Wed., Dec. 3, 196? - Plaindealer - Sec. 2, Pg. 7 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been pre sented to the City Council of the City of McHenry for its passage and approval the fol lowing Ordinance: f. RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE MENTS OF THE CITY OF MC HENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE CON STRUCTION OF A CON NECTED SYSTEM OF SAN ITARY SEWERS, INCLUDING MANHOLES, STUBS AND ALL N E C E S S A R Y A P P U R T E N ANCES THERETO IN CERTAIN STREETS AND PROPERTIES LOCATED IN LAKELAND PARK SUBDIVISION, LAKE LAND SHORES SUBDIVISION, AND OTHER AVENUES, STREETS AND PRIVATE P L A C ES ADJACENT THERE TO IN THE CITY OF McHEN RY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILL INOIS, TO BE KNOWN AS, ••CITY OF McHENRY, LAKE LAND PARK AREA SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM". To the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, Ill inois. The undersigned, being mem bers of the Board of Local Im provements of the City of Mc Henry, McHenry County, Ill inois, heretofore duly appointed and now acting as members of said Board of Local Improve ments, herewith submit a draft of an ordinance for the con struction of a local improve ment consisting of a connect ed system of sanitary sewers, including manholes, stubs and all necessary appurtenances thereto, in the Lakeland Park Subdivision area and other streets, avenues, and private and public places adjacent thereto, to be known as the, "City of McHenry, Lakeland Park Area Sanitary Sewer Sys tem", in McHenry County, Ill inois. We also submit herewith an estimate of the cost thereof as prepared and certified by the President of the Board of Local Improvement and the En gineer for the City of McHen ry, Illinois. We recommend the passage of the ordinance, the making of said improvement, and the cost thereof to be paid for by spec ial assessment. Dated this 2nd day of July, 1969. President - Donald P. Doherty < O R D I N A N C E AN ORDINANCE PREPARED AND TRANSMITTED AND ITS PASSAGE RECOMMENDED BY THE BOARD OF LOCAL IM PROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PROVID- ; ING FOR A LOC AL IMPROVE- - MENT CONSISTING OF A CONNECTED SUSTEM OF SANITARY SEWERS, INCLUD ING MANHOLES, STUBS AND ALL NECESSARY APPURTEN ANCES THERETO IN CERTAIN STREETS AND PROPERTIES LOCATED IN LAKELAND PARK SUBDIVISION, LAKE LAND SHORES SUBDIVISION, AND OTHER AVENUES, STREETS AND PRIVATE PLACES ADJACENT THERE- . TO IN THE CITY OF McHENRY, - McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TO BE KNOWN AS, "CITY OF McHENRY, LAKELAND PARK AREA SANITARY SEWER SYS TEM", AND PROVIDING FURTHER FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS OF SUCH LOCAL IM PROVEMENT BY SPECIAL AS SESSMENT PAYABLE IN IN STALLMENTS AND PROVID ING FOR THE ANTICIPATION OF THE COLLECTION OF THE SECOND AND SUBSEQUENT ^ INSTALLMENTS OF SAID $ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BY ' THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: (a) That there be, and there is hereby laid out, located and established, a system of sanitary sewers and all necessary appurtenances, including route or routes and right-of-way therefor, for the purpose of conveying certain sanitary sewage of the City of" ^ McHenry, McHenry County, 111- % inois, to a trunk line, to, into and through the sewage dis posal plant and outlet provid ed therefor, and that for the pur poses aforesaid, the system of sanitary sewers and all nec essary appurtenances thereto, as hereinafter described, shall be constructed in the public streets and highways and in other places as hereinafter set forth. (b) That -said system of san itary sewers and appurtenances to be constructed pursuant to the terms and provision of this or dinance is and shall be known as "City of McHenry, Lakeland Park Area Sanitary Sewer Sys tem", and the said sewer sys tem is hereby located and shall be constructed in the public streets and highways and other places in said district as shown on the blue print plans, maps, profiles and detailed drawings consisting of 26 pages, attach ed hereto, and hereby adopted . by this ordinance. SECTION 2: The term "Dat um" as used herein refers to the datum plane. The words "grade" and "elevation" when ever used herein refer to the hieght above said datum plane. Where a grade of elevation is given in figures, such figures refer to the number of feet and decimal parts of a foot above said datum plane. For convenience in indicat ing distances along lines of the improvement of the plans, the total distance along each of the several sections of the im provements is divided into sta