/ SUBSCRIBE • /tt /u m n - Mrs. Dusak presented Mrs. Lambert Miller of Glen Ellyn, eleventh district president, who announced the semi nar to be held at Hinsdale on Oct. 17. One of the principal speakers will- be Frances Dawson, chairman of Education in the Illinois House of Representatives. Mrs. Grant Ernst, president of the Wonder Lake Women's club, reported that on Oct. 23 they will welcome twenty-two new members. $400 has been given to the Pioneer Center for Exceptional Children by the Federated Wo men's clubs of the county. The spring meeting will be hosted by the Cary Women's club on April 8, 1970. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ronald Waghorn, Belleville, and Frances Lee May, Spring Grove. Pablo Estrada, DesPlaines, and Barbara Nicholas, McHen- ry. PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. OCT. 17, 1969 AwwMmwJT In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been an nounced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an addit ional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accom pany the story. If your engagement an nouncement has not been published, or If the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. DONT BE A PUSSYCAT! ONLY on all FURRY skirts, vests, slacks and jumpers COME IN AND LIVEN UP YOUR WARDROBE WITH OUR WILD AND FURRY OUTFITS 1216 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS SEEN STREET MALL TTT SOCIAL SCENE ^----mamam Lillian Cox Gives Program For Garden Club Cr ime Chie f Guest Of Johnsburg School PTA The October meeting of the McHenry Garden club was held in the home of Mrs. Charles G. Wagner, president, with plans made for a trip to the Morion arboretum and (uturc projects. The program was given by Mrs. Lillian Cox. Mrs. Cox related the history of a vast tract of land in south ern Indiana that was settled by her husband's forebear and for man;' years was known nation ally as Cox's woods. Later the name was changed to Pioneer Mothers' woods in honor of the valiant women iv'thout whom this country cou'd not ha/3 been settled. This woods contained the widest selection and variety of trees, shrubs and plants that could be found in this coun try. Thanks to the foresight of the succeeding generations of Coxes, not one tree was felled, even though the sale of beauti ful trees would have meant financial gain for the family. Now the area is patrolled care fully so that it may be pre served for all time. Following this excellent pre sentation, a silent prayer was offered in memory of a be loved member and outstanding McHenry citizen, FlorenceSvo- boda. THIS WEEKEND IT'S STARTED K*?i»Cor\ COME IN AND SIGN UP TODAY! 1330 N. RIVERSIDE, McHENRY FIRST PRIZE ONE YEAR SUPPLY OF COSMETIC^ $200.00 Value PLUS 20 OTHER PRIZES! SPECIAL Leonard Benson of Woodstock offered special organ selec tions. The altar was decorated with yellow roses and carna tions and white spider musnr. The diminu'tive, redhalred bride was positively rega! look- ing in a street length frock of white faille with a smaM gold chain outlining the empire bod ice. She later donned the ma'ch- ing coa.. Her tiny blusher veil was he'd in plaoe by a white faille pillbox and she carried a colonial type bouquet of white spider mum". Miss Wendy Irwin wa.s maid of honor for her sister, wear ing a short lacy, yellow dress which featured be'l sleeves, matching accessories and car ried a of yellow cav'- WED SEPTEMBER 27 -- Miss Frances L. May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. May of 1212 Park lane. Spring Grove, be came the bride of Mr. Ronald Joseph Waghorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Waghorn of 1620 Sherborne drive, Belleville, 111., in a double ring ceremony solemnized in St. Peter's Cath olic church, Spring Grove, on Saturday, Sept. 27. The newly- weds enjoyed a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, and in December will take up residence in Newington, Conn. The bride is a graduate of Mar ian Central high school and attended the University of Illinois for three and a half years. Her husband ^graduated from Belleville Township high school and ha.'? a Bachelor of Science degree in general engineering from the University of Illinois. The new Mrs. Waghorn was a member nf Alpha Gammi Delia social sorority. Mr. Waghorn held a membership in the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and is employed as * field engineer for Square D company LANGDON STUDIO PHOTO Women's Clubs Of County Meet In Algonquin Algonquin Women's club hosted the McHenry County Federation of Women's clubs on Wednesday, Oct. 8, at The Iron Skillet. Seven clubs were represented. A brief coffee hour was enjoyed. The meeting was called to order by the county president, Mrs. Frank IXisak, who re ported the closing of Lincoln Lodge, a home for boys. The boys have been placed in other institutions or with foster par ents. . n , i < v McHenry and Kane County Woman's clubs will be respon sible for supplying the cookies to be sent to the Diagnostic center at Joliet for Thanks giving. Mrs. R. J. Engstrom will be responsible for coor dinating the collection. The October meeting of the Johnsburg P.T.A. on the twen ty-first will begin at 8 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of the elementary school. Featured speaker for the evening will be Chief Arthur Tyrrell of the Informational Meeting For Area Parents A reminder is given parents of all third and fourth graders at Harrison school, Wonder Lake. This is the last of a three-night, three-week pro gram, designed to better inform parents. It has been unselfish ly organized and presented by the faculty in order that they may convey to the adults the manner in which children are learning. The time is 7:30 sharp to 9 p.m., Grades three and four, Tuesday, Oct. 21. Everyone will be offered the thrill of meeting "Snoopy" in the library. Cynthia Irwin, Donald Nelson Wed Saturday na.ions aid white spider mum? Dr. Kenneth Nelson of Chi cago, served his brother in the capacity of best man. Lt. James Irwin, U.S. Army was usher. Mrsi Irwin chose a three- piece double wool knit suit in poudre blue, with matching ac cessories. For her son's wed ding, Mrs. Nelson wore a cham pagne, double wool knit dress and coat and brown accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of yellow roses and white spi der mum*: Mrs. Clayton Nelson of Bat tle Creek, Mich., the groom's grandmother, wore a wool suit of hot pink, matching accessor ies and a corsage of pink car nations and pink roses. A dinner for the bridal par ty, members of both families and relatives from Battle Creek, M^h., was held at An dre's Steak House, Richmond, at 5 p.m. About 150 people will gather at The Forum, McCul- lom Lake, Saturday, Oct. 18, for a post nuptial wedding re ception. The newly wedded couple have postponed their wedding trip until a later date and are now residing at Center drive and Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake. Both young people graduated from McHenry high school, class of 1368. The new Mrs. Nelson is employed at Horns- by's, McHenry, and her hus band is employed with Jed Pro- due's, Elk Grove Village. 