Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1969, p. 14

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J PG. 14- PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1969 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Mala Halp Want ad PART TIME truck driver. Mc- Henry to Chicago, 5 nights per week. Call Chicago 312-927- 3000, extension 311 1010-1015 69 Fimali Help Wanted Full Time Days Part Time Nights (6 to 11 p.m.) Openings for SOLDERERS WIRERS ASSEMBLERS MAJOR CORP. Rtes. 14 and 31 Crystal Lake, 111. 10169TF12 SALESLADIES, 5 day, 40 hT. week. Apply to Harry Dean, Ben Franklin, 1250 N. Green, McHenry. • 10 8-1010 69 PERFECT hours for mothers with children in school. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Apply in person Riverside Laundry, 1304 Front St., McHenry. 10 8-1010 69 HELP WANTED Female Help Wanted OFFICE GIRLS' All Kinds Immediate Placement to $600 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock PHONE SS8-8200 10-10-69 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WORTS TRANSIT 385-1500 101 69TF12 WOMAN OR MAN to cook, part time. Hettermann's Ta­ vern, call 385-1787. 101 69TF12 BOOKKEEPERS Several local companies are seeking bookkeepers with light to heavy experience. Must be dependable and have good fig­ ure aptitude. Typing helpful but not necessary. IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT Salary $400 to $600 month. For more information call BERNICE future personnel inc. Coventry Professional Bids. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Suite No. 126 PHONE 815-459-9010 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service is Absolutely Free to Applicants m m m Femala Help Wanted EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Typing and shorthand with a congenial attitude afe the es­ sentials for this top notch po­ sition. Salary $550 to start Ask for SALLY future personnel inc. Coventry Professional Bldg. 457 Coventry Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Suite No. 126 PHONE 115-459-9010 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-5 Thursday 9-9 Saturdays by Appointment Our Service is Absolutely Free to Applicants 1010 69 Female Help Wanted MUST HAVE some experience in bookkeeping, typing, recep­ tionist and general office du­ ties. Call 385-1346 before 5:30 p.m. 101-1017 69 ASSEMBLERS Openings for Women for Light Machine, Bench Assembly and Packaging of Paper Air Filter KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Alpha-Numeric to $550 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock CALL 338-3200 10-10-69 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GET SMART Work in town instead of out of town." CALL US. 385-7002 OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) 101069 Automatic Wage Increases and Complete Benefit Program Which Includes Free Life and Medical Insurance for Employee and Family Apply FARR CO. 500 S. Main Street CRYSTAL LAKE 815-459-6600 108-1010 69 CLERK - STENOGRAPHER. Interesting and challenging work. Excellent benefits. Civil service. McHenry County De­ partment of Public Aid, 225 W. Judd, Woodstock, call 338- 0234. 10 10-1015 69 WANTED, dental assistant. Will train, if necessary. Call 385-2433. 101-101069 LADIES, let me show you how to earn $50 to $100 two nights a week, showing Queen's Way fashions. Nb investment. Carol Zimmermann, 312-381- 4737 101-101069 WAITRESS, full time, no ex­ perience necessary. Good tips. Call 312-526-5445. 108-1010 69 LADY wanted for cleaning, washing and ironing, 1 day week. Call 385-5550. 108-101069 GARAGE SALE BEAUTY SALON has station for rent. Smart Set Beauty Salon. Call 385-7171. 10169TF12 FOR RENT IN McHENRY: 2 rooms in pri­ vate home, bath, share kitchen with widow, unfurnished. $75 month. Write to Box 261, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 108-101769 6 ROOM, 3 bedroom house, gas heat. Closed in porch, ga­ rage, no children or pets. Call 312-824-6500. 108-1010 69 McHENRY AREA. 4 bedroom house, carpeted, on private lake. Acreage available for horses, $225 month. Call 385- 0160. 108-10 1069 PISTAKEE BAY. 2 bedroom partly furnished home. Couple or 2 adults only. Security de­ posit and references, $150 per month. Call 385-1886. 10 10 69 2 BEDROOM apartment in Crystal Lake, $165. No chil­ dren. Call McHenry 385-1327. 