oQaLlaJ S>Ji CAROLE HUMANN 389-1605 CONSERVATION CLUB MEETS AT EN ARSON HOME The next meeting of the Mc- Cullom Lake Conservation Club will be held at the home of Sven Enarson, 2411 Beachside Drive, in West Shore Beach. The club is still looking for some volunteers to help with the fish feeding program which they have inaugurated this fall to implement the diet of the game fish in our lake. Feeder stations have been installed but men are needed to keep them filled each day. If you have any interest in this program and have some free time during the day won't you please contact Jack Oakford at 385-5334. DIXON DONORS It's time for the annual Dix on Christmas drive again. Each year at this time a plea has been made for Christmas gift items to be given to patients at the Dixon hospital. Each year the response has heen most gratifying and hopefully this year will see the continuation of the good deed. As in the past years personal items for men or women, boys or girls are desirable. Games and toys are needed. A list of suggestions will be included in the column next week, but each of you might give a thought to what you would or could do. Nedra DELTA Snow Tires GUARANTEED MORE MILES HER DOLLAR THAN ANY OTHER TIRE 6.50-13 -$17.90 6.95-14 -$19.90 7.35-14 -$19.95 7.75 - 14 7.75 - 15 $20.95 8.25 - 14 8.25 - 15 $22.55 8.55 - 14 8.55 - 15 $24.90 8.85 - 14 8.85 - 15 $27.90 WW $1.50 ex. PLUS E.E.T. Passenger, Truck and Tractor Tires and Batteries in all sizes!! McHenry Tire Mart 3921 W. MAIN ST. PH. 385-0294 Eckhart, 5215 Willow Lane, 385-1306, and Mary Daurio, 5200 Shore Drive, 285-3160, will accept all gift items at their homes or if you give them a call arrangements can be made to pick up. Everything must be ready for delivery by the first week in December which cuts the time consider ably. Won't you please share some of your good fortune with someone less fortunate and make their Christmas a bit brighter. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 At our meeting last week we started with the flag ceremony given by patrol 3. We had a Halloween party and began the fun with a game of "Telephone." Then we dunked for apples and had treats which Mrs. Stilling served. We played a word game with the letters from Halloween. The party ended with the re tiring of the colors while Lin da Vick played "Taps" on her clarinet. Linda Vick, Scribe. LITTLE LEAGUE NEWS The regular meeting of the Little League was held on Oct. 22 at the Community House. Among the things discussed was uniting Wonder Lake, McCullom Lake and Lakeland Park into one league. We are asking a speaker to come to our next meeting to discuss the possibil ities of going sanctioned Lit tle League. Other things discus sed were to have a skating par ty sometime in February. A date will be given at a later time. The next problem we have is one we've had for many years. That problem is trying to get enough fathers out to a meeting and helping out in just a little way. The last meeting we had was attended by sev en fathers and two men who don't even have kids in Little League. Now certainly we have some fathers who could help in one way or another. So please if you are not doing anything on Dec. 3 we would appreciate your attendance at the next meeting. Thank you. Ken Crook, publicity. GOOD TURN DAY The boys from Cub Pack 459 and Boy Scout Troop 459 are participating in the "Good Turn Day". They have been dis tributing bags to be filled with discarded clothing, and other items. These bags will be pick ed up on Saturday, Nov. 8. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancel lations for the community house must be made in advance by calling Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Thursday, Nov. 6 - Lakeland Park Women's Club - 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8 - Tri-County Five Watters - 7:30 pfm. Mon day, Nov. 10 - Weight Watchers- 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11 - Boy Scout meeting- 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12 - Girl Scout meeting - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16 - Lakeland Merry Makers 4-H Club Local Achievements - 6 p.m. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS A big happy birthday wish to Pearl Jensky on Nov. 8. San dy Dawson celebrates on Nov. 10. Ray Roach will be seven years old on the eleventh and Robert Dietz has a birthday the same day. Mary Daurio and Mark Koch share the fif teenth and Mark will be nine years old. Belated birthday greetings to Fred Anthony who was eleven on Oct. 25 and to Forrest Viita who celebrated on Oct. 31. , ANNIVERSARY WALTZ Best wishes to Kitty and George Hendle who celebrate seventeen years of wedded bliss on Nov. 8. Rosalie and Stas Slonina chalk up another year on the thirteenth and Bud and Jan Walker have 34 years to remember on Nov. 14. Belated greetings to Melinda and Ho mer Bassett who were wed for eight years on Nov. 4. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK Received a most welcome phone call the other evening from Gladys Hafer who was. visiting along with Art with Car ol and Art Hafer. They helped to celebrate Tammy's birthday and also visited with a good many of their friends while here. Gladys also attended the state Rebekah convention in Springfield and now they can go home to rest up for another visit next spring. Always glad to hear from our old neighbors. Fred Anthony, Jr., was sur prised on his eleventh birthday after school last Thursday. Mike Krasucki, Doug Viita, Mike Johnson, John Meurer, Scott and Dale Maxson, Five Ludwig kids, Debbie Benes,Bi jou Prazak and his sister, Lu- Anne, and brother, Michael. The guests were served dinner ~ i k sr starts with P I I Ford Galaxie 500 « 0*2^ s (23> It's more car per dollar and doesn't make a lot of noise about it! TAKE A QUIET BREAK AT YOUR McHENRY FORD DEALER. . . . WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE! 2-DOOR HARDTOP GALAXIE 500 IMPALA COMMENT Wheel base 121.0 in. 119.0 in. More car Wiper Blades 19.0 in. 16.0 in. More visibility Door Opening 49.0 in. 44.1 in. More convenience Front Seat Padding 100% Foam Rubber 47% Foam 53% Cotton More comfort Rear Hip Room 61.1 in. 55.5 in. More room Base Automatic Transmission 3-Speed 2-Speed More versatility Major Chassis Lubrication 36,000 miles/ 36 months 6,000 miles/ 6 months More savings BUSS FORD SALES McHENRY, ILLINOIS and all had a good time. Now that he is eleven Fred joined the Boy Scout troop. Ellen Schumann has been in the hospital and although she was home for a few days had to return again. She sure could use some cheering up. All her friends have rallied and the boys have beetji staying with Nena Thornton so that they could continue at school. Mar garet Hansen has been keeping her supplied with cheer and a lot of little extra help. Mrs. Danko's second grade class sent Mrs. Schumann cards that they had made for her and they went a long way to making her feel better. Hope that the problem is resolved and she is back in the swing in jig time. See you next week with more news I hope. Keep them cards and letters comin'. ASK MEMBERSHIPS Northern Illinois Choral as sociation officers, Edwin Zu- kowski, president, Raymond Hoecker, vice-president, Mrs. Loren Uthoff, secretary, and Mrs. George Hartung, treasur er, invite community members interested in the continuation of good music as presented by the choral organization to purchase sustaining or associate mem berships for the 1969 sixth an nual concert to be presented Dec. 7 in the Saint Thomas the Apostle church in Crystal Lake at 8 p.m. A sustaining mem bership entitles the holder to four tickets to the concert. An associate membership entitles h i . Nov. 7, 1969 - Plaindealer - Sec. I, Pg. 3 the member to two tickets. In addition, the memberships are indicated in the program. It is not necessary for a sus taining or associate member to participate in the choral ac tivities, although all would be welcome. f> DID YOU KNOW ?• About half of the 150 mil lion work-days lost yearly in U.S. are due to the common cold, which affects 94% of our people each year, and costs bus iness some $2 billion. Cheer up--there is no cure. GET ATTENTION 3936 WEST MAIN DON'T BE A • ANGELO'S SUNSET INN j f» • • • Mmm if READ THE Y~)\ CLASSIFIEDS /y>_yTODAY !!!! Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS --COURTEOUS SERVICE I 1 Mile North o! Wauconda on Old Roule 12 Phone JA 6-2928 | .............. Using the McHenry Service Center Complete Cooling System Service HEATERS - RADIATORS - GAS TANKS - AIR CONDITIONERS I WELDING AND WELDING SUPPLIES | ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. ROUTE 120 PHONE 385-0783 AIR CONDITIONING r- SALES & SERVICE U- HAUL Trailers & Trucks * . COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & \ TRUCK REPAIRING it ARC & GAS WELDING I I I I I I I Guettler Service, Inc.j 818 N. Front St. 385-9831 Payton J Chevrolet ! SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on any make car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Phone 385-2155 FARM EQUIPMENT GEORGE P. FREUND, im Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 DRIVE IN ANYTIME, AND SEE YOUR CAR SHINE FAST! (Lakeland Park i i i i i i i i » j.. $1.25 AUTOMATIC STAY IN YOUR CAR Next to Phillip's 66 Jim Thompson's Elm St. Service •Complete Lube •Wash •Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management since 1953" 385-9749 3603 W. Elm. McHenry ! ART'S { LAKELAND PARK •Tune Ups •Brake Work •24 Hr. Road Service 385-6323 j Authorized To Perform New Car Warranty Service. . Call Servisal 385-2145 For Repairs on Refriger - ators-Freezers-Washers- Dryers-Window Air Condi- tioners-Dishwashers-Ran- ges-Cooktops-Ovens, both Gas and Electric. SERVISAL APPLIANCE COMPANY 3412 W. Elm St. McHenry ED'S STANDARD SERVICE • EXPERT TUNE-UP • WASH • WAX ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. Elm St. KNOX HEATING & AIR COND. Sales-Service-lnstal lations 2411 N. Riverside Drive 385-8350 24 HOUR SERVICE on all ipakes GAS - OIL - ELECTRIC John M.« Knox, Owner II FM RADIO & TV- SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Route 120, McHenry We service all makes • TV's • Radios • Stereo • Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING 000 AJk*<u JACOBSEN LAW* MOWfft SAUS s i rv ic f faff" *tp*" f'CfO'v trained mechanics fvll kiotk of qfnunie f«cto>v pint inqme tune up and complete tafet* check fast p'tcivo" «,ha»pen.n9_ • Complete selection o* l»yJ*iofcien lawn mownt 385-0434 ADAMS Repair Shop 3102 N. CHAPEL HILL McHENRY + See your favorite Mechanic using NAPA Automotive Replacement Parts For Expert Repair Service parts Distributed by McHenry Auto Parts 3411 W. Elm McHenry Ph. 815-385-8080 Garages ANY SIZE ANY STYLE Complete remodeling and repair service! We also specialize in room additions. No Money Down- Terms. OUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake J AXE'S by appointment WE USE AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS 'Hair Styling •Razor Cuts 385-7771 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Buy-Sell-Trade Life Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois. 60050 Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHenry Gun Center Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-7320 THE ALL NEW Tues-Thur-Fri-9-9 I Wed -9-6 Sat 8-5 I Call 385-4777 for App. 3929 W. Main McHenry PAYS y