Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1969, p. 7

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/ TJke Worry Cli inic Bobby's unhappiness>s soon to be remedied. But 7 kiddies have been made miserable just be­ cause 2 husbands failed to play the game of marriage according to the rule book! There are 1 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 h a l f - o r p h a n e d youngsters in the U.S.A., be­ cause married couples have ig­ nored the basic rules of the game. So send for the "Rat­ ing Scales" below! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE L-579: Bobby D., aged 6, has 2 little sisters. "Dr. Crane," he greeted me excitedly, "Pm going to get a new daddy soon. "He plays ball with me, too, and takes us to the zoo and showed me how to ice skate. "And it is time we had an­ other man in the house!" CHILD TRAGEDIES Bobby lives with his 2 sis­ ters, plus his mother and his grandmother, so he has been in an all-feminine home situation. His daddy married his mother when she was only 19 and a scat­ terbrained girl. But neither was mature enough to establish a good home. So his daddy started drinking and seldom could keep a steady job. He finally was sentenced to prison for robbery, leaving Bobby's mother to care for the children by welfare aid. She is now only 26 and emo­ tionally geared to an 18-year- old outlook. But she met a divorced man who is 32, and with 4 kiddies. His alimony and child support payments have held up the re­ marriage, but now it is sched­ uled for next week. This new daddy for Bobby is really a reliable, hard work­ ing fellow with a fondness for children. He started out life planning to be a priest, but he fell in love with a high school class­ mate and eloped. They might have made a suc­ cess of their marriage except he was carrying two jobs in order to finance all the modern luxuries, such as color tele­ vision, etc. As a result, he left his young bride alone too much and she finally met a man in the neigh­ borhood who spent a lot ot time with her, just talking and later showering her with affection. So she filed suit -for divorce. "Dr. Crane," her ex-hus­ band admitted, "I'll confess it was largely my fault. "For I tried to show her my love by means of house­ hold appliances and all the other modern conveniences. "As a result, I didn't have time to sit around and indulge in chitchat or go to a drive- in movie. "For I worked 8 hours a day at the office and then had a moonlighting job that kept me away from home till almost midnight. , "Now that I have learned my lesson, I am trying to be a good father to Bobby and his little sisters, since I don't get to see my own 4 children very often. "So please tell the husbands of America to wake up before it is too late. "You have often warned us that women want words! "Gifts and household conven­ iences are important but the guy who can palaver and pay her daily compliments usually runs circles around the duti­ ful husband who is tongue-tied. "If I had omitted that moon­ lighting job and had spent those extra hours with my first wife and my 4 children, I wouldn't be divorced at present. "So I have had to learn the hard way. Urge other young husbands to profit from my mis­ takes." Men, send for my 200-point "Tests for Husband and Wife," enclosing a long stamped, re­ turn envelope, plus 20 cents, and avoid divorce! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclos­ ing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cov­ er typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) For And About Teenagers THE LETTER; "1 have a problem. I'm 15, almost 16 and my parents won't let me go out with boys. I know what to do and what not to do. Also, I always go out In groups and don't be- live in going to the drive-in movie with boys. My mother lets them call but says that's the extent of things. I know they mean it for my own good. I hate having to sneak behind their backs, but how can I convince them I'm mature enough?" OUR REPLY: If you are mature at all, you will realize that you could never convince them by doing things behind their back. This is the surest way to convince them that you cannot be trusted. The only way to successfully get into the dating game is to cooperate with your parents. Let them know that you expect your dating to be supervised; that you want them to approve of the boys you date and the places you go; that you are willing to observe a "be-home" time they establish. Coopera­ tion with your parents; under- standing the responsibilities they share--such is necessary