tions 100 feet apart. Each such station is numbered with a num ber corresponding numerically to the distance in hundreds of feet along the line of the im provement from the respective stations to a definitely fixed initial point designated as Sta tion O. Intermediate points be tween stations are indicated by numbers preceded by plus signs. Each such number cor responding numerically to the distance in feet along the line of the improvement from the indicated point to the last pre ceding station. Where such a plus sign and number are used in connection with and follow ing a given station to describe a location, the distance in feet as indicated by the number shall be added to the distance in hun dreds of feet as indicated by the station to give the total distance of a described location from Station O. Any such distance so indicated shall be measured along the center line of the sew er, and shall refer to a defin itely fixed point in said center line and to all points in a line drawn perpendicular to said center line through such def initely fixed point. Wherever the term "sewer line" is referred to herein, it shall mean a line coinciding with the longitudinal center line of the sewer. Wherever a distance in the direction of the length of a section of sewer is given here in, said distance shall be con strued to mean a distance meas ured along the center line of said sewer or its extension. The word "Street" shall be taken to include streets, ave nues, courts and places. Wherever distance between parallel lines is given herein, it shall be construed to mean a distance measured along a line perpendicular to such par allel lines given and unless otherwise specified where a distance between a point and a line is given herein, it shall be construed to mean a distance measured along a line perpen dicular to such given line. The construction of the pro posed improvement as herein set forth shall consist of the following: All sewers and stubs shall be constructed of the best quality vitrified clay pipe, or plastic sewer pipe of the size and at the locations shown on the plans and as provided in the specifica tions. Wherever the size of a sew er is referred to herein, it means the internal dia meter of such sewer in in ches. In constructing the vitrified clay, reinforced concrete or plastic sewers herein pro vided for, the sections of pipe shall be laid true to the line ahd grade shown on the ^ plans^with the spigot ends towards the outlet of the sew er. The pipe shall be laid and the joints made water tight in a manner provided in the specifications. "Y" junction fittings shall be provided in the sewer and 6-inch house drains shall be installed for each platted lot abutting the improvement. In constructing the sewers and stubs he re in provided, the sewer trenches shall be kept free from water and where necessary, the sides thereof secured in place by sheeting, or shoring. The manholes shall be of the kind, shape and size and shall be located as shown on the plans. Each manhole shall be placed and constructed cen trally over the center line of the sewer and in case of the center lines of sewers con necting or intersecting, then centrally over said con nection or intersection. All sewers shall be constructed with a watertight connection through the masonry walls of the manholes to an from which they are laid and all inlets and outlets in the man holes shall be flush with the inner surface of the walls of the manholes. Manholes shall be construct ed of highest quality brick masonry or concrete mason ry units or precast concrete ring sections laid in a mor tar bed composed of one part Portland Cement to three parts sand, by volume, based on dry material. Each manhole shall be fitted with a cast iron frame and cover and with manhold steps of the size, shape, kind and quality as shown in the plans and as provided in the spec ifications. All concrete used in connec tion with this improvement shall meet the requirements for Monolithic Concrete as specified. All trenches for sewers and stubs or excavations around structures shall be backfill ed with suitable earth up to the original surface of the ground except where trench backfill is required as shown on the plans. The backfill ing shall be done in such a manner so as to prevent af- ̂ tersettlement. After the backfilling has been com pleted as above specified, all surplus material, earth, rub bish and other debris shall be removed. After trenches and excava tions have been backfilled as heretofore specified, and the surplus material re moved, such portions there of which lie within the pub lic streets, and which have been