Offer Wide Variety In Creative Living Series Astrology, folk music, anti ques, books, travel and fashion are the range of subjects to be covered in the 1969-70 Creative Living Series, sponsored by the Women's guild of the Woodstock Fine Arts association. Mrs. Joseph Gitlin, chairman of the program committee,pre sented the program schedule to the Guild board recently. By popular request, Kathryn DeJersey will present a return engagement to start the season on Oct. 16. Her discussion of astrology is fascinating to even those who have their doubts as to the effect of the stars and planets on our lives. On Nov. 20, Win Stracke will present a program of folk mu sic. On Jan. 15, James Conrad, an antique dealer and teacher, will discuss antiques. The au dience is invited to bring anti ques to be appraised. Robert Cromie, Chicago Tribune book editor, will pre- DCIETY MR. AND MRS. RONALD S. VYCITAL , Miss Vickie Lynn Graham was a beautiful bride Saturday, Sept. 6, when she and Mr. Ronald S. Vycital of MtHenry were married in a 5 o'clock nuptial rite performed in St. Paul's United Church of Christ, Barrington. Miss Graham is the daughter of Senator and Mrs. John A. Graham of 715 S. Cook street, Bar rington, and Mr. Vycital is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vycital of 3301 W. Crescent drive, McHenry. A reception in the Arlington Park Towers Paramount ball room for 300 guests followed the ceremony. The couple left later on a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, with a stop-over in San Francisco, Calif. They will make their home in the Dunn apartments, Southern Illinois university, Carbon- dale. Among honored guests in attendance at the wedding was Governor Richard B. Ogilvie. A note of congratulations and best wishes came from President and Mrs. Richard Nixon, as well as from numerous Senators and Representatives of the state of Illinois. The bride graduated in June of 1968 from Southern Illinois university with a degree in Business. She is an executive sec retary for United Air Lines. The bridegroom attended White water State college, Whitewater, Wis., and Southern Illinois university, each one year. He was discharged as a sergeant from the Army in December and returned to S.I.U. to complete his degree in Business Management. Miss Hansen Shower Guest Miss Patricia Hansen was honored guest at a surprise bridal shower given at the War ren Kuhlman home on Tuesday night, Sept. 16. Friends and relatives from this area includ ing the groom's mother and four sorority sisters from Carthage college were in attendance for the* event. The bride-to-be was presented with a corsage of mums along with numerous beautiful gifts. Mrs. Deborah (Kuhlman) Beach was the originator of sev eral interesting games, one of which was "Pin the Garter cm the Bride", in which she did a sketch of the likeness of Pat ty in a wedding gown. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Beverly Kuhlman which con sisted of a sandwich loaf, fruit salad, punch, and assorted brownies. Miss Patty Hansen will be married to Kenneth Sebby, of Yorkville, 111., on Saturday, Sept. 27. CommuntJif- AjtiwwtttmwtT In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been an nounced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an addit ional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accom pany the story. If your engagement an nouncement has not been published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. MR. AND MRS. PAUL SWANSON ON HONEYMOON -- This photo shows Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swanson enjoying dinner in Acapulco on their honeymoon trip. The couple exchanged nuptial vows at the First Methodist church of Woodstock on Aug. 2. Mrs. Swanson is the former Suzanne Benoche of McHenry. h°Tl Membership In American Women Chapter Open On Sunday afternoon, Sept. 28, at 3 o'clock the Crystal Lake branch of the American Association of Women is hold ing its membership tea. This annual fall event will be held at the home of Mrs. John Mul ligan, 4915 Terra Cotta road. All women who hold bacca laureate or higher degrees from college and universities on the AAUW qualified list, or a de gree from a foreign institution recognized by the Internation al Federation of University Wo men may join the association. Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 8 p.m. in the homes of members. The AAUW study-in-depth program centers on four top ics selected each program cy cle. The topics are developed from the emerging issues which members in over 1625 com munities have identified, dis cussed and then referred to the association. Those chosen for study and action are time ly, they have importance to our society, they are penetrating, and they need the attention of educated women. All qualified women are in vited by AAUW to attend the membership tea. For more in formation interested women are asked to call the membership chairman, Mrs. John Buhrow. McHENRY HOSPITAL Recent .admissions to Mc Henry hospital included Wal ter Szyplebaum, Richard Kae- ser, Carol Doyle, Bertha Stall, Baby Joseph Haverly, John Schmitt, Douglas Lobitz (frac tured arm at school), Eldred Lee, Thomas Zimmerman, Leonard Edwards, Ella Krause, William Gunther, Elvira Klaus, Daniel Fain, Agnes Doherty, Juanita Strauel, Marilyn Bow- ren, Violet Abbink, Dorothy Roegner, Harry Palmer, Hugh McDonald, James Grothman, McHenry; James Schladt, Jac- quelyn Scionti, Barbara Winand, Elizabeth Geisinger, Cheryl Spencer, Randolph Pronbzinski (fractured leg), Daniel Salmen, Wonder Lake; Nancy Carlson, Ringwood; Frank Sanders, Spring Grove; Martha Britton, Island Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Louise Cox, McHenry, and Kenneth Graff, Ringwood, were recent patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. HARVARD HOSPITAL Patients admitted to Harvard hospital during the past week included Mrs. Andrew Schwar tz, George Bambas and James Williams, McHenry. mmm AROUND CAMPUS, the wrap coat gels A for versatility. Back- to-school chill chaser here is In mohair wool, with black trim, self belt. It shows off such fav orite stylings as the turtleneck theater beneath. It's by Maurice Musman of Modern Deb. JT to fight CHILDREN'S LUNG DISEASES HH Support your local 1L Cystic Fibrosis Chapter OPEN FRI.,SAT.& SUNDAY 8erved in the Roman 8tyle On tlM North Shore of Long Lake aascavATiom •JU 7-074* ROLLINS ROAO P. O. InglMida. Illinois sent the Feb. 19 program. On March 19, Lorenz Aggens, geo logist, will present an evening program which should have great appeal to adventurers. He will show films and discuss canoeing down the Colorado River. The final program of the ser ies will be "A World of Hats" presented by Mrs. Ersula Urn- shaw, a hat buyer for Bramson. All programs are presented at the Woodstock Opera House. The morning programs are at 10 a.m., preceded by a coffee hour at 9. Tickets will be sold at the Women's Guild annual luncheon Sept. 25 at JimSaine's Trailee Farm restaurant, and at the Opera House which will be open for tours on Holiday Hos pitality Day, Oct. 1. Members of the Women's guild board have tickets available for sale, also. For information contact Mrs. Gerson Widoff, ticket chairman, or Mrs. Fred Stout, president. SEPTEMBER 26 Kiwanis Peanut Day in Mc Henry. SEPTEMBER 27 League of Women Voters Of Woodstock-McHenry -- Mem bership Tea -- Home Of Mrs. Paul Jessup, 415 N. Coun try Club Drive -- 1 p.m. OCTOBER 2 McHenry Garden Club -- Home of Mrs. Charles Wag ner -- Program By Lillian Cox. C .D. of A. Joyce Kilmer Court No. 573 -- Annual Card Party-- K. of C. Hall--8 p.m. -- Prizes & Refreshments. OCTOBER 4 St. Patrick's Home & School Association -- Book Fair -- St. Patrick's School Building -- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. OCTOBER 6 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Lun cheon and Meeting; - Noon - Lakeland Park t Community House. I Fox River Valley Camp No. r ^ 2 5 1 -- R . N . A . - - R e g u l a r Monthly Meeting -- Home of Mrs. Mary Kantorski--5310 W. Park View--8 p.m. OCTOBER 7 Women Of The Moose -- Christmas In October -- Fresh Meat Demonstration -- 8 p.m. OCTOBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Smorgasbord Dinner At 6 p.m. - East Campus Cafe teria. At 7:30 p.m. - Enter tainment by McHenry Senior Citizens Club Band. OCTOBER 14 McHenry Woman's Club Bus Tour -- New Glarus, Wis. OCTOBER 15 Guiding Star Shrine--Fashion Demonstration -- Masonic Temple -- 8 p.m. OCTOBER 20 B.P.W. Charter Night -- 6:30 p.m. -- V.F.W. -- Dinner Meet ing -- Reservations Before Oct. 10 -- Lenore Frisby. OCTOBER 21 Riverview Camp, No. 6818 - R.N.A. -- Fall Card Party -- K. of C. Hall -- 8 p.m. OCTOBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Halloween Party; - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. ^&SD MARRIAGE LICENSES Granville Jones, Ashton, and Debra Lee Grabowski, Mc Henry. David Henkel, Dumont, N.J., and Vicki Cohan, McHenry. James M. Parker, Hebron, and Pauline Brown, Spring Grove. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Conway announce the birth of a daugh ter Sept. 21. A daughter was born Sept. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Prickett. Richmond Club Luncheon, Card Party Oct. 1 The Richmond Garden club will hold its annual luncheon and card party Wednesday, Oct. l, at the Hunter Country club, Route 173, Richmond. The buffet salad luncheon will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., after which cards wiil be played. Prizes will be awarded. Tickets may be purchased from club members or at the door the day of the party. Mrs. Bert Huevelman and Mrs. Edward Swartzloff are serving as co-chairmen, as sisted by Mrs. Paul Stewart, club president. The money raised by this an nual event is used to finance civic beautification and educa tional projects under the spon sorship of the club. State Chairman Fall Conference Guest Speaker Mrs. George Johnson, Illin ois PTA chairman for Parent and Family Life Education, will be the guest speaker when Dis trict 26 holds its annual dis trict fall conference on Oct. 1, at Lorenz's Smart Country House in Antioch. Her topic will be "Better Homes-Brighter Future." Mrs. Johnson has held chair manships at the local, council and district level and has ser ved as president of Portage Park PTA and Council in Dis trict 24. Mrs. Willard Douglas, direc tor of District 26, will preside at the meeting. Channel Lake School PTA will act as con ference hostesses. Shown during a planning session for teachers of the First Baptist church are left, Mrs. Baptists Seek New Goal For Sunday School " Planning and preparation are essential to any good ed ucational program", was the observation of John Muncy, a- dult director of education for the McHenry First Baptist church. Every Wednesday eve ning all teachers of the Sun day Bible school at the Bap tist church meet to plan and prepare for the coming Sun day's lessons. Some time ago the local church took as its goal, "the largest Sunday school in McHenry county". The growth has been continu ous until at present the en rollment is over 500 pupils and teachers. "We are not so concerned with numbers that we would de crease the quality of our tea ching though", Clifford War- die, director of education for the church, commented. "It is to dedicated men and women such as Mrs. Smith, Mrs Ru pert and Mrs. Erb that we owe the good quality of our tea ching". Just a few weeks ago the church began a dual Sun day school -- worship pro- * gram on Sunday morning which Ralph Smith, Mrs. Merton Rupert and Mrs. C. Edward Erb, Jr. has also contributed to the ef ficiency of the educational pro gram for the church. Other ministries to the com munity offered by the local Baptist church include: Inter pretation for the deaf on Sun day evening, directed by Mrs. Tom Jackson; a Spanish lan guage worship service on Tues day evening; a week-day child care program, directed hy Mrs. V. Chappell; and free bus trans portation to regular worship services at the church, direc ted by Robert Branson. William Fleming tells Miss Lee Sunderlage, of Woodstock, of his experiences as a student in the old Cold Spring schoolhouse, on exhibit for Holiday Hospitality Day, Oct. 1. The schoolhouse is home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Fiske of V F W AUXILIARY NEWS RUMMAGE SALE The Women's Society of Christian Service of the First United Methodist church of Crystal Lake will hold its an nual fall rummage sale on Thursday, Oct. 2, in Wesley hall, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PLAN FAIR The fair sponsored by St. Patrick's Home and School association will be held Sat urday, Oct. 