Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1969, p. 13

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WANTED PUPPIES, litters only, will pick up If brought to IfcHen- ry emu Good home guaran­ teed. Call 385-7807.10169TF1 3 CARD OF THANKS WE WOULD like to thank the following for their con­ tributions toward the fire­ works at the bonfire October 8th. Bimbo's, Class of 70, Class of 71, Class of 72, Al- thoff's, Plum Garden, Clark's, Plaindealer, Ace Hardware, Toddler Shop, Pep Club, Cheer­ leaders, band, "M" Club, Mc- Henry Drapery, Buss Ford, Citizen, McAndrew's Barber Shop, Ruck's, Osco, Locker's, Wahl's, Dr. Kreuger, Bolger's, Huppy & Leo's, McGee's, Ste- ffan's Jewelry. Thank you very much from the McHenry Student Council. 1022 69 GARAGE SALE I WISH to thank the people of the Alliance Bible Church and Pastor and Mrs. Robert­ son for all their help and also the VFW and all the kind people who helped in so many ways. MRS. VIENA BRYAN 102269 --y* WE WISH to thank our many friends and relatives for get- well cards and Masses and flowers while our loved one was confined to McHenry hos­ pital and since his death. We are grateful to the Fathers Egan, Dording, Tiemey and Baumhofer; Dr. Miller and entire staff at the hospital. BEN J. SCHAEFER FAMILY 102269 , GARAGE SALE Living room set, 12 x 15 all wool rug and pad, dresaerc, antique bookcases, tables, chairs, day bed, lamps, Christ­ mas tree, kitchen sink, televi­ sion, milk cans, old mail box, •old phono records, flower stands, old corn shelter, cow bell, fruit jars, drapes, cur­ tains, curtain stretcher, lawn mower, large philodendron plant, some antiques, many more items. FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 24th & 25th 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 1 mile east of Volo, new house on Route 60, 4 miles west of Round Lake. 1022-102469 BASEMENT SALE, October 23. 10 ajn. - 5 p.m. Many small appliances, cots, cloth­ ing, patio equipment, drapes & curtains, glassware, carpet remnants, odd jewelry, hand­ bags, and misc. items. 4720 Cumberland Circle, McHenry, 111. 102269 LOST AND FOUND LOST; Child's reading glasses In brown leather case. Name "Phillip Lottchea" on temple of glasses. Vicinity of Hill­ top School in Eastwood Ma­ nor, last Thursday. REWARD. Call 385-5512 after 4'p.m. 10 22-1024 69 To Late To CUarify Store wide lamp sale, up to 30% off. Come see. Beautiful furniture at discount prices. Is­ land Lake Furniture'Mart 2 miles west of Rt 12 on Rt 176. Call 312-526-2210. 10869TF1-2 AUTOS 1969 DODGE Super B6 pack. Take over payments. 1968 camping trailer, $300. Small car, $200. Call 653-9086. 10 22 69 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE OCTOBER 28, 24 * 25th. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Children's and adult clothing and shoes. Furniture, appli ances and many, many more household items. COFFEE WILL BE SERVED. 4609 W. Lake Shore D& Gate 1 MeCullom Lake, -- FOLLOW SIGNS -- 1022-1024 69 YARD SALE, October 24, 25, 26th. 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fur­ niture, small appliances, cloth­ ing, household furnishings, etc. 1003 N. River Rd. Mc­ Henry, 111. 102269 PORCH SALE Men and wo­ men's car coats, men's shirts, drapes, misc. household items. Reasonable. 4526 Lakewood Rd., McHenry, 111. Call 385- 4863. 10 22-10 24 69 FOR SALE COPPERTONE china cabinet, washer and dryer, $50. Call 653-9086. 