Hospitals State Planning Views (Continued from page 1) well as the hospital in McHen- * ry, is too small for a major £ hospital development. Further, ; the board suggested that such * planning be limited to the gee s' graphic boundaries of McHenry county and should exclude ar- f eas in Lake and Cook counties. "In taking this position, the * council's board of directors I have directly tied any future endorsement of a hospital pro ject to be set up in McHenry , county to the condition that these three groups plan to- !- gether for any such develop- * ment in the future. * "The council's board of di- % rectors has recognized that it * takes a minimum of five years I to develop a hospital project § and that such a condition should * not be considered unreasonable by any of the three organiza- jj» tions. "If you or your board care r to discuss this condition fur- s. ther, we shall be glad to sched- C ule a site visit to your com- £• munity". * Signed: Hiram Sibley, execu tive director, Hospital Planning Council for Metropolitan Chi cago. 2) Letter from the Depart ment of Public Health, State of Illinois, July 8, 1969, to the Crystal Lake Hospital associa tion. "The presence of represen tatives of the Crystal Lake Hos pital association at the June 25 meeting of the Hospital Licens ing board was appreciated. In terest expressed by your group was obvious and is commend able. "The final recommendation of the Hospital Licensing board regarding the establishment of a hospital in the Crystal Lake, Cary-Grove, Barrington area to the Department of Public Health, was that adequate com munity support of the area to be served was not sufficient at \ this time for the granting of an initial permit to establish a hospital. Embodied in this recommendation was the fact that adequate financial re sources could not be provided without unified community sup port. "The Department of Public Health requests that additional efforts be made by the Crystal Lake Hospital association to collaborate with the Memorial Hospital of McHenry County and the McHenry hospital and possibly other groups in the area in formulating plans to establish an area hospital. It is our experiert& that the suc cessful operotto»»-of a hospital is primarily dependent pb the needs of the community and the support of all citizens in the area that is to be served by the hospital. "The department is im pressed with the dedication and sincerity of your group and we will be most happy to as sist in the further deliberations concerning the establishment of a hospital." Signed: Franklin D. Yoder, M.D., Director of Public Health. 3) Letter from Hospital Plan ning Council for Metropolitan Chicago, Sept. 15 to A1 Roth, city manager, Crystal Lake. "The position of the Hos pital Planning Council of Met ropolitan Chicago relative to hospitals in the McHenry and nearby counties is as follows: 1. It is our belief that there should be a regional hospital to serve the highly populated area of McHenry county, and that the hospital should be lo cated at a convenient site in the triangle established by Crystal Lake, McHenry and Woodstock. We have urged the Crystal Lake , Hospital association, McHenry hospital, and Memorial Hospi tal for McHenry County in Woodstock to direct their plans towards such a development and to limit any current or fu- • ture expansion programs at their existing sites. It is my personal hope that such a re gional hospital might be co ordinated with the McHenry Junior college so that there could be a real marriage of the health and education on the campus. This is a dream I have had in mind for at least twen ty years, and McHenry county seems to be the first place where such a dream looks like a possibility. 2. There should be a hos pital conveniently located be-- tween Barrington and Lake Zur ich to serve the area eaStofthe Fox River. Such towns as Al gonquin and Wauconda should be asked to join in such a de velopment. At present, the nearest hospital is in Arling ton Heights, and I have discussed with the governing board of that hospital whether they would be willing to assist in the de velopment of a hospital in the Barrington- Lake Zurich ar ea. They have expressed their enthusiasm for such a develop ment and have offered to give assistance. , "It is the Opinion of the Hos pital Planning Council of Met ropolitan Chicago that no hos pital should be built in Cary, or near to Cary. The popula tion and industrial and com mercial activities in this area are too limited to support a hospital, in view of the pro posals for hospitals in nearby McHenry and Lake counties. The people in Cary have a choice of Joining with the group in the McHenry area or in the Bar- rington-Lake Zurich area." Signed: Hiram Sibley, Execu tive Director. 