destroyed, shall be re stored with suitable gravel base and 2 inches of bitum inous surface. All existing structures along the lines of the improvement, including water and gas Dioes, electric conduits, sewers and drains, poles carrying tele phone, telegraph, electric light and power lines, railroad tracks, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, fences, culverts or oth er structures of any kind met with during the prosecution of the work, shall be protected against damage resulting from the making of this improvement, and where damaged, all such structures shall be restored to as good a condition as that existing prior to the commence ment of this work. All sewers herein provided to be constructed shall be con nected to and shall discharge into manholes now constructed and shown on plans as existing manholes. That material furnished and used and the workmanship em ployed in the construction and installation of the sanitary sew ers, all appurtenances thereto, and other work herein provided for shall be of such quality and character as to insure the same to be free from all defects and in continuous good order and condition satisfactory to the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, ordinary wear and tear excepted, for a period of one (1) year from and after the date of the entry of the or der of confirmation upon the certificate of completion and acceptance by the Court having jurisdiction of the proceedings for said local improvement herein provided for. That for the purposes of said local im provement, the territory lying within the boundary hereinbe fore described and defined, is hereby formed into and hereby declared to be a sewer ex tension in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, to be known and designated as "City of McHenry, Lakeland Park Ar ea Sanitary Sewer System." That the owners and occu pants of all lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land lying within said District and whifch may be hereafter assessed for benefits/ in a special assessment pro ceeding to pay the cost and ex pense of said improvement shall at all times hereafter be en titled to the use and benefits of said local improvement and the right, power and privilege is hereby granted to the pre sent and future owners and oc cupants of such lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land to connect with said local im provement herein provided to be laid and constructed, by means of drains and other approved methods subject, however, to all ordinances of the City of Mc Henry, Illinois, now or hereaf ter in force, regulating the methods of such connections. SECTION 3: That the sewers and all necessary appurten ances thereto, herein and hereby provided for shall be constructed, maintained and op erated in, along, under and up on the public streets, public highways, and other places in this ordinance provided for, in accordance with the maps, plans, profiles and detailed drawings attached hereto, and the specifications consisting of a total of 38 pages, numbered 1-1 through 1-18, 2-1 through 2-3, and 89-1 through 89-9, and 95-1 through 95-8, inclus ive, the same including spec ial provisions of specifications, 2-1 through 2-3, 89-1 through 89-9, and 95-1 through 95-8. All of such plans and speci fications, including letters and figures shown thereon describ ing said improvementsv are hereby made a part of this ordinance as though said plans, specifications, lines, letters and figures were described and set forth herein. Where there appears to be a variance be tween the plans, specifications and descriptions in the ordin ance, the plans shall govern and the variance in the specifica tions and description in the or dinance shall be disregarded. The specification now on file with the City Clerk of the City of McHenry, which are hereby approved and adopted and to which reference is hereby had for greater certainty and the same are hereby made a part of this ordinance the same as though set forth herein. SECTION 4: That the recom mendation of the Board of Lo cal Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, providing for said im provement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof, made and certified to by the Mayor of the City of McHenry, Illinois, and the Engineer for the City of McHenry, Illinois, which said estimate is item ized to the satisfaction of said Board of Local Improvements, both of which are attached here to, be and the same are here by made a part of this ordin ance and are hereby approved. SECTION 5: That said local improvement herein provided for, be made ancNthe jadboJe cost and expense