SHEER OPAQUE PANTY HOSE Spinach Bitter Chocolate Charcola 1216 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOE FRETT DAY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER IS, 19(9 , McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: « McHenry Sand and Gravel • Bimbo's - Riverside Drive • McHenry Country Club • Hettermann's Tavern - Johnsburg • Vernon Kays Office - Courthouse This will be a day to honor One of McHenry County^s finest citizens, Joe Frett. Please get your tickets for you and your wife as soon as possible as a limited number can be accommodated. DINNER at 7 pm SINGLE -$10.00 COUPLES - $20.00 "Portraits Make Perfect Christmas Gifts" Christmas Bonus - Credit Check CREDIT TO THE NEXTJITT^ jfour_Name $5.00 7iue (Doll ars The Credit Check will be accepted as one-half payment of deposit on any portrait order taken before November 1, 1969. Minimum portrait order is $10.00. Offer limited to One Per Family # Not good in connection with any other Studio offer . . . Appointment Necessary LEONARD STUDIO Phone 385-5579 1 BLOCK NORTH OF SNUG HARBOR RESTAURANT Fun Fair At City School sodflL mt Saturday, Oct. 4, is the day selected for the big Fun Fair at St. Patrick's school. There will be a variety of games for chil dren of all ages. There will be taffy apples, penny candy, hot dogs, potato chips and pop for sale. Hats, canes, leis, stuffed animals and other articles may be purchased. > Doors will open at 10 a.m. and close at 2 p.m., so every one is invited to spend four fun-filled hours at the Fun Fair. Present Chopin, Beethoven At Fall Concert C h o p i n ' s c o m p o s i t i o n "Scherzo in E major, Op. 54", and Beethoven's composition, "Sonata in C, Op. 2 No. 3", will be performed by Gail Del- ente, pianist, as part of the second recital in a series spon sored by McHenry County col lege. Dr. Marie Ann Vos, assis tant professor of Humanities, has announced the program for the Oct. 5 recital which begins at 3:30 p.m. in the Student center, Interim campus, Crys tal Lake. Also included in the program will be the per formance of "Two Sonatas" by Domenico Scarlatti and '•Ga3pard de la Nuit" hy Ravel. • Dr. Vos extends a welcome to all persons in the commun ity who wish to attend the re cital. be divulged until intermission of the dance on Saturday, Oct. 11 in the West campus gym. Miss Hopp, active in the American Field Service pro gram and Pep club, plans to at tend Northern Illinois uni versity to become an English teacher. Miss McMillan holds mem bership in A.F.S., chorus, Mod ern Music Masters, Pep club, G.A.A., Future Teachers and French club. She is a cross country girl this year, was varsity cheerleader last year and track girl her first two years in school. Jeanne hopes to attend Illinois State or Nor thern Illinois university, where she would like to major in spec ial education, working with the handicapped. Nancy Wallace belongs to the G.A.A., Student Council, Stu dent Action association, Pep club, A.F.S., Drama club and select chorus. She was an all- star volleyball and basketball player and is a student sec retary. Nancy plans to work as a ticket reservationist or receptionist for an airlines and also would like to attend col lege and become a special ed ucation teacher for the dv_.. Lynn Weber is vice-presi- dent of Office Occupations and a member of the National Hon or society. Previously she was active with the Future Business Leaders, Spanish club, G.A.A., (All-star hockey, volleyball and basketball), student leader, Pep club, A.F.S and chorus. Miss Weber hopes to attend Moser Secretarial school in Chicago, with future plans in definite. Robbi Stowel would like some day to work for an airline or in a children's orphanage. Miss Stowell has held mem berships in the G.A.A., Pep club, A.F.S. and Drama club. She has been a cheerleader, a varsity baseball bat girl and a student secretary. Miss Etten is a member of the National Honor society, Pep club, Modern Music Masters, G.A.A., Tenth Legion, Student Council secretary, A.F.S. and co-vice-president of chorus. She plans to enter collet and major in psychology. One corn plant uses about 50 gallons of water in its grow- « ing season--one acre of corn will consume 330,000 gallons, per 100-day growing season. Miss Hansen Is Married Miss Patricia J. Hansen was a pretty bride on Saturday. Sept. 27, when she approached the altar of Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Kenneth M. Sebby. Miss Hansen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- ius Hansen of 5229 East Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, and Mr. Sebby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Sebby of 801 Orange street, Yorkville, 111. Rev. David Allin officiated at the 2 o'clock niqrtial service, for which Miss Cheryl Elber- sen was organist and Mrs. Lar ry Johnson, soloist. Her offer ing was "O Perfect Love". Acolytes were Andrew and Joseph Hansen of Wonder Lake. Yellow and white mums form ed the altar bouquets, and pews were riforked with sixteen can dles and white satin bows. Miss Hansen selected a white moire gown with ruffled neck line, empire waistline and long, fitted sleeves with ruffled cuffs. The train was fashioned by her sister, Jacqueline. The bride wore a bonnet-effect, cov ered with pearls and small flow ers with a white cascade of ribbons extending down the back. It held in place a finger tip silk illusion veil. She car ried a bouquet of white mums, ivy and cascading stephanotis. Jacqueline Hansen of Wonder Lake acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. Robert Manke of Woodstock, Barbara Hansen of Wonder Lake and Nancy Sebby of Yorkville. They were attired in long, brown moire gowns with empire waist line trimmed i n old fashion lace. ' They were styled with long, Vic torian sleeves and high collars. Hie young ladies wore brown moire bows in their hair and carried nosegays of yellow mums.' The flower girl, Connie Manke of Woodstock, niece of the bride, wore a floor length brown linen dress with puff sleeves, trimmed In old fashion lace. She