> PG. 12- PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ri(« A.M. hr S. litf Jtfnc rt Affncv 1? E il r/T Clk TANWEW AGEW P/T tchf'i *tsl, Nassau Agency I P/T--THwham" «d. voice. $1.75 P/T CLK, wiit sm tvpt. Pr i Iw rt to tUS c«n nVI CO RM 304 IS E 40 ^CYJSIS) to tlOO re pud rt», 12_E. 41 tVM. Much raisin* 4lr«ct mail l&"#' V0U,h TUBE PfO h«lo Mptul A«encv. SAL FR jearch Rubber Co GAL Fr J «t( KB WHITE St IIM V P Ave) $150 "j 41 St S ma W 42. Rm 1 FEE P0"$12S RM :C4 ! j L 40 HCYJJME SECY--toe M . Excel I" rovident A»ency temist to 1135 RM ?C4 5 E 40 no Sat $*0+ 42 St. Rm 414 MO ofc I90 12S 42 St, Rm_4l4 1PM. E»it Side ro. 47S Sth »v h) l/od to $105 St J 30? ret ti $140 f It den. 1 eel tit Pvk Ave 1 0 P/a 55 hour.^fct P/T Recevt- Mon-Fr $50. 47 PAYROLL MG Irn EOP, taxes, etr PROVIDENT AGENCY PROVIDENT AGEN PAYROLL CL »d. a cta. AGENCY RM 704 '5 F 4C CY FEE PAIO I OPEN GAL-Frldav. resident Reta'T bl»d "ncc 11 W 42 Rm 700 (»qeic»t EC dicta sacv. It sten, $135 al. ns bkr al n.n'i •. V. WHITE AGENCY ••••• 40 skills Brigt- W E G-AL-S/Men Gold Awa'd 41 E 4? Rm 152 GAL/m >k oual hst loon DEADLINE Office Hours Dally 8:S0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I I Classified Display -- | Wednesday Paper Monday 4 pan. • Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. | line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 0:30 a.m. Friday Paper • Thursday 9:30 a.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads| Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent must lie paid in advance. The Plalndealer Is not re-l sponsible for errors In das-! _ sifted ads after the first in-| Jsertlon. Check your ad theD first week and call our at-" tentlon to any mistakes. Phone 385-0170 I This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More Information may be ob tained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. 60604. AUTOS CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Effective immediately, the deadline for straight classi fied advertising will be 4 o'clock Monday & Wednes day afternoons, as it is for classified displays. Straight classified ads will be ac cepted until 9:30 a.m. Tues day & Thursdays as in the past, but any insertions af ter 4 p.m. will not be classified. AUTOS Replacement Paris : For Can COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Aeeessories and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge 6pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 1965 HONDA Chopper, 305 cc. Excellent running condition. Call 497-3091 after 6 p.m. 10-10-1015 69 1960 VOLKSWAGEN with 1962 Camper engine and transmis sion. Excellent condition. Body needs work. $150 or best of fer. Call 459-9378 101069 ONE FAMILY CAR. 1964 Chrysler Imperial Crown, 4 door hardtop sedan, power steering, power brakes, electric windows, electric seat. Low mileage. Excellent condition, $2,000. Call 385-1256. 10-10-102269 1961 CORVAIR Monza, auto matic transmission. Good con dition, $175. Call 385-4145. 1010 69 1967 YAMAHA 305 cc., $450 or best offer. Call 385-3473. 108-1010 69 ONE owner car. Late 1961 Cadillac, air conditioned, full powered, 6 way seat, good tires, new heavy duty battery. Completely tuned ready for winter. Must be seen to appre ciate. Call Mrs. Beaton, 385- 1302, after 6 p.m 1010-1015 69 1969 SPORTS Suburbian, load ed, 11,000 miles, $3100. Under warrenty. McHenry G.M.C. & Rambler, P.O. Box 415 1010-1015 69 AUTOS AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 101 69TF12 1964 CHEVROLET pick-up truck, $350. Call 385-4554 Sat urday and Sunday or 385-0924 after 6 p.m. 10 3 69TF1-2 1959 CHEVROLET. Runs well, good tires $95 or best offer. Call 385-4160. 108-101069 1962 FORD, 4 door, 8 cylinder, automatic, good tires, runs well, $125. Call 385-4794. 103-1010 69 BUSINESS SERVICES Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 J. B. DECORATING Service. Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 101 69TF12 WETTELAND PAINTING 8c DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free Estimates -- For the best In decorating CALL 385-3973 10169TF2 1965 FORD convertible, 289-V8, 3 speed, low mileage, good con dition. Call 385-2745. 1010-1015 69 1958 PONTTAC. Good runner for second car, $50. Two wheel A frame trailer, $23. Call 385-4765. 10 10 69 BUSINESS SERVICES 1963 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, V8, power steering, automatic, clean, good running condition, $525. Call 385-0961 after 4 p.m. 1010-1015 69 1961 FORD Econoline truck Very good condition. Call 385- 7344 after 6 p.m. 108-101069 AUTOS AUTOS HAVE A BUNDLE CLOSE OUT ALL '69'S ide Now, Pay in December] DARTSy CORONETSy POLARAS BELOW DEALER COST WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SHIPMENTS OF NEW 70'S. USED CAR PRICES DOWN, DOWN, DOWN RideNowg Pay in December] e 1965 RAMBLER Air Cond. $995.00 1964 BONNEVILLE Convert. $795.00 1963 BUICK 2 Door $695.00 1967 FORD 4 Door $995.00 1964 CHRYSLER 2 Door H. T. $1495.00 1966 PONT I AC 4 Door $1095.00 1966 MERCURY 4 Door $895.00 1966 DODGE 4 Door $1295.00 1963 CHEVROLET 4 Door $29^.00 1968 DODGE POLARA 4 Door $1885.00 1966 DODGE DART 2 Door $995.00 1965 DODGE 4 Door $995.00 1958 FORD T-BIRD Convert. $395.00 1968 DODGE MONACO 4 Door H.T., Air Conditioning SAVE $1500.00 30 MORE TO SELECT FROM PH. 385-7220 Sunnyside Dodge 48)0 W. Ht*. 