4 PETS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL, tiny snow white Maltese with fabulous pedigree. Call 385-2662. 10 1-1010 69 GERMAN Shepherd pups, AKC. Large, heavy boned beauties. Champion Sired. Excellent tem- perment. Call 815-459-4790 101-101069 BLACK GERMAN Shepherd pup, AKC, Grand Victor back ground. Must sacrifice, $40. Call 385-0679. 103 69 MINIATURE Schnauzer pup py, male, shots. Champion sired, $95. Call 385-3045. 103 69 BOATS a MOTORS 16 FT. Thompson inboard/out board, 90 h.p. Low hours, trail er, $1300. Call 385-6211. 101-103 69 14 FT. Switzer Craft boat, 45 h.p. Chrysler motor and trail er. CaU 385-5408 101-101069 1966 26 ft. Chris Craft cabin cruiser, 185 h.p., sleeps 4, low engine hours. Excellent condi tion. In water at Pistakee Marina, Fox Lake, $5500. Call 459-0840. 10 3-108 69 HELP WANTED BOATS & MOTORS 18 FT. Lyman boat, trailer and 50 h.p. Johnson motor. Needs very little work. Call 653-9602 after 5:30 p.m. 103-108 69 Wanted To Buy % size bed complete, prefer ably wood. Must be in good CLEAN condition. Also wanted a new Kirby vacuum cleaner. Call 385-4171 after 4:30 p.m. 101-10 3 69 WANTED to buy 2 or 3 bed room house in McHenry area. Under $15,000. Have cash will buy from owners. Write to Box #242. c/o McHenry Plain- 101 69TF12 USED 20 or 30 gal. aquarium. Need not be perfect. Call 385- 6513. . .. 10 3 69 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black greyish male Poodle, vicinity of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. Has identification, answers to "Jacques". Reward. Call 385- 1901. 101-10 3 69 SHOP IN McHENRY CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank everyone for the cards, prayers and visists while I was in McHenry hos pital. A special thanks to Dr. Wilt and priests for visists and prayers. ANNA DESKIS 103 69 CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank everyone for the cards, prayers, flowers, visits and other kindnesses while I was in the hospital. AMBROSE SCHAEFER 103 69 To Late To Classify COME SEE. Beautiful furni ture at discount prices. Is land Lake Furniture Mart, 2 miles west of Rt. 12 on Rt. 176. Call 312-526-2210 * • 101-10 31 69 FOR SALE SELLING OUT. Hi Ho Golf Range equipment. Rt. 120, Mc Henry. Saturday, October 4th. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m on premises. Putters, drivers, electric ball marker, mats, large pedestal fan, Pee Wee devices, flood lights, truck, ball picker and gang mowers. 10 3 69 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE CLERICAL OPENING G E N E R A L O F F I C E EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Excellent typing and shorthand, ability to work with a minimum of supervision required. A C C O U N T I N G JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT COST ACCOUNTANT (Experienced Preferred) E N G I N E E R I N G CHIEF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER DRAFTSMEN (High school graduate, zero to 4 years experience with ability to make detail, layout and assimbly drawings. Knowledge of close tojerance preferred.) Excellent company benefits including tuition refund. 385-7002 OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 am. to noon or by appointment WFCARE ABOUT PEOPLE BRAKE PARTS CO 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHBVRY (Behind Tba McHatxry Market Place) 10-3-69 To Late To Classify The Driver's Sent FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 15 WIG SALE. All human hair pieces, 50% off. Annel Wigs 1311 Riverside, McHenry, call 385-3444. 10369 BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTING & DECORATING. Eugene Honning. Honning & Carlson, Inc., McHenry, 111. Established 20 years. For esti mate call 3854042. 103 69 ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS Often, even the people who have had electrocardiograms taken do not understand this test. Here are some of the more common questions about the so- called EKG -- and their an swers: 1. Just what is an electro cardiogram? An EKG is a record of the heart's electrical activity, permanently recorded on a moving strip of paper. 2. What does electricity have to do with the heart? Any working muscle, in-., eluding the heart muscle, gives off electrical current. When you are resting, the electrical activity of the heart muscle can be "traced" by the electro cardiograph machine. 3. What can be learned from an EKG? EKG's can indicate inflam mation of the heart muscle, ab normal heart rhythms, and en largement of a heart chamber. An EKG can reveal a " silent" heart attack on someone who feels well. An EKG can help a doctor determine if symp toms are the result of a heart problem or some other entirely different disease. 4. Does a normal EKG prove there is no serious heart con dition? No. An EKG can tell only what is happening in the heart- it can't predict what will hap pen. A man may have a heart attack within hours after a nor mal tracing. On the other hand, someone whose heart has re covered well from a serious attack may still show severe EKG changes. 