Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1969, p. 24

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Sec 2, Pg. ?. - Plalndealer - Fri. Sept. 19, 1969 ANNOUNCE PLANS ^ITTLOOR AH „e» FOR HOSPITAL'S in the L-shaped wing will be the NEW CONSTRUCTION four-bed intensive care unit and the five-bed recovery room for Floor by floor plans have been announced for the new ad­ dition to Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock, on which construction will be­ gin very soon. Total cost, has been set at $1,367,570. GROUND FLOOR - All-new laboratory is in the L-shaped addition. Addition to x-ray de­ partment will include fluoro­ scopy equipment with image in­ tensification. New conference room can be modified in the fu­ ture as part of the x-ray area. Present conference room will become the medical library and doctor's library. A new elevator serving all four floors will be installed ad­ jacent to the present elevator. Old laboratory and EKG room will become out-patient ex­ amining area (this is near emergency room by the west entrance). Addition to the nur­ se's locker room is planned. On the south side of the Bentley wing, an addition to the kitchen will accommodate new dishwashing room, walk-in freezer and refrigerator and post-operative patients. Also in this new area will be added business office space. By the main entrance (behind lettered area) the building will be expanded to include the new Snack Bar and gift shop. Rooms 107 and 109 will be incorpor­ ated into the snack shop and en­ trance will be from the lobby. S E C O N D F L O O R -- N o change except that space for mechanical equipment will be included, and a fire escape stairwell will be built on the southwest corner. THIRD FLOOR - This will be completed to the west ov­ er the present delivery room suites for new medical central supply room and new physical therapy department. In the ther­ apy department will be an ex­ ercise room, four treatment cubicles and hydro-therapy room. FOURTH FLOOR -- Seven­ teen patient rooms will be con­ structed above the present west wing to care for up to 34 patients. Rooms will be some- what larger than present pa- NARCOTIC TALK. -- Sheriff John Carroll is shown above as he lectured at the American Legion clubhouse last Thursday evening, Sept. 11, on "The Evils and Use of Narcotics". A crowd of about sixty persons attended the informative dis­ cussion. * • • ' MYSeOQT g NRK TROOP 162 The troop committee met last week at Bob Decker's home to plan the scouting program for next year. The men were all very enthusiastic and came up with new ideas to add more in­ terest and fun to the meetings. The plans will be finalized at the Green Bar meeting with the patrol leaders and Senior pat­ rol. The meeting routine is going to be changed and a rec­ reation period added before the regular meeting. It is hoped all boys interes­ ted in becoming Scouts will be at their schools Wednesday night, Sept. 24, to sign up. This is the annual Scout school recruit­ ment. Leaders will be at all the schools to explain about scout­ ing and register the boys. Par­ ents, take note of this date and remind your boys to attend. Any boy between 11 and 17 is wel­ come. A canoe trip is planned for Oct. 4 and 5. The boys will meet at 8 a.m. Bring your own life jacket or floating seat cush­ ion. We are again asking for any unused camping equipment that you can donate. We would wel­ come any tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment, woods tools or what-have-you. We will be happy to receive any equipment that may need repairs. The boys or leaders will mend or fix any equipment available We will write you out a donation slip of your estimated value for your tax deduction if desired. Clean out your basement and garage and put your old camp­ ing equipment back into use. It will make some boys very happy. Call Bob Decker to ar­ range for a pick-up. „ James Cole Public Relations The man who makes love to a married woman may be a cat^or happily married. AUTHOR WILL ADDRESS "WE THE PEOPLE" MEETING Wills E. Stone will be a fea­ tured speaker