130 McHENRY Open Nights and Sundays WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 101 69TF12 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment On the Job Repairs 702 W. Columbus McHenry, I1L 815-385-6195 101 69TF12 JOE'S OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS SALES & SERVICE also Automatic Garage Door Operators. CALL 385-4010 1010 69TF2 Anderson Builder 385-5483 Aluminum Siding - $72 a square installed; 20x22 ga rage, complete cement floor, o'head door, $1,195; 14x22 garage, complete $875. 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, on your lot, with your water and septic, $12,200. Remodeling. 385-5483 10169TF1-2 C. KREPPS CONSTRUCTION • Concrete Work • Patios , • Driveways • Walks Call 385-0662 101 69TF12 EXCAVATING & TRUCKING • Basement Digging and Grading • Road Grading • Roads and Driveways Installed • Lakes and Drainage Ditches • Fill and Gravel Alan Smith 312-526-8632 10169TF12 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0258 385-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. 10 3 69TF2 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE NATIONALLY & STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln Rd. & Charles St. 385-2290 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED., and FRI. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THURS. and SAT. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mon. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 10 3 69TF2 DAY CARE CENTER OPEN 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Supervised activities of stories, music, games with Bible and Character Build ing Emphasis. Weekly, daily and hourly rates. Snacks and hot lunch in cluded. State licensed and ap proved. BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 509 Front Street (South on Route 31) Day Phone 385-0083 Night Phone 385-0081 10 3 69TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES REMOVAL of junk cars. Price depends on condition of ve hicle and distance. Call 815- 648-7090. 10 1 69TF12 WAYNE MEYER lawn mow ing and roto . tilling service. Call 385-4140. 10 1 69TF12 GENERAL hauling. Sand, gra vel, black dirt, etc. Call 385- 4835. 103-1015 69 tfidxofux Sales & Service JAMES VAN FLEET 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry Call after 4 p.m. / 385-6027 10 3 69TF2 F U R N I T U R E • Repairing • Stripping • Refinishing BART YEGGE 3810 W. Main Street McHenry after 5 p.m. CALL 385-0159 1-17-69TP2 MOVING, hauling, cleaning up basements, attic or anything, trash removing. Call 385-5772. 10 10-1022 69 FOR SALE R. R. Salvage, 8 national brand bedroom sets, in original car tons. Can be purchased at fraction of original cost. Call 312-566-6428 101-10 30 69 NEED CARPETING? Call Mc Henry Carpet Mart for home shopper service. Accurate mea suring, quality installation. Call 385-3031 or 385-5675. 101-10 30 69 New slide projector and screen, % bed complete, dresser, carved cocktail table, carved side table, pair of matching lamps, garage utility cart. 9x12 100% wool area rug. Call 385- 8688. 10 8 69TF1-2 14 Cubic foot Hotpoint refrig •ra tor-freezer combination; G.E washer and dryer. Both only 6 months old. Must sell, best offer. Call 385-7505 after 6 p.m. 108-101069 STORE-WIDE lamp sale, up to 30% off. Come see. Beau tiful furniture at discount prices. Island Lake Furniture Mart, 2 miles west of Rt. 12 on Rt. 176. Call 312-526-2210. 10-8-69TF1-2 FOR SALE REFRIGERATOR, 2 show cases, 2 stoves, one electric and 1 gas. Heavy work tables, cabinet with safe. Pizza oven. Call 385-2519. 10 1069 INFANT'S and baby's clothing. Crib, walker, infant seat, strol ler, play pen, jumper seat, door swing. Vacuum cleaner. Call 459-9378. 10 10 69 YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent elec tric shampooer $1. Vycitals. 101069 FRIGIDAIRE DeLuxe washer, excellent condition, $90. Call 653-9393. 10 10 69 DOMESTIC desk model elec tric sewing machine, $15 or best offer for quick sale. Call 385-2506. 10 10 69 CARPET colors looking dim? Bring 'em back--give 'em vim, Use Blue Lustre! Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin 1010 69 8 FT. solid panelled overhead garage door. Hardware includ ed, $40. Call 385-4010 1010-101569 HEAL ESTATE Pistakee Highlands - 3 bed room brick - ranch with full basement, large family room, 1^4 car attached garage. Right party may assume large con tract balance with $3500.00 down. Includes dock and beach rights. Phone Pollock-Phillips Realty Service 385-2500. 