3IAKI3 OPTIONAL Concat t ion Ticket • 50c PRISONERS of their own i strange desires PEN WILD WHEN PASSING When passing another car, remember that it is moving too. Don't cut back in front of it until you can see its head lights in your rear-view mirror. Wrinkles Removed In 3 Minutes Now, available to you, RE VEAL, a new scinetific cos metic which will remove your wrinkles temporarily in just 3 minutes and lasts up to 8 hours. Apply RE VEAL as directed to your forehead, around your eyes, and neck and watch the years disappear as the lines, crows feet and puffiness disappear in just 3 minutes. REVEAL is sold with a strict money back guaran tee if not satisfied for any reason. Just return the package to your druggist. GET REVEAL TODAY AND LOOK YOUNGER TO NIGHT. Sold only by: BOLGER drug store 1260 North Green Street Mail Orders Filled NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Thousands are earning good money in the fast-growing field of professional income tax service. The work is in teresting and satisfying And the demand for. trained consultants is increasing each year. Now, H & R Block--America 's Largest Income Tax Serv ice--will teach you their exclusive method of preparing income tax returns, in a special 12 week tuition course. Supervision by experienced Block instructors. Course covers current tax laws, theory, and application as practiced in H & R Block offices from coast to coast. Features include: CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 24 3-hour sessions (2 per week) Choice of days and class times Diploma awarded upon graduation Employment (full or part time) for qualified graduates ENROLL NOW! 8 So. Genesee Waukegcm,_ JIIK_^6-6020 • Please send me free information about the 1970 H&R Block Income Tax Course. This is a request for informa tion only and places me under no obligation to enroll. NAME ADDRESS. CITY -ZIP CODE. @iGRAYSLAKE OUTDOOR ?ts 120 & 21, Grayslake KIDD YLAND BA 3-8155 ENDS THUR. SEPT. 4 "Spirits Of The Dead" & "The First Time" Fri.^Sat.-Sun. Sept. 5 to 7 Hje Eheen Behets _ _ - J O H N . D A V I D WAYNE JANSSEN MOUTH--um1 H-- MBWW. KW MFB 4 PLUS CO-FEATURE m EUHAWA* ECMMIE ijgseciaDF. • C L I P A N D M A I L T O D A Y • Also-Late Show-Fri.& Sat. •OPEN WEEKENDS ONLY* J PG. 6 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1969 I Mile East of McHenry onRte.120 FINALISTS -- Dave Miller, Sr., and Bryan Miller, his son, of Crystal Lake congratulate Jack Thomas and Jim Doran after the McHenry men won the men's doubles division of the Labor Day open tennis tournament held on the West campus courts. Sixteen men were entered in the doubles and twenty-two in the singles event. The final score was 6-0, 4-6 and 6-3. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Earl Walsh \ * SO I HEAR Warriors Open Drills And Will Play Soap Bowl Game Friday by Bert Hagemann Well, after a summer's ab sence from the pages of the Plaindealer spirt section, it's back to the enjoyable task of re cording for you the activities of McHenry high athletics. The football squad has been work ing out for two weeks rto\s in preparation for tonight's (Fri day) third annual soap bowl at McCracken field. The sophomores will open their game at 6:30, with the varsity to folio* at about 7:30. The teams will play two twenty minute halves of intra-squad football, complete with reg istered officials, scoreboard, and all the trimmings. Admis sion as always will consist of a bar of soap which will be used for the athletes during the com ing sports season. In a conversation with head coach Bill Day, the following topics were discussed concern ing this years outlook. The Warriors' have only eight re turning lettermen from last year's squad. The returning vets are seniors, headed up by end Pete Benoy, tackle Chris Borchardt, back Gary Fair- child, back Steve George, back Tom Janik, quarterback Kurt Knaack, end Scott Nickels, and guard Don Thurlwell. The ball club is basically a junior team, but for the first time in four years, the Warriors can boast a big offensive and defensive line. The Warriors have sev en linemen who scale over the two hundred mark, with another large group in the 185-200 lb. range. Coach Day says°the squad has average speed and tremen dous spirit. Due to delays in equipment delivery, the War riors have been able to get in only a couple of contact ses sions, and coach Day feels this has perhaps retarded their pro gress. However, most of the squad members are rounding