I L A - f N D E A L E R STt»LlNG SILV£* silver platc ^ATINUM • CO^^" brass * GOLD 1 §fl - 11 \ J \ 1 % « 1 CH 1 > v m i l i Select Your Christmas Gilts from. • • CHRISTMAS TOYS 1 0 % " LIMITED TIME OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 6TH ^VASthr. >k H' REGULAR PRICE :| PLANNED FIRE FIGHT -- An unoccupied house owned by Richard Adams on the south side of Rt. 120, east of the river, was intentionally destroyed by local firemen last Sunday to make way for a new parking lot. In the picture di- rectly above, firemen of all three companies are shown making their way into the building to conduct smoke, ladder and hose drills. When this was completed, they continued the intended work of destroying the building. Here and There in Business Firms Join , Fight Against Air Pollution Commonwealth Edison com pany has announced that it has joined with fifteen other elec tric power companies in con tributing financial support to a program aimed at developing an advanced air pollution control system. . The joint $7 million program of Babcock & Wilcox company and Esso Research and Engin eering company has the goal of producing a commercial sys tem to eliminate 99 per cent of solid pollutants and 90 per cent of the gaseous sulfur oxides from power plant boiler ex hausts. A B&VV-Esso Research group has been studying and evalu ating the process for more than two years, and more than $2 million has already been invested toward the objective of developing a commercially available unit by 1973. Plans call for recovering sulfur di oxide in the form of' market able sulfuric acid to partially offset costs of the system. L ~NDS B This man has everything 7n0fenr„ ^Plaijealer Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday 4 Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund - Publisher Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER \ w i p m i / NMM IPEfll AUocItthxi - Founded 1985 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $7.50 1 Year . .$9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County Something New TARN-X Introductory so 00 Offer mw bottle DAB& RINSE TARNISH IS AGENCY SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR CHRISTMAS LAYAWAYS SMOKERS SPECIALS Pipes S150OFF Tampa Smokers SJI9 ON ANY PURCHASE OVER 5.00 50% OFF WEBER ft REISCO PIPES IN STOCK Need auto insurance? He's got it. Want to insure your home? Your life? Your health? Your car? He's the man to see for low cost State Farm insurance. See him soon. JOE PODPORA 1212 N. Green McHenry Phone 385-4080 State Farm is all you need to know about insurance. MMCCS McHenry Most Complete Cosmetic Selection Early Bird Special Household Gifts • STEAMSET • VEGEMATIC • ELECTRIC SCISSORS Nationally Advertised Products NOW ON DISPLAYl 15°/c O OFF ON ALL PURCHASES MADE BEFORE NOON MON. THRU FRI., DEC. 1st - DEC. 5th 10%°» ON ANY PURCHASE FROM OUR BALMAIN LANVIN MYRURGIA REPLIi CHANEL DUBARRY COTY DOROTHY GREY RUBENSTEIN MAX FACTOR REVLON TUSSY JEAN NATE D* ALBERT SHULTON Liquor Dept. Expires Dec. 5th. S T A T E F A R M I N S U R A N C I STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES (LOOMINCTON. ILLINOIS UE FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE TRU-VALUE PHARMACY *NWP (NYE'S WONDER PRICES) 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHenry McCLORY REPORTS From Washington WED. DEC. 3,196V- PLAINDEALER - PG. 4 olutionary by many who now move about the halls of Con gress. Divided into four broad ti tles, the 143 page bill aims (a) to improve the committee system, (b) establish orderly and more stringent fiscal con trols, (c) increase sources of information available to the Congress and (d) acknowledges benefits to be derived from computer technology and other ancillary Congressional ser vices. ^ Under the proposal, House and Senate Committees would be organized on a more democra tic basis with increased au thority in individual members and expanded prerogatives for minority members. The bill would require that most com mittee meetings be open to the public and would permit the tel evising and radio broadcasting of committee hearings, as well as proceedings in the Chamber of the House of Representa tives under appropriate control of the House leadership. The measure provides essen tial Congressional budgetary control to the end that mean ingful fiscal data and cost ef fectiveness analyses, as well as five-year cost projections would be available to the Con gress. The bill provides also that the federal fiscal year should coincide with the cal endar year, and would author ize the Comptroller General to serve as an effective agent of the Congress. ' The proposal would require periodic reviews of the pro life rating grant-in-aid programs with reports to be made to the Congress. Sources of vital information would be greatly increased un der the Reorganization bill. An alyses of all legislative pro posals would be available through the Library of Con gress. The measure would grant to Minority committee mem bers the inherent right to in- i dependent staff facilities. This part of the bill would also au thorize the employment of con sultants and research spec ialists by House committees, and provide special training programs for House Commit tee staffs. Under the general descrip tion of Congress as an Insti tution, the measure would au thorize establishment of a bi partisan committee on legis lative data processing to enable the Congress and its Commit tees to utilize the benefits of modern computer technology. This special service would cre ate a vast reservoir of infor mation so that Members of the House and Senate,,as the leg islative dec is ion-makers, might act with greater accur acy and on the basis of the most current information. Many other subjects, includ ing the installation of an elec tronic roll call device, the ab olition of the much-criticized "seniority system", and elim ination of other remnants of the 19th century may be proposed as further amendments. Indeed, many additional changes would be highly desirable. However, it should be stated with all can dor that the broad changes con tained in the proposed Legis lative Reorganization Act of 1970 will in themselves be dif ficult to achieve. The law-making process of the world's oldest deliberative body moves on -- slowly. POLITICAL CORNER NAMED TO BOARD Lewis Belshaw of Wonder Lake was named at the last township board meeting to All the vacancy, as auditor, created when William "Curly** Mar- tinec left the state. The snail's pace at which the Congress of the United States has handled the nation's legis lative business may be accel erated very little by the pro posed Legislative Reorgani zation Act of 1970. This legislative draft, de signed to modernize and up date operations of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, is the product of a Special Committee headed by Representative B.F. Sisk of Florida. While the Committee's rec ommendations are quite mod est, they undoubtedly reflect the fear that any radical and dramatic improvements would meet stiff resistance on Cap itol Hill. Veteran congressmen give tacit obeisance to pres ervation of the status quo and, revere such shibboleths as "tradition" and "parliamen tary precedents." In the light of these attitudes, the draft bill may be regarded as quite rev- PLAINDEALER PHOTOS