Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1969, p. 9

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Twice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 17, 1929) Dr. E.O. Sullivan of Winnet- ka recently purchased "Bally O'Graig", the Theodore Weide- man cottage south of McHenry, improved property with 100 feet of river frontage. Mrs. Henry Kennebeck, daughter, Marcella, and son, John, returned home from a very enjoyable motor trip. They covered 1,850 miles, visiting New York and Canada, the Ford manufacturing plant at Detroit, Mich., and saw Niagara Falls and Buffalo, returning by way of Pennsylvania and Ohio. J.V. Buckland of Ringwood has been recuperating from in­ juries received in an automobile accident which occurred on Route 19 near Crystal Lake. The members of the McHen­ ry high school orchestra go to Crystal Lake every Tuesday night to rehearse with the Crys­ tal Lake and Dundee orchestras for their annual concert. OCTOBER 24 McHenry Township Republi­ can Women's Club -- Dine 'N Dance--Cocktails 6:00 p.m. -- Dinner 7:00 p.m. -- McHenry Country Club. OCTOBER 24-25 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood United Methodist Church--Fri­ day, Hours, 9 a.m. til 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. -- Sat­ urday 9 a,m. to 12 Noon. . OCTOBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Halloween Party; - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. OCTOBER 28 Con Con Candidates Meeting For 32nd District -- V.F.W. Hall -- McHenry -- League of Women Voters Sponsors -- 8 p.m. Annual Halloween Card Par­ ty and Smorgasbord--Starting At Noon -- St. Peter's Hall- Spring Grove. OCTOBER 30 Mt. Hope United Methodist Church School Children Will Collect For UNICEF -- 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 St. Mary's Home & School Association--Monthly Meeting -- Guest Speaker Sheriff John Carroll-Topic-Drug & Narcotic Abuse in McHenry County--8 p.m. -- Public Welcome. j NOVEMBER 6 ^ Lakeland Park Women* s Club Meeting - 8 p.m. Lake­ land Park Community House. Hostesses Edna Domrese, Hil- degarde Douglas, Lillian Glos- son. NOVEMBER 7 St. Margaret's Chapter of NAIM -- Theatre Party -- Shady Lane--Bring A Friend- Reservations by Nov. 3-- Mrs. Bernard A. Freund. NOVEMBER 7 & 8 Rummage Sale -- C.D.A. Court Joyce Kilmer--K. of C. Hall -- Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. NOVEMBER 8 Illinois Conference Of Women Leaders For Traffic Safety Workshop -- Timers Restaur­ ant -- Woodstock -- Registra­ tion, 9:30 a.m. -- Luncheon -- 12 Noon -- "Touch Of Mink" Fashion Show--Adjournment, 3 p.m. -- Reservations Alvina Latimer, Nov. 5. Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting; - 6 p.m. First United Methodist Church Dining Room. NOVEMBER 9 Bake Sale -- Home & School Association of St. Patrick's School--After All Masses -- Lower Level of St. Patrick's School. NOVEMBER 10 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. Pro­ gram by McHenry Choral Club. East Campus Cafeteria. NOVEMBER 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Luncheon-Bus Tour. Meet at East Campus at 11 a.m. NOVEMBER 17 American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 491 -- Regular Meet­ ing -- Legion Hall. NOVEMBER 20 McCullom Lake Conservation Club -- 8 p.m. at Sven Enar- son*s, 2411 Beachside Drive. NOVEMBER 21 St. Margaret's Chapter of NAIM -- Board Meeting, 7 p.m. --Regular Meeting, 8 p.m. -- St. Mary's Oak Room -- Agen­ da For Evening, Legislation. NOVEMBER 22 Bazaar And Dinner -- Ring- wood United Methodist Church --Bazaar, 2 p.m, -- Dinner, 5 p.m. NOVEMBER 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. East Campus Cafeteria. Program - by Mr. Allen - on Africa. MEDICAL AIDES McHenrjCCounty Medical As­ sistants association held its monthly meeting Tuesday, Oct. 21, at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County. Lee Johnson from Illinois Bell Telephone was gflest speaker. His topic was "So the