Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1969, p. 9

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WED. OCTOBER 8, 1969 - PLAHMDEALER - PG. 9 Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 3, 1929) Sunday was an important and interesting one at the M.E. Sun­ day school. A special program took the place of the regular routine and was given in honor of the several members who received attendance pins as well as special numbers being given in honor of Miss Ida Reynolds, teacher of the junior class, and pianist of the Sunday school, who leaves to make her home in Chicago. A poem "Our Tea­ cher* ' was read by George John­ son and Clara Thorsell and Ar • lette Newman sang a farewell song to their teacher who has been most faithful and in­ terested In the work of the Sun­ day school. •" Twelve hundred and fifty baseball fans congregated from all over Northern Illinois yes­ terday afternoon to help Johns- burg entertain the Chicago White Sox in the big game of the season. County champions play good baseball but the big leaguers shut them out 13-0. Anton G. Barbian, 67 years old, a well known resident of this community, passed away at the Woodstock hospital Sept. 28 following an operation which was performed the previous Thursday morning. Mr. Bar­ bian was a cigar maker by trade and was employed with his brothers in the cigar man­ ufacturing business in this city for many years. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 5, 1944) Freshmen, sophomores, jun­ iors and seniors took time from ̂ their various studies to elect the 1944-45 officers during the past week. Elected to lead the senior class was Dean Mc- Cracken, the juniors have se­ lected as their president Paul Bonslett, the only girl to be elected president was Helen Duncan, who will lead the soph- _omores. The freshmen elected FENCE MATERIALS for Home - Form - Industry POSTS BOARDS •WOOD •WIRE RAILS WIRE -- Gates -- •METAL •TUBULAR All Sizes Available - 200 To Choose From ---- Fence Posts-- •STEEL 'PRESSURE TREATED or Cedar Any Size - Any Length Form Fencing - Any Size, Any Style McHenry Fence & Supply Largest Fence Erectors In Northern III. Specializing lq Fence Building of all types. 2017 N. Rfngwood Rd. McHenry 385-1469 Richard Heuser, president. New owners assumed the management of "The Bridge" on Oct. 1 when Bernie Bollman and William Wolf took posses­ sion of the place located just east of the state bridge on Route 120. The purchase was made from John E. Freund who retires on account of ill health. Among recent blood donors at the blood center, Wabash avenue, Chicago, was Mrs. Fred Nickels of this city. After twenty-nine months of service in the South Pacific, Captain Raymond Watkins of Wonder Lake is home A dentist by profession he has been in the army for the past four years. Many in this vicinity will be sorry to learn of the death of Christian Wieland, 64, well known in the Pistakee Bay com­ munity for many years. With five brothers and a sister, Mr. Wieland founded the Wieland dairy in 1888. He passed away at his Chicago home Oct. 2. '"Chuck" Miller who will soon leave for service was honored at a farewell party held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ray Hermance, at Richmond. About 100 relatives and friends were present to enjoy a social eve­ ning. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 8, 1959) One McHenry area youth was killed and three other persons were injured in a two car col­ lision which took place early Monday, Oct. 5, on the Barre- ville road, a few miles south­ east of the city. The dead boy was Larry B. Ketchum, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Ketchum of Rt. 3, McHen­ ry. "Telephone Open House" will be held in McHenry Oct. 14, 15 and 16, R.C. Zahn, Illinois Bell manager for the area has announced. Tom Russell was elected president of the McHenry Chor­ al club at the Monday evening meeting of the group. LeRoy Hi Her was named vice-presi­ dent and Dorothy Hollander, secretary, Ruth Barger was re-elected treasurer of the club. The membership this fall is fifty-five, including residents of McHenry and all the sur­ rounding area, as well as Fox Lake, Wauconda and Crystal Lake. Frank Geu of Rt. 5, McHen­ ry, was seriously injured in an unfortunate accident which oc­ curred while at work at the Marticke & Nixon plant on Elm with the purchase off any new Lawn-Boy Grass Catcher Mower s A ! : f i D U T |gk ink* COME IN! SEE THK NIW 1970 LAWN-BOY MOWERS TODAY. Pick the grass catcher Lawn Boy model you want and we'll turn it into a leaf-bagging machine FREE. You'll "vacuum" your lawn clean as you mow... and be rid of leaves the easy way. Best reason in the world to take a look at the Quick and Quiet Lawn-Boys for 1970. The new Lawn Boy mowers bring you the ultimate in light weight and easy handling. And you'll find them with finger tip starting, electric key start, even self- propelled ... in a size and price to fit every need. Act now while you still get the free leaf bag bonus. QUICKTIME! ED'S RENTAL INC. "CALL US. . .WE RENT MOST EVERYTHING!!" 