of the same including an amount of $69,- 574.38, said amount being not in excess of six per cent (6%) of the estimated cost of said local improvement as made and submitted by the Mayor of the City of McHenry, Illinois, and the Engineer for the City of McHenry, Illinois, which is hereby provided and shall be applied to pay the expense of making and levying the special assessment for this improve ment, the expense of letting and executing contracts pertaining to the same, the entire cost and expense attending the mak ing and return of the assess ment roll, and the necessary es timates, examinations, ad vertisements, including court costs, fees to person appointed to make assessment and all other costs of making and col lecting such assessment, shall be raised and paid for by spec ial assessment to be levied up on the property benefited there by in accordance with the pro visions of Division 1 and Di vision 2 of Article 9 of Chap ter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as amended. SECTION 6: That the aggre gate amount of assessments a- gainst all lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land lying with in the said District, and the assessment against said City of McHenry, as a public ben efit, if any, be divided into ten installments, as follows: That all of said installments shall be equal in amount, ex cept that all fractional amounts shall be added to the first installment, so as to leave the remaining install ments in the aggregate equal in amount and each a mul tiple of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. The first installment shall be due and payable on the 2nd day of January next after the date of the first voucher issued on account of work done, and the second installment shall be due one (1) year thereafter and so on, annually, until all install ments shall be paid. All in stallments shall bear inter est until paid at the rate of six per centum (6%) per an num. Interest on assessments shall begin to run from the date of the first voucher is sued on account of work done as aforesaid. The interest on each installment shall be payable as follows: On the second day of January next succeeding the date of the first voucher, aforesaid, the interest accruing up to that time on all unpaid install ments shall be due and pay able and be collected with the installments, and there after the interest of all un paid installments, shall be payable annually, and be due and payable at the same time as the installments ma turing in such year and be collected therewith. In all cases it shall be the duty of the municipal collector, as the case may be, whenever payment is made of any in stallment, to collect inter est thereon up to the date of such payment, whether such payment be made at or after maturity. SECTION 7: That for the pur pose of anticipating the col lection of the second and sub sequent installments of said Special Assessment, provided for hereinabove, the City of McHenry, Illinois, shall issue bonds payable out of said sec ond and subsequent install ments, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum, after the date there of, payable when the vouchers issue, and signed by the May or of said City, and attested Jjy the City Clerk of said City under the Corportate Seal of said City of McHenry, Illinois, said bonds to be issued in the sums of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each, of* some multi ple thereof, and shall be dat ed and draw interest from the date of the issuance of same, and the bonds shall be numbered consecutively beginning with number one upwards and shall be redeemable prior to matur ity in numerical order as here inafter provided, and each bond shall recite specifically that it is payable solely and only from the Special Assessment levied for the payment of the cost of the improvement des- ' ignated as, "City of McHenry, Lakeland Park Area Sanitary Sewer System." The principal of such bonds shall not exceed in the aggregate, the amount of such deferred payments or in stallments and each bond shall have attached to the interest coupons signed by the Mayor of said City and countersigned by the City Clerk of said City, or by facsimile signatures of the Mayor of said City and the Clerk of said City, whichever shall at the time of the is suance of said bonds be de cided upon. All steps and pro ceedings relative to the is suance of said bonds and in terest coupons shall be in ac cordance with the provisions of Division 1 and Division 2 of Article 9 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as amended; specifically, how ever, that the said bonds, shall be in the