1010 69 Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted OFFICE HELP Excellent opportunity for one who has had some automotive bookkeeping but will train. Good pay and excellent work­ ing conditions. APPLY TO DOROTHY ASHBAUGH R E I C H E R T CHEVROLET 8c BUICK 141 N. Main - Crystal Lake 1010 69 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED COIL AND TRANSFORMER [WINDERS AND ASSEMBLERS M E N A N D W O M E N Experience desired but will 9 Excellent working conditions, train qualified applicants • All standard benefits. Day Shift 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. • New Incentive System. SPECIAL HOUBS FOR WORKING MOTHERS: 9 AJJ. TO 3 PM. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. SHERIDAN LAKEMOOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS • * Ui&uufW no LfttcemooH. 919 69TF12 HOLIDAY HILLS Property Owners Association, rummage sale. October 11th and 12th. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1509 W. Birch St. All assorted items. 108-101069 GARAGE SALE Friday, October 10th till ??? 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 5401 Memory Trail Pistakee Highlands 497-3065 Small appliances, tables, lamps, drapes, bedspreads, men's, wo­ men's, children's clothing and many, many misc. items. All in good condition. Everything must go. Take Wilmot to Ring- wood Rd., turn north and watch for signs. 0 108-101069 PATIO RUMMAGE SALE. All kinds of household items. All in excellent condition. Satur­ day, October 11. 10 a.m. to ?? 1217 W. Circle Ct, Pistakee Ter., McHenry, 385-3195. 108-101069 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, Oc­ tober 11. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. All new merchandise, custom and novelty jewelry, watches, knick knacks, 4411 W Ponca, Mc­ Henry. 1010 69 Wanled To Bny USED spinet or console piano. Call 385-1396 after 4 p.m. 101069 GOOD USED FLUTE. Call 385-3019. 10 10 69 GARAGE SALE: Friday and Saturday, October 10th and 11th. 3907 E. Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake. Come or call ONLY between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. 653-9775. Clothing house­ hold items, glassware, lamps, drapes, mystery boxes. 1010 69 GARAGE SALE: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 15, 16, 17. 115 S. Emerald Dr., Emerald Park, 10 ajn. to 5 p.m. 1010-101569 PETS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL, tiny snow white Maltese with fabulous pedigree Call 385-2662. 101-1010 69 GERMAN Shepherd pups, AKC. Large, heavy boned beauties. Champion Sired. Excellent tem- perment. Call 815-459-4790 101-101069 YORKSHIRE puppies, males and females. Good color, ex­ cellent pedigree, champion blbod line. Price reasonable. Call 815-385-3926 10 10-112169 Female Chihuahua and Poodle cross (Chekapoo). Very cute, weeks, wormed and puppy shot, $30. Call 815-675-2072 101069 BOATS & MOTORS 14 FT. Switzer Craft boat, 45 h.p. Chrysler motor and trail­ er. Call 385-5408 101-101069 16 FT. Glenn L. Marine hard chine boat. Complete with windshield, air horns, speedo­ meter, ski tow pole, boarding ladder, cushions, canvas cover, 40 h.p. Scott outboard. Less than 150 hours running time. $550 including trailer. Call 385-5630. 108-1017 69 Wanted To Rent YOUNG COUPLE, no children desire 1 bedroom apartment or house by November 1st. Must be reasonable. References fur­ nished. Call 385-3445 after 6 p.m. 10 8 69TF1-2 1 OR 2 ROOM furnished apart­ ment, adults only. Call 385-4325 108-101769 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black leather jacket, lear Johnsburg, Saturday night Reward. Call 312-JU7-2500. 101069 WANTED PUPPIES, litters only. Will pick up if brought to McHen­ ry area. Good home guaran­ teed. Call 385-7897. 10 1 69TF12 NOTICE STORE WIDE lamp sale, up to 30% off. Come see. Beautiful furniture at discount prices. Is­ land Lake Furniture Mart, miles west of Rt. 12 on Rt 176. Call 312-526-2210. 10 8 69TF12 FIRE PLACE LOGS WARM & COZY- A Fire in your fireplace these chilly Fall nights ^5 THE LOGS Logs BIRCH $40"" FREE CANVAS *Z LOG TOTE (wMe they last] 01X mm' $30 ™ 1 SfRVING THC COMMUNITY SINCf 1906 • ̂ ROSENTHAL'S OPCNALL DAY mDNCSOAY HOME PRODUCT CCNTR \SUHDAYS M"" and Cryuai L»*. *«• MM to tm CRYSTAL LAKE PHONE 469-2700 PERSONALS Mrs, Wheeler Miller is here for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Carl Lobitz. Mrs. Miller is enroute to her home in San Diego, Calif., after a tour of Europe and a visit with her son in England. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ja- cobson of Deerfield called on Mr. and Mrs. George H. John­ son Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kemp- fer, newlyweds, of DeKalbwere recent visitors in the Albert Vales and James Glosson homes. Sp/5 Victor Freund, who is serving with the army in Kor­ ea, has been spending a two weeks furlough with his wife, the former Martha Thennes, in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thennes | Peter and John Church of Crystal Lake are spending the week in the Purvey and Bruce homes. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Conway, Mr. and Mrs. William Wey- land and Mrs. Robert Conway were in Elgin Saturday to at­ tend the wedding of Miss Kath­ leen Whalen and William Frei­ berg which took place at St. Thomas of More church with a reception following at the American Legion home. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson ac­ companied her son, Edward, and wife to Kansasville, Wis., Sat­ urday to visit in the home of another son, John Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leal of Mt. Dora, Fla., are visiting rel­ atives at Orchard Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carl­ son and daughter, Sandy, of Lansing were Saturday visitors in the home of her father, Patrick Moriarity. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heu- ser and daughters of Bellwood were Sunday dinner guests in the home of his mother, Mrs. Helen Heuser. Dickie Antonson flew here from New Jersey to spend Fri­ day night in the home of his auntt Mrs. Margery Wlnkel, and on Saturday actompartied' his brother, Tom, to Notre Dame to attend the football game. Mrs. JohnR. Freund spent the past week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jay Seymour, in LaGrange. Mr. and Mrs. George May of Destin, Fla., are visiting rel­ atives and friends in this vicinity. Peter Snyder returned to his home in Galena Monday after a few days visit in the home erf his son, Richard Snyder, and fam­ ily. Mrs. Velma Douglas has re­ turned from a visit with rel­ atives in Janesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thennes and Mrs. Harold Justen spent the weekend at Stanley, Wis., where they attended the wake and funeral of Anthony Simon. Mrs. Emma Hartley returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday after a few days visit with Mc­ Henry relatives. Word has been received of the death of Ernest Brott, an old time resident of this vicinity, which occurred at the home of his daughter in Aurora, Colo., on Sept. 18, at the age of 75. Burial took place in Milwaukee, Wis. He is survived by four children. lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GET gooocoooooooooooooon To Late To Classify Store wide lamp sale, up to 30% off. Come see. Beautiful furniture at discount prices. Is­ land Lake Furniture Mart, 2 miles west of Rt. 12 on Rt 176. Call 312-526-2210. 10 8 69TF1-2 AUTOS 1958 Ford 2 ton flatbed truck. Very good condition. Call 385- 1026. 10 10-1015 69 FOR SALE GENERAL ELECTRIC wasfier and dryer. Dryer needs some work. Make offer. Call 385- 3235. 1010 69 NOTICE NOTICE McHENRY MOOSE #691 B R E A K F A S T Sunday, October 12, 1969 Serving 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. DONATION 50c children $1.00 adults under 12 101069 PETS THAT NEED A HOME WM OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are free. The only requirements are: The animals ar^tb^be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. 2 MALE kittens, 2 months old, one yellow and white short hair, one yellow and white long hair, house trained, good mouse catchers. Call 385-2566 after 4 p.m. 103-101569 KITTENS, born Aug. 2, litter trained. Mixed breed pup­ pies born Aug. 22, will be small dogs. One male, black and white dog, 1 year old. Good with children and cats. 385-3753. 4723 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 101-101069 ADORABLE, frisky kitten, 7 weeks old. Trained. Call 385-0570 - 1010-69 FOUND FOUND FOUND: Part Golden Retriever plus ? male dog. Spring Grove area. Call Jean LaSusa, 815-675-2452 after 6 p.m. 1 Calico kitten, 7 weeks old, female, box trained, affectionate. Call 385-7594 after 4 p.m. io io 69 i i t i

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