1010 69 THE amazing Blue Lustre will leave your upholstery beau tifully soft and clean. Rent electric shampooer $1. Nye Drug. 1010 69 TWO quality nylon rugs. 10x14 turquoise, $80, 9x12 olive, $70. Call 385-0923. 101069TF12 VERY sturdy 6 year crib, jumper seat, high chair, infant seat, desk top steel filing ca binet, Call 385-5645. 108-1010 69 NORGE refrigerator in very good condition. Must see to appreciate. Call 385-5688, 4503 Prairie Ave., McHenry. 108-101069 KITCHEN sink with formica top, single bowl, 2 side drain boards, hardware included. 3 ft. formica vanity top with 18" round bowl and hardware. Call 385-5311 after 5 p.m. 108-101069 LAYAWAY SINGER SEWING MACHINE gear drive, zig zags and buttonholes with attach ments. Unpaid balance only $36.25 or small payments. For further details on free home trial write: Credit Dept., R&R World Sewing Center, Inc Box 3024 Rockford, 111. 61104 108-1010 69 YELLOW, built-in GE. electric oven and range top. 3 Pella 24"x48" windows with storms and screens. 28 flush birch, 2 light, exterior doors with storm door and furnace Call 653-6647 before 11 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 108-101069 t. R. salvage, 6 brand name din ing room sets. Must dispose. Call 312-566-6432. 101-1030 69 14 IN. DeWalt overhead saw with 2 h.p. motor, 110 and 220 power. Call 459-0660 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 108-1010 69 REAL ESTATE ARTISTS STUDIO Tiny (600 sq. ft.) unique year round house, architect design in '67, on 5 rolling forest acres in Bull Valley. Balcony bedroom, observa tion deck. All electric, glass, cedar. The ultimate re treat or second house for bird watchers, loners, etc. $39,500 Five additional acres available. Call 312-381-3732 108-101069 BY OWNER If you call I will tell you how I made money on this 2 acre commercial property on Rand Rd. 6 room house completely furnished, suit able for any business. $29,900. Will take % down. Must retire. Call 312-438-2648 108-101069 BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus. For information phone 385- 5839. 8-6-69TF12 FOR SALE FOR SALE HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. Al Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur day. 10169TF12 ALUMINUM PLATES NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery - These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . . SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" t PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 385-0170 McHenry. 111. V REAL ESTATE SERIOUSLY! We've got buyers for your farm, rural property, or vacant acreage. Call Our Rural Property Dept. T. P. MATHEWS. Realtors ' 653-2061 or 385-6341 I I lir-IHllim SHOP IN McHENHY REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ?B0PX-r00trlh) real estatr rn. "Where Service Comes First" THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: The glory of great men must always be measured against the means they have used to acquire it CURIOUS? It's on 2 ACRES. Has 3 bedrooms. Has screened- in porch. Still curious? Then call now, for ALL the details! $27,900.00 • , j ̂ u first TIME OFFERED! Waterfront home on 3 lots. Huge 22* living room, 24* family room, 3 spacious bedrooms. Many extras included. Don't wait! SEE IT NOW! $27,700.00 GREAT STARTER A cute 2 bedroom home nestled under a giant weeping willow. Come in and see what you can buy for under 514,000.00. Why pay rent when you can pay less than rent and own your own home? rasrx-roatrUa rral PBtatf ra. HOURS DAILY 9 to 5 -- Sunday 1* - 5 pan. 385-7050 3717 W. Rt. 120 McHenry ( Across from Jewel Tea) 366 Virginia St., Crystal Lake 101069 TEAM Real Estate Co. • Sales • Residential • Farms • Lots • Commercial • Management * Financing Bill Dostal, Broker 815-385-4233 or eves. 815-385-4122 List With TEAM And Be Ready To MOVE TEAM REAL ESTATE COMPANY McHENRY. ILLINOIS 10-3-69TF2 JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE HAS A BETTER BUY FOR YOU. NEED A COMFORTABLE & COZY HOME? A neat and clean 5 room ranch home within walking distance to downtown. Carpeted living room, 2 bed rooms, utility room, kitchen w/eating area, stove included, aluminum storms & screens. Asking $12,500.00 ON THE LAKE: EXCELLENT VACATION OR RETIREMENT HOME. One story frame house, 23'xl5' carpeted living room w/stone fireplace, enclosed and heated 20'xl5' breeze- way, 1% car garage, nice sandy beach, ideal fishing and swimming. Asking $16,900.00 OPEN SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT JOHN FUHLER I REAL ESTATE 1803 Richmond Rd. McHenry, 111. 365-3250 Downtown Crystal Lake 101 N. Main St. 459-0656 101069 h i