Handicapped May Communicate." GIVE... to fight Children's Lung CfL SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS CHAPTER **************************** ty/w Depend on us for beautifully-printed wedding invitations and announcements, correct in every detail. Reasonable rates, prompt service, featuring the Elegant Line. For All Printing Needs .. * * * f SL £ 3812 W. ELM ST. McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY 385-0170 A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's church on Wednesday morning when Miss Alvina Steinsdoerfer of this city and Mr. James C. Barle of Waukegan were united in marriage. Rev* Fr. Charles Nix officiated at the ceremony. Ttie business district of West McHenry now has a chain shoe store conducted by B. Poppwho is selling the "Wear-U-Well" line of shoes direct from the factory to customer. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 19, 1944) Robert E. Stoller, MB 2-C, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Stol­ ler of West McHenry spent a few days with his parents at their home on Fourth street. At present he is stationed at Camp Endicott, Davisville, Rhode Island, where he is re­ ceiving special training prior to going overseas. Robert's home is in Chicago but he hopes to make it West McHenry after his days of service are over. At the high school, the jour­ nalism class printed the first paper of the year last Thursday. Co-editors are Charles Mar­ tin and Adolph Wtedeman; news editors, Roman Bauer and De- lores Peisert; Sports, Dean Mc­ cracken, George Whiting, Mary Ann Noonan and Jean Marie Thome; Art editor, Theresa Mergen; Sales manager, Henry Nell; Copy editors, Shirley Bienapfl and Paul Schmitt; Class and club reporters,Irene Holt; Humor, Henry Nell and Elr'ne Schaefer; and inquiring reporters, Charlene Mertes and Ronald Wilhelm, Miss Stevens is advisor of the class. Columbus Day was a very special holiday for the chil­ dren of the Lily Lake school. Under the sponsorship of the P.T.A. Mr. Yaeger*. Mr. Freund, Miss Reed, Mrs. Wirts and Mrs. Blake piled thirty- six children into their cars and took them to the Spring Grove fish hatcheries. Sixteen girls from the lo­ cal student homemakers' club recently made a trip to Zion, 111., to participate in the an­ nual District 20 club rally at the Zion Benton high school. About 170 girls who were reg­ istered were conducted on a tour of the high school and then assembled for the first meet­ ing of the day. During the meet­ ing McHenry's president, Joan May, reported that the local club had sponsored the milk sale at noon and had sold refresh­ ments at football games. This was in answer to the roll call of the presidents of the var­ ious schools who were request­ ed to tell how their clubs had earned money during the pre­ vious year. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 22, 1959) A two month period of fail­ ing health ended in the death Oct. 20 of Mrs. Ellen Loretto Walsh of Main street. She died at Memorial hospital, Wood­ stock. During World War n she was especially active in Red Cross work and received spec­ ial recognition for the many hours spent in behalf of vet­ erans. v The post office department in Washington, D.C., has announc­ ed the appointment of Hubert G. (Bud) Liptrot as superin­ tendent of the West McHenry station effective Oct. 17. He fills the vacancy created by the death more than a year ago of Elmer J. Freund. Plans have been completed for the McHenry PTA carnival to be held Oct. 24 at the jun­ ior high school. The PTA plans varied attractions for the event. Karl Herdt, 27, Rt. 1, Ring- wood, escaped injury Monday afternoon when his sports car rolled over several times on the Greenwood blacktop. The family of Mrs. Eliza­ beth Boger surprised her last Saturday at a party on the oc­ casion of her eighty-fourth birthday anniversary. Adult season tickets for the 1959-1960 McHenry commun­ ity high school basketball sea­ son will be made avail­ able through the high school principal's office. The season tickets will be $10 each. John Sirtak of Route I, Won­ der Lake, is a member of the Carthage college band which is under the direction of Prof. Merrill Brown. Sirtakjplays the clarinet in the college band. Sirtak is a sophomore major­ ing in business. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown of Edgebrook Heights announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Donna Mae, to Mr. Boyd WED. OCT. 22, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 Lindberg of Towers Lake, Bar- rington. The wedding is planned for Feb. 27. ROTC SCHOLARSHIPS Male high school students who plan to enter college for the first time in the fall of 1970 may apply now for 1,200 four-year Army ROTC schol­ arships. The scholarships are awarded annually Sn a compet­ itive basis to outstanding high school graduates who are high­ ly motivated toward a career in the active army. Each schol­ arship pays for the student's tuition, textbooks and lab fees and provides a $50 per month subsistence allowance for the duration of the award except for a six-week summer camp period when the student re­ ceives one-half the pay of a second lieutenant. Any student or counselor de­ siring information or applica­ tions for the four-year scholar­ ship program should write Army ROTC Scholarships, Hq. Fifth U.S. Army, Fort Sheri­ dan, Illinois, 60037. Here And There 1% BUSINESS "DIALOGUE *70" Five members of the real es­ tate firm of Northern Illinois Realty Service, Inc. were par­ ticipants in the Illinois Assoc­ iation of Real Estate Boards first dialogue, "Dialogue '70", held at the Marriott Motor ho­ tel, Chicago. One of the defin­ itions of "dialogue" is an "ex­ change of ideas and opinions" which expresses the philoso­ phy of thisxear's meeting. Bar­ bara Lencioni and Jennie Mc- Dermott attended from the Mc­ Henry office. Shop In McHenry 'XvIvX; I .. ' mm pi ' : m P&-.] •gsji&j lis i Mon. thru Sat*. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 12 noon to 8 p.m. to BUY ALL Your Liquor Needs from 305 Virginia Street Crystal Lake Phone 459-4050 WINES and LIQUORS Cigarettes 335 Early Times # „ 1/2 Gallon ®• # * 86 PROOF 010 FORESTER MATTINGLY • MOORE 8.07 1/2 Gal. 7.27 1/2 GAL Philadelphia *3*69 BOTTLED I WSMTLANB TEACHERS Highland Cream 11 Scotch Whiskey I loO # 1/2 gal. Reg. $14.65 RON CARKKA 1/2 gallon 8.27 BLENDED WHISKEY Pwl JoMS 3.69 QT. Pebble Ford 2.79 STRAIGHT WHISKEY FIFTH 8 years old SCHENLEY'S Chanpio* Bourbor Finest Straight A OY Kentucky Bourbon 1/2 gc!. 10 YEAR OLD BOURBON WHISKEY m** J.W. MIIT - 3.59 W. L WELLER'S CABIN STILL Handmade - Sourmash Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Fifth 3.97 BLATZ CASE 24-l2oz. 2.97 PABST BLUE RIBBON MEISTER O OO BRAU 24-12 oz. Bottles Old Style 3#59 Miller1 .1,-"24-12 oz. Bottles *» 8YR. OID OLD STAGG 3.39 STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY FIFTH CARDINAL GIN or VODKA FULL QT. . M Q 3.27 1/2 GALLON 0.4Y SPECIAL PRICE CARSTAIRST,THE 3.69 Three Feathers BLENDED WHISKEY 3.67 FULL QT. One of our finest 1 /2 gal. Imported Scotch's House of Peer 8.57 fifth 3>57 Brandy _ A V Aristocrat 1/2 9ai /#V/ GIN OR VODKA g •• Glenmore 1/2 gai 0«# 7 PETRI 4 07 BRANDY £ 4.27 Quart CORDIALS J.W. DANT 3.07 FULL QT. ITALIAN SWISS COLONY BRANDY FULL QT. $4.37 3.37 Emu 190 proof Alcohol 5.47 fifth MICHEL0B 6 PAK 1.27 IMPORTED BALLANTINE SCOTCH Imported Canadian Mist One of our Better Makes 3.67 Fifth FIFTH 5.37 STRAIGHT WHISKEY GREEN BRIER 2.87 i fifth Southern Comfort 4.291 fifth CANADA DRY- VODKA 6.97 1/2 Gal. HAIG SS 4.97LO THROW AWAYS MILLER 6 PAK PEPSI 6PAK lOoz. THROW AWAYS 24-12 oz. ) Bottles HEILMAN'S SPECIAL EXPORT 3.97 CANADA DRY GIN 90 Proof' 7.19 1/2 Gal. BLATZ OLD MILWAUKEE 6 PAK T.A.B. - ""1 Use of Glasses and Champagne Fountain for Wed­ dings and for Parties with Purchase of Liquor at the Cardinal. We have free ice cubes with Liquor Purchase! nm { ) .y

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