some time during the "We the People" convention which is taking place from Sept. 19 through 21 in the Presi­ dential ballroom of the Mid­ land hotel in Chicago. Mr. Stone, the author of the Liberty Amendment, which would eliminate federal income taxes within three years af­ ter adoption, will be meeting with the board of directors to finalize the legal action which the executive board has agreed to take in regard to the In­ ternal Revenue Service's def­ inition of "constitutional a- mendment" and "legislation" meaning the same thing. This is the first opportun­ ity the people have had for a direct confrontation with what Lester Brossard, co-chairman, calls "entrenched bureaucracy on a vital constitutional issue with everything, in our favor".- Members of the local Lib­ erty Amendment committed have been busy for the past several weeks writing letter^ to inform interested people of this possible * break" for pub­ licity about the amendment and asking for their support to male this legal action build up into a great national movement. Anyone interested in learn­ ing more about the conventioh or the Liberty Amendment in particular is asked to write to the Liberty Amendment com­ mittee of McHenry County, 3421 W. Pearl street, McHenry. NEITHER RAIN NOR SNOW KEEPS THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER FROM REACHING Y Q U . . . . GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY !!!! tient rooms with individualized showers and toilets. Also in­ cluded: Waiting' room and a treatment room. New-style nursing station wi 11 provide big- ! ANGELO'S SUNSET INN Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS -- COURTEOUS SERVICE 1 Mile North of Waueonda on Old Route 12 Phono JA 6-2928 j ger medical center and a sep­ arate area for doctor charting. Memorial hospital had a maj­ or addition in 1958 which in­ corporated muoh of the pre­ sent hospital, and another ad­ dition in 1962 boosted the hos­ pital to its present 100-bed size, providing what Schuhdes- cribes as "a first class hos­ pital." IT PAYS TO SHOP IN McHENRY Using the McHenry Service Center Complete Cooling System Service HEATERS RADIATORS GAS TANKS | WELDING AND WELDING SUPPLIES | ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. ROUTE 120 PHONE 385-0783 AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE , U-HAUL Trai lers & Trucks I * i |COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & \ TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING * Guettler Service, Inc. j I I 7 818 N. Front St. 385-9831 FARM EQUIPMENT GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 Payton Chevrolet SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on any make car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Phone 385-2155 I DRIVE IN ANYTIME, j AND SEE YOUR CAR SHINE FAST! 'Lakeland Park i i i i i i i i i j.. $1.25 AUTOMATIC WW/* STAY IN YOUR CAR _Next to Phillip's 66 Jim Thompson's Elm St. Service •Complete Lube •Wash *Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management since 1953" 385-9749 3603 W. Elm. McHenry ART'S LAKELAND PARK *Tune Ups •Brake Work *24 Hr. Road Service 385-6323 Authorized To Perform New Car Warranty Service. . Call Servisal 385 2145 For Repairs on Refriger - ators-Freezers-Washer s- Dryers-Window Air Condi- tioner s-Dishwashers-Ran­ ge s-Cookt ops-Ovens, both Gas and Electric. SERVISAL APPLIANCE COMPANY 3412 W. Elm St. McHenry ED'S STANDARP SERVICE • EXPERT TUNE-UP • WASH • WAX ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 f 3817 W. Elm St. FM RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Route 120, McHenry We service all makes * TVs * Radios * Stereo * Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING jAuIktyuJui JACOB SEINJ LAWN MOWER &AIES AND SERVICE {•pert Repair - factory trained mechanics Full stock of qenume factory replarement parts Enqme tune up and complete safety check Fast precision sharpening -- • Complete selection oi L £*J*cobsen lawn mowers 385-0434 ADAMS Repair Shop 3102 N. CHAPEL HILL McHENRY See your favorite Mechanic using NAPA Automotive Replacement