Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1969, p. 10

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PG. 10 - PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY. OCT. 3, 1969 cJ^aleelanJ r^P arlc CAROLE HUMANN 385-1605 LITTLE LEAGUE BANQUET PLANNED FOR OCTOBERS The Little League banquet will be held Sunday evening, Oct. 5, at 5:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran church. Congratu­ lations to the Lakeland Park Boys baseball club on their tenth anniversary. Speaker for the banquet will be Stu Hol- comb of the Chicago White Sox organization. The next affair of note on the Little League agenda is the annual baseball dance to be held on Saturday, Oct. 11. Tick­ ets are being sold by all the managers and will also be avail­ able at the door. HELP! HELP! The Conservation Club is sponsoring a program this fall to improve fish conditions. Be­ cause of the nature of the lake there is little natural food avail­ able during the fall and spring of the year. Feeding stations have been built and feed pro­ vided, but one necessary in­ gredient is still lacking. A man is needed to put the feed in the lake each day. This operation shouldn't take more than half an hour out of each day and is r very important to the well be­ ing of the finny population of our lake. Jack Oakford (385- 5334) can give you further in­ formation on the project and is very hopeful of finding some­ one who can be depended on to carry out the program. There is only about a month or so of the fish feeding program left this year before the lake begins freezing. Ghastly thought. Please give Jack a call even if you only want more infor­ mation on the subject. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 Girl Scout Troop 320 had flag ceremony given by patrol 4. Then we elected patrol lea­ ders and scribe. We had treats and explained to the new girls how to earn badges. We put the tables and chairs away and went home. Troop Scribe, Lin­ da Vick. BROWNIE, TROOP 464 The Brownies initiated a new year with their first meeting of the season last Tuesday. A mother's meeting was held the week previously to explain to the moms the aims and meanings of Brownie scouting. The meet­ ings will be held every Tues­ day after school until 4:30 p.m. at Mrs. Hansen's home. Dues will be collected each week to cover the costs of craft mat­ erial and to provide occasion­ al outings. New Brownies may not wear their Brownie uniform until investiture which will take place when most of the new girls have attended four meet­ ings. The date will be announc­ ed later. The leaders for the year are Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Humphries. BOY SCOUT TROOP 459 The boys are preparing for the fall camporee to be held , at the Rockford airport next month. They will demonstrate the skills they have learned and earn badge raquirements. CUB PACK 459 George Scott and Mrs. Eileen Schumann appeared before the audience at the last meeting of the Valley View PTO with a plea for more den mothers to help. The boys are there and all that is needed is more adult level aid. If you are interest­ ed in giving a few hours a week to a group of exuberant eight to ten year olds please call Mrs. Schumann. Your fan club will be increased by just that many people. BOWLING NEWS Too bad, the suspense must build further before you find out just who did what on the first night of the Couples Bowl­ ing league. Saturday night is fun night again and each team will ha/e another chance to smash the opposition. LITTLE LEAGUE NEWS The regular meeting of the Little League was held on Wed­ nesday, Sept. 24. The officers for the year were selected. The same officers from last year were chosen because of the out­ standing job they have done. The officers are; President, Ron Bierman; Vice-President, Jack Oakford; Secretary, Bill Muel­ ler; Treasurer, Les Eckhart; and Player Agent, Ed Choate. These men deserve a lot of credit and just a little bit of help from some of the fathers of the community. Don't forget the Little League banquet on Oct. 5 and the Little League dance on Oct. 11. A good time will be had by all. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All booking and cancellations for the community house must be made in advance by calling Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Thursday, Oct. 2 - Lakeland Park Women's Club meeting - 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6 - McHen- ry Senior Citizens Club Exec­ utive Comm'ttee Luncheon meeting - 12 noon. Tuesday, Oct. 7 - Boy Scout meeting - 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8 - Girl Scout meeting-3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11 - Tri- County Five Watters, 7:30 p.m. