r V.F.W. Auxiliary News By Gerry Breede Membership Chairman Mar- Moreth informed the mem- rship that this year we are Itely holding our 1969-70 embership kick-off dinner th members of V.F.W. Post 600. The' dinner will be held on Saturday, Oct. 25, at the post home. The evening's festivities ill begin with a cocktail hour dinner will be served at :30 sharp. Dancing will begin 9 p.m. Reservations for aux- iary members should be made < irectly to Viola Schuble, Mary I [uemmel or Ila Hogan, mem- 1 era of the committee headed 1 y Marge. In the report we were in- I ormed that to date we have at- 1 lined slightly over 40 percent ] aid up membership, if you can- i ot make the dinner, send your i lues to Marge so we can at- 1 ain 100 per cent. A letter if confirmation has been re- i eived from Mrs. Catherine ' Petzloff, 5th district president < if the Ladies auxiliary to Vet- (irans of Foreign Wars. She will i ittend with other invited guests. < Among correspondence read was an announcement of a dinner ing the Department of ni ls president which will be leld on Saturday, Nov. 8, in Chicago. j Thank you notes were re ceived from many. National Home Chairman Vi- 61a Schuble reported there will be one birthday to remember this month among the children residing at the home. E POLITICAL CORNER GOP ENDORSEMENTS The McHenry County Repub- can Central committee, at a eeting held last week, endors- d the following candidates for Constitutional Convention del egates. j For the 32nd Senatorial dis trict they are Jeff Ladd, of Crystal Lake, and Jeanette Mul len from Barrington. In the 33rd Senatorial dis trict choices are Stanley John son of DeKalb, and Earl John son of Huntley. Community Service Chair man Gerry Breede reported on the meeting held recently with members of the American Le gion and its auxiliary in prep aration for the annual distribu tion of baskets to needy fam ilies just prior to Christmas. The auxiliary will again col lect canned goods at the De cember meeting and Cub Scout Pack 458 members of Holiday Hills will again be approached to collect in their subdivision as an appreciation gesturfe for being sponsored by the Ladies auxiliary. We also will be able to use toys, stuffed animals and clothing in good condition. An other meeting is tentatively planned "for Nov. 21 at the Le gion home. Those attending the last meeting were \ Pearl Cooper, American Legion aux iliary president; Evelyn Ficek, Child Welfare chairman of the American Legion; Ray Martin, assistant manager of the Na tional Food store; June Schmunk, president of the V.F.W. auxiliary; and Gerry Breede Community Service chairman of the V.F.W. auxil iary. A report by Mary Kuemmel, Hospital chairman, inform ed the membership that Claudia Radcliff and Vi Abbink accom panied Mary to Downey hospital in September on her regular AUDREY WALGENBACH Audrey Walgenbach of Hart- land township, chief deputy in the County Treasurer's office, announces her candidacy for the nomination as the Republican candidate for the office of coun ty Treasurer at the primary election to be held March 17, 1970. She has served every ca pacity in the office of County Treasurer, starting as a clerk, in 1940, to serving as county treasurer from 1962 through *966. , Now serving as chief deputy Mnder the present Treasurer, Cal Skinner, Jr., she has ser ved as the chief deputy under ,the former Treasurers' J.G. Curly" Stevens, Vernon W. Kays, and Harry C. Herendeen. » l^OUTSTAiwiNO^ALPri THURS.-FRI.-SAT.-SUNDAY MORN. SAVE! 140 THREAD COUNT PILLOW CASE SPECIAL Quality cases vHth hem stitched for crochet scallo^d edges, hem stitched hems. Asst. Designs. Reg. $1.59 99( •Only merchandise which we have personally compared and checked, and found to be a truly great value, will be given this indorsement. You can put yoar trust in us . . . Ben Franklin EXCEPTIONAL PURCHASE IARGE SELECTION OF Women's & ChildrenV Winter GLOVES AT Money Saving Prices FRAIMKLJN McHenry, Illinois m a ^Oirinl (S.T L R D S T D N E serving Americans Farmers •VIOERS of PLENTY monthly visit. The men played the usual games and were a- warded canteen books and candy as prizes. Doughnuts and fruit were served with coffee by the volunteers. The doughnuts were donated by one of our local bakeries. At this time, June Schmunk read a letter from {Catherine Hastings, 5th district Hospital chairman, which announced that Mary Kuemmel and Dora Crocker had earned their 150- hour pins for service to Downey hospital on a volunteer basis. Congratulations, girls, for your faithful attendance at Downey Veterans hospitals Sunshine Chairman Florence Tussey reported on sending sympathy cards to the Art Smith Family, the Florence Svoboda and Terrence Dor an families. Get-well wishes were extended to Helen Spoolstra and Vi Ab bink. One of the members reported that Gert Barbian's husband, George, was confined to the Memorial hospital at this time. A get-well wish is extended to him at this time from all of us. x Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 10. Hope to see you at the kick- off dinner on Oct. 25. A > V \ WED. OCT. 22, 1969 - PLAINDEALE.R - PG. 5 KIWINI* NEWS WONDER LAKE CLUB Wilbert Hecht was present as guest