF12 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Sheet Metal Personnel Due to expansion of our Sheet Metal Operation we have several permanent full time openings, both days and nights for quali fied applicants with experience on: • PUNCH PRESS (Set-Up or Operate) • BRAKE PRESS (Set-Up or Operate) • SPOT WELDER (Set-Up or Operate) Plenty of overtime with no layoff, plus full company benefits. Interview Hours: ' 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Saturday or call: 815-459-7700 for your convenient appointment E L E C T R I C C O R P O R A T I O N 3011 EAST ROUTE 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 60014 815-458-7700 Aerospace Division An Equal Opportunity Employer 9-3/9-5-69 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Work in air conditioned l comfort. Limited openings now available. ' ASSEMBLERS •LIGHT MACHINE WORK We offer group insurance, attendance bonus and other benefits. Apply in person RAE MOTORS CORP. Rt. 120* West McHenry, 111. 9 3/9 5 69 SHOP IN McHENRY COOK MAN OR WOMAN FULL TIME HOSPITAL INSURANCE VACATION BENEFITS Waitresses NOON LUNCHEONS EVENINGS Full or Part Time IN PERSON MUST APPLY RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE U.S. ROUTE 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. 815-459-0125 SHOP IN MCHENRY Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted \ Female Help Wanted COIL AND TRANSFORMER IWINDERS AND ASSEMBLERS! W O M E N • Experience desirted but will • Excellent working conditions] train qualified applicants • All standard benefits. • Day Shift 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. • New Incentive System. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. SHERIDAN LAKEMOOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS ITUHfciVUvj • VoLo &-3-69TF1-2 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED presser want ed immediately. One Hour Martinizing Cleaners, 640 Mc Henry Ave., Woodstock, 111. Call 338-1331, evenings 338-1219 9 5/912 69 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS A.M. and P.M. RUNS Good pay. No experience necessary. Apply now so we can have you fully qual ified by the start of the next school term. This is an excellent oppor tunity to make extra money or add to your present in come. For details call: MB. BLANK at 885-7210 9 3 69TF12 r 1 • SCHOOL BUS I : DRIVERS: I WORTS TRANSIT j 385-1500 LmmmmhhbiibJ COOK for summer camp far small children. In McHenry residential. Excellent salary Call Lee Ahsmann. Saturday and Sunday. 312-825-0878. 9 3 69TF12