Parts For Expert Repair Service Genuine Parts Distributed by McHenry Auto Parts 3411 W. Elm McHenry Ph. 815-385-8080 Garages ANY SIZE ANY STYLE Complete remodeling and repair service We also specialize in room additions. No Money Down- Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake M*'c) JANE'S by appointment WE USE AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuts 385-7771 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life Auto Liabflity Bonds Workmen's Compensation Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident & Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHenry Gun Center Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHmiHiiiiimiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii The McHeiry Public Schools Presort A Community School of Adult Education REGISTRATION INFORMATION 1 Classes | Registration . | Tuition . . . . | Refunds . . . 1 Credit Courses Classes will begin in the week of October 6 and will be held from seven through nine o'clock P.M. unless otherwise specified at the time of registration. ^Classes will meet weekly on the day listed at registration. Non-credit courses will meet for ten weeks, courses for high school credit will meet for fifteen weeks. Registration will be held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Sept. 22, 28, 24, and 25 from seven to nine o'clock P.M. In the Junior High School Gym­ nasium in McHenry. The Junior High School Is located at S711 W. Kane Avenue In McHenry. Individuals unable to register daring these hours may register by con­ tacting Mr. Harvey Ahitow, Community School Director, 3926 W. Main St., Mc­ Henry. (885-7210). The fee for non-credit courses is $10.00 unless specified differently at the time of registration. The fee for high school credit courses Is $15.00. Fees must be paid at the time of registration. Book rentals and cost of supplies will be paid by the students. The Community school director reserves the right to cancel any class with inade­ quate enrollment or for which a qualified teacher cannot be found. Tuition will be refunded only in such cases or after the first meeting of the class. Credit courses will be offered for adults wishing to complete their high school de­ gree. High school seniors may also be admitted to credit courses. These courses will meet once a week for fifteen weeks, with six hours of homework per week as a required part of the course. Students should get approval from their past principal to take such courses. NEW COURSES The world of adult education is full of excitement, full of opportunities for enrichment, full of ideas to help you live a better life. Several new courses are being offered in our schedule this semester in an attempt to better serve the community. CONVERSATIONAL RUSSIAN The class will be taught by the high school teacher and the course is designed to offer a general introduction to the Russian language. HORSES, GROOM­ ING & CARE OF General knowledge of the horse will be dis­ cussed with emphasis on grooming, feeding and caring for your own horse. LANDSCAPING A new class added to help inform the new homeowner of proper care of his lawn and to help him in choos­ ing the proper foliage to beautify his home with. GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT How to prepare for and pass a high school equivalency examina­ tion. Review of Eng­ lish, reading skills and mathematics. OTHER NEW COURSES OFFERED INCLUDE: Basketball-Jogging,-Volleyball-and Swimming for Men, Dog Obedience - Puppy, Draperies and Slipcovers, Crewel Art, Contemporary Theology, Adolescent Psychology COURSES OFFERED I = CREATIVE LEISURE Antiques For Fun - Mr. Thurston . Tuesday Art I (Beginner) - Mr. Neubauer Monday Art n (Advanced) - Mr. Neubauer Wednesday Art Appreciation - Mr. Neubauer Monday Bridge - Mrs. Adams Wednesday Camera, Elementary - Mr. Brown ... Tuesday Ceramics, Beginning - Mrs. Weiss Monday Crewel Art - Mrs. Mikk Wednesday Dancing, Ballroom, Beginning Mr. & Mrs. Paulsen Tuesday Dancing, Square, Beginning - Mr. Hegland .. Thursday Dog, Obedience, Puppy - Mrs. Everett