carried a basket of veUow mums. Alec Karter of Brookfield, Wis., served as best man and groomsmen were Jack Farwig of Detroit, Mich., Paul Sebby of Yorkville and Roger Hansen of Wonder Lake. Ushers were David Sand of Seneca, 111., and Edward Faulkner of Forreston, 111. Donnie Manke of Woodstock, nephew of the bride, served as ring bearer. Mrs. Hansen wore a pale green dress, matching ac cessories and the same kind of corsage. Following the service, a re ception for 225 guests was held at the church fellowship hall. Later, the couple left on a short w e d d i n g t r i p t o M i l w a u k e e , a f ter which they took up residence at 7954 40th avenue, Kenosha, Wis. TTie bride is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school and at tended Carthage college, Ken osha, for two years. Her hus band graduated from Carthage college, and is now awaiting ac tive duty in the National Guard. Entertainment for the recent Friendship Tea held by the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake were members of the " Welcoming Com mittee" from Marian Central high school. From left, they are Dave Guzzardo, Rita Brickley, Chuck Gauer, Debbie Grennan and Mark Bartos. Guests Join Woman's Club At Friendship Tea ferent song is chosen each month by the state music chair man of the I.F.W.C. and sung to bring new spirit, pep and satisfaction to the club meet ings. Mrs. Robert Karlson, secre- tary-treasurer, presented to Mrs. James Ahern, a special gift from all the members. The silver charm bracelet repre sented appreciation for the many months Mrs. Ahern ser ved as Community Projects chairman and for devoting her summer months organizing the Red Cross Water Safety Swim program on Wonder Lake for two consecutive summers. Mrs. Francis Higgins; Pro gram chairman, presented the entertainment for the evening, the "Welcoming committee". This group of talented and en ergetic young people from Mar ian Central high school was en thusiastically received. Their folk music style, the blending rhythm of singing, guitar and tambourine, were most invig orating. On Sept. 25, Mrs. Grant Er nst, president, Mrs. Donald Gerlitz, Mrs. Robert Karlson and Mrs. John Sorenson, Jr., of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake attended the Eleventh Dis trict Illinois Federation of Wo men* s clubs fall meeting at the Indian Lakes Country club in Bloomingdale. The theme was "Our Diamond Jubilee in Federation", celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of I.F.W.C. unanimously endorsed the candidacy of Mrs. Donald Gerlitz, McHenry, for northern region vice-president of the I.F.W.C. Eleventh district chairmen outlined their programs and goals for the year. Hostesses for the meeting were the Glen Ellyn Woman's club and the Glen Ellyn Jr Woman's club members. HARVARD HOSPITAL Otto Mueller, Arthur Stowell and Michael Palmer of McHen ry were patients in Harvard hospital the past week. Schumachers Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Schu macher, Sr., of 149 Pearl street, Cary, will observe their golden wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 11, when a Mass in their honor will be offered at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Stes. Peter and Paul church, First street, CSry, by Rev. C. Alfred Dietsch. Open house will be held from 8 to 10 p.m. at the American Legion home in Crystal Lake. Paul Schumacher and Ger trude Freund were married Oct. 22, 1919, at St. Mary's church, McHenry, by Rev. Berthold. Prior to moving to the Cary community thirty years ago, the couple made their home in the THE R.H. WALTERS MARRIED -- Car la Irene Ebel was a pretty bride when she and Mr. Richard Herman Wal ter exchanged nuptial vows in St. Thomas the Apostle Mission church, Crystal Lake, on Sept. 13. The newly weds are making their home in Crystal Lake. PG. 2 - PIAINDEALER FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1969 McHenry, Woodstock and Crys tal Lake area. They are parents of two sons, Gerald of Cary and Paul, Jr., of Crystal Lake, and have sev en grandchildren. JEANNE MCMILLAN Six Candidates Hope To Reign At Homecoming Six pretty senior girls at McHenry high school's West campus are keeping their fingers crossed until homecom ing weekend, Oct. 9, 10, and 11, when they will learn the name of the 1969 homecoming queen. Candidates, selected by a vote of the senior class, are Cin dy Hopp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Hopp of 5010 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood, Jeanne McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ^homas McMil lan, 4903 E. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake; Nancy Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wallace of 3403 W. Skyway drive, McHenry; Lynn Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An ton F. Weber of 1218 W. Bay road, McHenry; Robbi Lynn Stowel, daughter of Albert Stow el of 2028 W. Rt. 120, Mc Henry; and Sherry Etten, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Etten of 3409 Washington street, McHenry. From the present list of six candidates, the juniors and sen iors will make their selection of a queen. Her name will not The Woman's club of Wonder Lake held its " Friendship Tea" recently at the Nativity Lutheran church in Wonder Lake. To start the evening off in true friend ship, all members introduced themselves and their guests. Special guests attending were Mrs. Lambert Miller, presi dent of the Eleventh District of the Illinois Federation of Wo- men's Clubs, and Mrs. Frank Dusak, president of the McHen ry County Federation of Wo men's Clubs of the I.F.W.C. Members and guests joined to gether to sing "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" to the ac companiment of Mrs. Charles Jacobson at the piano. A dif- Bryan O'Neill gives this fine bike a preview look as Sister Anne Marie, Dennis Choate and Sister Mary Kathleen look on amidst a Fun Fair setting at St. Patrick's school. The annual fair will be held this Saturday, Oct. 4. PLAINDEALER PHOTO ROBBI STOWEL PLAINDEALER PHOTO