.V COUNTRY CLUB NEWS C.KKI NF'WTl/ COR1NNE FRETT SURPRISED AT BRIDAL SHOWER Sunday, Aug. 24, was a spec ial day for Corinne Krett. She was surprised with a bridal shower given for her by her bridesmaids, Mary Jo Brefeld, Darlene Freund, Nlaribeth 194 Thompson, and Diane Rindt. The shower was held at Mary Jo's home and Corinne received many beautiful gifts. The girls played games, served coffee and cake and enjoyed Corinne's surprise. She will become the bride of Robert Raska on Sept. 6. GET-WELL WISHES USED RUGS Ideal for College Rooms QUALITY RUGS. CLEANED. EDGES FINISHED 6' x 9 s. 9' x 12's $14.95 to $39.95 NEW ONES TOO!! OTHER SIZES, TOO!! INDOOR-OUTDOOR $2.99 Sq. Yd. CASH & CARRY AND SPECIAL PRICES ON DO-IT- YOURSELF WALL TO WALL-CARPET TIDY CARPETS & RUGS Mon:, Thurs., Fri., 8:00 to 9:00 Tues., Wed., Sat., 8:00 to 5:00 JUNCTION 120 & CITY 14 338-1000 WOODSTOCK At the time of this writing, Mike Joza of Country Club drive is recovering in Evanston hos pital following an accident in which he was hit and dragged by a truck while riding his bike in Kenilworth. The accident which occurred on Aug. 5 re sulted in Mike's hospitalization and will incur possible skin- grafting. Wc send our best wish es for •> speedy recovery to Mike whose parents, Raul and Liza loza, report he's doing fine and in good spirits, the reason prob ably being the extra special care he gets from the nurses. NEW RESIDENTS Our special Country Club •welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Waytula of 603 John Street and their family. TheWaytula family are new arrivals in our area and we extend our best wishes to them and hope they will read and enjoy our column and contribute their own news items. FISH STORY Congratulations to young Brian Becker of Charlotte ave nue who caught a 1 lb. 2 oz. perch while fishing in Hayward, Wis., and won the "Fisherman-of- the-week" award. BIRTHDAY CANDLES Birthday congratulations to Susie Joza who will celebrate on Sept. 5 and belated candles to my own Faith Ann who turn ed five on Aug. 21 and was the guest of honor at a birthday party which included games, cake, ice cream and an Ex- cedrin headache for Mommy. Guests included Barbara and Cathy Grasser, Cathy, Kristie and Karen Day, Vickie and Jean- ine Frett and our own family. Everyone had a nice time but thank goodness birthdays only come once a year. I'm still hoping that all my old faithfuls will call me with their vacation news as soon as Miss Deidre Kelley uses a teaching machine under the direc tion of Stephen Sculley, director of the Audio-Visual center of McHenry County college. lEGfll NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Don R. Phillips Deceased, FILE NO. 69-P-210 Notice is hereby given pur suant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration with W ill Annexed were issued terial is on a rear screen projection unit while a student listens to taped materials. The student can then progress through each step at his own rate and check his success at the end of each step. One of the first areas of use for the teaching machines will be in the improvement of Eng lish instruction. Registration for these and other courses is in progress now for the fall semester, 1969-70 which be gins Sept. 8. Students who wish to register may call 459-6800, ext. 20, for a counseling ap pointment. , Sec. 2, Pg. 4 - Plaindealer - Frf., Sept. 5, 196$ on August 25, 1969, to Ivan Mallon, 1300 E. Leonard Road, Ingleside, Illinois, whose attor ney of record is Charles F. Meyers, 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois, and that the first Monday In the month of October, 1959, i$ the claim date for the estate. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court^ County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5,12,1969j FRANCHISE AVAILABLE H & R BLOCK WANTS TO LOCATE A PERSON CAPABLE OF OPERATING A VOLUME TAX SERVICE IN THE McHENRY AREA. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT PERSON. WE TRAIN YOU. FOR DETAILS WRITE: H T R BLOCK AMERICA'S LARGEST TAX SERVICE 8 SO. GENESSE WA0KF.GAN,ILLINOIS 4 TEACHING MACHINE INTRODUCED AT COUNTY COLLEGE A teaching machine that per mits the student to schedule his own review of an instruc tor's classroom presentation is part of the educational pro- the kids get back to school. We haven't had too many col umns this past month or two but it's not because I'm sleep ing on the job, I haven't had anything to write about. How about it? Till next week Using the McHenry Service Center Complete Cooling System Service FM HEATERS RADIATORS GAS TANKS j I |WELDING AND WELDING SUPPLIES ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. ROUTE 120 PHONE 385-0783 RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Route 120, McHenry We service all makes * TVs * Radios * Stereo * Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL Trai lers & Trucks * COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING it ARC & GAS WELDING * Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front St. 385-9831 Payton Chevrolet ' SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on any make car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Phone 385-2155 Jim Thompson's Elm St. Service •Complete Lube *Wash Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management since 1953" 385-9749 3603 W. Elm. McHenry MYHENRY PLAINDEALER Sports Society jClassifieds ^^Advertising News PHONE 385-0170 FARM EQUIPMENT GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 DRIVE IN ANYTIME, AND SEE YOUR CAR j SHINE. . . . . FAST!