1 u ly^rrtvals MEMORIAL HOSPITAL On Oct. 9 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Temple- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaspar- ini became parents of a son on Oct. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisch- bach announce the birth of a son Oct. 9. Hospi ta l Un i t Meets In C i ty MR. AND MRS. KENNETH SEBBY MARRIED -- A pretty fall wedding in Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, on Saturday, Sept. 27,, united in marriage Miss Patricia J. Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marius J. Hansen of 5229 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, and Mr. Kenneth Sebby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Sebby of 801 Orange street, Yorkville, 111. They will make their home in Kenosha, Wis. Illinois Crime commission. Chief Tyrrell will talk on how the Illinois Crime commission wa3 formed and why, with com ments pertaining to organized crime and political corruption. He will also speak on narcotics and how it affects the local pub lic. Chief Tyrrell has been with the Illinois Crime commission since its formation in 1963. Prior to that time, he was with the intelligence division of the Chicago Police department and worked in the areas of narcot ics, prostitution and gambling. Chief Tyrrell has four chil dren and has been a resident of McHenry county for one and THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE IN TOWN ARE THE ONES WHO TO THE McHENRYk PLAINDEALER!!!! a half years. He promises to provide a very interesting and informative evening. There will also be an explan ation of the academically talent ed student program, which is being introduced this year in the schools. The evening will end with a prize and refreshments served. BACK TO 'TWENTIES -- The Woman's club of Wonder Lake is having its scholarship fun-raising dinner-dance, "roaring twenties" style, at the Legion home, McHenry, on Saturday, Nov. 15, at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Robert Karlson may be contacted for tickets at 653-9385. Mrs. Edward Dudziak poses in front of a 1929 Auburn owned by Clem Wirfs, Jr., of McHenry as she prepares to start out for the dance. Escorted by her father, Miss •Cynthia F. Irwin came down f he aisle of Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake at 2 p.m. last Saturday to meet her wait ing bridegroom, Donald O.Nel son, before the altar. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Irwin, 812 W. Route 120, Mc Henry, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nelson, 4921 W. McCullom Lake road, McCullom Lake. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. David Allin. The Woman's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHen ry County at Woodstock will hold its annual meeting and lun cheon on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at the McHenry Country club. Ccn ktails will be at 12:30 and luncheon served at 1 p.m. This meeting is open to all members and their guests. This is an important meeting because the new officers for the coming two years will be an nounced. Also, Mr. Kenneth Schuh, president of the board of directors of Memorial hos pital, and Bertram Hanson, hos pital administrator, will explain and describe the many hospital expansion plans. An especially interesting and entertaining program has been planned. Mrs. Gladys Franck of Algonquin will ' talk and show" the whole line of decou- page making which she is fea turing this fall. There will be the "vue-d-optique" (dimen sional picture) and the ' re- pouse" (embossing and, work ing from the opposite side), as well as the regular de- coupage. Mrs. Franck teaches approx imately ninety-seven women a week. She promises that ev eryone will go home with heads whirling with plans for making beautiful handcrafted items. Reservations must be made by- Oct. 24 to Mrs. Eugene O'Brien, Jr., 10102 McConnell road, Woodstock. Any reserva tion made and not cancelled by Monday, Oct. 27 before the lun cheon is expected to be paid for. All members and guests may pay for their tickets at the club house the day of the meeting. DEBR A, SCHNEIDER ENGAGED -- Mrs. Edna Schneider of Flanagan announces the et^agement of her daughter, Debra Renee. to Terrence J. Brady. Debra's father was the late Raymond Schneider. Terrence is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Brady of Lakemoor. The future bride is a graduate of Illinois Commercial college. Champaign, and it empolysd in the court house in Champaign counly. Mr. Brady is a graduate of the University of Illinois Law school and is prac tice law with a Crystal Lake firm. A Dec. 6 wedding is planned. Hold Shower For Miss Maziarlca A surprise personal shower was given for Miss Diane Maziarka at the home of Mrs. Jim Wallace, 707 Columbus drive, last Thursday. Miss Maziarka will be mar ried Oct. 24 at Gages Lake Bi ble church. MR. AND MRS. TERRANCE P. DORAN MARRIED OCTOBER 5 -- Miss Sharon K. Ames, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Ames of 508 Bayshore, Ingleside, became the bride of Mr. Terrance P. Doran, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boehm of 3803 W. Kane, McHenry, in a lovely nuptial rite sol emnized in Holy Family Episcopal church, Lake Villa, on Sun day, Oct. 5. Fr. Vincent Fish officiated at the 3 o'clock cer emony. Attendants for the couple were Judy Gerretsen of Lake Villa and Robert Doran of Sterling, brother of the groom. The bridegroom, a member of the Air Force, left Sunday for Clark Air Force base in the Philippines. The new Mrs. Doran, who is employed in McHenry, will live with her parents for the pre sent but hopes to join her husband later.