5. Why are frequently-re- peated EKGs sometimes ordered? Repeated, or "serial" EKGs may be ordered when a heart attack is suspected. Any small change is significant. Sometimes EKG changes do not appear until ten days to two weeks after an attack. Even when the diagnosis is con firmed, serial EKGs are used to keep a constant check on the condition of the heart. 6. Is the EKG, alone, suf ficient examination? No. EKGs complement, but cannot replace a thorough phys ical examination. Though a val uable aid to the doctor, they are not infallible nor can they give complete information. 7. Why take an EKG if you're feeling all right? A normal EKG is a use ful record. It may be needed later for comparison with future tracings. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED COIL AND TRANSFORMER WINDERS AND ASSEMBLERS M E N A N D W O M E N • Experience desired but will 9 Excellent working conditions. train qualified applicants • All standard benefits. I Day Shift 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. • New Incentive System. SPECIAL HOOTS FOR WORKING MOTHERS: 9JLM. TO 3 P.M. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. SHERIDAN LAKEMOOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS VoLo LftKEmoofl 9 19 69TF12 Flat-Tire Research Reveals Interesting Facts Recent research by the Traffic Institute of Northwes tern university has come up with some interesting data about fiat tires. For instance, it found that more than 99 per cent of us auto mobile drivers apparently are able to cope with a fiat tire or blowout. Women, however, are about four times as likely as all drivers to have an accident after a "tire disablement," with women under 20 having the high est "risk index." The report also indicates that how a driver reacts to a flat is probably more important than on what wheel the fiat tire oc curs. Also, there seemed to be no norm as to what direction a car veers after a flat tire on any particular wheel. Other (findings: •The higher a tire's temper ature, the higher the risk of a flat. (A good reason to make sure your tires are fully-in- flated before you drive, partic ularly if you plan a high-speed freeway trip. An under-inflated tire generates more heat. And be sure to check your tire pres sure when tires are cold). *Rear tires are more likely to go flat than front tires. PETS THAT NEED A. HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. KITTENS, born Aug. 2, litter trained. Mixed breed pup pies born Aug. 22, will be small dogs. One male, black and white dog, 1 year old. Good with children and cats. 385-3753. 4723 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 101-1010 69 LOST: Large tan and white male Collie-Shepherd. Ans wers to "Duffy". Reward. Call 385-7571 or 1303 Lake Defiance Rd. 10 3 69 GERMAN SHEPHERD dog, less than 1 year, male. Call 385-3891. 10 3 69 2 MALE kittens, 2 months® old, one yellow and white short hair, one yellow and white long hair, house trained, good mouse catchers. Call 385-2566 after 4 p.m. 103-1015 69 1 MALE German Shepherd, 5 years old. 1 male part German Shepherd and Collie, 9 months. Very good with children. Call 385-4092. 10 3 69 BLACK OR BLACK and grey striped kittens, 1 female, 2 males. Will deliver. Call 385-0251. 10 3 69 KITTENS, 8 weeks. Trained. Call 385-5456. 103 69 •Bald tires are 50 times more likely to go flat than new ones. Danger increases sharply after the point at which your tread measures 1 /16th of an inch. *A check of 1,700 vehicles cm a 190-mile segment of the Ill inois Tollway, where the study was conducted, revealed that 607 of them, or about 34 per cent, had some type of tire de ficiency. When is the last time you visually inspected your tires, and personally checked the pressure in each one? It's a good idea, too, to carry your own tire gauge as readings on fill ing-station tire gauges can vary to a high degree. _ \3| CALL PHYLLIS 1 TODAY FOR TTHE P-BEST CLASSIFIED ^SECTION IN TOWN *385-0170jib Tire stone SNOW TIRES BUY ONE TIRE GET THE SECOND ONE AT Vt PRICE $33.80 7.75-14 7.75-15 2ND TIRE $16.90 BSW 8.25-14 8.25-15 $37.55 $18.77 BSW 8.55-14 8.55-15 $41.05 $20.52 B5\V 8 .85 - 1 4 8.85-15 $45.70 $22.85 BSW Plus F.E.T. PASSENGER, TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIRES AND BATTERIES IN ALL SIZES. McHenry Tire Mart 3921 W. MAIN STREET McHENRY PH. 385-0294 J| ONE FEMALE Calico kitten, 6 weeks old. Call 385-7594 after 4 p.m.. 103 69 Clearance Sale on all remaining 1969 G.M.C. TRUCKS and American Motors Cars No Reasonable Offer Refused! v USED CAR SPECIALS 1966 CHEV. IMPALA Spt. Coupe $1395.00 1964 CHEV. IMPALA Coupe $895.00 1962 CHEV. BELAIR $495.00 1964 AMERICAN Wagon, sharp $595.00 1961 CADALLIC, Sharp $695.00 1965 FORD 1/2 TON, Custom, sharp $1295.00| McHENRY G.M.C.- & RAMBLER PHONE 815-385-2620 * 1801 RT. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS TEST DRIVE A NEW TOYOTA THE LOW PRICED, LUXURY IMPORT AND GET AN AUTOGRAPHED Football FREE At Europa Motors (The Corona Mark II is in) Saab of Sweden Toyota of Japan 3318 W. PEARL ST. McHENRY, ILL. 385-0700 «•*, 'J