\ W E S T B E N D New Church Fellowship Unit Formed A new fellowship group was formed at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, at an organiza tional meeting held last Mon day. The specific goal of the fellowship group will be to pro vide a scholarship each year for a young man entering the min istry. The group has been added to the church program to provide education, recreation, and fel lowship for adults. An interest ing and varied schedule ol events has been programed for the next seven months. In December, a bowling out ing and DOX social have been planned. The schedule for Jan uary will offer an opporlunity for the group membors to at tend a candlelight dinner and play. A service project has been planned for February when the group will meet at the church for a pot-luck dinner and then proceed to a home for the aged where a program will be presented for the home and the patients will be visited. In Ma-ch, an excursion to the Z ion passion play, Zion, 111., has been booked, while in April, a tour of Statesville prison, Joliet, has been arranged. The Con-Con means the future of Illinois Jeff Ladd is dedicated to that future ACE HARDWARE Jeff Ladd has a record of civic leadership and ac complishment that has recently won him his community's "Distinguished Service Award". He majored in political science, graduated with honors and has been going full speed ahead ever since. As vice president of marketing and internal control of Ladd Enterprises, one of Northern Illinois' largest home building and development firms, he served as a represent ative to the Illinois General Assembly from the Illinois Home Builders Association of Chicagoland. He was the youngest President in the history of his local Chamber of Commerce, and was honored for "exceptional leadership". Jeff Ladd is a dedicated public servant, participation in Con-Con is the next public spirited service he can offer his neighbors . . . and his state. Give yourself a vigorous and effective voice in the writing of a new Constitution for the State of Illinois. VOTE FOR JEFFREY R. LADD on NOVEMBER 18. endorsed by Chicago Tribune Chicago Today Better Government Association Waukegan News Sun THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CH A IN-O-LA KE S REGION SINCE 1875 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1969 SECTION 2, PAGE 1 month of May will have the group attending a professional baseball game. A visit to the disabled veterans at Great Lakes where a program will be presented has been planned for June. 1 The very ambitious program & outlined by the newly formed group will be coordinated by the two co-chairmen, William Pinkonsly, Sr., and Mrs. Ger trude Jessup, who were elect ed to pilot the group at the or ganizational meeting. Forty- nine members of the parish have already registered for the new phase of the church program. AN INTERESTING FACT TO KNOW. . . The average annual income in Arabia is $45 (yes, per year), 42 percent of the people have syphilis, 70 percent have tra choma, and life expectancy is 33 years.) County Girl Vies For State Sewing Honors Twenty-seven Illinois women and girls are district winners in the 1969 "Make It Your self With Wool" sewing com petition and will take part in the state finals Nov. 18 in Chi cago. Winners of three divisions of nine district contests will mod el their wool outfits in a fashion show during the Illinois Farm Bureau Women's conference in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Illinois Agricul tural association. Winners of the state contest will receive merchandise prizes. The competition is divided as follows: A junior division for girls from 14 to 16 years old; a senior division for 17 to 21 years old; and an adult di vision for those over 21. Purpose of the contest is three-fold: To focus attention on the beauty and versatility of American wool. To encour age girls to use this fabric in sewing their own smart fash ions. To offer young experts the opportunity to compete for valuable prizes and to win rec ognition for their sewing skills. Judging is based on the coor dination of fabric and design for the individual, and on the fashion merit, workmanship, and appearance of the garment. The state winners dMhejun ior and senior divisions will compete for the honor of rep resenting Illinois in the national wool sewing contest. The run ner-up will receive a sewing machine. The national contest will be held in Denver, Colo., Jan. 22, 1970. Top prizes will be trips to Europe for the national jun ior and senior division win ners. i District winners of the" Make It Yourself With Wool" con test include Roxanne Sword, Harvard, Senior division, Dis trict I. District Nurses Meeting Nov. 17 At Highland Park The 16th district Nurses as sociation will hold the next meeting on Nov. 17,at 7:30p.m. at the Highland Par* hospital. The program wi'.l consist of a panel discussion on "Car diac Care". The participants will be Dr. Wendel, chairman Cardiac Care committee, High land Park hospital; Mrs. Anita Earl, supervisor of Cardiac unit, Highland Park hospital; and a lawyer to discuss the le gal aspects in cardiac care management. idfeia THOMAS CARLSON CI M LAUDE GRAD -- Beloit follege awarded degrees re cently to ninety-six persons at its commencement program. A- mong graduates was Thomas Edward Carlson, son of Mrs. Walter Carlson of 3805 W. Mill- stream drive, McHenry, a his tory major, who received his degree cum laude. Rembrandt Exhibit Trip Set For Nov. 22 " R e m b r a n d t A f t e r 3 0 0 Years", an exhibit at the Chi cago Art Institute, will be re viewed by students and com munity citizens on Nov. 22 dur ing a trip sponsored by the Mc Henry County College Art club. Bus transportation from the campus to the Art Institute and back will be arranged by the Art club, according to Joseph Rybacek, advisor to the club and instructor of Humanities (Art). The trip will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. Pictured above, left to right arc Mr. and Mrs. William Pinkonsly, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jessup who were recently elected as co-chairmen 'or a newly formed fellowship group at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry. winter heating drains away! "water wheel" moisturizing action effectively humidifies up to 2500 square feet of living area! This is dependable, whole-house hu- midification, completely effective for the average 4-bedroom home. Vapor- All automatically keeps the air spring time fresh all winter long . . . makes your home more comfortable by restoring the necessary moisture to the air. There's no pump to worry about, and no noise, gurgles or direct drafts. This is truly the ideal answer to proper home humidification without expensive equipment, costly installation or tampering with your present heating system. $4095 new, deluxe 2-speed model 95 Both Units Feature: • Automatic humidistat Min neapolis-Honeywell • Automatic "shut-off", "refill" indicator light and water level gauge • Con tinuously revolving drum-filter for steady "water wheel" moisturizing action • Vertical air circulation with directional air control . .. no direct drafts • 8'/j gal. removable rust-proof reservoir • Beautiful vinyl trim resists stains and scratches . . . wipes clean with damp cloth. automatically puts back the A U T O M A T I C H U M I D I F I E R 3729 W. Elm McHenry 3854)722