Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1969, p. 12

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~\ PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER - WED. NOV. 5, 1969 EDITORIALS Autumn's Annual Show With only a few weeks of autumn left, and with the last weeks of autumn likely to be somewhat cold, we suggest to our readers that they take advantage of the beautiful scenery which nature has provided for them outdoors and enjoy it now at its prettiest. To us autumn is the prettiest season. It is true that autumn heralds the coming of winter with its bitterly cold weather, but the weather of autumn itself is often very pleasant and it ususally brings with it less rain than the other seasons. Its greatest offering, however, is the spectacular panorama to be found in the woods and fields along the highways as we see the changes of color performed on the drying foliage all aound usi A cycle of life is ending and the dormant season is setting in. Moreover, the year is drawing to an end and autumn seems to be the time for sizing up the accomplishments of the year, its results and maybe even one's life, and the direction it is taking. In doing this, it is well to be outdoors, near nature and in full view of the miracle and inspiration of the earth and all its beauty and mystery. f Take our advice and go for regular walks in the woods, or pake it a point to take time off regularly for hunting or fishing, or some other outdoor pursuit. <1 \ Enjoy Warmth-Safety Deadliest dwelling fires are caused by dirty, defective heating equipment, according to National Fire Protection As­ sociation studies. They cost about 2,000 lives yearly. With cold weather nearing, Fire Chief Glenn Peterson urges you to rid your home of this potential killed. Check and repair all heating equipment in your home now. Check the chimney too -- a clean, tight chimney means fuel saving as well as fire safety. Above all, be sure that any fixed or portable room heaters are in first-class operating condition. Dirty defective ones can spell danger and disaster. Remember, says Chief Peterson: It's good to be warm, but essential to be safe! MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Through the Courtesy of the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County. 'He ain't so cool, man, lot mo toll you how it was in San Francisco, Chicago and thorn places. I boon thoro. When tho action was thoro. I'm the voter eran... • INBORN LINK TO t CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR j NOT PROVED i ? , The XYY syndrome is an 'inborn abnormality of the male i chromosomes in which some ~ males are born with an extra v "Y" chromosome instead of i the usual "XY" found in the Drug Abuse No drug has caused more controversy, with the possible exception of marihuana, than the strange compound known as LSD. Is LSD dangerous? Definitely yes, says the Na­ tional Institute of Mental Health, federal agency focus of a new nation-wide attack on the abuse of dangerous drugs and nar­ cotics. Hospital and other medical studies show that LSD can cause panic, paranoia, and acciden­ tal death. Reactions to taking LSD range from worry, panic and depres­ sion to severe mental derange­ ment. Days, weeks, even months after a dose of LSD has been taken, the things the user thought that he saw and felt may recur in his mind and make him fear he is going insane. The physical effects LSD can produce are far from pretty. Eye pupils dilate, hands and feet shake and tremble uncon­ trollably, palms turn cold and sweaty, the body shivers and turns chilly, goose pimples pop out, breathing is irregular. There is loss of appetite and nausea; and the pulse and heart rate rise, as does blood pres­ sure. LSD is short for lysergic acid diethylamide. A man-made chemical first produced in 1938, it was accidentally discovered in 1943 to produce bizarre ef­ fects on the mind when a Swiss chemist swallowed some LSD while working in his laboratory. He had strange sensations and felt as if he were flying. Despite this soaring start, LSD was little explored in fol­ lowing years as far as defin­ itive pharmacological studies in man were concerned. The weird compound lay around, studied by some drug resear­ chers but ignored by most. Then the wave of far-out experience seekers washed up a few years ago. LSD became the darling of the daring. It was claimed to give you great feelings and increase many capacities, like sex and creativity. None of this has proved out. In fact, the reverse may be true. But many Cables and fal- lacies like these have spread about LSD. The facts come from research, not from fantasy and rumor. male sex. Chromosomes are small, more or less rod-shaped bodies which appear in the nucleus of a cell at the time of cell division. The name is from two Greek words, chroma (meaning color) and., soma (body). Chromosomes contain the genes or hereditary factors of animals and man. The normal number of chromosomes in humans is 46, with 22 pairs of what are called autosomes and two sex chromosomes. These are known as "XX" in