McHENRY "Jack Perry Memorial"' BROADHEAD Shoot is sched uled for Sunday, Sept. 14, by Northern Illini Bowmen. This is an annual BROADHEAD shoot to commemorate a great bow- hunter and sportsman from this area. All bowhunters are invited to participate in this animal shoot actually using hunting equip ment and broadhead arrows. Two arrows will be shot at each of 28 handpainted targets backed by straw bales. Registration is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. with plenty of food available, coffee and rolls in the morning and plate lunch at noon. Two travelling "Jack Perry" trophies will be awarded to the highest scores shot; one for barebow and one for free style shooters. Trophies will be awarded for first place winners and medals for second and third in all classes. Good and needed practice for the whitetail season is available to all bowhunters at the Northern Illini Bowmen outdoor range on Draper j-oad just a mile west of McHenry this com ing Sunday, Sept. 14. Knaack (QB). Back row; Don Thurlwell (G), Scott Nickels (E),\^ Gary Fairchild (HB), and Pete Benoy (E). PLAINDEALER PHOTO LEGAL NOTICE The Board of Education Dis trict No. 156 will receive bids on or before Friday September 12, at 12:00 o'clock noon to supply gravel and grade a bus parking lot on the school prop erty on James Street. Addi tional information may be ob tained from Mr. Blank at the Board of Education office 3926 W. Main St., phone 385-7210. The board of education reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. (Pub. Sept. 5, 10, 1969) HUH! INVITATION TO BID McHenry Township Road Dis trict will receive proposals for the construction of a drainage system in the right of way of the road known as Florence Drive between West Street and Pistakee Drive in the subdi vision known as Pistakee Hills, Unit 1. The work to consist of furnishing and installing ap proximately 1350 feet of 50" x 31" CMPA and re-shaping of ditches as required. The sealed proposals will be received at the McHenry Town ship Road District Office, 3703 North Richmond Road, (Route 31), McHenry County, Illinois, from 10:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. on Tuesday, September 23, 1969. Opening at 10:30 A.M. Engineering instructions, in cluding Plans and Specifi cations, will be available to qualified bidders at the office of Gordon E. Sergant and As sociates, 6713 Johnsburg-Wil- mot Road, Spring Grove, Ill inois. No proposal material will be issued for bid after 10:00 A.M. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Interest is running high in the scheduled old timers game at Algonquin park next Sunday at 2 p.m. Manager Bill Bolger an nounced that most of the old gang will be there plus many others who played in recent years. Some of the McHenry "Bums" have even indicated a desire to be on hand. Before the contest gets un der way there will be a lit tle bitting exhibition tor those who want to "hit a few" but don't want to take part in the game itself. There will be a master of ceremonies on hand with a P.A. system. He will introduce all the players on both teams. In case of rain all players should report to the Algonquin American Legion hall for a lit tle party and refreshments. NAME MANAGER Harry J. Schroeder has been appointed manager manufac turing engineering of the auto motive and industrial division of Modine Manufacturing com pany. He will be responsible for directing and coordinating the division staff activities and per sonnel of manufacturing de velopment, tool engineering, and special products, according to A.W. Leafe, the division's manager of operations. on Friday, September 19, 1969. Clarence Regner, Commissioner McHenry Township Road District CON CON MEETING SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY NIGHT Residents of Whispering Oaks are urged to attend a meeting in which candidates for the Ill inois Constitutional Convention will present their views and proposals. The board of directors of Whispering Oaks association, feel that this is the most im portant event to occur in Ill inois in many years. This will be an opportunity to be heard in the halls of the Legislature as the items expressed by the voters to these candidates may very well be incorporated in the new