904 N. FRONT ST. PHONE 385-3232 McHENRY L A W M - B O V street. On Monday evening of this week bids were let by the Vet­ erans of Foreign Wars in ^ie amount of $49,000 for the erec­ tion of, a new addition to the clubhouse located oriF route 120 east of the city. The annual homecoming cele­ bration at McHenry high school will be Oct. 9. "Die Warriors will play Crystal Lake. ^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSP THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE IN TOWN ARE ' THE ^5T" "VJ ONES WHO SUBSCRIBE TO THE McHENRYj PLAINDEALER!!!! APPROVE SEVEN SPECIAL PROJECTS FOR HANDICAPPED Ray Page, Illinois Superin­ tendent of Public Instruction, has announced that seven spec­ ial education projects for handi­ capped children have been ap­ prove^ for_ Illinois schools, a- mountirig to $524,642. The projects are awarded un­ der the provisions of Title IB of the Elementary and Sec­ ondary Education Act. North- brook and Lincolnwoodareone- year projects. The other five grants will support the first year of a proposed three-year project. The Marengo Project, "Tea­ cher Training for Behavioral Management," provides for the training of selected classroom teachers in behavioral manage­ ment techniques. Two class­ rooms for children with learn­ ing disabilities and behavior­ al problems will be organized at a demonstration center. The techniques developed at the cen­ ter will be used to help chil­ dren achieve positive class­ room behavior. The approved project will serve students attending all public and parochial schools of McHenry County, Illinois. Thir­ ty thousand students of the twen­ ty-four public and eleven par­ ochial schools are included in the project area. The project will encompass the same area that is presently served by the McHenry County Special Education district. Co­ operation oetween the Title III project and the present Spec- ;,Y VITE PUBLIC TO OCTOBER 24 SCIENCE LECTURE Conflicts and endless strug­ gle to survive are man's un­ changeable destiny according to Miss Jessica Pickett, a Chris­ tian Science lecturer from Chi­ cago. She will speak Friday, Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. in Crystal Lake on the subject "Adven­ ture Into Inner Space." Pio­ neering spiritual explora­ tion shows men a very differ­ ent world view from the one they are used to, says Miss Pickett. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will be held at Central grade school audi­ torium, Paddock street, cor­ ner of McHenry avenue. It is sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Miss Pickett has served as a lieutenant in the Women's Re­ serve, United States Naval Re­ serve. Miss Pickett also worked in advertising and public re­ lations prior to entering the public healing ministry of Christian Science in 1957. She is presently on tour through­ out the United States and parts of Canada as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lec­ tureship. ial Education district will de­ velop and operate educational and supportive services for the handicapped children. The value of self-praise is about as great as anything else you can get for nothing. /XAOIVTGO/VIERY ihVL} UIJ Riverside WARM tlVIRSIDI 4-SQUARI PAStlMOia Till OUAftANTII GUAR ANT E€D AGAINST FAilUtt due to rood Soxordi ie>cept repoirabb punc lures) or from defects «n mo ten ok or worfcmanaNp for the kfe of the oogmol treod In cose of foilur*. Words wiM ea - change tire for o now one. charging only tfcot portion of ttie current price (plus Federoi Ekim To*) equivalent to the percent of treod used GUARANTIED AGAINST TftCAD Wf AROUT for months specified or for miles specified In COM treod wears out Words wiN exchange tiro for o now one. the current price (plus Federal iicise To*) and a specif* doHor allowance (Treod wear guarantee does not apply to tirot used commercially ) NATIONWK* S£*VICE Guarantee hon ored at any Words Retoil or Catalog store RIVERSIDE® HC T 2ND J I TIRE 1/2 PRICE WHEN YOU BUY THE 1ST 6.50-13 TBLS. BLACK AT THE REG. PRICE PLUS 1.79 TO 3.01 F.E.T. With today's freeways and turnpikes, you need the HST -- designed for hard, sustained driving. Wide tread improves traction, handling. Nylon cord body. Guaranteed against tread wear-out for 36 months. TU8ELESS M.ACKWAU SIZES REGULAR PRICE EACH SICOND TIM ONLY PLUS FE T EACH 6 50 13 S2£ 1 1 SO 1 79 6 95 14 . $24- SII- 1 96 7 00 13 $25- 1 1 so- 194 7.35-14 7 35 15 $26" $ 1 3 * 207 2 08 7 75 14 7.75-15 $28' $ 1 4 - 2 20 2 21 8 25 14 8.15-15 S3 r 1 2 36 2 38 8 55 14 8 45 15 $34" $17 257 2 57 8 85 14 8.85 15 9 15 15 $37" t t s o 286 3 01 3 01 'With trop in tire off your car. WhitewaHi $3 more «och FREE MOUNTING WMHM AND A**1' Riverside IMMKDIATt MPLAC8MINT •ftATTIRY OUARANTIII If battory it found defective and will not hold a charge (1) FREE replacement within 90 days of purchase (2) After 90 days Wards will replace the battery, charging you a pro-rated amount of the current no-trade-in tolling price for each month fr dote of purchase 50-MONTH X-TRA HEAVY DUTY- REG. EXCHANGE PRICE $24.95 Reserve power for high-drain i av., EXCH. electrical accessories. 22F, 24, SIII00 2 4 F , 2 7 , 2 7 F , 2 9 N F , 6 0 . y l 7 WARDS PREMIX WINDSHIELD SOLVENT WITH ANTIFREEZE oee where you re going bet- Aft* tor - eliminate gritty, dirty car windowed I yeor around. ^ Price Gal Riverside^ heavy duty oil filter S<|49 low at | Cartridge Beats original equip­ ment quality; delivers unrestricted oil flow and better efficiency. Spin-on, low as -- $2.49 All Season Motor Oil All Season flows freely in any weather. Quickly lubri­ cates upper cylinder. 10W-30 ed Additives . scientit'""' ,ef5 standafds Eiceeds l0, Hea-y^u" i ^peiatu,es . Protects " i o w 3 10 QT. all ALL Prices In This Ad Are Good In Woodstock & Crystal .Lake AUTO STORES net content-^grsj •SLiSMa m tad Mart sir on •rrzZJeM NET 1 U.S. GALLON $1.69 PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZC FIGHTS COOLING SYSTEM RUST One filling gives winter-long protection. Safe in Iron or u 39 aluminum blocks. 1-gal. can. $1 WARDS 105 Northwest Highway 459-3120 Crystal Lake. Illinois I A

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