/ Wonder Lake' Girl Charming Bride Saturday Miss Helena Oleszczuk was a pretty bride on Saturday, Dec. 6, when she walked up the aisle of Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake, to meet her bridegroom, Mr. Philip Keith Mosby. Miss Oleszczuk is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kazimierz Oleszczuk of 7104 Chippewa drive, Wonder Lake, and Mr. Mosby is the son of Mrs. and Mrs. H.D. Whiteaker of 1630 W. Adams, El Centro, Calif. Rev. Fr. Conro officiated at the noon ceremony, for which John VanKanegan of Wonder Lake was organist and John Sheppard of Johnsburg, solo ist. The altar was decorated for the occasion with bouquets of red and white flowers. The bride was charming in a formal gown of white sat- apeau and peau change lace. It was fashioned in an A-line sil houette, with high scoop neck line, bishop sleeves and sweep ing chapel train which fell from the shoulders. Her bouffant il lusion veil was attached to a large bow headpiece of match ing fabric and lace motifs. Miss Christine Oleszczuk of DeKalb acted as maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaid was Lore Marke, a close friend, of Wonder Lake. They were attired in floor length, red velvet dresses styl ed with Juliet sleeves, high scoop necklines in A-line, em pire, with gold braid trim. The flower girl, Mary Anne Oleszczuk^ sister of the bride, wore a floor length, white vel vet dress, red velvet sash and sleeves and neckline trimmed in lace. Richard Oleszczuk of Won der Lake, brother of the bride, served as best man and John Todd of McHenry, a family friend, was groomsman. Mrs. Oleszczuk wore an aqua velvet dress with matching hat. Approximately 150 guests gathered at the V.F.W. club house in Woodstock for a re ception. The newly weds will make their home in San Diego. Calif. The bride is a 1966 graduate of McHenry high school and attended Northern Illinois uni versity for two years. She has been employed as a teacher's aide at Johnsburg school. Her husband graduated in 1963 from Central Union high school, El Centro, Calif. He is an interior communications technic ian, second class, with the Navy. MRS. T.J. BRADY mSSSm T.J. Brady Claims Bride St. John's Evangelical Lu theran church, Flanagan, 111., was the setting for a beautiful wedding on Saturday, Dec. 6, when Mr. Terrence Joseph Brady of Lakemoor took as his bride Miss DebraReneeSchnei der of Champaign. They were married by Rev. Robert Spenn of Flanagan in a 1:30 o'clock afternoon nuptial rite. Miss Schneider is the daugh ter of Mrs. Edna Schneider of Flanagan and the late Raymond Schneider. The groom's par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady of Lakemoor. Mrs. Herb Hinrichs of St. Joseph, 111., a sister of the bride, was organist for the cer emony and soloist was Herman Lehman of Pontiac. He sang "Lord's Prayer", "Wedding Prayer" and "O Perfect Love". Craig Reints of Flanagan, cou sin of the bride, was program attendant. Mrs. Ken Thorp of Peoria acted as matron of honor for her sister and bridesmaids were Miss Jane Rapp of Rich mond, Va., Mrs. Joe Haas of Belleville, 111., and Mrs. James Brady of Arlington Heights. They wore gowns of gold saki trimmed with moss green braid. The dresses were styled with empire bodice featuring a V- neckline with stand-up collar and three-quarter sleeves with /flare cuff. The A-line skirt ^extended to the floor. A match ing cluster of gold petals re leased a nosetip veil. They car ried moss green maribu muffs. The pretty bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Tjark V. Rients of Flanagan, wore an empire, A-line gown of satin with wedding ring neckline and long, cuffed sleeves. Venice lace trimmed the dress and a matching chapel veil was held by a camelot hat. James Brady of Arlington Heights served his brother as best man. Groomsmen were Brian Farrell of Arlington Heights, Lee Campbell of Deer- field and John Moss of Pros pect Heights. Mrs. Schneider selected for her daughter's wedding a beige and silver brocade1 coat-dress ensemble with silver accessor ies. Mrs. Brady wore an emer ald green dress with jewel neck line and matching accessories. A reception followed the cer emony, held at the Pontiac Country club. Miss Ramona An drews of Champaign was in charge of the guest register. Assisting at the reception table were Mesdames Clarence Pro- vine of Ogden, Don Muse and James Huchel of Urbana and Miss Barbara Hamilton of Champaign. At the gift table were Mrs. Don Kemp of Pon tiac and Miss Marian Visser- ing of Bloomington. The new Mrs. Brady travelled . in a smoke rose WOQI dress and gray accessories. The newlyweds are now at home at 381 W. Terra Cotta, Crystal Lake. The bride is a graduate of Flanagan high school. She at tended Illinois State university at Normal and graduated from Illinois Commercial college, Champaign. Before her mar riage she was employed as dep uty clerk in the courthouse, Ur bana. Mr. Brady graduated from McHenry high school, the Col lege of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn., and the University of Illinois law school, Urbana. He is practicing law with the firm of Zukowski and Zukowski, Crystal Lake. 3 V A rehearsal dinner was given by the groom's parents on Fri day evening at a supper club, with 150 guests in