constitution. Also, by hearing their views one will be a better informed voter. The candidates will state their back grounds and then will be avail able for questions from the floor. The meeting will be held Sept. 11, 8 p.m. at the Lake land Community house, 1717 N. Sunset, Lakeland Park. CHARLES MEYERS RECEIVES MBA DEGREE AT U OF I Diplomas for 1,367 summer graduates of the University of Illinois now are being prepared. The total includes 482 under graduates and 885 advanced de grees. Charles K. Meyers of McHenry received his MBA de gree. As there is no summer com mencement ceremony, prepar ation of diplomas is begun only after all grades are reported and verified. i J AXE'S McHenry, Il l inois BY APPOINTMENT WE USE AND RECOMMEND| * I PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuts !••••••• ENDS THURS. SEPT. "WINNING" STARTS FRIDAY SEPT. MGM presents A Freeman/Enders Production 'THE MALTESE BIPPY Panavision* and Metrocolor Fri.-Sat. -Sun. 7:00 & 9:00 Mon. -Thurs. 7:00 & 8:50 Also for Sunday Matinee 1:30 (Reg. Evening Prices all Shows) Duck And Snipe Hunting Dates Duck and snipe hunting sea sons in Illinois will open Nov. 1 and close Nov. 30, with shoot ing hours from sunrise to sun set. The basic daily bag limit on ducks is four, but must not in clude in combination more than two mallards, one canvasback or one redhead, or two wood ducks. The basic possession limit is eight. It is not to include in any combination more than four mallards, on canvasback or one redhead, and four wood ducks. The daily limit on mer gansers is five and ten in pos session. Of these, one daily and two in possession may be hood ed mergansers. The daily bag limit on coots is ten and twenty in possession. The limit on snipe is eight daily and sixteen in possession. HIGH IS HIGH - Only one cornstalk grows in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schuster of 2810 Kama avenue, Shali- mar, but that one specimen is enough to rate a 9-inch high picture. Actually, the cornstalk itself tops 13 feet. It was brought to McHenry by the Schusters from the Canary Islands, where they vacationed last year. PLAINDEALER PHOTO WASTING V2 YOUR LUNCH HOUR WAITING FOR SERVICE Try Bill Lindwalls Lamplighter Cafe 3313 W. Elm St. Fast Service & good Food Open Every Day at 5 a.m. Closed Wed. 10:00 a.m. Open 7 days a week 11:00a.m. to closing K Here Are Some 385-9700 11 Tacos 12 Welcome Families YOURHOCT: Wally & Dora f © J ' Rlsit our Newly Remodeled Dining I Rl VE RsId^^^vTTT Roo: McHenry-Algonquin Old WW •••WIS News Timers Game Sunday Warrior Gary Fairchild carries ball for short gain during are Warriors in black Bob Kuechel and Keith Thomas. The soap-bowl game last Friday night. Attempting to halt Fairchild Warrior Blacks won over the Warrior Whites by a 6-0 score. PLAINDEALER PHOTO chida, Jim Faas, John Oeffling, Dave Pohlman and Eric Weiss. So far Pictor and Hutchin son have showed impressive mid season form, which leads us to believe that they did a great deal of running this past summer. Leading underclass men in early season drills have been John Seaton, Terry Mc- Gibbon, and Ale? Thomas. There is no doubt that if this bunch of hustlers works as PG. 6- PLAINDEALER-WED. SEPT. 10, 1969 Thindads Hard At by Bert Hagemann If you have seen some high school athletes running in shorts lately in your neigh borhood, don't take alarm, they are most likely the Warrior thinclads, getting in shape for this upcoming cross country season. The harriers have been hard at work in official prac tices since August 20 as they seek to defend the many laur els bestowed upon them last season in the most success- captains Brad Pictor and Bruce ful cross country season War rior fans have probably ever witnessed. ^ As a quick reminder, these returning champs will be de fending an undefeated dual rec ord, plus titles in the county, North Suburban, and District meets during last years me- teroic season. Seven lettermen have returned to coach Don Sea- ton's fold, and these are co- Davis, along with Ed Brut, Mike Freund, Glen Hampton, Don Schubert, and Wayne Smith. Junior Keith Hutchinson also lettered last year as a soph omore, and he is joined on the squad by some other members of last year's powerhouse. These athletes include seniors