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Belated greetings to Ted Kaminski and Lil Mullen who celebrated on Sept. 25. Doug Viita was ten years old on the twenty-sixth. Liz Borchert was the birthday girl on the twenty- seventh and Elaine Jett cele­ brated on the twenty-eighth. Brian Lawrence was three years old on the twenty- ninth and Terry Beno and Linda Apel celebrated on the thirtieth along with Joey Mueller who was four years old. Oct. 1 is the big day for Coast Guardsman Ken Prazak and for Roger Emery who was eight, Jodean Harris who was four, Doug Mayer who was thirteen and Jackie Dolen- ski who was eleven. Frank Van- ek and Randy Koczor celebrate on Oct. 2 and Rosemary Tif­ fany is the birthday girl for the third. Joe Gagnon celebrates on the fifth and Keith Schaedel will be eleven on the sixth. Virginia Hodges and Michele Koch share the seventh for their day and Gene Mullen, Dorothy Morgen- son and Pam Krasucki cut their cakes on the eighth. Sue Wick- enkamp, David Wilkens and Debbie McCarthy will add more years on the ninth and a happy birthday to everyone. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Max and Shirley Koch cele­ brated 17 years of together­ ness on Sept. 27. Wally and Margo Schaedel add another year to the credit side of the ledger on the twenty-ninth. Do­ lores and Jerry 'Rogers cele­ brate eighteen years of mar­ riage on Oct. 6 and Lil and Chuck Benes mark nineteen years since their walk down the aisle on Oct. 7. Joan and Sam Bucaro celebrate their twenty-sixth wedding anniver­ sary on Oct. 8. Best wishes for many more years together. SYMPATHY Our very deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Deitz on the passing of her husband, Al,last week. The Deitzes have been long time residents of Lake­ land Park. A big improvement in the scenery, took place with the painting and repairing of the bus shelter down on Center street by the ballfield. This was a neighborhood project initiated by Ray Winkowski who did all the necessary work. It certainly is an improvement and hopefully those using it will take pride in the shelter and let it remain in good shape. Orchids to all who helped. Wilma Crane's brother, Clif­ ford Groves, spent a week with the Cranes. Cliff lives in Chi­ cago and came out here to make sure the sky was still up there. Get-well wishes to Jim Grothman who is making a good recovery from injuries suffered in an auto accident. Belated birthday greetings to Carol Fandre who added an extra year on Sept. 14. Dolores and Jerry Rogers, Marv and Shirley George and Ron and Barb Meurer drove to Bowie, Maryland, last weekend where they stayed with Bob and Jessie Matthews. With the old gang back together again I'll bet old Maryland really swung. Saw Dolores Monday so know that they all got back all right. Welcome to Mrs. Carey who is Mary Murphy's mom. She just moved to McHenry where she will be living with Mary and Joe. Pete Murphy is at­ tending school in southern Ill­ inois. Bruce Okal is vacationing with Uncle Sam in South Car­ olina and could use some scenic 'wish you were here' cards from good old McHenry. His ad­ dress is Pvt. Bruce Okal 349- 42-1816 / A Co. 7th Battalion 2 Training Brigade /Fort Jack­ son, South Carolina 29207. Mike Linnane is also station­ ed at Fort Jackson, but I don't have his address. See you at the Little League dance next week. SET LESSON FOR SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE "Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man." This Bible verse from John is included in the Lesson-Sermon to be read in McHenry Christian Science church this Sunday. A passage from Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures by Mary Baker Eddy used in supporting commentary reads: "Immortal men and wo­ men are models of spiritual sense, drawn by perfect Mind and reflecting those higher con­ ceptions of loveliness which transcend all material sense." The subject of the sermon is "Unreality." Services will be held at Christian Science society, Lin­ coln road and Eastwood lane, at 10:30 a.m. All are invited to attend. Nepal charges a set fee to all who try to climb its moun­ tains--the world's highest. Fees range from $640 for Mt. Everest, downward. DIAL-A-DEVOTION PHONE Hear God's Word Wherever You Are (yfttend i i by LEES; ARMSTRONG, VIKING, other POPULAR BRANDS Floor Tile VINYL ASBESTOS TILE 21C sq. ft SOLID VINYL 57c ft-CERAMIC WALL TILE Complete Installation Service rffit ESTIMATES CML 315-7311 5002 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY MOUNT HOPE CHURCH United Methodist 1015 West Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. Willis H. Walker Pastor Sunday Worship 11 am Sunday School 9:45 uii. MYF Tues. 7:00 p.m. IUMYF Wed. 7?00 p.m. FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH West of the outdoor theatre John O. Mclntyre, Pastor Church School -- 9:30 am for 1st trade through adults and 11:00 am for pre-school chil­ dren (3-5) Worship -- 11:00 am Nursery fa­ cilities available. ST. JOSEPH OATfcOUO CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Father C. W. Gains Pastor Winter Schedule Sunday Masses -- 7:00, 9:00,11:00 am Summer Schedule Sunday Manes -- 6:30, 8:00,10:00,11:30 a.m. Holydays -- 6 a.m., 9 a.m. ft 7:30 pjn. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 509 N. Front Street 385-0083 Virgle L. Chappell Sunday Services -- Sunday School 8:30, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:35, 10:50 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Even. Worship SHEPHERD of the HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH 404 N. Green St., McHenry Rev. Roger W. Schneider 385-7786 - 385-4030* Miss Janice Wick Parish Worker 385-5800 Family Worship and Sup- day School -- 8:30 am and 10:30 am. facilities available. NurseTy WONDER LAKE WTOTJC CHURCH Box 2, Phone 653-7961 Rev. Richard Wright Pastor Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor­ ship. Junior Church 5:30 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm Youth Meetings 7:00 p.m. Bible Fellowship Hour. Wednesday evening prayer service 7:30 p.m. fUNQWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Raymond E. Parker Minister Sunday -- 10 am Church Service 11 am Church School 3:30 pm Jr. Hi M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi M.Y.F. GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Lawrence W. Wick, Pastor Church School--9:45 a.m- The Service--11:00 a.m. May thru Sept., 8:30 ft 11:00 am COMMUNITY CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Worship Serv* Ice. ST. FRANCIS POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH Flanders Rd., east of Ringwood Rd. Sunday Masses: 10:00 a.m. Confessions: First Sunday of each month, before Mass. Father John Strzalka Pastor Grandma's Shoes THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALL. FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of charac­ ter and good citizenship. It is a store­ house of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regu­ larly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support Plan to go to church regu­ larly and read your Bible daily. I don't remember which I found first, Grand­ ma's shoes or her letters. I do recall, that as I lifted things from her battered trunk, it seemed as though time had slipped backward. Suddenly, the lady in the faded family tintype became real to me. Nicely polished and laced, her tiny shoes re­ vealed that she was a petite person, neat and particular. A faded nosegay indicated a senti­ mental heart. "My dear son," her letters began, and as I read her words to that long-ago boy, my Dad, the reality of her love seemed present in the sun-drenched room. Outside the dusty window, a bee buzzed, and in that quiet moment I became acquainted with her personality. Often, God reveals Himself to us in just such a way. By the beauty of His world, in the truths within His Bible, through the ministry of His Church, He discloses the fullness of His love. Attend your church. Through worship and prayer, enlarge your understanding of God. Copyright 1967 Keitter Advertising Service, Inc., Straiburg, Vs. Sunday Monday Isaiah Jeremiah 53:1-6 33:1-9 Tuesday Matthew 11:25-30 Wednesday Romans 8:18-25 Thursday Ga lotions 4:1-7 Friday Ephesians 3:1-6 Saturday I Timothy 3:14-16 CHAIN OTAKES EVANGELICAL COVENANT CHURCH 4815 N. Wilmot Road Rev. Clarence E. Mason 497-3000 - Church 497-3050 - residence Sunday School -- 9:45 a.m. Worship Service -11:00 a.m. Wed. Service--7:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH RICHMOND 5700 Hill Road Pastor, Ernest Gouge Phone 678-3712 Sunday School, 9:45 am Worship Service, 11 am Training Union, all ages, Sunday, 6:30 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wed. Evening 7:30 p.m. Affiliated Southern Baptist Convention A Growing Church for a Coming Lord. Choir at 6:30 p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Crystal Lake Ave. at Lincoln Pkwy. Dr .Clarence E. Fretz, Pastor SUNDAY --7 a.m. Men's Prayer Band 9:45 a.m. Bible School (Classes for all ages and Nursery) 11 a.m. Morning Worship (Junior Church ft Nurs­ ery during Worship) 5:30 p.m. Free Church Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. Evening Worship (Joyous gospel singing ft message). WEDNESDAY--7:30 p.m. Prayer ft Bible Study CRYSTAL LAKE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Meeting in Odd Fellows hall 49 E. Woodstock St Crystal Lake, Illinois David Taylor. Minister Phone 4594)882 Sunday -- 10:00 am Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Warship. 7:30 pm Christian Training Hour. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3706 W. St Paul's ft Green McHenry, Illinois Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar The Vicar: 385-7690 Bishop's Warden: 385-1703 Mr. John Licastro Sunday Services-- Holy Eucharist 7:30 am. Family Eucharist 9 a.m. Church School ft Coffee Hour. Wednesdays-- Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Friday-- Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Meetings-- Bishop's Committee: First Thursday. Episcopal Church Women: Second Thursday. St. Paul's Altar Guild: Second Wednesday. SPRING GROVE CHURCH United Methodist 8102 North Blivin Spring Grove, 111. Rev. Willis H. Walker Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 am ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Joknbsurg Rev. John Darting Rectory phone: 385-1477 Convent phone: 385-5363 Sunday 6:30, 8:00, 9:30,10:48 and 1200 Holydays -- 6:30, 8:00,10:00 ft 7:30 pm Confessions -- Saturdays ft for First Fridays: 4:00 and 7:30 pm ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Herman F. Graef 385-0659 385-1616 Sunday Worship -- 7:45 & 10:30. Nursery services provided at 10:30. Education For Eternity -- Sunday School - children & youth 9 a.m. Adult Bible Study - Sunday, 9 a.m. at 3913 W. Grand Membership Class - Thurs­ day, 7 p.m. CHRIST THE KING CHURCH 5006 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Masses -- Weekdays - 8 a.m. Holydays-8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Sat.-8 p.m. (fulfills Sun. Obi.) Sunday-8 & 10 a.m. & 12 noon Confessions -- Sat. 4:30 - 5 p.m 7 - 7:30 p.m. and before Mass on First Fri. EVANGELICAL FREE CHIRCH OF WAUCONDA Hwy. 176 at Anderson Rd. Wauconda. Illinois Rev. Robert Hickman. Pastor 8unday School--9:30. Worship Services--10:45 ft 7 p.m. 312-J A 6-8254 MT- PATRICK'S CATIIOMC: CHURCH Rev Kdmund Petit Pastor Rev. Michael Tierney, Assrciate Pastor Saturday Eve. (Sun. obli­ gation fulfilled) K:30p.m. Sunday--7:15 8:30, 9:45, 11, & 12:15- During summer* io a.m. Mass in church hall. Holydays -- 6:00, 7:00. 8:00. 9:00 am 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 pm Saturday - 4-5:30, 7-8:30 p.m. Con­ fessions Thursday (Be­ fore First Friday) NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake. Illinois David Allan, Pastor Sunday -- 8 ft 10:30 am Worship Nursery facilities available THE FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois Rev. Raymond L. White 385-1352 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 and 11:00 am Church School--9:45 am ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Rev. Matthew Rudden Asst. Pastor Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 9:45, 10:45 11:00,12-noon ft Sun. aft ,5:00 pm Holydays -- 6:00, 7:00, 8:00,10:00 am and 7:30 pm Confessions -- Saturday aft. 4-5 pm Thursday before. First Fridays, and days before Holy- days; 3-4 In afternoon and 7-8 in the evening. ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Sunday Masses, 6:30, 8:00 (9:15 - summer only) 10:30,11:45, Confessions: Sat 3:30 ft 7:30 p.m. . WOODSTOCK BIBLE CHURCH Rt 47 ft 120 Intersection Woodstock, Illinois M. R Thomason, pastor Phones: Church 338-3006 Home 568-8870 SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; Dan Tomano, Supt 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Family Prayer ft Bible Hour ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3815 West John Street McHenry, Illinois Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Worship Serv. 6:00 p.m. Youth Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangel Wednesday -- 8 pm Bible Study \ / Prayer Meeting. ̂ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Lincoln Rd: ft Eastwood Lane (EastWood Manor) Sunday Serv. - 10:30 am Sunday School - 10:30 am Wed. Eve. Meeting • 3rd Wed. of each month at 8:00 pm Reading Room • In the Church edifice - Every Saturday from 2-4 and the 3rd Wed. of each month from ?-7:45. All are welcome to at­ tend our services and to read, borrow or purchase books on Christian Science during the Reading Room hours. Payton Chevrolet Inc. 90S N. Front McHenry, Illinois Tonyan Construction Company, Inc. General Contractors McHenry, Illinois Trent Lincoln-Mercury# Inc. 4611 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois Guettler Service* Inc. 818 N. Front St McHenry. Illinois McHenry Garage "Jeep Sales & Service 926 N. Front St., McHenry Brake Parts Co. 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home Robert A. Justen, Funeral Director 3519 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois Peter M. Justen & Son Funeral Home 3807 W. Elm St, McHenry, Illinois Fury Motors, Inc. Imperial Chrysler, Plymouth, Valiant 2508 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois McHenry State Bank Serving McHenry Slnce 1906 McHenry, Illinois McHenry Savings & Loan Association 1209 N. Green Street Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St McHenry, Illinois' •1 h b h

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