4) Letter from the Depart ment of Public Health, State of Illinois, October 2, 1969, to McHenry Hospital. "At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hospital Licens ing board on Oct. 15, 1969, initial plans for the establish ment of a hospital jointly spon sored by the McHenry hospital, Memorial Hospital for McHen ry County, and the Crystal Lake Hospital association were con sidered. "The board was favorably impressed with the information presented by the represen tatives of the McHenry hospital, Crystal Lake Hospital associa tion, and McHenry County Med ical society. Equally impres sive was the amount and con tent of correspondence con cerning this project including the resolution to establish a hospital and the information presented in person by the rep resentatives of involved organ izations. Their impression was that the initial plans presented for establishment of this hos pital appear to be approvable and they urge you to continue development of this project. "The Department of Public Health accepts and supports the favorable impressions of the Hospital Licensing board and stands ready to assist you in the further development of your plans". Signed: R.F. Sondag, M.D., M.P.H., Chief, Division of Health Care Facilities and Chronic Illness "We believe that the intitial endeavors of the Hospital as sociations have been to comply with these recommendations in the health interests of the cit izens of this county to coor dinate our planning and obtain^ a hospital site located at the center of population, serviced by a network of major roads, practical and adequate for the building of a health complex comprising not only a hospital, but a cluster of all health a- gencies, and yet within a rea sonable {ravel distance from all the Cbmrtiunities within the health service area. "To ensure that such planning will be at the highest possible level, Gordon A. Friesen In ternational, Inc., nationally recognized for its leadership in the health care consulting profession, has been retainied by the three,hospital associa tions to study and make their recommendations for all new construction and operating sys tems which are required to provide optimal delivery of health care for the McHenry county area during the next twenty years. "This is an obligation we in the health field have to the cit izens of McHenry county, nor is it a responsibility we shall shirk from. "Why do we advocate a close relationship between the col lege and the hospital? The an swer is very simple - (1) be cause the health field repre sents the third largest industry in the nation in terms of man power requirements (2) because this is a concept endorsed and recommended by the American Association of Junior Colleges, the State of Illinois Board of Higher Education, and the De partment of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C., and the American Hospital As sociation. "This concept, proposed on a national level, is a remedy that properly developed, can contribute significantly toward reducing the health, manpower shortage, a shortage so grave as evidenced by the recent re port of the National Advisory Commission on Health Man power that an attack on many fronts is urgently advocated. No only advocated, but support ed financially to the extent that as an interim measure, in the state of Illinois, the 76th Gen eral Assembly through House Bill 2899 appropriated 1.9 mil lion dollars for disbursement to educational institutions for pro grams in the health fields in the fiscal year 1970. "As described in a Health Journal: "The emerging junior or community colleges represent an ideal partnership for hospi tals. One estimate states that a new junior college is being created on an average of one every week. Many of these de veloping colleges plan curricu la in the health occupations and are searching for clinical af filiations. Other colleges which do not plan health curricula should be encouraged to do so. Community hospitals must take the initiative in the develop ment of junior college programs in the health occupations, and they must make sure that these are relevant and quality pro grams. Junior colleges are re sponsible to community needs, and community health man power needs will be considered only if community hospitals make those needs known. "As community hospitals be come affiliated with junior and baccalaureate colleges, joint educational planning must take place. In partnership, the com munity colleges and hospitals can embark on educational pro grams that defy tradition. New levels of health personnel can be prepared. New approaches to learning can take place. Abbre viated and core curricula can be initiated. Education of the health team can be demonstrat ed. Supervised programs al lowing allied health personnel more responsibility for patient care can be tested. Model pro grams of career mobility al lowing for past experience can be implemented. These are in novative programs to which many give lip Service, but as yet are far from a reality. The colleges themselves cannot in itiate these programs for they need clinical / staff to assist them. They need a setting where ideas can be tested and imple mented and/ an environment where innovation is welcomed and encouraged. These are needs that community hospitals % Regal gift ties for the men in your life. A man never has too many ties, and you can be suro that Regal ties will be appreciated. See our beautiful Christmas selection of the newest colors