\ 'Turf Builder DOES YOUR HOME QUALIFY? Vinyl Siding By B. F. GOODRICH v for |5 Lucky Homes You can be among the 15 who will be chosen for participation in a program of publicity for H. A. Karris, Co. The size of your house is not important. H. A. Karns, Co. has ' been appointed distributors for Vinyl-Tex for McHenry County. To introduce Vinyl-Tex Sidings, H. A. Karns, Co. will install siding comple tely on each of the 15 selected homes and for those cooperating, the homeowners will save hun dreds of dollars on the installation of Vinyl-Tex siding. With Vinyl-Tex siding, you choose from many beautiful colors. This fine protection for your hAme will not crack, dent, rot or peel and its insulation wiD keep your home cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter. For the 15 homes se lected, hot only is the price sharply discounted but terms will be arranged with no money down. If you think your home will qualify and if yob would like Vinyl-Tex siding on your home at a sharply reduced price, call 815- 385-5117. Switchboard open 24 hours daily and Sunday. Leave your name, ad dress and phone number and a representative will call you for an appointment Out-of-town, call collect. If a phone is not handy, drop a card or letter to P. O. Box 6, McHenry WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The McHenry Woman's club will meet Friday, Oct. 10, at the V.F.S. clubhouse at 1 p.m. " My Way With Clay", an ingenious ceramic demonstration by Lois Palmer, will make up the pro gram. Mrs. Clyde H. Bailey will be the tea hostess. OFFER FIRE EXTINGUISHERS In observance of Fire Pre vention Week Oct. 5 to 11, the Richmond-Burton Jaycees are purchasing a large quan tity of fire extinguishers, to be made available to the local pub lic at tremendous savings. FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 3 m SHOWROOM I FLOOR MODELS GENERAL ELECTRIC & EMERSON BRAND NEW! AIR CONDITIONERS OUT NOW I SAVE 0 *50 6,000 to 23,000 BTU. BEEN STREET MALL CAREY APPLIANCE TIT 1241 NORTH GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS l' PHONE 385-5500 STARTING OCT. 15 NEW STORE HOURS 8:00 to 5:30 p.m. Now is your 'Golden Opportunity' to improve your lawn Z To enjoy a thicker, greener lawn this fall and next spring too, spread TURF BUILDER this eekend. TURF BUILDER helps grass bounce back from the ravages of summer. It's the fer tilizer that helps grass multiply itself. 5,000 sq ft bag 5.45 10,000 sq ft bag 9.95 15,000 sq ft bag 13.95 Fall is the naturally right time to plant grass seed. So if you're less than proud of your lawn, start changing it by seeding in WINDSOR, the new improved variety of Kentucky blue- grass. Produces a deep green lawn that feels like velvet and wears like iron. Blend Seventy (70% Windsor) 2,500 sq ft box 9.95* Windsor 2,500 sq ft box 11.95* \|f W Ml/ WW W W VI / W % VI VI VI/ VII wil Scotts. Feed/Seed SALE *Save $1 when you buy a bag of Turf Builder and a box of Windsor ^ at the same time. Deduct $1 from Windsor prices starred above. VU VI/ VII WW %l VI/ VI' W\l \W W Ml/ WIJ VI/ W VI/ \\lI W Ml/ \\l VII W W U V V w MlI VI W 11/ ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. ELM McHENRY 385-0722 GOP Women Plan Annual Dinner Dance 6 p.m. and the prime rib of beef dinner will follow at 7 p.m. * Tickets are available by call ing Mrs. A1 (Carrie) Jourdan, chairman of the event, or Mrs. Henry M. (Clara) Nell, ticket chairman. Assisting on the committee are Mesdames Jake (Eve) Levesque, John (Polly) Licastro and Grant (Gerry) Ernst. The first annual dinner dance sponsored by the McHenry Township Republican Women's club will be held on Friday, Oct. 24, at the McHenry Coun try club. Jeffrey R. Ladd, candidate for Con-Con, will be the guest speaker. Cocktail hour will begin at MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memor ial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Emma Gies, Charles Fernstrom, Charlotte Bailey, Salvatore Parisi, McHenry; William Vic tory, Harold Vapel, Joseph Tompkins, Helen Bogus, Won der Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Richard Bowe of McHenry was a patient in Harvard hos pital the past week. McHENRY HOSPITAL Walter Romanus, Joseph Stanlik, James Gertz, Grace E. Morris, McHenry; and Ray mond Schubbe, Island Lake, were patients during the week in McHenry hospital. Planning their first annual dinner dance are these members of the McHenry Township Republican Women's club: Mrs. J.R. Levesque and Mrs. A1 Jourdan, Jr., chairman, seated; Mrs. Grant Ernst, Mrs. Henry Nell, Sr., and Mrs. John Licastro, standing. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Brain Research Studies Viewed By Area Club On Thursday, Oct. 2, the Wo man's club of Wonder Lake held its monthly board meeting at the home of Mrs. Francis Higgins. A short program of slides from the Brain Research foundation was presented to board mem bers. The club has approved cream and green as its rep resentative colors. On Oct. 1, Mrs. Grant Ernst, president, and Mrs. Donald Gerlitz, trustee, of the Woman's club of Wonder Lake attended the Northern Region Leader ship conference of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs in Elgin. During the morning program, the state officer# of the I.F.W.C. spoke on the "Fed eration Jubilee Year", pre sented a comparison between flowers and clubwomen and dis cussed the "Clubwoman's Com mandments and Creed". During the afternoon, there were work shops for club presidents and