* I Lakeland Parkj $1.25 AUTOMATIC j f'W.y* j STAY IN YOUR CAR Next to Phillip's 66 JACOBSEN LAWN MOWER SALES AND SERVICE E • perr Repair Factory trained mechanics full stoch of qenume factory replacement parts Enqme tune up and complete safety check Fast precision sharpen.nq -- See your favorite Mechanic using NAPA Automotive Replacement Parts For Expert Repair Service Genuine Parts Distributed by McHenry Auto Parts 3411 W. Elm McHenry Ph. 815-385-8080 • Complete selection oi C^Jicobsen lawn mower; 385-0434 ADAMS Repair Shop 3102 N. CHAPEL HILL McHENRY Garages ANY SIZE ANY STYLE Complete remodeling and repair service We also specialize in room additions. No Money Down- Terms. »MKE CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake ART'S LAKELAND PARK •Tune Ups •Brake Work *24 Hr. Road Service 385-6323 Authorized To Perform New Car Warranty Service. . ED'S STANDARD SERVICE 4 )•&>*>> h4rc) JAKE'S by appointment WE USE AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuts 385-7771 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh' Buy-Sell-Trade • EXPERT TUNE-UP • WASH • WAX ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 * 3817 W. Elm St. Life Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois. 600 & Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHenry Gun Center Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 gram of McHenry County col lege. The uses of each teach ing machines are many, but two of the most frequent uses are those known as the "auto- lecture' and programmed in struction. In the auto-lecture method an instructor at the college can prepare a series of slides for use with a synchronized tape on a cassette tape recorder. The dramatic effect of cover ing an entire wall with an im age illustrating the points se lected by the instructor in creases the effectiveness of student learning. Additionally, the auto-lecture method per mits the student to review the slides and the instructor's com ments at his own leisure via the teaching machines in the Individualized Study Labor atory. The programmed instruction method operates on the princi ple of breaking down a unit of instruction into extremely small steps. Each line of ma-I Frigidaire Range features lift-off door, big storage drawer • Oven door lifts off--takes "extra reach" out of oven cleaning. • Cook-Master oven control starts, stops cooking automatically. • Automatic Appliance Outlet makes your coffee-maker automatic. • Easy-view surface unit controls. New convenience feature! $189.00 RS35L 30" electric Colors or white LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILL r#JSM9M PH. 385-0882 Illlllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Q why did Sam Lawton go to the t ««* expense of mailing 30,000 Con-Con questionnaires A. because he's the one candidate who wants to be sure he represents YOU in Springfield How do folks in this area feel about lowering voting age to 18 . . . abolishing sales tax on food and drugs . . . authorizing lotteries and bingo . . . providing state aid to non-public schools? Sam Lawton knows the answers, because he went to the trouble and expense of sending out 30,000 questionnaires . . . and tabu lating your answers. He knows what you want in your, new Illinois constitution. He may be the only candidate who knows! LECT SAMUEL T. LAWTON, JR. Con-Con delegate ;r Primary: Sept. 23. Sam lawton, • distinguished attorney, K« displayed unusual ability In complex profaUm-solving wMlo Mrviiif In State, City and local government offices. Nit record ImMoii Vko-Chairmon Illinois Air Pollution Control Board; Chairman of Technical Advisory Committao on Housing and Now Town* of the North- oaitom Illinois Planning Commission; = Mayor of Highland Park; Highland Park = I tty Councilman; Praildont of Board' •f Mucotion laka County School r District 1M; Mombir of Planning Commission; and Mamhor Zoning s Board of Apptoli. ^iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimmmiiiiimiiniinnniiimimiiimiiumiiiiii i Sponsored by: Lawton for Con-Con Committee, | A. G. Ballenger, finance chairman, 813 Mosley Road, Highland Park, III.