females and "XY" in males. Many variations may occur in the chromosomes. Some of these have been found to be associated with various abnor­ malities in behavior or physical makeup. Here is where the cur­ rent case of the XYY syndrome comes in. Unfortunately, the impression has sprung up that the XYY abnormality is clearly related to criminal behavior. This is why the National Institute of Mental Health's Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency recently called to­ gether a scientific conference of specialists from genetics, psy­ chiatry, psychology, sociology, and law. They carefully ex­ amined the current state of knowledge of the XYY syn­ drome from all aspects. Their conclusion is that a link between the XYY syndrome and criminal acts, such as PUBLIC PULSE (The Ptaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of gener­ al interest in our commun­ ity. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 3U0 words or less signature, full address and phone num­ ber. We ask. too, that one in­ dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) DEFENDING SCHOOL "Dear Sir: "Recently a neighboring newspaper carried a pretty spectacular article about the some called 'Hopped-Up Mc- Henry Teens' and the fact that our schools are over-run with drug addicts. " It is my hope that they sold a lot of papers because that is what they set out to do. It is also my hope that every sin­ gle person who bought one of violent murder, is not clearly proved. The assertion that males with the XYY chromosomes are related to criminal behavior is definitely misleading, they said, and has developed undue pub­ lic concern about males with XYY that is premature because research evidence is not ade­ quate to support the assertion. The conference also pointed up the important need for re­ search to get valid information about the prevalence of XYY cases in the population. This we have little or no idea of now. Also, research is urgent to find out just what are the inter­ actions between chromosomal abnormalities like this and social behavior. Lacking such information, we cannot at the present time prop­ erly evaluate the meaning and significance of the XYY cases which have been found among various kinds of criminals. But the Center for Studies of Crime and Deliquency is planning to stimulate and encourage studies to get the needed research an­ swers. Meantime, definite con­ clusions cannot be drawn about the relationship between XYY and deviant, criminal, or violent behavior. those papers, or heard about the story, or just feels the pure disgust for such cheap report­ ing will sit down and write a letter, note or card to the "Waukegan-Sun" and voice their disapproval. "Not only did some well meaning reporter looking for a story CHI the Bull-Valley mon­ ster get taken in by a few ov­ erly dramatic teen-agers, he allowed an obivious pack of lies to be built into a very damaging article on our schools, its faculty, and its entire stu­ dent body. While it is almost impossible in this day and age for a school to state it is drug-free, it is also ridicu­ lous to suggest that our schools are over-run with drug users as stated in the article. "If every McHenry resident, especially our high-school stu­ dents and their parents wrote to the paper and demanded a full retraction and apology, the paper would have to take some steps in undoing the damage to our kids, their reputations and the reputation and good- standing of the McHenry high schools. Take a few minutes to let them know McHenry is not full of 'gullibles' who have tak­ en^ on the e ver-popular 'Unin- volved' attitude. Let them know what we think of their 'Mon­ ster' . "Sincerely, "Geri Neubauer "2918 W. Virginia "McHenry" STATE ASSEMBLY TO RECONVENE NEXT SPRING TTie members of the Illinois General Assembly left for home on Thursday, over Democrat objections, having met for three days this week. The Senate will return on March 31 and the House of Representatives will reconvene on April 1, accord­ ing to the Republican-sponsored adjournment resolution. Hcritever, Democrats contend a January session will be nec­ essary because of the finandaL plight of Chicago school^, that would otherwise be foiled to close that month. Declining to advance the bill involved to the amendment stage, House Bill 2977 increasing tax anticipa­ tion warrant interest rates to 7 percent in the Chicago school district, was sent to the Senate Judiciary committee which will appoint a subcommittee to study it. This measure had House ap­ proval. Bills were passed that ap­ propriated $40 million to the Department of Revenue for in­ come tax refunds and to pro­ vide procedure for their pay­ ment. These measures were the primary reason for the five-day session. Also passed was a measure which gives the Secretary of State, or the various clerks with whom petitions are filed, the right to break a tie and determine the order of filing, MAN ON THE TURING THE BUILDING OF THE TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD, A CENTURY AGO THIS YEAR, WHOLE TOWNS FOR WORKMEN WERE