sum as provided in Chapter 24, Section 9-2-128, and the bonds authorized to be issued hereunder shall be is sued pursuant to and in ac cordance with Chapter 24, Sec tion 9-2-127 of the said Illin ois Revised Statutes, as amend ed. SECTION 8: The first install ment of the Special Assessment herein provided for shall be paid to the person or persons entitled thereto. If such install ment is not collected when pay ments fall due, voucher s there for shall be issued, payable out of the first installment when collected. Such vouchers shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum from the date thereof payable annu ally and shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City of McHenry. SECTION 9: The said local improvement shall be con structed under the manage ment, control and jurisdiction of the Board of Local Improve ments of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, or its duly authorized agents, su pervisors, or engineers, which shall cause the entire work to be done according to this or dinance, shall see that all mat erials are carefully inspected during the progress of the work, to the end that the contractor or contractors who may under take the construction of the lo cal improvement herein pro vided for shall comply fully and adequately with all of the provisions of this ordinance, the contract under which they shall operate, and the specifications provided herein, and that all materials used in the construc tion thereof shall be of the best quality and kind for the pur pose for which they shall be used and all work shall be per formed on said local improve ment in a substantial and work manlike manner. SECTION 10: That in all pro ceedings for making, levying and collecting said special as sessment, herein provided for, and each and every installment thereof and for letting of the contract for said local improve ment and the payment for the work and material, all, each and every act, practice and pro cedure shall accord with and be governed by Division 1 and Division 2 of Article 9 of Chap ter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, as amended. SECTION 11: That the Cor poration Counsel for said City of McHenry, Illinois, be and he is hereby directed to file a pe tition in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, in the name of the City of McHenry, Illin ois, praying steps be taken for the levying of a Special As sessment for the local improve ment provided for herein in ac cordance with the provisions of this ordinance and in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 12: That all ordin ances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions herein, be and the same are hereby expressly repealed so far as such conflict exists. SECTION 13: This ordinance passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Mc Henry, Illinois, on the day of , 1969. ATTEST: City Clerk Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: March 10, 1969 Board of Local Improvements City of McHenry McHenry, Illinois 1,827 lin. ft. $6.00 $10,962.00 15,623 lin. ft. 6.50 101,549.50 16,344 lin. ft. 7.00 114,408.00 12,329 lin. ft. 8.00 98,632.00 3,594 lin. ft. 10.00 35,940.00 191 lin. ft. 12.00 2,292.00 238 lin. ft. 15.00 3,570.00 6 - 8 ' 8 -10* 792 lin. ft. 160 lin. ft. 3. Twelve-inch vitrified clay pipe complete in place, at depths as follows: 4 - 6' 6 - 8» 8 -10' 10 -12* 56 lin. ft. 678 lin. ft. 1,571 lin. ft. 960 lin. ft. 4. Fifteen-inch reinforced con crete sewer pipe, complete in place at depths as follows: 4 - 6» 6 - 8 * 8 -10' 10 -12' 12 -14' 14 -16» 16 -18' 308 lin. ft. 139 lin. ft. 235 lin. ft. 320 lin. ft. 328 lin. ft. 271 lin. ft. 242 lin. ft. 5. Eighteen-inch reinforced con crete sewer pipe, complete in place at depths as follows: 8 - 10' 10 - 12' 1,830 lin. ft. 81 lin. ft. 6. Twenty-one inch reinforced con crete sewer pipe, complete in place at depths as follows: 6 - 8» 352 lin. ft. 8 - 10' 795 lin. ft. 10- 12' 1,763 lin. ft. 12- 14' 53 Ho. ft. 14- 16' 68 lin. ft. 16- 18' 30 lin. ft. 7. Manholes, complete in place, including frames, c^yers, and steps, but not including timber pilings or special bedding, at depths as follows: 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 0 - 4 - 6 - 8 10 12 - 14* 14 - 16' 16 - 18' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 9 each 57 each 66 each 72 each 26 each 3 each 3 each 4 each 8. Manholes requiring special construction, additional cost to be added to each manhole for timber piling or bedding 79 each 9. Spec id i Deciding for sewer pipe, complete in place in ac cordance with the specifications Timber planking or coarse stone for sewer sizes through 12-inch 13,062 lin. ft. $300.00 325.