Monday Dog, Obedience, Beginning - Mrs. Everett Monday Dog Obedience, Intermediate - Mrs. Everett .. Monday Flower Arranging - Mrs. Bykowski Thursday Guitar Instruction - Mr. Gorgo Thursday Hair Styling & Hair Dressing - Mrs. Reinwall Thursday Horses, Grooming & Care - Mrs. Shook • Tuesday Landscaping - Mr. Mitchell Monday Music Appreciation - Mr. James Monday Organ Instruction - Mr. Jeznack Tuesday Poodle Grooming - Mrs. Cronkin Tuesday Public Speaking - Mr. Wilkins Wednesday Rug Making - Mrs. Keeney Thursday Theology Contemporary - Mr. Wilkins . Tuesday Writing, Creative - Mr. Blum Wednesday Woodwind & Reed Workshop - Mr. Gorgo ... Thursday FOREIGN LANGUAGES Conversational French - Miss Connie Candella Monday Conversational German - Mr. Sylvester Thursday Conversational Russian - Mr. Parrish Monday - Conversational Spanish - Mr. Gray Wednesday HOME AND FAMILY Auto Mechanics For Women, Basic - Mr. Engel Monday Cake Decoration - Mr. Peterson Tuesday Drapery & Slipcover - Mrs. Blees Monday Furniture Upholstering - Mr. Fenske Tuesday Furniture Upholstering - Mr. Fenske Thursday How To Buy Or Sell Your Home - Mr. Nischan Monday Interior Decorating Monday Knitting, Beginner - Mrs. Keeney Monday Modem Math For Parents - Mrs Miller Tuesday Preparation For Citizenship Mrs. Sammy LeClair Wednesday Psychology, Adolescent - Mrs. Wilkins Tuesday Recreation Room Construction Mr. Zimmerman Tuesday Sewing & Selection, Beginning - Mrs. Anderson Tuesday Sewing & Selection, Beginning - Mrs. Anderson Thurs. Sewing, Intermediate - Mrs. Rodenkirch Wednesday BUSINESS SKILLS Bookkeeping, Beginning - Mr. Garlanger ... Wednesday Data Processing, Basic - Mr. Haakonsen Thursday Investments & Securities - Mr Schuett Monday Investments & Securities - Mr. Schuett Tuesday Office & Business Machines - Miss Lokay .. Wednesday Reading, Basic - Mrs. Thompson Tuesday Shorthand I - Miss Kortemeier Wednesday Typing I - Mr. Boland Wednesday Typing II - Mr. Cuda ....v. Tuesday TECHNICAL COURSES - TRADES * INDUSTRY Anatomy & Phsysiology - Mr. Rich Monday Blue Print Reading To Be Announced Drafting - Mr. Frick Wednesday Electric Motor Servicing TO Be Announced Electricity, Practical Basic - Mr. Hodges Monday Electronics I - Mr. MacHassey Tuesday Electronics II - Mr. MacHassey Thursday Gas Engines, Small - Mr. Fleming Thursday Nurses Refresher Course - Diane Kory .... Wednesday Psychology, Medical - Dr. Hurt Monday Welding - Mr. Rosio Monday SPORTS FOR FUN ft FTTTNESS Archery, Beginning - Mr. Houser Monday Basketball, Jogging, Volleyball & Swimming (Men) - Mr. Kusch Monday Golf - Mr. Franson Wednesday Judo, Introduction - Mr. Fellmeth Thursday Hunter Safety Instruction - Mr. Matthews . Wednesday Slimming Through Activities & Exercise - Miss Conway Monday Swimming, Beginning For Women - Mrs. Bieschke Wednesday Swimming, Beginning For Men - Mr. Ebberhardy Monday Swim, 50 Mile Swim - Mr. Ebberhardy Monday Swimming, Recreation For The Family - Mr. Ahitow Tennis, Beginning - Mr. Thomas Coast Guard - Boat Safety - Mr. Robinson Thursday Thursday • Tuesday HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT General Education Development - Mrs. Miller Mrs. Krause Algebra I - Mrs. Miller English, General - Mr. Prince ... History, American - Mr. Gray .. History, World - Mr. Spencer > • Tuesday • Thursday • • Monday Wednesday Thursday International Relations - Mr. Nelson Thursday Psychology - Mr. Gray Science, General - Mr. Wagner Mondav Sociology - Mr. Gray Thursday s if tt ADDRESSES OF SCHOOLS McHenry High School, East Campus, 1012 No. Green St., McHenry, Illinois McHenry High School, West Campus, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry, Illinois S t McHenry Junior High School, 3711 W. Kane St., McHenry, Illinois Edgebrook Elementary School, 701 N. Green St., McHenry, Illinois > Hilltop Elementary School, 2615 W. Lincoln, McHenry Valley View School, 6515 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. ÎIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiihiiiiiiiihiidiiiiihhihhu^ IHIIIIilllllll

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