into good physical condition now, and this first public show ing this Friday night will give the coaching staff some idea of the shape of things to come. Once again coach Day will be assisted by Ken Swanson, of fensive line, Ken Ludwig, de fensive backs and split ends, and Tobias Scott, defensive line. The coaching staff is optimistic about this year's chances and if breaks fall our way, we could make our presence felt in the rugged North Suburban. McCracken Field has been the scene of practice for the Mc Henry Warriors as they take shape for tonight's third annual soap bowl game. This soap bowl game will give Coach Day and his coaching staff some valuable information on the starters for their first game against Delvilb, a non-conference battle at McCracken Field on Sept. 12. PLAINDEALER PHOTOS, Wonder Lake "Mustangs" Win9 Lose, And Draw The Wonder Lake "Mus tangs'* Soccer team exper ienced all three scores within the past two weeks in their ex hibition games which are play ed between the spring and fall league seasons. On August 24, the team play ed at I.I.T. field in Crystal Lake against the league team from Elgin and tied them 4-4. At an annual tournament in Rockford on Aug. 31, the Mus-* tangs played against a 2nd di vision team from Chicago - the Norwegian-American A.A. and were defeated 5-0. However, they came back later to win against the Rockford Blues with a score of 2-1. Sunday, Sept. 7 is the opening day of the fall league series. The first game will be played in Hanson field at Fullerton and Central in Chicago at 3 p.m. against United. United is a team of all British Isles men who are all former 1st and 2nd division players and have now formed their own team un der the name of United. This should be one of the best games of the fall series. W ith the addition of five play ers from the Crystal Lake Bombers who haye recently joined the Wonder Lake team and several other new players, the team now has a full roster of 18 players which'is all they are allowed to have registered in the National league. They al so have two players on the wait ing list who work out regularly with the team on Thursday nights at their field on the McHenry American Legion grounds. If you are interested in soccer, drop down on Thurs day nights and watch them work out. Everyone is welcome. There will be a bus charter ed for the Sept. 7 game in Chi cago. The bus will leave the McHenry American Legion clubhouse on Ringwood road at 1 p.m. on Sunday. If you want to be sure of a seat call Leo Hartog at 815-653-7176 any evening and we will mark you down for a reservation. Why not ride in with the team to see the game? The fall scedule for the W.L. Mustangs league games is as follows: Sunday, Sept. 7; I nited vs Wonder Lake Mustangs, Hanson Park, Chicago, 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 14: Wonder Lake Mustangs vs Juventus, McHenry American Legion field, 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21; Red-White jw Green vs W.L. Mustangs, Lincoln Park, Chicago (Wilson avenue) 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28; W.L. Mus tangs vs Leon, McHenry Amer ican Legion field, 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 5; W.L. Mus tangs vs Elgin, McHenry Amer ican Legion field, 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12; Marte vs W.L. Mustangs, Humboldt Park, C hicago, 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 19; Manta vs W.L. Mustangs, Humboldt Park, Chicago, 1 p.m. CONSERVATION CLUB WORKS ON FEEDER STATIONS The McCullom Lake Conser vation club is working hard to beautify and preserve the na tural assets of that lake. Pro ceeds from their money-rais ing project will be used for these purposes. Their long range planning program for Mc Cullom Lake will require not only much" hard and intensive work but also considerable funds. Those who did not par ticipate in the fund raising pro gram and would like to make a donation may do so by mailing a contribution to the club trea surer, Boyd Knaack, 2201 North Alton road. In order to improve the lake and fishing conditions, it will be necessary to seine the rough fish, rejuvenate the soil and prepare and install feeder sta tions in the lake. Sunday, Sept. 7, at 9:30 a.m. at the West beach (Herzog beach) in Lakeland Park, mem bers of the McCullom Lake Conseryation club will meet in order to prepare and place some of the feeder stations. They hope that many volunteers will come out at this time to help