THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LA KE S REGION SINCE 1875 SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22, 1969 emoor - PAT ZABROSKI ymoor 385-4726 ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS MEET AT HEKNER HOME The board of directors of the Lilymoor association will hold their next meeting at the home of Wynne Hekner on Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. The association will hold a November meeting in a heated garage of Elmer Kron- cke on Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. Any one wishing directions to the Kroncke residence may call Morrie Haines at 385-2282. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The Lilymoor Women's aux iliary is happy to report that the card party was a big suc cess. Many thanks go to the hard working C hairman, Marge Polinski and Co-chairman Al ma Hueckstaedt; tickets by Eun ice Tobey, and publicity by Marylyn LoPresti. The women did an outstanding job with the help of members who donated all the prizes and refreshments. Everyone enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Marge Polinski thanks all those who worked to make this party a success. ELECTION The Women's auxiliary held its election of officers for the year 1969-1970. The new of ficers are: President, Alma Huechstaedt; Vice-President, Marylyn LoPresti; Treasurer, Jo Bartelt; Secretary, Marge Polinski; Trustees, Pearl Stineman, Eunice Tobey, Joan Lund and Renata Swanson. The installation of officers will be held at the next meeting Nov. 3, 7:45 p.m. at the home of Ruth Young. The committee will be Ruth Young and Jo Bartelt. The next board meeting will be held Oct. 28, at 1 p.m. at the home of Pearl Stineman. BIRTHDAY Birthday greetings go out to Shirleann Krich who will be celebrating her big day on Oct. 30. Many happy returns. ENTERTAINS Mrs. Marge Peaks and Mrs. Josephine Johnson spent an en tertaining afternoon at the home of Mrs. Eunice Tobey last week. They had a delicious luncheon, played bunco and enjoyed listen ing to Eunice play the organ. Pat Morrison has been spend ing quite a few days in Chicago visiting her Godmother, Mrs. Helen Koch, who is confined in the hospital with a broken hip. Many of the Lakemoor residents are sorry to hear of her ac cident since Mrs. Koch made many friends here on her many visits to the Morrison home. RUMMAGE SALE OCT. 23-24 The Lilymoor Women's aux iliary will hold a rummage sale on Oct. 23 and 24 starting at 8 a.m. The sale will be held at Ryan's cottage on Lily Lake road and Southside. Let's give the rummage sale our support. BAKE SALE AND WHITE ELEPHANT SALE Ladies League will hold a bake sale and white elephant sale on Nov. 1, at the fire- house, starting at 1 p.m. Any donations will be greatly ap preciated, as proceeds go to ward the community building. If you have any donations please call 385-0521 or 385-6163 af ter 1 p.m. LADIES LEAGUE Indies League held its so cial evening on Oct. 15, and bun co was played. Prize winners were Jean Dember, first, Helen Para, second, Rose Zelenka, third, and Marge Peak won the booby prize. MAKES TRIP Mrs. Eunice Tobey and son, David, travelled to Indiana to visit the Caho family. SERVICEMEN Lou Gravenstuk has received word from her grandson, Rob-' ert Gravenstuk, who is in the Air Force, and now stationed in Taiwan. David Tobey has exchanged his navy blues for civilian clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Para have heard from their son, Tom, who is stationed in Germany. Tom says he'll be back home to stay in exactly 81 days. BUNDLE OF JOY Cheryl Zabroski presented her husband, Mike, with a giri on Wednesday, Oct. 15. The wee one weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz. Waiting at home to greet his new sister is Richard Allen. The proud grandparents are Stan and Myra Zabroski of Lakemoor, and Mrs. Christine Jones ofls- land Lake. The proud great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehlebracht of Home- wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marlowe of Island Lake. Con gratulations on your blessed event. ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Walter and Helen Para, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on Monday, Oct. 13. Congratula tions and best wishes, and hope you celebrate many more years together. NEWS FOR THE COLUMN? If you have any news for the column like birthdays, anniver saries, or any other news, small or big, please phone me at 385- 4726. If you cannot reach me someone will be there to help. I am usually home during the evening hours. I must have the news typed up and ready to be in the Plaindealer office by Fri day morning, so if you call be fore Friday morning, your news will be in the iollowing Wednes day. Shop In McHenry SEE ON TV totes: GfumcL Opening GET ACQUAINTED SALE! Voc°\ rt rrfS 1210 N. Green Street McHenry 385-1000 ( t i K I I •I % ' I < ( C ( I • I ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ > D O O R P R I Z E S 2 Doz. K-28 Golf Balls 5 Model Cars 1 Set Ski Underwear 1 Pair Ski Boots 1 Doz. 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Not even a "left" or "right" to figure out . . . either boot fits either foot! And you'll like the way high-top "totes" hug the leg to give year-round pro tection, yet fold small enough to tuck in a school-bag or pocket when bad weather threatens. Completely waterproof, "totes" are so flexible and light it's almost like "wearing no boots at all"! In Red or Black, with sturdy non-skid ribbed soles. Sizes to fit children's shoes 10 to 3V£. "iO Each pair in its own handy waterproof carry case. & Shoe Repair 1307 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY RAWLING NFL Young Boys' FOOTBALL UNIFORMS BEARS-PACKERS REG. $15.75 SPECIAL $13.50 BRUNSWICK REGULATION POOL TABLES NEW YORKER $595.00 CENTENNIAL $495.00 $100.00 OFF EACH "Use Our Finance Plan" "DUFFY" BICYCLES it Boys 26" SPECIAL $36.88 20" I. *: _ IMfS DRAGSTER * Girls v * Adults $38.88 WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ARTIST SUPPLIES Full Line of SAMS0NITE LUGGAGE-BRIEFCASES AIRWAY LIGHT LUGGAGE All Footballs Reduced! 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