V 9i Hospital Volunteers Recognize Pink Ladies •i> Newest service provided patients of McHenry hospital by the Pink Lady volunteers is the escort service-transporting patients by cart of wheel chair to and from x-ray and physical therapy and to the laboratory. These volun- * teers provide vital services on an organized basis and are valuable aids to regular hos pital staff members. In this escort service photo are Mrs. Robert Stewart, Crystal Lake, left; Mrs. Samuel Winters, McHenry, and Mrs. Milan Baker, McHenry, all Pink Lady volun teers. A luncheon honoring the seventy-five Pink Lady volunteers is planned Wednesday, Oct. 15. DON PEASLEY PHOTO A special program to hon or those who contribute sig nificantly to patient care at McHenry hospital will be held for the first time this year when volunteer Pink Ladies are feted at a luncheon on Wed nesday, Oct. 15. Until this year, recognition was in conjunction with the Wo man's auxiliary annual meet ing, but efforts of those who spend as many as ten to twen ty hours a week without pay ^<*t the hospital deserve spec ial mention, Mrs. Elmer Stange, auxiliary president, asserted this week. The volunteers are on an or ganized bases with a training program and with Mrs. Ever ett Hansen as the volunteer director of services. Mrs. Han sen spends almost full-time during each working day in her volunteer role, and she's rep resentative of the dedication which permeates the auxiliary and its Pink Lady forces. Volunteers come from many miles-some driving as many as twenty-five miles one way for their once-or-twice-a-week service. Still more are needed, for the number of ways the wo men help staff members is expanding. Newest additions are escort service and emergency room service. The women also staff the information desk, work in the admissions department and assist with recreational therapy. The recognition luncheon will be held at noon at the Crystal Lake Country club. Special guests will include Anthony Corcoran, hospital administra tor; Mrs. Stange, auxiliary president; Mrs. Josephine Pet erson, R.N., assistant admin istrator, nursing services; Dr. Edward F. Wilt, Jr., chief of the medical staff; and George Freund, president of the hos pital board. ART JURYING Arlene Muska, president of the Valley Art center, has an nounced the annual jurying of the Art center to be held on Oct. 9 at the Besinger Community center in Carpentersville. Members can bring their work to the center on Oct. 9 between 10 a,m. and 5 p.m. Any paid member may submit three pieces of any of the media he wishes to be juried in. A crit ique will be held at 8 p.m. in the grand room at the Bes inger center. This will be held in the place of the regular meeting and all members are invited to bring their paintings. For further information call Gialla Ohlrich, of Crystal Lake, who is the Valley Art center's gallery chairman, at 459-0098. Use The Classifieds !!! TOWN OFFICIALS MEET FOR 60th STATE CONVENTION An impressive agenda of speakers, seminars and events will be presented to Township Officials of Illinois, at their sixtieth annual convention, to be held in Peoria, Oct. 26 through 29, at the Pere Mar quette hotel. Both Gov. Richard B. Ogil- vie and Lieut. Gov. Paul Simon will be featured speakers, with the governor appearing on Tuesday morning, Oct. 28, and his lieutenant appearing on Monday morning, Oct. 27. They will discuss administrative and legislative relationships be tween the state of Illinois and the 1,433 townships within the state. The convention will be called to order by its president, Joe W. Burgett, Vermont, at 9:30 a.m., Monday, Oct. 27, and followed by an address of wel come by Mayor E. Michael O'Brien of Peoria. The keynote address will be delivered by State Rep. Don A. Moore of Midlothian. Troy A. Host, ex ecutive secretary of the Town ship Officials of Illinois, will present a report on the signif icance of new state legislation as it relates to township govern ment, at the Monday morning session. Monday and Tuesday meet- PG. 4- PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1969 v ings will include seminars for town-supervisors, auditors, as sessors, clerks, collectors and road commissioners. Dignitar ies scheduled to speak to these groups include State Senators Karl Bernlng, Deer field, and John J. Lanigan, Chicago; Mau rice W. Scott, executive vice- president, Taxpayers Federa tion of Illinois; Mayor Dominic A. Kirane, Belvidere. The theme of the 1969 Town ship Officials convention will be "Townships Onward," accord ing to Secretary Troy A. Kost. This will reflect the progress and changes made in township government during recent years, and also project future progress yet to be made. "Township government is a very live, active and progres sive form of government, and it is on the move," said Kost. '•Moreover, it is a vital form of our local governmental sys tem and a backbone of democ racy in our country. It is cer tainly going onward!" It is expected that more than 1,000 delegates, representing all divisions of township gov ernment will attend the 1969 Township Officials of Illinois convention in Peoria. COUNTY INVESTS $143,no IN US.BONDS McHenry county residents purchased a total of $143,110 in series E and H United States savings bonds and Freedom Shares in August, according to Donald J. Still,- Woodstock, general county chairman of the savings bonds committee. Sales in the state of Illinois were $26,276,568, according to Clarence S. Sochowski, state director of the Treasury's sav ings bonds division. National sales were $375,000,000 and Ill inois sales represented 7 per cent of this amount. This is the highest percentage of national sales since January of this year when the percentage was 7.4 percent, and reflects the pur chases of over 130,000 new pay roll savers in business and in dustrial firms who were add ed to the rolls since January first. The cash value of savings bonds and Freedom Shares out standing ii now $52,2 billion. McHenry county purchases for the month totalled $143,- 110. S H O P I N M c H E N R Y T O D A Y ! ! Z r * t i 4 -« t JOHN WAYNE AND DORIS DAY ARE NOT COMING TO OUR SECOND ANNUAL SURPLUS STOCK LIQUIDATION SALE! But We Hope You Will Join Your Friends! •OVER $500.00 IN FREE PRIZES! INCLUDING A PHILCO-FORD COLOR T.V., RECLINERAND7 OTHER GIFTS! •FREE INSTAMATIC CAMERA* WITH $100 OR MORE PURCHASE! ^Includes Camera, Cells, Film, and Flashcube--Offer Ends Sunday, Oct. 5th--$17.95 Value! v *FREE MATEL PATTERPILLOW! with $50 or more in purchases PUBLIC NOTICEI VISIT OUR WAREHOUSE FOR THE MOST FANTASTIC FURNITURE BUYS EVER! SAVE AS MUCH AS 50% TODAY! •FREE DELIVERY •I USTEN J? •FREE PARKING t/»# fyrthm* URNITURE. Inc /S9S TAKE 10 10 REAL ADVANTAGES TO HOME OWNERSHIP 1. Security 6. Environment 2. Investment 7. Cash Equity 3. Tax Advantage $. Character Development 4. Financial Independence y 5. Standing and Credit I 9. Peace of Mind [ 10. Satisfaction TAKE 10 PROFESSIONAL - EXPERIENCED - KNOWLEDGEABLE REAL ESTATE SALESMEN D. KORY NANCY CURRY TED CURRY ' i f ' < ' DON LOOZE AUDREY CAMPBELL BOB CARR BONNIE SEGERSTROM n VI JOHNSON CATHY PENNER DENNIS GAUL WE WILL GIVE YOU 20 WAYS TO BETTER SELL YOUR HOMES* •Stop in and pick up a free pamphlet. Ted C urry J[\ealty, Ity, Inc. i 1 Phone [815] 385 7190 * 3106 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050