10 22 69 WONT & INS TROOP 162 Troop 162 is now one of the friendliest troops in town. We have -two new scouts named Freund. And believe it or not both are named Mike. We also welcome to the troop Don C. To iyan, William A. Meath, Wil­ liam R. Tree, Rusty Regner, Relle L. Lyman, Jir., Mike Rob­ erts, Steve Fries and Bob Mat- thies. We hope all these boys will have a lot of fun and gain much from their scouting career. We were delighted to have Allen Freund offer his services to the troop. It is always a pleasure to have adults come forward with offers of help. Mike Joza and Terry Gough demonstrated the proper meth­ ods of displaying the flag. Ted JHonning, assisted by Craig Steiner and Matt Roberts, showed the new Scouts iiow to clean up the camp dishes. Scoutmaster Bob Decker told the boys about the preparations for the camp-out at the Rock- ford Airport. Jim Cole, Public Relations PLAINDEALER^.WED, OCT. 22, 1969 - PG. 13 To Late To Classify GARAGE SALE Rummage and antiques. Col­ lector's bottles and crocks, Roger Brothers silver, com­ modes, rockers, primatives, old books, iron, stone, china, trunks, Colbot blue glass. Very r e a s o n a b l e f u r n i t u r e . M u c h , more, too numerous to men­ tion. Friday morning till ??? 3708 Driftwood, Holiday Hills. 1022-10 24 69 COUNTRY LIVING begins on a large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beautiful land­ scaping, will enhance any future home, in a progressive area are a plus. For information phone Low taxes V • MS-S83D "The world is always interesting to the good workman." William Feather RALPH MUNSON Ralph comes to Ferris-Bros. Chevrolet-Buick in Harvard, Illinois with 7 years experience. As assistant sales mana­ ger, he will devote himself to providing much better sales and service to his customers. Mr. Munson has lived in McHenry County for 21 years and now resides, with his wife, Barbara, at 211 Green Street, Edgebrook Heights, McHenry. See Ralph for that new Bulck, Olds, Chevrolet, Chevy Truck, Opel, or fine used car. NOTICE STORE WIDE lamp sale, up to 30% off. Come see. Beautiful furniture at discount prices. Is­ land Lake Furniture Mart, 2 miles west of Rt 12 on Rt 176. Call 312-526-2210. 10869TF12 WOULD appreciate anyone finding a green metal box con­ taining personal papers, in the vicinity of the burned home at 507 So. Highland Drive, Lake- moor, to return same. „ No questions asked. Small re­ ward. MRS. VIENA BRYAN c/o A. Johnson 121 South Drive McHenry (Lakemoor) 385-6325. 102269 SALLY'S in-laws coming. She didn't fluster -- cleaned the carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer gL Ace Hardware. 10 22 69 PERSONALS • •LOST bright carpet colors. . . . restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham­ pooer $L Hornsby's, McHen­ ry Market Place. 102269 SITUATION WANTED ASTHETICS designer wtfUO* part time drawing or drafting. In your shop or mine. Call 653-9984. 1017-102469 TEACHER and family desire 3 bedroom home. Call 648-2364 102269 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE GIANT-RUMMAGE 6012 BARNARD MILL RD* RINGWOOD, ILL. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23rd thru 29th 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Restocked with new & used items, many antiques. Large store buildings, filled with furniture, clocks, vases, pictures, electrical heaters and appliances, maple hutch, oak dressers, tables, desks, Christmas items, tools, year old G.E. washer-dryer. FINAL SALE OF THE YEAR Half price on most Items Tuesday and Wednesday 102269 PETS .THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed intq your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY 2 Calico kittens, 6 weeks, pan trained. Call 385-313L 102269 FULL BLOODED, 2 year old German Shepherd, female. Needs a fenced in yard or farm. Call 385-4894. 102269 BLACK and white male dog , 3 years old, friendly, likes children, medium size. Call 385-9651. 102269 HALF GREAT DANE, half German Shepherd, male pup, 5 months. Loves children. Call 385-6387 or 312-223-8221 102269 FIVE CUDDLY, loveable kittens, will stay very smnii~ Will deliver for your choice. Call 653-9916. 102269 LOST " LOST MALE, Border Collie, black with white face and bib. Answers to name of "Teddy."- Call Barb Swan, 459-1285 Reward. 