attendance. Prior to the wedding. Miss Schneider was honored at two parties. One was a luncheon- shower given in Pontiac by her aunts, The other was a bridal shower and farewell dinner giv en by Mrs. Clarence Provine of Ogden. Program By- Children To About Your Wedding .... In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have been an nounced on our society page and carry a definite date, s We ask that these com pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed ding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out -of-state weddings, where an addi tional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accom pany the story. If your engagement an - nouncement has not been published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS FOLEY BRIDAL COUPLE -- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foley are shown following their marriage Nov. 29 at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry. The bride is the former Linda Herdrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herdrick, McHenry, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson, McHenry. DON PEASLEY PHOTO Hospital Notes McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted this week to McHenry hospital included Robert Schmidt, Florence Roth- ermel, Nellie Czaplak, Jerome Glusak, Bryan Kreider, Alice Wirtz, Harry Hansen, Eleanor Mangold, McHenry; and Irene Liptak, Wonder Lake. Highlight Meet Touch Of Elegance The children's annual Christ mas program will highlight St. Mary's Home and School as sociation monthly meeting on Monday, Dec. 15. A short bus iness meeting will precede the program at 8 p.m. in the school gym. Refreshments will be served by the second grade mothers, with Mrs. William Herrmann and Mrs. John Lawrence as chairmen. Dinner Dance Sunday GRANDMA SEZ ••• Ye know, the longer I live, the more this o' lady's im pressed wi' the wonders o' nature, the magnificent plan that keeps a goin' on, repro- ducin' every kind o' life on the face o' the globe. The whole plan is controlled by the sun an' the moon, an' who knows how many other heavenly bodies. It brings a smile when me hears o' the accomplishments o' man, bein' compared t' the workin's o' the Almighty Pow- „ er. Men built a big kite, t' take 'em t' the moon. That's pretty great, consider in' what a puny part o' the vastness o* creation he is. The thing thet worries me is, there's a lot o stuff a bein' left on the moon, of mineral nature, foreign t* thet body, an' I jist cain't reassure my self thet it ain't possible it Id interfere wi' the way lings work, in the future. Thet 1 moon has strong effect on this planet, ye kin bet, when the tides, an' mankind, an' ever- thin' kin be influenced by that pretty silver ball, up there. Somehow, I jist cain't git hep ped up about the adventure, and I feel thet, If there wuz as much effort, an' material where-wi'-all, spent on im- provin' life, here on earth, it'd be a whole lot more re- wardin'. Pm of the opinion that man wuz created, as the Bible says, in the image o' God, t' develope spiritually, an t* learn t' live in peace, an' love o' fellow- man. It ain't necessarily so, that because man has a brain which he's learned t' use t' invent all sorts o' things, that it is right an' good fer us all. Man learned t' use his wits t' secure monetary wealth, and the part o' his brain thet ain't developed, is the part that kin learn t' live wi'out considerin' how wealthy he kin become. If there wasn't any profit in war, there wouldn't be any war, ye kin bet. Seems t' me thet man has missed the boat, so t'" speak. He's put his mind on the wrong track. There's a lot o' folks, who cain't git excited about this moon exploration. It ain't jist the elders, either. A lot o' young folks 'd like t' feel that they could start out in life, wi' out havin't' finance these huge projects. Mebbe the reason thet so many youngsters're resort- tin't' usin' drugs, is that they're so scared o' the monsters which society has set up fer em' th&t they'd rather face the mon strous things tLu come into the mind wi' the use o' the dope, than the unknown results o' man's experimentations wi'na ture. I'm not happy about it, an I'm not the ony one who ain't. m also state chairman of Women's^ Committees for U.C.P. of Ill inois, the tickets have been sell ing well. There are still some tickets available, however. Another highlight of the eve ning will be the presence of Carrol Perrin of Harvard and Dougie Femmel of Crystal Lake-the first poster children of United Cerebral Palsy of McHenry county, over twelve years ago. Carrol and Dougie have been in the physically han dicapped classrooms in Crystal Lake since they were started by the organization long before the advent of special educatii As a reminder, the dinner dance begins at 4:30 on Dec. 14, with dinner being served at 6 p.m. The program and danc ing will proceed immediately after dinner and promises to be one of the highlights of the holiday season. For more in formation contact Mrs. Mc- Clory at 385-9717. Miller Infant Is Christened The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Miller was christened Joanne Susan on Sun day, Dec. 7, at St. Patrick's Catholic church by Rev. Eu gene Jung of Aurora, a cousin of the baby^ Her sponsors were