Fred Stark and Mike W isniew- ski, along with juniors Mike Blake, Chuck Claypool, Eld Ds- Work For Cross Country Season McHenry Warrior returning lettermen are front row L-R; Chris Borchardt (T), Steve George (HB), Tom Janik (HB), and Kurt Tues. Oct. 14, Woodstock at McHenry. Fri. Oct. 17, Conference Meet at Crystal Lake, t Tues. t>ct. 2l, District Meet, 5 D.m. Sat. Oct. 25, Sectional Meet. Mon. Oct. 27, Frosh-Soph In vitational at Crystal Lake. Tues. Oct. 28, Libertyville Invitational. Sat. Nov. 1, State Meet - Champaign. All week day meets start at 4:30 p.m. If you're coming to Chicago for a rest don't come to Sherman House. There's too much happening at Sherman House. For instance, there's the famous College Inn, headlining the most exciting names in show business. And to go with the College Inn, Chicago's most lively and memorable restaurants and lounges--the Well of the Sea, the Celtic Cafe, the Dome and the Scuttlebutt. So if you're.coming to Chicago to be turned-on, not off, come to Sherman House. And leave the rest to us. Tues. Sept. 9, Grant at Mc Henry. Thurs. Sept. 11, McHenry and Crystal Lake at Dundee. Tues. Sept. 16, Larkin at McHenry. Fri. Sept. 19, McHenry at Elgin. Tues. Sept. 23, Crown and Marian Central at McHenry. Thurs. Sept. 25, Barrington and McHenry at North Chicago. Sat. Sept. 27, Grant-Crystal Lake Invitational at Crys tal Lake. Thurs. Oct. 2, Z ion-Benton at McHenry. Sat. Oct. 4, Peoria Invitation al at Peoria. Mon. Oct. 6, McHenry at Lake Zurich. Thurs. -Oct. 9, McHenry at Libertyville. Sat., Oct. 11, McHenryCoun- ty Meet. SWIMMING POOL AT WEST CAMPUS OPEN IN OCTOBER The swimming pool at West campus is currently under re pairs and it is hoped that the pool will be available for you by the first week in October. Currently the Community School Directors office is work ing on a schedule for commun ity use of West campus pool. It is anticipated the schedule will be very similar to last year's pool schedule. If there are any questions regarding pool use by the com munity, please contact Harvey Ahitow, Community School Di rector's office at 385-8120. Am sure "Brenda" won't be much help to you on the sports page. When she gets past tennis, she doesn't know a home run from a touchdown. (She's really a good kid, though). It is hard to ask you to help, Marie, in your saddened state over the Cub Collapse. Am afraid other teams will have to knock off the Mets or the Cubs will go down the drain. hard as they did last season, and perhaps just a shade hard er, that they once again will be the class of Northern Ill inois, and perhaps cangodown- stkte again and improve on their 17th place finish of last year. Watch the Plaindealer for their schedule, first meet is Grant here on the McHenry course, Sept. 9. CROSS COUNTRY 1969-70 SCHEDULE Sherman House a MetroAmerica hotel "EARL WALSH SO I HEAR »ndolph-Clark-LaSalle • Chicago Reservations: (312) FR 2-2100 Marie Yegge Ass't Sports Editor Dear Marie, Here it is Sunday morning and I forgot to let you know about a convention trip that will take me out of circulation for a couple of days. Hope you will take the wheel and steer the ship. Am sure if you will feed the copy back to Dick and the darlings they will get a sports page together. Saw you going around a cor ner last evening and couldn't tell if you were wearing a veil or :repe after that crushing blow the Pirates dealt your dear Cubs. One thing I forgot. You know how thoughtful Junior Freund is about calling when his Cubs win and our Sox droop. He must have been real sick Saturday night. I should have at least phoned to inquire about his health. -- And, how come you aren't a Sox fan? All good Irishmen should be Sox fans and Dem ocrats. And, the likes o' you a Cub fan and Republican. Hope some news comes in about the Old Timers game at Algonquin next Sunday. Now, don't you worry about a country boy like me going to the big city of Chicago to a con vention. Alvina is going with me. So long, "S.I.H." The Bowling season is here again and starting it off right was Fran •«Black Bart" Clark. He led the Old Bridge team to victory with a 566 series. What ever his secret was last week, we hope he keeps it up. May be next year we'll be able to watch him on T.V.!!! SPORTS EDITOR J