CARRIED ON TRAINS AND SET UP AT RAILHEADS AS NEEDED/ 4 BECAUSE THE BUILDERS WERE GIVEN 10 SQUARE MILES OF LAND FOR EACH MILE OF TRACK LAIR THE TRACKS FAILED TO MEET BY IOO MILES.' IT TOOK AN ACT OF CONGRESS TO MAKE THEM LINK UP/ ©Y 522 A.D., THE CHINESE HAD 3-LANE RAVED HIGHWAYS AND SELF-PROPELLED LAND VEHICLES - USING SAIL POWER HEY/ WHERE'S THE SECTION FROM THE EAST? BUT, OFFICER! I GOT CAUGHT IN A TAIL-WIND.' A Service of the United Transportation Union If you're coming to Chicago for a rest don't come to Sherman House. There's4po much happening at Sherman House. For instance, there's the famous College Inn, headliningthe most exciting names in show business. And to go with the College Inn, Chicago's most lively and memorable restaurants and lounges--the Well of the Sea, the Celtic Cafe, the Dome and the Scuttlebutt. So if you're coming to Chicago to be turned-on, not off, come to Sherman House. And leave the rest to us. Sherman House a MetroAmerica hotel *ndolph-Clark-LaSalle • Chicago 606 Reservations: (312) FR 2-2100 j a practice that has been the custom for many years. This arose because of the problem involving the ballot order for Con-Con candidates and the Federal court order that re­ quired a lottery for determin­ ing the final order. The consti­ tutionality of the measure may now be tested, according to the bill's opponents, in view of the court decision. An additional appropriation of $1,550,000 for the reimburse­ ment of local election officials for expenses incurred in rela­ tion to the nomination and elec­ tion of members of the Consti­ tutional convention was also passed. A Senate resolution was a doped that urged the conven­ tion to authorize the exemption of food and drugs from the sales tax. An attempt to override the Governor's veto of the "Le­ galized Bingo" bill failed in the House. It was the only major v,eto effort. In the Senate a motion to override the veto of weighted county voting was de­ feated. KIWMUS NEWS WONDER LAKE CLUB Dec. 11 has been set as Inspiration Night at the Legion home, 7:30 p.m., with the Mc­ Henry club serving as hosts for the evening. This also will be ladies' night. The travelling gavel sched­ ule has been set up. McHenry will bring it to Wonder Lake April 6 and Wonder Lake will take it to Fox River Grove- Cary on April 27. President WardEhredtgavea report at last week's meeting on the latest changes at the Gen­ eral Telephone Co., and what the new condensed system will, mean to subscribers. He relat­ ed some of the problems na­ ture presents in disrupting ser­ vice on the lines. Washington (with 2), Monroe (1) Lincoln (3) and Arthur (4) have vetoed the fewest meas­ ures of any President. Roose­ velt vetoed the most (371), with Cleveland next (340) and Tru­ man third (180). VILLAGE MEETING SPEAKER A representative of the Com- . monwealth Edison Co. will be guest speaker at the McCul-1 lom Lake village board meeting at the beachhouse at 8 p.-m. Wednesday, Nov. 5. He will an- * swer questions on service and ' other matters of importance to t residents of the community. Ev-s eryone is invited to attend. ONA1 pgOF** K>&y ir£c OPTOMETRIST Dr. John F.KtOy At 1224 N. Green Street McHenry (Closed Wednesday) Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Hrs. Daily 9:30 a^n. to 5 p.m. Friday Evenings 8:30 p.m. Evenings by appointment PHONE 385-0452 Dr. Leonard Bottari Eyes Examined - Contact Lens Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 4:00 pan. to 6:00 p.m. TUBS., Thurs., I Fri Eve. 7 p jn. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9:30 to 3:00 pjn. No Hours on Wednesday PHONE 385-4151 If No Answer Phone 385-2262 OFFICE EQUIPMENT McHenry County Office Machine• Sales-Service & Rentals Typewriters -Adders Calculators Mon. - Sat. 9:00 - 5:30 Friday 'till 9:00 p.m. PHONE 459-1226 93 Grant St., Crystal Lake, 111. METAL WORK Schroeder Metaicraft For Home and Garden Wrought Iron Railings Fireplace Screens Antiques 1705 S. ROUTE 31 PHONE 385-0950 INSURANCE Earl R. Walsh Fire, Auto, Farm L Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 385-3300 or 385-0953 3429 W. Elm SU, McHenry, 01. George L. Thompson General Insurance •LIFE •AUTO •HEALTH *F1RE •CASUALTY *BOAT Phone 815-385-1066 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry In McHenry Plaindeeler Bldg. Dennis Conway AUTO, LIFE, FIRE STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANY 3315 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 385-5285 or 385-7111 LETTER SERVICE Mimeographing - Typir* Addressing - Mailing Lists McHenry County Letter Service 1212 -A N. GREEN ST. PHONE 385-5064 Mon. Through Fri. 8-5 p.m. Closed Saturday ACCOUNTANTS Paul A. Schwegel 4410 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-4410 REPAIR SERVICE = Call "Servisal" = (815) 385-2145 For Repairs on Refrigerators - Freezers - Washers and Dryers - Window Air Conditioners - Dishwasher Ranges - Cooktops - Ovens, both Gas and Electric. SERVISAL *PPLKNCE COMPMMY 3412 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois b

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