102269 /VHJIVTG Q/VIE R Y V\VL\ H U THE FORECAST COULD READ ALL Prices In This Ad Are Good In Woodstock & Crystal Loko YOUR CHOICE GARLAND OR POWER-GRIP POLYESTER With purchas* of 1st tir* at regular pric* plus 1.79 to 3.34 F.I.T. oach TONIGHT ft WARDS • J _ Riverside WARDS RIVilSIDE 4-SQUARE PASSENGER TIRE GUARANTEE GUAIANTKO AGAINST FAILURE dee to rood hazards (except repair • able punctures) or from defect* in moforiok or warfci*a«wMp for NM life of Re origmol tread. In cote of fail­ ure, Word* wiN aadtoOfe tire for o JMM one, charts oelv tfcot portioe of *• current PederOt Excise To*) equivalent to ffce percent of traod weed. GUARANTEED AGAINST TREAD WEAROUT for months specified or for miles specified. In cose tread wears out, Wards wM exchange tire for o new one, charging only the dif­ ference between the current price (pies Federal Excise Tax) and a specific dotlor allowance. (Tread wear gvarontee does not apply to tires used commercially.) NATIONWIDE SMVICI GoaroMH Honored at any Wards Retail or Catalog store. GARLAND SAFETY SEALANT A safer tire that seals punctures instantly, and is the ultimate in comfort. Concave molding reduces heat build-up. Polyester cord body. Tread is guaranteed against wear-out for 39 months. Save now! Dual strip* whit* tide walls. POWER-GRIP POLYESTER The comfortable snow tire! Polyester cord body gives maximum traction and a soft, smooth ride -- even on dry roads. Tread guar­ anteed against wear-out for 36 months. WHEELS AND STUDS AVAIAM.E ETHYLENE GLYCOLmummi o« S& OS tuck MINI. KEEP NET 1 U S GALLON TUBIIISS WMITIWAU SIZIS BSPIACIS il l U SND NAS OMIT PLUS M.T. BACK 6.90 13 - $33* $I*JO* 1.92 F7I14 7.75 14 $39" ILTJO' 2.59 G78 14 8.25-14 $42* 0T 1.00* 2.78 H7S-14 8.55-14 $45* MUO' 3.03 179 14 S.S5 14 $48' $14.00* 3.12 F78-15 7.75-15 $39" SI 9 JO* 2.59 G78 IS 8.25/8.15-15 $42* 6*1.00* 2«4 H78 15 8.55/8.45 15 $45* ITLSR 3 10 178 13 9.15-15* $48* $14.00* 3.34 'With trod*- In Hra off your cor. • Alto fl»t 8.85/9 00 15 FAST FREE MOUNTING Buy your anti-freeze from Wards! TUOSLSSS OlACRWAtl SIZIS BSPIACIS SIZIS RMULAB PBICI IACM INO TIBI OH IT PLUS IACM 6.50-13 6.40 13 $20* $10* 1 79 7.00-13 - $23* 811-SO* 194 C7S 14 6.95 14 $22* S11.00* 2 IS €78-14 7.35 14 $23* $11.SO* . 141 F78 14 7.75 14 $25* $11. SO* 2 54 G78-14 S.25-14 $27* $13.50* 766 H7S U 8.55 14 $29 $1«.SO* 289 J7S-I4 8.85 14 $31* $11.50* 300 5.60-15 5.90 15/6.00 15 $22* $11.00* 1.89 *78 15 7.35-15 $23* $* 248 F78-15 7.75-15 $25* $1S.S0* 2 45 GTS 15 8.15/8 25 IS $27* $13. SO* 262 H7S 15 8.45/8.55-15 $29* $14. SO* 2.85 178 15 915-15* $31* $1 S.SO* 305 "No trade-in raquirad WhltgwaBi $3 mora oad I. *AUo fits 8.899 00 15 GALLON JUST SAY "CHARGE IT" Get positive all-weather protection with Riv­ erside® permanent anti-freeze with year 'round coolant. Dependable ethylene glycol base is fortified with special additives to pre­ vent rust, foaming and corrosion. Specially made not to boil away. Safe for either iron or aluminum blocks. Don't wait, buy today! -.ssszxzz lor He»v» D"" . .. . Protects At All TfmP«"»"es 10W*'° all NET courtsJMSTS] Ml Sooson Motor Oil All Season flows freely in any weather. Quickly lubri­ cates upper cylinder. 10W-30 10 QT. BULK OIL 10, 20 & 30 Wt. HEAVY DUTY Reg. 30c 19$ qt. 10 W 30 All Season's MOTOR OIL Reg. 40c 23* qt. Brina Your Own Container WARD WEEK" Now lo Progross Riverside IMMIDUTI RIPUB •BATTIRY GUARANTM If battery it found defective and will not hold a chargai / (1) PHEE raplocamont within 90 do ft of purchatai (2) After 90 doyt Wardt will raplaca lha battery, charging you a pro-rated amount of th« currant no-trod«-in tailing prka for aach month from date of pur chat*. 24-MONTH SPECIAL BATTERY - REG. EXCHANGE PRICE $13.95 Get good starting power for i av., EXCM. most cars in mild temperature ^ f| f\f\ areas 22F, 24, 24F, 29NF >TeUU iir iQUfkJk̂ WARDS 10S N.W. Highway Phono 459-3120 Crystal Lake 'I r

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