with this work.. . Volunteers will also .be needed on a daily basis, after the feeding stations are install ed, to take care of the daily feeding. This has been sug gested as a very good chance for retired persons to be of service and help the commun ity. It is not hard work, and does not require much time, but it Is necessary to make the project successful. This also relieves some of the young er people for more strenuous tasks, and the many other chores involved. To volunteer, or to get fur ther information call either Jack Oakford, president, or Jerry Raycraft, secretary. The next meeting of the Mc Cullom Lake Conservation club will be on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. at the Lakeland Park Community house. Football Season .is Here . . . Support the Warriors POEM WEEK'?? "Red-Hot" Season for Cubs and fans -- Get out the flags and marching bands -- Who wants "peanuts' at a game -- We want runs to continue Cub fame -- A special Boo to "Cards' and "Mets" -- A sure safe way to lose those "bets" -- Woe to the Sox and their fans few: - Everyone knows THEY are through---! From Yours TiVily, Now You -- "" Guess Who!! "Ho-Ho!" Who ever heard of a ball game without peanuts? Never, never would you hear a Special Boo at White Sox park. -- And, how can you say out- Sox are through? They are just getting started. We'll take a whirl And bet you're a girl. Write again. Yours truly, Kid Dooley. We welcome Bert "Hey! Hey!" Hagemann back to our sports page this week. Bert will again report high school ath letics and probably come through with his famous pre dictions. We hope you coaches will feed news to Bert. You can bet we will give the space to all sports. Labor Day came and our wife told us it was time to part with our straw hat. Harry Dean look ed at that hat one day and said, "Where did you get it?" Wouldn't tell him. He probably wanted to get one just like it. It's put away for next year. Bifl Arends brought his broth er Henry in to see us this week. Henry lives in California and hasn't been here since ten years ago. Says if we want to see him again we will have to go west. When we remarked that Hen ry looked taller and thinner, Bill said it was from work ing on his lemon ranch. Found out he does have one lemon tree in his yard. • We had a good time re calling our boyhood days on Mc Henry' s West side. Hope to find somebody to give us results of the Calcutta golf tourney at McHenry Country club the past weekend. Dick Rosing*s team was the winner as one could tell by the smile on"Dick's face Mon day night. Now comes the bowling sea son. Would like to have you league secretaries turn in top scores or unusual news. For instance, if somebody bowls way- over his or her head make a note of it. It may be bigger news than a top bowler's 600 series. Have one heckuva time with our hats. Had a broad brimmed one last winter that drew such comments as: WHERE did you get that hat ' Where DID you get that hat ? .Where did XQU «et that hat? Where did you GET that hat? Where «<T you ̂ THAT hat? Where did you get that HAT? Let me tell thee you won't find 'em on every bald head in town. TUESDAY NIGHT C. I). OF A. B. O'Brien 166-190-172-528; 1). Overton 183-151-177-511; J. Kralowitz 165; 1). Koleno 167; L. Kunz 169; C. Buenzli 171; J. Majora 172; M. Peter sen 361. CAMPERS* FIRST A "first" in convenience for campers was assured when Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie recently re leased $20,450 for a camping area adjacent to a picnic ground near Interstate 55, Conserva tion Department Director W il liam L. Rutherford said. The director said the money will purchase 40.9 acres of land at a rest stop on Int. 55 at the Sangamon river. The pro posed camping area is next to and surrounding the division of highways' eight acre picnic ground east of the multilane divided highway. Sports Editor .J FRI.-SAT.-SUN. 7:00 & 9:15 MON.-THUR. 7:0Q :00 SUNDAY KIDDIE MATINEE START i:30 SEATS 50* MATTACK OF PUPPET PEOPLE" awardtedE?ronK-°PH1KS Patti Brooke and Lil Wilkey were ney. \\ith eP\s?htS *>r ,'Ninning women's doubles in the tour- and the winner V"ornLn enltred, each team played all others number of game^^w dc'clared as the pair winning the most Schneider, Cathv jv \"r teams were Gloria Speiss and Lori and Peggy Lawrence Elaine Worth and Darlene Jones Jones-Lawrence duo hv r Brooke-Wilkey team nosed out the ,ne game' PLAINDEALER PHOTO starts PR id ay SEPT. 5th ENDS THUR. SEPT. 4 "TRUE GRIT" J > •>.