and patterns. WHITE'S 1214 N. Green MFNS shop Ph. 385-0019 HOURS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 9 ^^^^^Saturda^^^unda^^l HEN STREET MALL can satisfy." "We insist that the health manpower shortage can be ap preciably reduced if at leasts five steps are taken simultan eously: (1) The total health manpower pool must be in creased; (2) health personnel must be educated and used more efficiently; (3) research on the delivery of health care must be implemented; (4) new levels of health personnel must be developed and critically tested; and (5) the health occupations must be made friore attractive. "These steps require four essential resources: (1) The raw material - namely, stu dents; (2) educational facilities; (3) clinical facilities; and, (4) qualified and motivated faculty. Unless these four resources are available, all else is futile. "As stated previously, the hospital associations of this county have an obligation to not only provide health care facil ities, but to work cooperative ly with educational facilities to advise and counsel the youth of our county to the opportunities available in health careers. "We have never on any oc casion, stated that it was ab solutely essential that the col lege be located on an adjacent site to the hospital, but we have stated and do assert that it would be highly desirable from the viewpoint of close proxim ity of faculty, both college and hospital, the usage of equip ment and teaching aids and the transportation of students from classroom to the clinical in struction area. Musin' N <sg> Meanderin.' (Continued from page 1) per instinctively feels he is being treated special. In fact, he is, for an attractive ap pearance convinces the most skeptical that the businessman, or woman, has also selected carefully the items which he is offering the buying public. Local merchants have done their part. Certainly it is to "Despite the allegations of other parties, these and these alone are the reasons we have advocated a close relationship between the McHenry County college and the regional hos pital; we believe they are suf ficient to be worthy of consider ation. "We have never, nor will we, request, insinuate or otherwise, that the McHenry County college subsidize the hospital in any development, activities or in health educational programs. "In their search for a per manent campus site, the col lege trustees can be assured that irrespective of whatever site they choose, the hospital associations will endorse and actively support the pas sage of a referendum to provide these ed ucational facilities. "The Crystal Lake Hospital As sociation "The Memorial Hospital for McHenry County "The McHenry Hospital" . the benefit of all of us to xam ward their efforts by shopping in comfort at home-f confident that we are served by people who can only gain by pleasing us. KAF PG. 8 - PLAINDEALER - WED. DEC. 10,1969 The cemetery at Woburn, Mass., contains the graves of the ancestors of four of our Presidents--Pierce, Garfield, Cleveland, and Harrison. |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmniiiiimniiiiiiiiii£ Make Your { |Voice Heard 2| | Ask For All The 1 Fads On The § Proposed Junior College Site i Attend the next Junior sCol lege Board Meeting 1 at the I IT Building 5 • 5 (Formerly Pure Oil I Research Center) on _ | Route 14 near Main | Street, Crystal iake | 7:30 p .m. Thursday, i December 11th I GLASSFYRE ... A Picture Window For Your Fireplace This dramatic lirtHivcn annbino %mh complete lire Jralt artd protection When dam per* are proper I> at!)U»ted. it vil'e to clow the French door Cila^lxre i* available in three frame *l\le> *ith a ihiiicc >»t politlied \i oilier beautiful metal finishes to complement \ .«tir dcvorut plan All Irame lnmhes are protected *Hh a clear baked enamel and n need polishing ba\iK installed with lintel J.tmi aitahl li top and HIT talKuld kletl lirepla Adams Bros. Repair S*rv 385-0783 McHenry Next to V.F.W. 3004 W. Route 120 MONTGOMERY h i Big $3 savings on the sweater-gifts he wants this year CARDIG AN*SWE ATE R TO DOUBLE HIS PLEASURE RIO. $10.99 Practically a wardrobe in itself I Mock turtle shirt and cardigan. Come in many assorted colors. The sweaters are links-stitch knit of shape-holding that your washer can't shrink out of fit. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Shirts Reg. $6.00 $4.88 RICH IMPORTED ALL-SILK TIES Outstanding collection of newest designs and colorations. A gift to delight men of all ages. $4.00 GIFT BOXED! 3 PAIR OF CREWS Excellence Award win ners I High bulk Orion® acrylic-stretch nylon. Many colors.^ ^ ^ . Fits 9'/2-14. $3.25 ALPACA-WOOL CARDIGAN IN SPRING-TO-COME COLORS $10.88 REG. $15.00 Add one to his collection. It's the model he wants with semi-bell sleeves, ribbed cuffs, waist. Assorted colors. Sy M, L, XL. 3 FINE COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS A gift that's always veVy . - _ _ welcome. ^ J HII WISE SANTAS USE WARDS CONVENIENT CHARG-ALL CREDIT PLAN WARDS RT. 14 Phone 459-3120 Crystal Lake SLIPPER SOCKS TO PLEASE MEN Fast put-ons! , Lots of colors, x - * In carry case. v4aU( \