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. J By Gerry Breede The Ladies auxiliary to V.F.W. Post 4600 recently granted a one-year nursing scholarship to Mary Kay Wel ter of McHenry. Mary Kay is currently attending the Little Company of Mary Hospital School of Nursing. An unusual coincidence is that a second- year student at the same nurs ing school is also receiving as sistance through a scholarship from the Ladies auxiliary. The 1969-1970 membership kick-off dinner for the 5th dis trict of the auxiliary will be held Nov. 22 in Bensenville. Those attending from our auxiliary will be Marge Moreth, mem bership chairman, and June Schmunk, president. Public relations Chairman Gerry Breede presented a check to the president which was an award she had received for hav ing placed fourth in competition with her 1968-1969 publicity book. The award was received from the 5th district in the state of Illinois. The charter was draped in an impressive ceremony in mem ory of Florence Svoboda, a past president of our auxiliary who was killed in an automobile ac cident Labor Day weekend. Our deepest sympathy isextendedto her family. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 13. Bull Valley Home Will Be Displayed Oct. 1 When Holiday Hospitality Day, the yearly "production" of the Women's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHen ry county, comes on Wednes day, Oct. 1 there will be a broad smile on the face of William Fleming, 88 year "young" member of the Wood stock Residence. His school, the Cold Spring school, a few miles southwest of McHenry, will be one of the tour homes on exhibit. It is now the quaint and charming home of the Ken neth Fiske, Jr. Mr. Fleming had all the schooling he ever had - through the third grade - in what start ed out as the Bull Valley school and was then changed to the Cold Spring school name. He said there were five "kids" in the whole school then, one room and one teacher, Miss Francis Willis. It was warm and cozy, though, because of the great big old pot-bellied stove which the five of them had to keep filled with wood. He walked to school each day - about 3/4 of a mile as you "crossed lots". It would have been heresy to follow a road! His schooling was cut short be cause he "had to stay home and work and pick pickles." He fre quently went back to call on his teacher,though. Mr. Fleming's mother and father came from Barreville and bought their Bull Valley 160-acre farm from the gov ernment for $7 an acre. When he became older he bought 120 ac res for his own but had to pay a much higher price, $40 an acres. He agrees it is worth many, many times that now. Mr. Fleming has been at the Woodstock Residence two years and assures everyone he's not sick - he just "needs a little taking care of." Walter Hunt Baby Baptized Dale Joseph was the name chosen for the infant son of Mr. and Walter I. Hunt of Mc Henry when he was baptized Sunday, Sept. 14, at St. Mary's Catholic church at 2 o'clock by Rev. Lawrence Urbaniak. Spon sors were an aunt, Janet Mil ler, and an uncle, Gerald Mil- er, Jr. The baby's grandfather, Gerald Miller, Sr., acted as proxy for his son who is in the navy in Jacksonville, Fla. The baby's father is serving with the army in Vietnam. For his christening Dale Jo seph, who was bom Sept. 4 at Memorial hospital, Wood stock, wore a dress which has been worn by all the mem bers of the Miller family for three generations. The new mother is the for mer Carol Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller, Sr. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hunt of McHenry. The baby has two great-grandmothers, Mrs. Jo seph J. Miller of McHenry and Mrs. William Hunt of Wood stock. PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER WED. SEPT. 24, 1969 i'i j' i-1 »i Let us clean your draperies and we'll let you in on our decorating book. (in fact, we'll give it to you) Free McCalls* 300 page, fun color, hard back, decorating book Is yours fro* from Coit with each drapery cleaning order of $25 or more I Coit guarantee* cleaning per fection, reguardless of age or condition ^ 100% WORLD'S LARGEST SINCE replacement l DRAPERY CLEANERS 1947 FREE ESTIMATES--PHONE 695-9565 226 North State Street -- Elgin Dancing Lesson* Nancy Gardiner School of Dance •BALLET *TOE *TAP •HAWAIIAN *MODERN JAZZ * BATON -- Registration Thursday/ September 25, 2:Q0 to 6:00 p.m. 1811 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 815-385-4006 I t