J FALL PLANTING BEGINS owerw mmmm FAIL RAWING PEONIES Large Clumps $2.98 6SL 3 for $7.95 IRIS New Award Winning Varieties $1.50 ea. 3 for $3.99 Blooming Garden Mums $1.69 ea. 3 for $4.75 $18.00 doz. EU0NYM0US VEGETUS - WINTERCREEPER Best of all Euonymous Vines Can be grown as ground cover or climbing vine (Article written by Mr. Art Kozelka in Chicago Tribune (Sunday, Aug. 24) 50c ea. (bands) -- 25 plants $10.00 12" Potted - $3.50 -- 18" Potted - $5.25 Tag Shade Trees in our Nursery NOW! 3 ICWERWCCCL lUllthlS M K.H».K> liAKIM.N I f.Nlt ROUTES 14& 176 PHONE 459-6200 CRYSTAL LAKE OPEN SUNDAY 9-5 M0N. - SAT. 8-5 Passbook Savings m Per Annum Current Dividend Rate Savings Certificates 5% Per Annum ($1,000 to $4,900 inclusive) Savings Certificates 514% Per Annum ($5,000 minimum) MARENGO federal savings and loan association 200 East Grant Highway * Marengo, Illinois 60152 Phone: 815-568-7258 X SUCCESS MARKS YOUTH RETREAT OF CITY CHURCH A one-day retreat for the Jun ior and Senior high school youth of the Alliance Bible church was held recently when the young people were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Stenbergof Pistakee. Fifteen teen-agers, along with Pastor Gerald L. Robertson, heard messages throughout^! day from the Rev. Richard Lud^ wigson, midwest district direc tor of Christian Education with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and pastor of the Al liance church in Westmont, 111. * Emphasis of the day was a living personal relationship with Christ. The youth met at the church at 8:30 a.m. for prayer and then travelled to the Sten- berg home. The day's activities included an inspirational and devotional service in which the teens were challenged to take a spiritual inventory of, their lives. A deep sense of personal honesty was evident as a crit ical self-examination of actions and motives took place under the direction of Rev. Ludwigson. Also included were a time of questions, hints on personal preparation in the spiritual life, a seminar on how to prepare effective youth programs, a seminar on the youth of today and missionary responsibility,, and recreation. Following a time of youth program planning, the group returned to the Al liance Bible church for a fam ily dinner and a concluding challenge by Rev. Ludwigson. Those taking pah in the day's activities were Sandy Sveen, Sue Diesdow, Marsha Hansen, Larry Dresdow, Chrys Chris- tensen, Pam Morris, Glenn Hansen, Tim Stenberg, Debbie Reid and Dawn Ingersol. In the concluding service, several of the young people gave verbal testimony as to what the day meant to them. Each one gave witness to a successful and worthwhile day of spiritual fel lowship and recreation. Many thanks were expressed to the Stenbergs for their gracious hospitality and kindness in host ing the event. REPUBLICANS CALL CON-CON NIGHrSEPT. 10 A Con Con Candidates' Night is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, at 8 p.m. at Deerfield high school, Deer- field. This meeting is being spon sored by the Lake County'Re publican party as a public ser vice to the voters in the 32nd Senatorial district. Normand A. Cohen of Highland Park is chairman of the 32nd District Republican Con Con committee conducting the meeting. The chairman and his com mittee have enlisted each com mitteeman in the district for the purpose of securing max imum voter participation in the election of delegates to the historical Constitutional Con vention. Mr. Cohen anticipates a capacity turn out of inter- VARIED VIEWS -- Views on plumbing and pol itics were exchanged when this group got to gether during the annual golf outing of the Plumbing and Heating Contractors association of Lake and McHenry counties at McHenry Country club last week. Comparing notes are, •* left to right, Greg Streb, of Crystal Lake and treasurer of the Contractors association; State Rep., Tom Hanahan of McHenry; State Senator Karl Berning, of Deerfield, and Ron Short, of Waukegan, secretary-treasurer of Plumbers Local Union 93. More than 200 plumbing con tractors, union officials, suppliers and political figures attended the golf outing and dinner. ested voters who will close ly quiz the candidates on their respective thoughts about rev enue, judiciary, home rule, e- lective as appointed officials and limitations, constitution vs. legislative. Many candidates have ex pressed appreciation for the ef forts being expended and the opportunity this Candidates Night offers. FRIDAY, SEPT. 5, 1969 PLAINDEALER - PGC 7 Marengo Federal. . . A Mutual Organization Organized under a charter from the Federal Government The owners are all the people who have accounts with the association. ALL ASSETS... ALL RESERVES... ALL NET EARNMGS...BELONG TO THE SAVERS There are no "inside" or "outside" stockholders who receive part of the earnings, any special profit, or other advantages. This mutuality is one reason Marengo Federal has consistently paid a BETTER THAN AVERAGE RETURN ON SAVINGS. Save at Marengo Federal Gib® sflafifftf (for girls) wow -- print voiles for the sheerest fun. by Shirtique. long sleeves, double button cuffs, and pointy, pointy collars. all from $7. tfllo© sflaSfffi (for guys) the setJv collar w/double button cuff by mmnhaHmn. is the biggest thing to hit the campus this year. deep toned in goldt blue, green. at $7.50. (for girls) (for guys) widest of wide wale are lining up with country plaids. go to town this fall with city pants. from $10. the flares and custom flares by UB are the greatest dress slacks for fall. Monotone plaids and tiny checks are way in. from $10. A $29,000,000 mutual association serving Northern Illinois since 1925 1219 NORTH G R E E N LBDSTDNE ^ Use Our Easy Charge Plan 815-385-0182 i o I