speaker last week to talk about the development of pub lic safety in the state of Ill inois. He said it is projected that in the near future, educa tion in public safety will be the biggest expenditure. Under the Department of Public Safe ty are the Penal and Reforma tory Institution, State Police, Tollway Police and the new Ill inois State F.B.I. President Ward Ehredt an nounced the forming of a new club by the DeKalb club, to be known as DeKalb Kishwaukee, whose charter night will be Nov. 11. Bill Dicker gave a report on the Brownies sponsored by the club. BOAT ACCIDENT Two persons were taken to Mc Henry hospital for treat ment of injuries last week af ter a boat in which they were riding, belonging % to John Boeker, 1322 Riverside drive, McHenry, struck the state bridge. The injured were An- nice Bisseir and John Fako, Jr. GREET NEW DIRECTORS -- Two new direc tors talk with Charles Weingart, president (third from left), following the fifty-first annual meet ing of the Federal Land Bank association of Woodstock earlier this month. From left, Frank Meyers, Belvidere; Ed Kirchhoff, Harvard; Weingart, McHenry, re-elected president; Rob- bert Coots, manager; and Lloyd Turner, Bel videre, retiring director who served on the board since 1951. DON PEASLEY PHOTO MOBILE UNIT VISITS COUNTY SITES OCT 23-24 Free chest x-rays are again being offered residents of Mc Henry county when the mobile unit visits Marengo on Thurs day, Oct. 23, located at the com munity building. On Friday, Oct. 24, the unit will be in Cary with registration in the Mientch Insurance office, 113 W. Main street. The hours of operation will be 12:30 to 5 and 6 to 8:30 p.m. This service is part of the program of the McHenry Coun ty Tuberculosis association, made possible by contributions to the Christmas Seal campaign. Everyone 18 years of age or older may have a chest x-ray, as well as those under 18 who have a positive reaction to the tuberculin skin test. All preg nant women must have written consent from their physician to have an x-ray on the unit. SERVICE NEWS Seaman Apprentice William Y. Anderson, Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Y. An derson, Sr., of 2950 N. Shore- wood thrive, McHenry, is ser ving aboard the Seventh Fleet oiler USS Manatee in the West ern Pacific. 3 The Manatee recently visited Kaohsiung, Taiwan, between its fleet assignments in Vietnam. While enroute to Taiwan tjie Manatee encountered three storms including Typhoon El- f<a&Qoo<L(Mt(%ei U.S. ,rN° Savings^ SKN UP WHEKE YOU WOtK 01 MNK sie. Elsie unleashed her full fury against Taiwan resulting in more than 108 million dollars in crop damage and 100 deaths. In Kaohsiung crewmen sup plied labor and materials to help repair storm damage to the Kaohsiung Christian hos pital. This was a repeat of a visit of last year when the crew repainted a wing on the hospital, as well as supplying critical equipment. WASTING y2 YOUR LUNCH HOUR WAITING FOR SERVICE Try Bill Lindwalls Lamplighter Cafe 3313 W. Elm St. Fast Service & good Food Open Every Day at 5 a.m. Closed Wed. 10:00 a.m. MCHenry PI .•*INIM : K ( , S ' l m J . a l eaier Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund - Publisher Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER \ f t s m r n h,. NeWAref, AUoctaUon - Founded 1985 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $7.50 1 Year $9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County -^1 y. ./ A i: Carey Appliance Inc. In The Green Street Mall 1241 IV. Green St. McHenry Phone 385-5500 HOOVER SERVICE CLINIC AND SALE ONE DAY ONLY - SATURDAY, Oct. 25 Your Hoover Upright cleaned and greased, regardless of age at Carey Appliance I-otv, Low Price of ONLY $4.95 For the people in Floor Care want the very Best Hoover Model 1070 Upright Automatic 2 Speed Motor Large Throw-away Bag Tools Optional at Extra Cost $59.88 Optional Attachments Makes This Hoover A Real 2-In-l Cleaner Bring in your Hoover Upright, Mid Hoover factory experts will lubricate, deaa, Install new sweeping brushes and belt for only |UB. Otter porta If needed at regular price. Come In and browse while your rleener fes bring repaired. Come In and see our complete line of Hoover Floor Cue Products, Irons, and Blenders. Hoover Spin Drying Washer /l i A.* < ***** Hoover Model 2201 Portable Powerful lVe h.p. Motor Floor Noule Comination Rug and Tufflex Hose Complete with Tools $56.88 0? lYour Floor-A-Matic is complete wittu $74.00 •"Wets the Floor • Power Scrub •Wet Pickup ^ Apply Wax •Polish and Buff •Damp Mop •Shampoo • • • • CtoMtMMtf Dam# IMP tambtWMl »•*£* WmhjywH Hi* NO We carry a, full line of Hoover Cleaners, Polishers, Paper Bags, Belts, Hoover Rug Shampoo, Floor Polish, and Floor Cleaner Hoover Washer Model 0510 $159.50 Fast! Compact! Portable! Efficient! Will wash, rinse and spin dry a 6 pound load in just 8 minutes. Spin dry one load while another washes. - No plumbing necessary .... can be used in kitchen, bath or utility room. Completely portable - moves from sink to storage area on easy rolling casters. Washes a full 6 pounds of clothes and uses only 10 gallons of water. Has sijds saver, too. SEE A DEMONSTRATION NOW TODAY 1219 North Green McHenry V