Mrs. James Miller, an aunt, and Edward Izbicki of New Jer sey, an uncle. James Miller of McHenry acted as proxy for the godfather who was unable to attend. Following the ceremony din ner was served at the Miller home to the godparents and their children, Jimmy and Sandi, Father Jung, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller of Johnsburg, and the baby's 15-month-old broth er, Patrick. St Agatha Court Holds Holiday Party St. Agatha Ct. 777, National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg, will hold its Christmas party on Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, at the Johns burg Community club halL A pot-luck supper will be served at 6:30 p.m There will be a dollar gift exchange Iftnd mem bers are asked to remember the pantry shower for the Sisters. Mrs. Leo Diedrich is chair man of the following committee; Mrs. John Weingart, Mrs. Rob ert Hopp, Mrs. Howard Knox, Mrs. Richard Huemann, Miss Janice Schaefer, Mrs. John Ol son, Mrs. Mike Schaefer, Mrs. Wilfred Klapperich, Mrs. Ter ry Tvorah, Mrs. George Nowak, •<# VA*' SHIRLEY DOHERTY ENGAGED -- Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Doherty, 3709 West Lee street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Ann, to Thomas Roach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roach, Cazenovia, Wis. Miss Doherty attended Wisconsin State university, Whitewater, where Mr. Roach is now a senior. Miss Doherty is presently employed by a local office. A July 11, 1970, wedding is planned. PG. 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. DEC. 12,1969 Mrs. Clara Adams, Mrs. Ja cob Thiel, Mrs. Henry NelU Mrs. Leo Freund, Mrs. Marvin Bauer, Mrs. Art rflttner, Mrs. Roger Moehliqg, Mrs. Wm. Weber, Mrs. Eailgttermann, Miss Mary MR. AND MRS. CHARLES G. WAGNER, SR. famous theatre and radio mus ician, appearing over Westing- house Station KYW and NBC for many years; also at the Chicago Uptown and Tivoli theatres. He' is a member of Legion A dinner honoring the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wagner, Sr., of 1205 S. Broadway, McHenry Shores, will be held at the Chi cago North Elks club, 1925 W. Thome street, Chicago, on Sat urday, Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. Host ing the event will be their two sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Wagner, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Wagner. The couple exchanged vows in Kansas City, Mo., in 1919. They are the parents of two sons and five grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are well known in the McHenry community, where they moved from Chicago in 1959. Mr. Wagner is a nationally George Schmitt, Mrs. Regina Michels and Mrs. Don Johnson. A brief business meeting will conducted. arion Carlson At Shower Marion Carlson was at a luncheon shower on Saturday, Dec. 6, at the Crystal Lake Country club, cel ebrating her coming marriage to George Cole. The party had as hostesses, Mrs. Pat DeVos, Mrs. Margaret Bolin and Mrs. Lila Jordan. Those in attendance were Mesdames Bertha Stange, Vera Kane, Lee Swartz, Edith Cole, Elsie Wilcox, Alvera Nye, Helene Pepping, Gladys Wel- ty, Vivian Richards, Celia Blake, Els the r Knapp, Mae Stinespring, Isa Braenne, Tess Kelly, Eva Anderson, Edith Col- lette, Mary Scholz and La Verne Spohr. The tables were decorated with Christmas decorations, adding to the beauty of the par ty. A lovely quilted robe in I- vory satin, and matching slip pers, were presented to the guest of honor. Post 491, World War I Bar racks, No. 1315, the Chicago Musicians club and McHenry Shores club. His hobbies are bowling and golf. Mrs. Wagner is a member of the McHenry Garden club, which she serves as presided, the Beautification council and McHenry Shores club. Her interest includes gar dening, art and bowling. She attends St. Mary's Catholic church. BOB COOK Bob Cook, guitarist and folk singer, will be a featured per former at the Touch of Elegance dinner to be held at the Mc Henry Country club Sunday, Dec. 14. United Cerebral Palsy will benefit from proceeds. The second annual Touch of Elegance dinner-dance which is being held for the benefit of United Cerebral Palsy this Sun day, Dec. 14, at the McHenry Country club, will be attended by a large audience. • According to Mrs. Elena Mc- Clory, sponsor of the affair and CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE Reservations & Tickets for all airlines, steam ships, railroad, tours & cruises, car rentals, ho tels & motels, flight trip & baggage insurance, American Express Travel ers Checks. 3405 W. Elm St. --McHenry-- Phone 815-385-750# American Society of Travel Agents w 1*$®* A showcase of GREETINGS for one and all CANDLES for your holiday table Unusual gift candles Holiday ami party center pieces, paper goods and in vitations STATIONERY Beautiful Hallmark . GIFT WRAPPINGS Agatha Gifts & Candies 1242 N Green Street - McHenry 385-0097 TIME-ALL turns lights on mul off... automatically! Safeguards the family and house from prowlers or burglars by turning lights ON and OFF each evening. Use it also to turn "ON" electric coffee makers, radios, to wake you to music or lull you to sleep. NEW MODEL E - 911 HIGH CAPACITY TIMER CAREY APPLIANCE,INC 1241 N. Green Street GREEN STREET t 4 / * k 4 t I