for all concerned. (arj by Illinois State Ftr Association July 1, 1971, New Deadline For Vietnam Service Bonus Servicemen from Illinois who serve in Vietnam and who by law are eligible to receive the state's $100 veteran's bonus now have until July 1, 1971 to apply for the compensation, ac­ cording to the Illinois State Bar association. The ISBA said the original cut-off date for filing claims under the state's Vietnam Vet­ erans Compensation Act was July 1, 1970. This was ex­ tended for another year by a bill passed by the state legislature during its recent session and since approved by Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie. Under the law, widows or oth­ er survivors of deceased Ill­ inois residents whose deaths were "connected with and re­ sulted from" their military service in Vietnam are eligible for $1,000 compensatory pay­ ment but are eligible for the $100 bonus, if this has not al­ ready been paid. f To be^ eligible for the $100 bonus or for his survivors to be eligible for that bonus or other compensation, the ser­ viceman must meet all of the following qualifications: (1) Have been an Illinois resident for at least 12 months immed­ iately preceding the time he entered the armed forces; (2) Still be in active service or in a reserve or retired status or be honorably separated or dicharged from service, and (3) Have served in Vietnam after "My problem is my age and parents. I am fourteen and the boy I like is sixteen. He likes me, too. His age doesn't scare me. It's my mom. She's funny when it comes to boys. I think Jan. 1, 1961, and have receiv­ ed the Viet Nam Service Med­ al or Vietnam Expeditionary Medal. The ISBA said the widow or widower of a deceased Viet­ nam veteran would have the first right to compensation under the Act. Other survivors who might qualify if the compensation as provided by the law is not col­ lected by a spouse would be the deceased veteran's chil­ dren, his parents or former guardians, and his brothers and sisters, in the order named. Presently, all claims for compensation must be filed with the Illinois Veterans Com­ mission (221 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, 111. 62702) by the July 1, 1971 deadline. In the case of compensation payable to a survivor the law provides that if the person ordinarily most qualified fails to file a proper claim before the deadline, suc­ ceeding beneficiaries who have filed proper claims before the deadline may qualify for the compensation. Earlier this year, the legis­ lature passed and the governor signed an emergency appropri­ ation to the Veterans Com­ mission of $1,000,000 for pay­ ment to veterans of Vietnam or their next of kin. Observe the Holiday Season by attending the Church of Your Choice I i Early Shoppers save more during our great BONUS GIFT FAIR! M CH MIJ M«rt«t Ptoct 7, spurgeons N ^ ;xx .v. Anyone Can Play The Magnus Chord Organ In 60 Seconds . . . without a lesson! Here's a truly "forever" gift to enrich the life of a whole family. Come see! Magnus Chord Organ Outfit 37 keys, 12 chord but tons, switch, legs, rack, O Ii95 bench, books! Mahogany finish polystyrene. Complete Magnus Deluxe Console Organ 37 keys, 12 chord but­ tons, rack, book. Hand r A95 volume control, light, off/on switch. 32" high Walnut finish case. mom$n SANK CAROSj WELCOME HERE I'm old enough, but she doesn't. All my cousins go with boys and they think I should too. What should I do? Wait until I'm fifteen or sixteen? I tell my mom it's a different generation, but she doesn't listen. All my friends go with boys, but not me. Please give me advice. Thank you." O U R R E P L Y : T h e g e n e r a ­ tion is different in some re­ spects. It is true that teenagers are dating at a younger age in this "modern" society of ours. But, you must remember that, even in grandma's age, there were a few girls who were dating as early as they pleased --and there were many, many more who did not date until their upper teens--even then dating only under careful pa­ rental supervision. It is simple truth that parents who care supervise the activities of their children. When a girl begins dating, she should date boys her own age. Two years is a b i g d i f f e r e n c e w h e n t a l k i n g about a sixteen year old boy and a fourteen year old boy. It is not so bad to have a two- year difference when the girl is sixteen or older. "I have a problem, i am 16 years old and I have been going with this boy. He is 21. About six months ago, we moved. He came to our house several times. Then, all at once, he stopped What shall