officers. Mrs. John Sorenson, Jr., Arts, Crafts and Pennies for Art chairman, hopes everyone will participate in the celebra tion of American Art Week- Nov. 1-7, now in the thirty- ninth year of its founding and sponsored by the American Ar tists Professional League, Inc. The theme for this year's Ill inois observance is " Explore Creativity During American Art Week". Band Plays At Residence The McHenry Senior Citizens club kitchen band made its sec ond appearance at the Wood stock Residence with a com pletely new repertoire of mus ic and entertainment. The band started off the fes tivities for the September birth day party with a medley of "Americana", followed by "Beloved Old Timers" med ley and then a rousing medley of marches. While the band played and sang "Happy Birthday*', the birthday people blew out their candles. Then came the high light of cutting the birthday cake-and the "Little Red Schoolhouse" theme of the cakes was unique, in honor of Mr. Fleming, a resident at Woodstock Residence who had attended "The Little Red Schoolhouse". Hie band feels very honored to be able to entertain there and hope the residents enjoy the program as much as band members enjoyed bringing it to them. After the coffee and birth day cake, the band said good bye with a promise that they will be glad to entertain again when they have added new num bers to their program. ORGANIZE "Y" FATHER AND SON ~ WARRIOR CLUBS JANET JONES ENGAGED TO WED -- Mr. and Mrs. William Jones of 666 Devonshire lane, Crystal Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Marion, to Michael Patrick Phelan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phelan of 3701 W. Main street, McHenry. Miss Jones is a 1968 graduate of Crystal Lake high school and attended Mc Henry County college. She is presently employed in the ac counting department of a Lake Zurich firm. Her fiance is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school and attended Wisconsin State university, Whitewater. He is employed in McHenry. No wedding date has been set. --\r- - Rev. Michael Tierney, assistant pastor at St. Patrick's church in McHenry, is a member of the Religion department at Marian Central Cath- Religious Education At Marian Central Explained olic high school. Father Tierney will be one of the speakers at the second meeting of the Par ents' association on Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. "Religious education at Mar ian Central Catholic high school - what does it consist of? What is being done to make religion an intrinsic part of the every day curriculum?" These ques tions will be answered at Mar-» ian Central Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. Rev. Thomas Dempsey, the director of Religion, will be joined by members of his de partment in a program design ed to explain and explore the religious program offered to Marian Central students. The Parents' association recognizes that religion is one of the primary reasons that a student is enrolled at Marian. They also recognize the fact that parent's cannot appreciate what they don't understand. Since the religion program of fered this year is completely different, the association's sec ond meeting of the year should be of great interest to all mem bers. In past years, each religion class has been conducted by one instructor from September un til June. In an effort to intro duce more courses and to en able the instructors to spec ialize in specific areas of re ligion, certain interesting chan ges have been made in the pro gram. Members of the Religion de partment will be on hand to explain these changes and to answer any questions that par ents may have. In addition to Father Demp sey, members of the faculty who will take part in the program are Sister M. Michelle Harmon, Robert Gough, Rev. M. Tier ney, Rev. M. Vlasz, Rev. L. Urbaniak, Rev. P. Kennedy, Rev. R. Conroe and Rev. M. Binsfield. The Lake Region YMCA will be organizing Father and Son Y-Indian Warrior clubs, Oct. 9, 7:15-8:30 p.m., at the YMCA office, 95 Grant street, Crystal Lake. All 9-12-year-old boys of McHenry county and their fathers are encouraged to join with other families in this pro gram. Guides (fathers of present tribes) will give explanations on how to join existing or new tribes. The purpose of the pro gram is to strengthen compan ionship of father and son around common interests and develop ing skills and understanding. Boys largely direct the pro gram with dad providing guid ance and support. Fathers at tend all meetings. Areas of activity are Out door, Safety, Science and Na ture, Sports, and Civic. There are three meetings per month, 1 home meeting, 1 special in terest and one outing to a bus iness or place of local interest. Awards are given to boys and fathers for special achieve ment. All meetings are planned to be 1-1% hours in length. Y- Warriors can provide new ad venture areas for both father and son. Frank Pease, Crystal Lake, is Y-Warrior nation chief. PLEDGES FRATERNITY Gregory Borter, 2614 Indian Terrace, McHenry, has pledged Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at DePauw university, where he is a freshman. He is a grad uate of McHenry Community high school and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Borter. FOR HOMECOMING Sparkling bags are three dollars & glittery shoes are under ten dollars . . . gold & silver. GREEN STREET MALL L R D 5 T D N E 1219 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY GKEEN STREET MALL TIT