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 750.00 900.00 300.0 $ 2,700.00 18,525.00 23,100.00 28.800.00 13,000.00 1,800.00 2,250.00 3,600.00 23,700.00 Timber planking or coarse stone bedding for sewer sizes 15-inch through 21-inch 4,332 lin. ft. Over-excavation and re placement with granular material 4.543 ?u. yds 10. House service wyes, complete in place, including all labor and materials, in sizes as follows: 4.00 4.00 $ 6,336.00 1,440.00 $ 448.00 6,102.00 15,710.00 11,520.00 $ 3,080.00 1,529.00 2,820.00 4,800.00 5,904.00 6,504.00 7,260.00 $27,450.00 1,458.00 6,336.00 15,900.00 38,786.00 1,325.00 2,040.00 1,050.00 8 x 6" 10 x 6" 12 x 6" 15 x 6" 18 x 6" 21 x 6" 1,125 each 14 each 69 each 26 each 35 each 47 each 11. Ouside drop connection, in cluding concrete encasement, complete in place, in sizes as follows: 8-inch i2-inch 110 lin. ft. 3 lin. ft. 12. Six-inch (6") vitrified clay pipe house service, complete in place, but not including restoration: 31,833 lin. ft. 13 Six-inch (6") vitrified clay riser pipe, complete in place: 633 lin. ft. 14. Relocate water main in ac cordance with the specifica tions, complete in place in cluding labor and materials 10.00 12.50 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 $40.00 50.00 4.00 5.00 17,328.00 18,172.00 11.250.00 175.00 1,035.00 520.00 875.00 1,410.00 $ 4,400.00 150.00 127,332.00 3,165.00 4-inch 6-inch 8-inch 50 lin. ft. 10 lin. ft. 10 lin. ft. 20.00 25.00 30.00 Re: Sanitary Sewers in Lakeland Park and Lakland Shores I herewith submit an estimate of the cost of constructing sanitary sewers in the various streets located within Lakeland Park (Units 1, 2, 3 and 4) and Lakeland Shores (Units 1, 2, and 3) subdivisions in the City of McHenry, Illinois, including manholes, house service connections, special foundations, surface restora tion and all other work necessary and incidental thereto, all as shown and described by the accompanying plans and specifica tions. f The estimate of cost is as follows: Item Unit No. Item Price Amount, NOTE: Unit prices for pipe in place shall iticlude excavation and backfill in accordance with the specifications, but shall not include pavement removal, water main relo cation or pavement replacement. 1. Eight-inch (8") vitrified clay pipe, complete in place, at depths as follows: 0 - 4 4 - 6' 6 - 8 ' 8 - 10' 10 - 12' 12 - 14' 14 - 16' 2. Ten-inch (10") vitrified clay pipe, complete in place, at depths as follows: 15. Seeding, complete in place in accordance with the speci fications, including all labor and materials 47,070 sq. yds. 16. Removal and replacement of street surfaces of the type indicated as follows: Gravel Road 517 sq. yds. L.T.B. Pave ment 12,375 sq. yds 17. Removal and replacement of driveway surfaces of the ype indicated as follows: Gravel Driveway 1,745 sq. yds L.T.B. Driveway 367 sq. yds. H.T.B. Driveway 288 sq. yds P.C.C. Driveway 160 sq. yds. 18. Sidewalk removal and replacement in accord ance with the speci fications: 26 sq. yds 19. Temporary gravel base course, complete in place, in ac cordance with the specifi cations, including all labor and materials: 15,970 sq. yds. 20. Illinois Route 120 highway crossing, complete in place, as shown on the plans and in accordance with the specifications, including all labor and materials for both liner and sewer pipes, per lineal foot: 53 lin. ft. 0.60 4.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 20.00 12.00 4.50 1,000.00 250.00 300.00 28,242.00 2,068.00 61,875.00 6,980.00 1,835.00 2,304.00 3,200.00 312.00 n,865.00 120.00 6,360.00 Total Cost of Labor and Materials Engineering Cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment and all lawful expenses attending same, as provided by law, not to exceed six (6) per cent Total $1,049,033.50 100,491.55 $1,149,524.55 S 68,971.47 $1,218,496.02 I hereby certify that, in my opinion, the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the proposed improvements and the lawful expenses attending the same as provided by law. President, Board of Local Improvements Dated this 2nd day of July, 1969. The City Council will consider the adoption and passage of the above Ordinance at its regular meeting in the Municipal Building of the City of McHenry on Monday, the 15th day of De cember, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. All those wishing to be heard in the matter may be present if they so desire. Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk, City of McHenry, Illinois. Tips from a Pro NATIONAL TRUCK DRIVER OF THE YEAR Frederick J. Marsh ft. 0 2.50 32,655.00 IS COMTAMOOS 1"