I do? I love him. I want to marry him. But all my friends say to drop him. What shall I do? I am desperate. ̂ OUR REPLY: Take the ad­ vice of your friends and forget him. At 21 years Of age, he is probably not a boy any more. Don't waste your time on him, or any other older "boys." There are plenty of boys around who are nearer your own age. You'll do much better to stay within your own age group. The young girl wr^o becomes involved with "boys" several years her senior is usually a "loser" and winds up with nothing more than memories--and sometimes these memories are not ail good ones. A girl in her mid- teens is unwise to date "boys" no longer in their teens. She is really foolish if she chases after them. WED., DEC. 3/1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 7 California now boasts 7 mil- The normal human body is lion people, and 4 million cars. 7^ times the length of the head. r i i i Sardines are descaled be­ fore they are canned. These scales are used to make arti­ f i c i a l p e a r l s , c o s m e t i c s , lacquers apd many other products. Who Am I? HELLO, THERE . . . Pretty Debbie O'Brien is all ears as she poses behind a giant elephant ear leaf in the park at Florida's Silver Springs. The sub-tropic plant whose scientific name is Colo Cassia is one of several hundred found on the grounds. ftitirrHtbr Soak $t &tati0nrr»^_ By Clarice Anders Born in Germantbwn, Pa., I am an American novelist and writer of children's boops. Among my friends were Emerson and Thoreau. In some of my stories is recorded impatience with most of my father's ideas. I was a warmhearted girl and started early to help support the family. After contemplating a stage career and writing several melodramas turned to writing poetry. In 1860 poems and short stories began appearing in Atlantic Monthly, my first book, Flower Fables," being published in 1854. The most successful of books published was "Little Women," which came out in 1868. The sales were fantastic, both here and abroad. Later came such books as "An Old Fashioned Girl," "Little Men," and "Eight Cousins." Generations of young people have enjoyed my stories. I consider myself more ofa moralist than an artist in the field of literature, combining high ideals with the practical in family living. (a)BDTpuXs ajnieaj eipeo.iv Aq pajnqjjjsra) "8881 uj pajjnoao }}OOIV Abw esinoq jo ineap aqx H3AVSNV HEADQUARTERS IN McHENRY * Favors * Hats * Seasonal Parties •Children's & Adult Games * Accessories BOOKS Hardcover and Paperback OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY Gibson Greeting Cards 1323 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY PH. (815) 385-7140 NEALE R. SKORBERG 31 Years ago, Skorberg's Furniture Store was founded on the corner of N. 4th Street and" Lincoln Highway in DeKalb, III. About ten years ago we opened a new store in Ottawa^ III. . . since that time we've opened stores in Crystal Lake, III; Naperville, III; Mundelein-Liberty-- ville, III; Elgin, III; and a newer, finer store in DeKalb, III; and now a beautiful new store in Joliet, III. and are newest store in Aurora III; And now we expanaed the Crystal Lake store to 35,000 Square Feet devoted to displaying home furnishings. Skorberg's features world-famous brand name furniture carpets, and bedding . . . Skoiterp. -fwinitlvus THE BUSIEST AND FASTEST GROWING GROUP IN THE MIDWEST! WE INVITE YOU TO ATTEND OUR GALA ART PECK BILL SCHNEIDER BRAND BPENIN8 \ ! ' " I « ' OF OUR NEWLY ENLARGED CRYSTAL LAKE STORE 5618 NORTHWEST - HIGHWAY RTE. 14 THUR. FRI. SAT. DEC. 4TH 5TH AND 6TH 1969 LJ.. WWW DOORS OPEN 9 A.M. SHARP! 40,000 SQUARE FEET OF FURNITURE CARPETING - REDOING DOORS REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. -OPEN 9 to 9 WEEKDAYS-OPEN SATURDAY 9 to 5-CLOSED SUNDAY- SKORBERG'S POLICY --Selling Brand Name Furniture--Satisfaction Guaranteed--Free Parking--Free Delivery-- mm REG! OUR GIFT TO YOU THE PERFECT GIFT IDEA ! Yours Free with a purchase of $199 or more Only $2.49 with $149 or more Only $4i99 with $99 or virnu OVER *800 IN DOOR PRIZES-FOR YOU! iw A Lovely Decorated Calender Plate Just For Coming In! trSS. W: Maple Tabic and 4 Chan, by Au fed'pread IvX••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i I vvi- ITi?5' Ru» &,dUcZ, II ADDRESS 1 CITY STATE PHONE. »K PtM* Tk« CMfM I* ki la Tb* Itwi. I. Shorberas D E K A l B C R Y S T A L L A K E S H O P T H E S E 8 G R E A T S K O R B E R G S T O R E S O T T A W A N A P E R V I L L E M U N D E L E I N E L G I N J O L I E T A U R O R A

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