plait* S"MR. DON'S"! 1 HR. CLEANERS $ We Are Open At 6:45 a.m. For The Early Birds and We Operate AM Day Saturday For Your Weekend Needs. 10% SAVINGS Visit our modern plant and see how our customers save 1^% on their dry- cleaning costs. W E F E A T U R E C O M P L E T E C L E A H i H G S E R V I C E S 1. Professional dry cleaning & pressing 2. Hulk Cleaning r -- < ^ WITH SANTA-APPROVED GIFT IDEAS Custom Electric Slicing Knife 8 from *149 5 i 3. Shirt Service 4. Alterations and reweaving 5. Suede and leather cleaning fi. Hats cleaned and blocked 7. Draperies 8. Knits--carefully restored to original size and style 9. Dyeing 8 10. Pillows--cleaned, fluffed, sanitized, deodorized and new ticking too. 11. Free storage with minimum 12. Furs--cleaned, glazed and cold storage 13. 1 urs--restyled and repaired iG.E. Portable | Stereo •J The "Wildcat" automatic sterec is solid Hate, fixed 0 speakers. Choice of green, tan or charcoal 8 from $4495 "WEST OK NATIONAL KOODSTOHK IN TIIK IIKAHT OK MillKNHV" 1207 N. 3rd McHenry 385-2011 I I I HOT WHEELS I TOYS FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES ^ Cordless g Automatic | Tooth I Brusi ? *189S G.E. Clock Radio g Auto Wake *!/£ 95 S to Music 1* * "If w G.E. Steam &| Dry Iron $1095a i a Can Opener- | ife Sharpenerl 81595 [Hairsetter for fast hair styles jjj Portable Hair Dryer | o„ f rom "22" i 8 -------------- | USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS 8 Mattel Headquarters in MeHenry l| i CAREY Appliance Inc. | -- 9 1 2 4 1 N . G r e e n P h . 3 8 5 - 5 5 0 0 8 I Toy & Juvenile Shop « w 3706 W. Elm (Across from National Tea) Ph. 385-2536 g GBEEN STREET MALL FREE GIFT WRAPPING WITH PURCHASE I S -4-